The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-05, Page 18Ratko OUPoill
Township Of Kinloss
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal.
Electors of the Township of Kinloss in the
County of Bruce that whereas more candid-
ates have been nominated to each of the
following offices than the number required to
fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at
the times and places stated in this notice for
the purpose of electing the holders of such
COUNCILLORS [4 to be elected]
PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE [1 to be elected]
[for the Bruce County Board of Education]
At the Clerk's office in the Township garage
at Holyrood
Saturday, November 1st, 1980
from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday, November 10th, 1980
from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Poll No. 1 - Kairshea Institute Hall
Poll No. 2 Whitechurch Community Hall
Poll No. 3 - Angpcan Church - KinioUgh
The last day for applications for a certificate
to vote by proxy is Monday, November 10th,
1980, before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
W. F. Hawthorne,
1 Returning Officer, Township of Kinloss
Dated at Hoiyrood, Ontario, this 23rd day of
Page 10-40eIntow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 5, 4980
Two ' month old Jamie
Smith of Goderich is spend-
ing some time with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith,' while his mother
is in hospital following sur.
Jim and Margaret Erring-
ton visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Pannabecker, Krista
and Terry of Colborne Town.
ship. They helped Margar-
et's granddaughter Krista
celebrate her 7th' birthday;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn
---11aVe Moira to one cif their
son Gerrie's apartments.: in
Lucknow, for the winter
months. -
On Tuesday evening, Oct-
ober 28th the Dungannon
Agriculture Society met at
the hall for their monthly
Plans were discussed for
having an ice surface flooded
at the agriculture grounds for
this coming winter. Many
After 34 years of picking
up Mail at the stores of A. J.
and Cora Sherwood, it will be
a while before everyone
automatically 'walks ,to
Eedy's store, As of Saturday,
November 1st, the new post
master is Irvine Eedy..
Sympathy is extended to
Cliff. Purdon and wife Peg on
the recent death of his
mother, Mrs. Annie Purcion,
at Pin ecrest manor on Sun-
day, October 26th. Bursa
was in Greenhill Cemetery,
Lucicnow, on Wednesday.
Librarian, Mrs. Amy Wig-
gins requests that all books
be returned by November
20th as the mobile will be
along to change them on that
A' successful auction sale
was held at BrindIeys auction
on Saturday for Albert Brown
and other consignees.
volunteers would be needed
for flooding, shoveling, sup-
ervision, etc.- More infor-
mation will be given as plans
progress or contact any soci,
ety member.'
Plans for upcoming' dance-a-
were also discussed, a
"50's" dance will be held at
Valentines time and an Olde
Time dance in slate March. It
is hoped with these' two
dances all age groups will bc
Euchreparties are going Jo
be li'el again this Winter
every two weeks beginning
November 19th. It, 'is hoped
to have a turkey bingo on
December 17th- instead of a'
card party. If this' bingo goes
well, they could be held
periodically through the win-
ter months. .
' Mr. Cowan told the ch0d-
ren's story, The Mystery of
the, Leaves. The junior girls
choir sang an anthem, The
Beautiful Garden, of Prayer.
The Whole choir sang, know
who holds. to-morrow.
Choir practice is at Nile on
Tuesday evening and Dui-
gain-ion on Wednesday eVen-
ing t
1981 church calednars are
now available from U.C.W.
. The. Willing Workers are
holding their Christmas baz
aar in the church basement
on November 15.
Dungannon and Nile wet-
corned to their churches, Mr.
Fred Howon, president of
the Wingham and District
Gideon Camp who spoke on
. the work done by the Gide-
° ons Who have camps. in 126.
countries. Started, in 1899 the
movement has grown
through the years and .sup-
plies Bibles to school child-
ren in grade 5, to nursing
homes, hotels, and motels,
and jails, Lorne HaSty, who
has recently joined the Wing-
'hani and District Gideon'
Camp spoke briefly on its
origin and goals.
By Rhonda MeIVIIchael
and Janice Cook
.0t1 -Monday the twenty-
seventh of October our
school had a Professional
Development Day. The tea.
diets met at the Goderich
High SchOol and listened to
DeCtor "Pirio's speech on
stress in the classroom.,
The new superintendent,
Mr. McCall, visited all the
primary classes on Tuesday.
He deinonstrated Methods of
teaching- the primary child-
ren math concepts. He met
with the priniary teachers in
the library at lunchtime.
On Friday, October thirty-
first, the Students' Council'
sponsored .a Hallowe'en
Dance with rather disap-
pointing restilts, Very few
people attended. However
prizes were given for the best
Hallowe'en costumes and for
spot dances, :Shelley Good,
Leroy- Dougherti; Darlene
Kuik, Deb Gregory; Bobbie
Corkum and Scott Hackett
were. costume winners.' Spot
dance winners were Marg.
aret McWhinney, penny Rut-
ledge, ,Richard Ireland and
Rhonda McMichael.
A HalloWe'en parade was
held in the gym during -the
last period of the day for
Grades 1 . 4, Students'
COuncil judged the costumes
and provided the priZes
which were given for, A -
Scarieit; B - Funniest and C -
Most Original, Prize winners
for each room were as
follOws, listed in aboVe or-
der: Kindergarten, Jesse
Foster, Steven Adams,
Turn to page 21 •
I walked all day
114 THE
Recently, -there whims increase in the.
..number of cases. Of measles in Ontario. At a time
when modern vaccines are so readily available,
it,simply.doesn't make sense for you .01T y6cir family
to contract such diseases.•Keep:in Mind that
measles can lead to serious complications such
as.pneumonia or encephalitis; which is
inflammation Of the brain.
Women of a childbearing age should also he
sure they are immunized against German measles.:
—a disease that can cause serious birth defedis.
Of course; you want the peaceof mind all
year,,round of knowing you and your family are
protected against disease. But what better time to
take some positiYe action. than duringNoyerriber,
Immunization Awareness Month, by making sure
you're immunized. .
• While you're at it, ask your doctor or 1061
health unit foe your copy of the new Ontario
immunization record card.
Let's keep Ontario healthy
• Dennis firnbtell,
Miriiiter of
William Davis, Premier