The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-27, Page 20WoodsWorth . Housing Co- operatiVe, • MeMber of St. James Cathk and member Of "the EmPire Club of Canada. While visiting her parents, Elizabeth and her father visited local cemeteries in the Lucknow, Kineardine, Teeswater areas where she gathered information for the family history.. They also visited Spence MacFarlane in Winghazn Hospital and called on Gordon and Mar- • jerie Wall :of .Wingliam. Eliznbeth then visited„wi her ,-sisters, Laura and dean Brown of Kincard- ine arid eitrouie, to Kincar- dine, they viewed the stained glass altar window in ley's St. Paiils AngliCan Church which was donated in .1891 in memory of MoseS and Ellen WaIL pioneers. of the Ripley. district, While visiting Laura, they receive Lucknow Phone 528-3420 RING UP FOODSAVINGS WITH THESE VALUES SCHNEIDER'S SLICED 175 GR. [1101,064A, MAC & CHEESE, LUNCHEON Cooked Meat 2/9.49 McCORMICKS 400 GR. ES VARITIESI Cookies. 99C HOSTESS 200 GR. Chips 994 Ivory 32 OZ Liquid $1.75 MAXWELL HOUSE 10 OZ. Instant Coffee $6.69 • t ROW 20,74eielTow Sepfinelp iffednesdab Auguat VI 1980 Complete$:ton attended Harness Racing at Thi Hinover Raceway, as a horse' s week in ' Partially owned by Laura was expected to run in.two races, They did not regret not • placing any bets as the horst broke his harness arid .was .unoble to- complete his first raCo: • . Elizabeth thenfieturned Toronto bar,hUs and would fice to send greetings to. all 'relatives;_former friends:and actinaintaneei in the 4rea.. Helen and Christine Simp- son are spending some holi- days with their sister, Robin and Betty Anne' Davey and brothers, Alex, Paul and Rod. in Calgary, -Alberta. More than one hundred rielfids-vished Agnes: Cam bell and her niece at their Point Clark cottage this August. During this time, relatives also extended warm birthday wishes at a picnic supper to celebrate her 99th year of continued good health. Mr. and Mrs. John Prit- chard, Heidi and Danny have returned from a. two week holiday in Alberta. They visited in Barrhead with their daughter Gail and they all enjoyed a trip 'through the Rocky Mountains'. Gail is teaching for the second year at.Monola School near Barr- head,- Alberta. been visiting, with Elizabeth in. Toronto, - After high school in, Luck: now, Elizabeth - attended Wells Academy in London, and—worked there for one year . for. Wishing Well Drinks She then sailed 'Cun- ard Line to England where she worked briefly for a law firm. in London, England. Following her-return -to, Tor- Onto.; s he' WoiltIN for intern a - tional Filnr Distributors, At-, las Tours Limited, MacLaren AdvertiSitig Limited and has been employed by the Board of GovernorS of Ryerson F!Olytechnical Institute in Torento since 1970; She is secretary-treasurer • of the Social Committee. of Kathryn McIfitn, daughter of Dr. Jack and Carroll McKim Of LucknOw, graduated from: Alma College, St. Thoinis on June 14. She was, the recipi- ent of the Gold. Hemingway Award and is in Ontario Scholar with an average Of 81 per cent, Kathryn is, pre's- entiy attending the Radialog- ical Technology .Couise at' Fluishawe College, .London. D. Margaret Cameron Reg, 14, has received word that she has satisfactokily , completed the continuing education progran! in Long --Term-Care-Organization-and_ Management, sponsored by the Canadian Hospital As- sociation, This is,a .profes- . sional update of .te Eaten- slop course in Extended Care Cliinpleted in 1977. Brenda and Darryl Gibson have been visiting their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Max Bushell in `Lucknow, and Mrs. Garfield Gibson in Oshawa this past' month. They returned to Japan on Sunday for another 2 years. Brenda will be teaching Physical education in an International .Girls School in Tokyo and Darryl will teach. English in a FIA. school, also in Tokyo. Recent visitors with their parents John and Ruth Prit- chard, Lucknow, were Rick and Donna Pritchard, Dustin and Jonelle. Rick who is a manager in a WoolcO store in Agincourt, Ontario, ha's just been transferred from Ed- monton, Alberta. Bill and Mary Anne Mc- . Grath, Midhael and . Katie, of Acton, visited with Grant Helm, Sharon Dietz, .Leisa and Adrian Rau of Lucknow last week. Jim and. Susan Maloney of London visited at the' same home on the weekend.' Miss Elizabeth A. Wall, eldest daughter of Harry and Eva Wall of Lucknow, rec- ently motored, from Toronto with her sister; Marilyn (Mrs. Robert Howey) and Tamily of Belmont, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Howey had. CGIT begins fall class Girls between the age of 12 to 17 years; Pine River-Beth- - -el C.G.I.T. Group- will begiu. - their fall program Monday, September 8, 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. The C.G.I.T. group meets at Pine River United Church (corner of 4th con- cession and 21 highway, fluron Township). Why not plan to attend the fun and activity each week? For further information- contact 39S-5498. SCHNEIDER'S "KENT" 500 GR. Bacon $1.79 113'S Oranges • To ,etsist y00:•10*Oonipleting , yOUr ,.PnlatiO • Pensioners Property Property Te*. Grant sapplication, • pleaSe cell -the. town:. office for yOur..1980::'. Property Tipies. Phone, 528-3539. OfflCe • Hew& :12:00. and 1:30 to 5 ..iVicinday' to, Friday. A. E HERBERT „ , CLERK TREASURER. Lucknow &District Christian .00 satoday..4ftemooki:, ..:4000t at 2to0 p.m. FROZEN OLD SOUTH 12 OZ. Orange Juice 894 $1• 49 dozen We Deliver Open Friday Nights Until 9:00 p.m. LUCKNOW 528.2526' win's Groceteria Open Six Days • Friday till 9.00