The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 12Page 1-- mew Sentinel, Wednesdah Nove,ber 12) 198°
---MrE-HarVertraugton pre- nigcor"-1 a111.-Y-les ow supper, wrth-TeFeTPfi--Wircp'"Tly'O-tr'tlitoirglr-the---iama'r- who—was'horn ' in -kyr-
sided for -theprogram which were of cemeteries where ahead of last year. boMbing of Hiroshima on
used Remembrance Day as Canadians lie buried, and of The next meeting, Novem- August 6, 1945, and now
its basis, monuments erected in .mem- her."25th at Mrs. Glen -Wal- resides in Toronto. She is a
Serenity of the Soul was ory of the fallen, Their den's home, will feature a social worker with the Toron-
the theme of devntions led by memory is kept alive in these- gift exchange betWeen mem, to Board of. Education and
Mrs. Harvey Wcbster: Mrs. countries.' hers, Mrs. Button closed the speaks out strongly against
Wm, Arnold led in prayer. Mrs. Webster ' thanked meeting with prayer and Unit
ScriptUre verses were read Mrs. Hunter and presented 1 joined Units 2 and 3 in the
by- MrS.- Allan'.0ib soh,— -her With- a
Man's innate desire for A social time followed.
Unit '4
Unit 4 of Lucknow United
Church Women met for their
power, tension and anxiety Tuesday, November 4, Un- regular meeting on Tuesday,
destroy peace. Trust in God it one met in the church November 4 with an attend
restores serenity to the soul. parlour. The leader, Mrs. ance of 23.
Mrs. Vernon Hunter play- Russ Button, welcomed the The pr:esident, Mrs. Har-
ed a recording of the original members and gave a timely old Greer, opened the meet-
newscast from London, Eng- reading, November is Here. ing and dealt with the
land, announcing the raid on The secretary and treasur- business and reports.
Dieppe, From a modern er's reports were given and a Mrs. Alex Andrew presid-
good response of special ed for the program, reading
giving bags, was received. the scripture, meditation and
The roll call, Something I prayer.
have learned this year about Mrs. Andrew introduced
Japan, was answered by 16 the topic on Japan by dealing
Higher Hands, and Each Day members. Mrs. Button gave with the Japanese Canadi-
is Wonderful, were provided a report from the nomination ans, who were situated in
by Miss Helen Thompson. , meeting and read a list, of British. Columbia at the time
The guest speaker, Mrs. officers appointed for the of the Second World War.
Jim Hunter, was introduced coming year,
by Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. After some discpsSion it
Mrs. Hunter, along with was decided to 'visit Pinecrest
her__busbancl___and others, Nursing Home early: in the Mrs. Bob Campbell told of
visited Western Europe a new year. Mrs. Vernon Hun- the life of David Suzuki, now
history she read extracts
describing the war in west-
ern. Europe as experienced
by Canadian troops.
Two musical recordings,
The three afternoon units
of Liicknow U.C.W. held a
joint meeting in the
ship Room at the 'church on
Tuesday, November 4,
peace and calmness was the
central thought of Mrs. Web-
ster's meditation: Peace is
year ago in June, on the 35th
anniversary, of D-Day. Mrs,
Hunter showed slides taken
in Prance, Belgium and
Holland, and gave, interest-
Unit 1
Short histories of four such
Japanese Canadians were
ter and Mrs. Clifford lvlenary ^ a scientist and TV personal- the danger Of nuclear war- responsihle Japanese Canad..
reported on :'visits to sick and ity. He is, at Present host of fare and against the arm tans,
Shutityinembers, Mrs. Gord- the .C.R.C. Radio's Quirks race. A vocal solo was given by
on Morrison gave excel- and Quarks. She also. related Mrs, Bill Hunter dealt with Mrs, Bob Campbell' accom-
lent detailed 'report on, the the story of Setsilko Thurlow, the story of RaYmOnd Mori parried by. Mrs, 'Gordon Cay,
Rev. Wm. Munshaw
B.A. M. Div.
11 a.m.
Combined Services
Church and Sunday
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcome
British Columbia and ha's The poem; In. Flanders
now an architectural and '`Fields,. was read by Mrs,
planning practice in Toronto, Hunter and Mrs. Andrew
and Glenn Michibata, who is closed the meeting with
an upcoming tennis player. •prayer.
All four were examples of A social hour followed.
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
Rev. Bert Slofstra
10 a.rn. Stmday School
'Morning Worship
Pastor Donald Darrell
Subject: "Why isn't God
real anymore?".
Nursery Provided for
Pre-School Children
choose Remembrance
The_ afternoon W M S. of .
Lucknow Presbyterian '
Church met Wednesday aft-
ernoon in the Sunday School
room in the church.
Mrs. 'Cyril Brown was in
tire chainand welcomed-411T
the ladies. She opened with a
poem, November. Mrs. Aus-
tin Loree then gave the open-
ing prayer.
Mrs. Ken Laidlaw, the sec-
retary gave the minutes of
the last meeting and the roll
call. After this she read the
correspondence and all the
business was discussed.
Mrs. Cyril Brown then
nominated Mrs. Ken Laidlaw
and Mrs. Austin Loree to act
as officers for the nominating
committee for 1981.
the offertoryinuyer after'the
Mrs. Clara Crowston gave
offering and Mrs. Loree gave
the financial report.
Mrs. Ethel Rutherford
gave a piano solo, How Great
Thou Art, which was enjoyed
by the ladies.
Mrs. Ken Laidlaw read a
poem, For The Fallen, by
Laurence Binyon.
--Mrs, Jessie - --JOhnstone
gave the scripture and medi-
tation. Mrs, Cyril Brown
gave the highli .lits .of the
glad tidings and Mrs. Jim
Aitchison gave the mission
study and also a Remem-
brance poem.
Mrs. Morgan Henderson
spoke a few words about the
child in St. Vincent which the
W:M.S. sponsors.
Mrs. Brown gave the
courtesy remakrs after which
Mrs. Evelyn Little closed the
meeting with prayer.
November 18 thru 25
• Now
T Lucknow-Cu & Curl 6 46 )11,, Lucknow, Phone 528-2914 ) \
11**1/ / (as 100\
our doors
The Town and Country
club held their October meet-
ing at the Legion on October
29. Some of the members
came dressed in Hallowe'en
costumes which were judg-
ed. Winners included Cori
McDonald and Clara Crows-
ton for fancy couple and Ida
Barger and Vera Purvis for
comic couple.
Anna Johnstone led in a
sing song and the program
opened with a selection by
Harry Lavis on the mouth
organ. Brother Carl' Voll gave
a reading and Edith, Webster
sang a solo accompanying
herself on the piano.
Bill Johnstone step danced
accompanied by Harry 'Avis:,
on the mouth organ. Edith
Steer sang a solo, and Ed
MeQuillin gave a selection on
the violin, accompanied by
Mrs. Peter Cook.
A lovely lunch of pumpkin
and apple pie was served and
an enjoyable evening closed
with a social time.
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