The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-27, Page 161979 CR 125R Honda Moto- crosser. Excellent condition. Phone evenings, -529-7268. -35 USED FURNITURE, radios, T.V., dishes, and collect- ables. Now open daily. This and That Store, Main Street, Lucknow. -35,36,37 WINGHAM CLIPPER wood- burning cook stove, in good. condition. Also straw for sale. Phone 395-5247. ---35 LUCKNOW SENTINEL HATS; $3.16, available at the Sentinel Office. COPIES OF THE DUNGAN- NON Special Edition are still available at the Sentinel Office, 25c each. TOP -SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. -17tf. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -8tfar BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop0528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 -40tfar HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow. Phone 528-3112. -27tfar OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See Rieck I.D,A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. &far DELICIOUS SWEET CORN for sale. Deliveries made in larger quantities. Call Jo- anne Kirkland, 357-3408. -34,35 HELliWANTED" class -Ito Mechanic Reaaired- Apply to ' 'Gordon' NieGervey. Class "B" kicenseds6dy Being able to :prepare collision estimates and lake, charge of. sliap., , Apply: o Tenn Birrell. RRELL 0DGE CHRYSLER INCARDINE ' LTD • 396r3373 AND 599 GODERICH ST., PORT ELOIN 532-6311 FORD DEALERSHIP in prosperous,' growing farm • community needs aggressive licensed tune-up mechanic. All company benefits, wage negotiable on experience, Send resume to Box 360; Provost, Alberta. (403) 753- 2266. -35rix BABYSI ER Monday - Fri-, day, to start about Septem- ber 11th. Phone 529-7867. 35 4-11 AND Y-3 Rita Allen 524-8480 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. 3$ East Street, Gelded*. 524-8100 524-913,1 Modern village home, mediate possession. Opportunity to buy. REALTY WORLD® MRS VENN WM. THREE BEDROOM home in LucknoW. Spacious living area. Phone 528-2526. (after-, 6 - -528=3543). -29tlat -12, Help_wanted-,___ LIVE 'IN BABYSITTER for three small children during fall harvest; need references, Rirninelzwaan Farms; 395- 5874. -34-37 PART TIME BOOKKEEPER required for medium sized business. Written applica- tions should be addressed to: Reid and Associates, Box 300, Wingham, Ontario. -34,35 KEYBOARD PLAYER (male or female)'for established 5 piece band. To replace pres- ent member who and to retire. Experience and vocals are preferred. For more information call DRUMLIN at 392-6020. -35,36 TENDERS FOR WINTER MANAGER FOR LUCKNOW ARENA Tendered weekly salary, to inClude all' necessaryessistants. Assistants to be paid by Arena Manager.' Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ali applications to be filed at Town -Office''not -later -than '5- '0:1111:7Meddiy, September 8, 1980. For further information call 528-3539. Lucknow & District Arena Board $t144XIDIA. KilbCOCE43437 ,I4Mtrysii rDaallta page 10-44elmoiv. Seafinett Wedniadayr Angst 27 1980 1:_IlifiOU011 TIN cLinssipier) A D 5 1. Articles for sale 12. Help' OVtinted SIX YOUNG BUDGIES. Phone 395-5072. -35x TWO WOOD GARAGE • doors, 10' long by 7' high, S25 apiece. Phone 395-5565. -35x KINGSBRIDGE 75th Anni- versary Plaque $2.50 and "Our Historical Heritage" 510,00. Phone 5294308, av- ailable Sepoy Stationery; Lucknow, Anderson's & Fin- chers, Goderich. ----35 400 GALLON MILK. TANK coniplete, good condition; German Shepherd pups, mother very good watchdog, good with children. Phone G,. Guichelair, 395-5868. -34,35x RELIABLE PERSON to , babysit 5 year old and 7 month old, approximately 2 days a week. Some'Satur- days. 'Phone 528-3f27. -35,36 14. Employment . wanted WILL BABYSIT in, my home weekly. Child preferably be- tween the age of VA years and 5 , years. Phone 528- 3014. -35,36 =MN ',NNW 1•11.M. 0..11 mow ammo SANDBLASTING Brickcicaning,_TuckPointbag_ and waterproofing ` CALL White's Sandblasting 'VVingham, 357-3637 -33,34;35 ' ' SWIMMING POOL • MANUFACTURER ' Overstocked. Must close out all 1980 models and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and in ground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until 1981. Call Imperial Pools, toll free, 1-800-268-5970. ---34-39ar NEW AND USED TRAIL- ERS; truck campers, truck caps, Large selection. Also parts and accessories. We buy, sell and rent. Morry's Trailer SaleS, R. R. 2 Walk- erton, 364-3748. ---33tf 4., Articles wanted POSTAGE STAMPS - Post Cards, for the collector, buy - sell. Call 395-3545, R. Pow- ell, R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont- ario, NOG 2B0. -28-35ar OLD BRICK. BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088. -33eow SECOND HAND PIANO in good condition. Call after 6 p.m. Pat Dymer, 395-5798. , -35x FLOATS for Lucknow Fall Fair September -20th. Contact Bob Gilchrist, 395- 5280 or Russell Irvin 529- 7408. ---35ar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 DODGE TRUCK, 500 series, 32,000 miles, factory made livestock rack totally enclosed, 15 feet long. Will safety. Phone 395-5842; -35,36 1979 SILVER FORD Fair- mont, 2 door, 4 cyl, 4 speed, bucket