The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-24, Page 2811 to
September is, almost over, • party was, held on Wednes- et the cooler weather re- day, September 10 and the
nds us that Autumn is ladies of the Ripley Women's
upon us..Institute provided the pro-
On Monday, September 8
the ladies from the Lucknow
Christian Reformed Church
were in to Pinecrest to play
bingo with the residents.
This is a monthly activity and
• the residents would like to
Several residents celebrat-
ed birthdays in September.
They are Alma Wanhala,
Russel Johnston, Tom McIn-
nes, Mary Grant, Bill Steer,
Margaret Boak, Jim Smith,
Josephine Brydges and Mary
.The gro4
again sponsor
colleCtion on
The meeting
decided to
closed with
HOLCOMBE - Ken, Donna
(Burt) and Tanya lea-are
happy to announce the arriv-
al of Kristina Anne, 6 lbs. 12
oz, on-Saturday,- September
13, 1980, in St. Thomas-
Elgin General "Hospital.
Proud grandparents are Mr.
and. Mrs. James Burt, Holy-
Mrs. John Beyersbergen of
R. 2 Lucknow., are happy to
announce the arrival of
Toni's new little brother,
Bryon John James, born at
Wingham and. District Hos-
pital on. September 17, 1980.
S Chicago, one year at Officers of vice president and
Fraser College, Burnaby, secretary will be held by
B.C., two years at Calvin Peggy Gibson and Janice
College and four years at McInnes is the treasurer.
Calvin Seminary..Janice and Brenda Davies
Before coming to Luck- will be, pianists and Dianne
now, Mr. Slofstra worked Wilson will look after the
with the Christian Reformed scrapbook of events.
Churches at Fredericton,
N.B., Aylmer, Ontario and -A special activity, -How-
Victoria, B.C. well do you know each -
Mr. Slofstra will be or- other?, was done. Dianne
dained in the Lucknow Chris- Wilson led in .a game; Julie
tian Reformed Church on Davies and Donalda Thomp-
Friday, September 26 at 8 son led the sing song.
p.m. by his father who was a.
minister in Clinton, Ontario
from )960-64. Mrs. Slofstra's
father, Rev. Schaafsrna will
also take part in the service.
Mr. Slofstra is very famil-
iar with the Lucknow area
and is an avid hockey player
Jennifer 3, and Alicia,..A 9 0
new executive was chos- months. en for Lucknow CGIT at' Mr. Sloistra was born in Monday's meeting.
the Netherlands and studied
one year at. Trinity College, Shirley Loree is president.
club enjoy
The second meeting of the
Kingsbridge 4-1.1 club was
held at the Van Osch girls'
home on. September 9.
The girls took turns an-
swering the roll call, What
stir fried recipe did you make
at home?. The assistant
leader, Ann Drennan, made
the dough for the taco shells.
They discussed food proces-
sors and how they were used.
Mrs. Van Osch showed the
girls how one worked. The
girls then took turns making
taco shells while others made
the fillings for them. Every-
one 'enjoyed the tortillas.
The Trinity 4-H club held
its first meeting of Food for
Friends on September 17,
1980 at the home of Dona
The members answered
the roll call, What words
come into your mind when
you think of Food for
The election of officers was
as follows, president, Sandy
Campbell; vice president,
Brenda Hackett; secretary,
Sharon Alton; press reporter,
Mrs. Campbell discussed,
then demonstrated Stir Fry-
ing by making Chinese Style
Pork. Mrs. Ritchie discussed
Energy Conservation, Watts
Up, To Calculate Kilowatt
Hours and Crossword Re-
view. Mrs. Ritchie then dem-
onstrated how to use a 'french
The members tried the.
Chinse Style Pork, eating,
with chop sticks. All enjoyed
the meal.
28-4itielmow Sentinel, Wednetubly, September 24, 1989
a f .
net these Fall Food Values
All signs point to fall being
here. Cool nights and near
frosts, plenty of fall fairs
being held and in the cool
weather a week ago a flock of
geese was'. seen headed
Puff balls are Plentiful this
year, maybe because of more ant on Saturday ,evening,
moisture than usual. TQ September 13,' and Miss
those who enjoy eating them, Mid-western Ontario at the
they are' a real treat. Lucknow , fair on Saturday..
