The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-05, Page 5.Ot 404.E11,16-fOr lancinwar .Sentinel,WOOne0.00 • NoVernber ake resolutions to agriculture convention Huron Federation of Agri- .e amine, this problem, (such culture delegates won't be a committee 'could seek the . going to the Ontario Federa- assistance y of a major re- don of Agriculture convert, . search organization to assist lion empty-handed, in its Work)." The resolution Federation members ap- asked that the findings of the • proved a' number of reSolu- committee be "a Majorpart" tions at their, annual Meet- of the' 1981 OFA convention. ing' held in Brussels October . Bank Act 13Tforlielegates tu., taW to Doitg FortunelnitIorwarci the convention next month. a resolution calling for chan- The first' resolution ap- ges in bank policy, The reso- proved by, members was that lution' said at present; pay- since young farmers face meats and deposits at banks difficulties,.starting up in made. after 3 p.m, are con- business , - with high land sidered the next day's busi- prices and high interest ness. It was pointed out this lock and velvet leaf, 'be rates, "be it resolved that can cause , particular prob- classified as noxious and that -'the' -federation - set up a lems'-over lung weekend; 7--it-be-resolved the Seed Act,- special comMittee. to study when a deposit might be .be revised to have the the: problem and to make made Friday afternoon but. noxious weed list updated more frequently. up a system 'of collecting cadent on renewable energy Federation members then, information on energy-pro& and/or energy conserva- turned their _attention to , ;icing and energy-conserving tion." resolutiOns dealing with, the , Practices from around the The .resolution also asked issue of alternate fuel and province and "redistributing that Ontario Hydrd be requir;• energy sources. it to jnterested groups and ed to pay fair value for The first resolution said individuals," farMer-produced , electricity since Many fanners are inter- . HYdra% Co-operation and that, fair value would be ested in the production of A third-energy-related re- 'the replacement cost to Hyd- -alcohot-as-an-alternate iliel—solution-asked that-the-prov----ronf-farm-generated.electrie---.,---; source for food production incial federation ask the ity. The resolution continued and the $500 license fee is a Ontario government to devel- by asking, that farmers be prohibitive cost for many op guidelines and' prograths able to obtain loans for farmers, "be it resolved That which would encourage capital and operating costs the OFA put pressure on the appropriate authorities to have this cost reduced to .$100 or less." • • --A' second 'resolution was- approved asking the Energy Committee of the OFA to 'set now show on bank records until Tuesday. The resolution asked •that the Bank Act be amendedd "that all bank transactions be completed the day they're initiated." • Members Passed a fourth resolution, presented by Nor- mankalexander, calling for the OFA to urge Planf Products, a federal depart- ment, to haVe the Seed Act revised so that certain weed seeds, including those of Johnston grass, poison hem- some resolutions." A .second resolution; also approved, .was somewhat Similar.. .It stated since '• changes -in the structure of agriculture:' have an impact on the whole comtnunity, both socially and economical 1y, and since these changes' are' influenced by govern- ment policies, the OFA' vvis asked to lobby: with the 'government on behalf of the faun. community. The resolution read, •"be, it :resolved that the Onlaticr Federation of Agriculture ' (0FA) strike ,a committee to. farmers to . develop their re-' Associated with their gener- newable energy resources. If ating and energy-conserving these were developed, the , systems equivalent to , those resolution asked that Ontario available to Hydro for their . Hydrobe required "to co-op— operating ,expenses..-Finally,— crate with farmers (in) devel- the resolution also asked that oping electrical systems dep- Urn to page 7., Last Friday in Goderich the fans were treated td a super hockey gaine as thei. Lancers and Sailors battled to a '4 - 4= tie. .Both teams played wide open hoekey the whole game. ------ The first period-ende-d in a 1 - 1 tie: Randy Alton scored for Lucknow and Scott Park --for Goderich. In the-second -- periody-Lucknovv-got-goals - from Dave MacKinnon and Dennis Burrows ,to give the Lancers the lead, 3 - 1. The third period was fast and furious with GOcierich scor- ing three goals to Lucknow's one. Both goalies made some spectacular saves throughont the game and stopped both teams' top shooters from close in. The Lancers first home game will be Sunday, Nov- ember 9 at 7,30 p.m. against the Wingham Royals. Win" hockey:. Winners in the Kinsmen Hockey Pool for the month of October were as follow: October 11 with 46, seconds, Beth Johnstone and Grant . Helm; October 18 with 23 seconds, Jim Huston and Doug Hamilton; October 25 with 55 seconds, The Mayfair'. Flowers and Ray Haywood, tzeter, There are two' winners each week as two complete pools were sold. SERVING THE FARMER FOR 66 YEARS HWY. NO. 21 ..NoRmcoPORT ALBERT PHONE 529-71135 'ALL'OF OUR FACILITIES. ARE TO SERVE YOU BETTER!