seats, rear defogger, 20,000 miles, like new condi- tion. Call 392-8119. -35,36 -35 . . . TWO. BEDROOM' house in good' condition. on • Gough Street in, Lucknow. Frig and stove included. No pets. Phone 528-2626. -34,35x EIGHT ROOM HOUSE in Ripley, carpeted, newly dee- mated, large yard: Phone 395-5318. -34,35 ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 5214 2113. -22tf ONE BEDROOM downstairs heated apartment on Main Street, available immediate- ly; also turniShed bedsit-king room, all utilities paid. Phone Oliver Glenn, 528- 3723. -35,36 10. Wanted to rent UP TO 200 ACRES good cash crop land, Riinmelzwaan Farms, R. R. # 3, Ripley, 395-5874..,--34-37 CASH CROP LAND wanted for 1981 season. Top prices for large open fields, Also land for winter wheat. Apply James Ross, R. R. 3 Wing- ham, 357-3895. -34ff 12. Help wanted FULLER BRUSH COMPANY requires representatives to service Lucknow and area. Only those interested call St. Thomas collect after 5 p.m. 519-631-4383. -35,36x PERSON REQUIRED, farm backgroutid preferred. Apply Roth Drainage Ltd., R. R. 1, Ripley, phone• 395-5838 or 656-2618. -35 eerg -0. 400.. to. rent SMALL FURNISHED apart- 'went, available SePtember 1; ;also, one bedroom *apart- rnent, frig and stove, avail- able September 1. phone 395-5596 or 528-3134.. --.29tf 2 'BEDROOM APARTMENT • ' private basement; private glassed sun.porch; close' to, 'downtown. Phone, 357-2335. - ---411tf AVAILABLE NOW small' fur- nished apartment in. Luek-, now. Phone :395-5596 or 528-3134. MOBILE HOME at Point Clark, for rest of summer 'season, by the week or weekend.-Close to beach and stare. Phone 'Luck/low 5287 3500, evenings. -32,33fix ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater and Ripley. Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 528-3234. ---28tfar 18. Services. available CUSTOM BULLDOZING Reasonable Rates - J. A. CULBERT. R. R.1, Dungami-on. Phone.529-709 • -3Qtf RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and inter-. ior renovations, Cedar decks, rec. rooms,.:. eta:., For free estimate PHONE 395.545.0 -13tfar . ' poNTHompsoN T.V. & APPLIANCES . Adialral &ilea and SerVice 'Tower and. Antenna Installatibn 395=3466 Ringy • -15tfar. PRIEBE ILL it ASSOCIATES AUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATIONS CALL COLLECT (519) 364-4590 Iles. (519) 3964680-Kincardine R. R. #:1 Hanover, Ontario --1.9eow/ar GUITAR. LESSONS Beginners to Advanced $3.75 Classical $4.00 Guitar Rental Register early For Fall Session Call 357-4248 -34,35,36- - - 18. Services available PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKgg 524-7774 HONEY Filling customers containers. .1, K. Fear, R. # 2, Wingham, 357-3656, -34,35,36 SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer has new 1980 PoolS, regUlar price of $2790 now at:end of season special of $1488. Pools equipped with pump, • motor, niter, fencing, patio and walk around- deck. Call Imperial Pools, toll free, 1-800-268- 5970. -34-39ar 1. Ailicles for sale LUNCH PAILS, (Star Wars, 40' T.V. TOWER, booster IDEAL FAMILY HOME Happy Days, Superman), and rotor; parlour wood stove close to public school with . S4.79 with thermos Lucknow autt_igpes;_singer flour puL. finished rec, room. Call. Dale Co-op, phone 529-7953. isher; quart sealers, Crown Beuer, 528-2926 represent- -35ar and Dominion; furnace' vac i - ng FAMILY TRUST CORP- uum cleaner; extension lad- ORATION REALTOR. ORDER NOW - Ro6sfers, 6 - der; Quebec heater. 'Phone -35ar 10 lbs„ dressed, $1.00 lb„ or 528-5404 after p.m.: -34,35 9. Acc. to rent cheaper live weight. Levi D. • Stutzmari, R. # 2, Auburn. -35,36 7.. Real estate fOr sale FOUR ROOM farm house, Belmore area. Phone 357- 170. -35 2. Mobile Homes ario, NOR 2C0. -35,36 MUST SELL to return to schoOl, 1976 Dodge D200, 3/4 • ton,. Alberta truck,-$2500.007- COU-MY-Priblic Library, •11.3-. Alberta, TOL OCO, phone Mrs. 8. Johnston,Bruce Charlton', ' Box 1478, Batiff. THE BRUCE COUNTY PUB- LIC LIBRARY BOARD re- quests . applications for the position of supervisor at the Lucknow branch library. Dut- ies will include the handling BANFF, ALBERTA. Clean- of books, films and children's ing staff required by , Chad- story hour. Duties to cm- ' ton's Cedar Court and Charl- mence 1st of October, 1980,, ton's Evergreen Court. Ex- training prior to that date. cellent accommodation avail- Please apply in writing be able.' Pleasant surroundings. fore September 5, including Only industrious persons two letters of reference to need apply: Contact Linda Phone 395-2680 after 6 p.m. 'Box 16000, Port Elgin, Ott- 403-762-3659. -35nx CAREER IN Heavy trucking. Now's the time to train 'for your Class A license. For interview contact ATA Sys- tems Ontario London, 519- 438-4029. Hamilton 416 523- .0883. St. Catharines 416 685- 6595. Toronto 416 251-2275. -35nx • ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. Jam= es Symes, 528-p33.-18tfar SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 -2tfar 15. Tenders 15. Tenders Cecil Cranston R. g: 2 Auburn Phone 52977691 ATIMAMMER BACKHOEING ---5tfar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling