The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-05, Page 14A WITCH ON A BROOM Toadstool the witch, And her black cat too On Hallowe'en night away they flew. far Ofia°° Here's your chance hance to really play Santa. • • itt,_01 ••• s 11"--""'" 4 chance to really play Santa this year!' 41iriiii-,,,.,. iliveLio number gives you a chance to win • The seven-digit Bonus Draw ticket `10114.' ' one of. 6-$100;000 Or 24-$25,000 number gives you a chance to win one of ' - . ' 'Grand Prizes 'plus 331,914 other prizes... 10-$100,000 or 50-$10,000 Bonus Prizes. That's $3,618,000 worth 'of tax-freeprizes! 110111113 GEF'YOURTICKEr NOW. $1.00 c,12.1M`i .1%V.f$40 • • ':°0 Wintario has a V' bulging sackful of pre- holiday prizes in the Christmas Shoppers' Bonus Draw.With over $5,000,000 it' in tax-free prizes, including $1,500,000 in BonUs Prizes, it's your .,:.4,404.• ,..t.4;• ,. i If your Bonus Draw, 4 numbereorreSponds V • . . exactly to any of the,60 4,,kiwo- .11 . Bonus numbers drawn; you _II could be a $10,000 or. d ,.,1 -, $100,000. Santa! 44.•,-- :%4 • , The regularsix-digit ticket —;„ 41, Page 1.4--r-Luckqew Sentinel, Wednesday, November 51 1980 The following,PoeMs written by Lucknow Central Public School students were judged the winners in the school's Hallowe'en Poetry Contest. HALLOWE'EN- Roo Boo It's Hallowe'en Big Black Cats Come out and scare you On next Hallowe'en What are you going to be. BOO! Kristen Owens Grade Z. HALLOWE'EN Hallowe'en is a spooky night. Everything is a haunted sight. With ghosts, goblins and monsters too. Creaky doors and rusty old screws. Witches, black cats and a gloolny old, brew. But beware of Hallowe'en Heather Steer Don't be spooked. BOO!! Grade 3. Tony Falconer Grade 5. The fun of it all, se6"tos. quite 'dandy',' You go trick,or-tteating, And gei lots of-candy, Jeff Murray Grade 6. HALLOWE'EN On a, pitch dark night, We all see a frightening sight. The black cats and bats Hopefully' never ever spats. The witches on brcioms Jump into your rooms " Ooh! 9111 vvh 4A, atr eitenin g sight. ffOOF E -'661 goo! The pumpkin on gatepost, Lighted all up. Loves to be the biggest host, And even scare the biggest ghost. Oh! Oh! What a pitch dark night!! Joanne de Boer Grade 7. O.N ItAupwirEs- mow • On firalloWe'en Night I saw' a great .Sight,' It .flew and it. slid, SO .'I went' and hid, For' it seas so tall., And I. was so small. Ball But then it took a great fall, Right then ,I knew, it was. only Sister Sue, Dressed up in two, kilts, Standing. On stilts. -Susan Meyer Grade 7. THE NIGHT OF HALLOWE'EN 1-was. Hallowe'en night AO all through the street, . Not a person Was around Not even a peep. The .bags were all hung By the pumpkin patch with ,care In hopes that the-Great Pumpkin- Soon: would be there. Come swooping down, Ghosts and owls And Wizards too, Come and try, To frighten you. In the trees, The owls too-hoo, tip-i-n-the-sky, The ghosts go boo.. Doesn't Hallowe'en Scare you! Lana Craig Grade 4. HALLOWE'EN Up and Down, The spooky street, Children in costumes, Go trick or treat. Big black cats, Stalk the town, And big black bats, HALLOWE'EN SPOOKS Goblins spook people on Hallowe'en night, Big black cats arc having a fight. Hallo-,ve'en witches fly through the air; Then, the vampires give you a scare. HALLOWE'EN NIGHT Ghosts and goblins. skeletons and bats Witches on.broomsticks with big black hats. Children in costumes, roaming the streets, From house to house they yell "Trick or Treat Jack-O-Lanterns with faces of fright These you will see on Hallowe'en Night. The children were nestled Under the leaves While visions of the Great PUmpkin And their trick or .treats. They sat in the leaves With fear and fright And the Great Purnpkin Julie Clark Didn't show up that night. Grade 7. Tarn to page 1.4 6. • ° DiK=i1C==.1*.C=X2•=41°==>•ii•=4, Reale ect LLOYD ACKERT Trustee A Bruce County Board of Education It has been my privilege to work for six years 0 ,,as your trustee and representative on the Bruce County Board of Education. During this period I have endeavoured to listen and 1 act to your concerns, to be an active n 0 participant in Board affairs, and to bring the educational process closer to the people it serves. 11 104100 000 50 - $10,000 , **No subsidiary prizes. • 6 • $100,000 24-$25,000 Based on 6 million tickets issued. Trustees are responsible and accountable to the electors for the educational welfare of their children. - Election time is your opportunity to judge our stewardship mid make your choice for another two years. Because the costs and results of education affect us all so greatly, it is important for as many people as possible to make their choice on the ballot. Your support and many words of encourage- ment have always been appreciated, and in this troubled period I ask for your continued support. Thank you, LLOYD ACKERT