Congratulations to Lois Best wishes, LQis, •
Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Sympathy .oftthe common-
Mrs. Ernie Hanna of Kin- ity is extended to friends and
loss, who was crowned Miss relatives of the late Gordon
'Lucknow Fair at the, Agricul- Scott of Ripley, who passed
Loral SOciety's. annual-page..--away—last—Thursday-r--The
Ymecrest Manor holds
film days for seniors
It's hard to believe that MacKinnon. The birthday express their thanks to those
No.0"..pritini*tet •
to be ordefiti:0
Bert Slofstra is the new and hopes to play, hockey on
minister at the Lucknow the Lacknow Industrial
Christian Reformed Church. League for the Flying Dutch-
He, and his wife, Diane, men.
moved to the parsonage c Gir
several weeks ago. They e ect o leers have a family of three, Joel 4,
'funeral service was held at
the funeral home in Ripley
with interment ."in Langside -
Cemetery on Saturday, Gord-
on Scott Was raised on his
parents' farM Langside,
now owned. by Bruce Skillen.
He attended tangside school'
and, later a W became aCic-
Ite was .
married to'the former Vera
Hill, also of this distriCt,
The Whitechurch Young
Peoples held their first meet-
ing of the season with a
barbecue at the home of Jim
and Judy de Boer:
Lucknow fair was held on
Saturday and was a real suc-
cess. The weather"WhiCh was
threatening in the' orenoon •
but turned ,out fine by noon.
A large crowd attended the
fair with quite a number from
thiS district there also,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Young of Newmarket spent
the weekend at the home of
his parents, Mr.: and Mrs.
Clifford Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Cough-
lin attended the conference
held on September 12, 13
and 14 at the Royal'Con--
naught Hotel in Hamilton.
Mr.. and Mrs. Richard
Thomson and family have
taken up residence. in the
married students quarters
where he will be entering the
ministry at Huron College,
UWO. He formerly lived in
Dungannon. '
Etta Belle MacDonald,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. MacDonald, Lucknow is a
first year student at Waterloo
University in General Sci- . ence.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Boyle
(nee Brenda MacDonald) and
son Ryan are living in the
married students quarters at
the University of Western
Ontario in London while
finishing the last year of their
university education.
Susan Thompson is attend-
ing her first year at Univer-
sity of Waterloo, majoring in
MatheMatics. Nancy Thntnp-
son is at Fanshawe College,
London, taking the Secret-
arial Arts Course. Susan and
Nancy are the daughters of
Bev and Don Thompson of
ladies for their time and
On. Friday, September 19,
Rev; Murishaw from
the Lucknow Presbyterian
Church held communion.
Another of the monthly
activities is the music prov-
ided by the members of the
Pentecostal Church. Their
good singing is always great-
ly enjoyed.
Starting in October Pine-
crest is planning to hold
-:monthly "FilM Days". Films
obtained from the library will
be shown in the afternoon.
The residents would like'to
invite the senior _ citizens
from the community, to join
them. On November 4, the _
film; Don Messer: His Land ' Sc nool
and His Music, will be ,
shown. Please plan to attend.
GINGERICH - Mr. and Mrs. Lucknow.
Edward Gingerich of R. 2
Lucknow are pleased to an-
nounce the arrival of their
son, Jonas E.; .,at Wingham
and District HosP114-on
September 19, 1980.
TOWN HALL - 8 pm.
Monday, October 6th
Reeve and Council will participate in a"
question and answer period concerning
municipal matters.
All ratepayers are invited to attend.
This week
in Lucknow
Miss Fay Hogan of London
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Con,
Hogan of Ashfield and also
visited with 'her aunt, Mrs.
William Hogan of Lucknovv.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Errington on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Henderson, Toronto and
Mrs. William Caesar, God-
Mrs. Edna Watson of
Lucknow has returned from
University Hospital, London,
to Wingham Hospital.
Lucknow Phone:.-5.2.04203