The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 9C44- 6.74:1=61*,44,a1474::,:041. 4.4 ."74,14.4r eathAemAues., wonderful dayS. A sincere apology is ex- tended te'Mr. Raymond Dal-. ton, who' so Capably perform- ed at the pen pal picnic, for Mollie Whiteside. ..I had , Turn to page 1.1* res of activities, during four LAST NIGHT THURS. AUG 14 .:PLUS STARTS FRIDAY, AUG. 0-21, , 'the Bandit Frog.and Justice are atit again in the all new advenOre4 of:. EIGRy ,IRYNOElkijRCIOE REEIONY• JERRY. REEti•EjOR ' 4?72 , MORE AMERICAN. GRAFF' TI HWY. 8 GODERICH AT 4ei CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524.9981 agroire- oetreeere,e5teretees,.., 14-4r1 1.Y.t.tr !mNr;(:%-d.,?.,r7.4 44V'T LueknoW Sentinel*. Wednesday, August 13, .11.980—Page, 9 Sunday at• the Agriculture Hall, Irvine and Colleen 'Eedy ha.d their familY, Martha and Alan. Bossenee of Stratford, Bob-and-Pat -Ann-Oft,..-Mat. thew and Andrew of Kitch, ever and Bob and Kathy:,. Eedy, Megan, Jennifer and Tipp of Mississanga over the "Birthday Celebrations''. This past• Friday 'Colleen's three sisters,• Mrs. John (Eil- een) Aiken of Portland, Ore- gon, Mrs. James (Helen) Blair of London and, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Mary) Van Horne of London called on her. Mrs. Mollie Whiteside of Dungannon, Northern Ire- land, left on' Monday morn- ing for London, where she will catch the train to Belle- ville. She will Spend 'a few days in Belleville and Tor- onto before returning home On August 17th from' Toronto Stothers it Dungannon and' Cedar Grove Beach. Other ..:.Company at the 3tothers home Aver the !!Birthday Celebrations" 'N.iefe-IVII, and Mrs. George Whitlam of Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. W'. G, Woolford, Kincardine, and Mi. 'Warren Bainford, Craig and Ruth, of " Cambridge, - TWo of the oldest • ladies attending the •"125th Cele. brations" were Mrs. Hattie yatiArtnan of Maitland Man- . or home in. Goderich and Mrs.. Cowan; mother of George Cowan, minister at thingannon' and Nile church- es. Both these ladies belong In the glorious "90's" club. 'Reunion visitors and cal- lerS with Mrs. Cecil Blake included .Kr.' and Mrs. Jim Blake and: Sean of Alliston, Mr. and- Mrs. Grant Sower by, WillOwci le Mr and and Mrs. Gerald Wilber, .:all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stormes, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Lindy Scarborough, Mrs. Bernice .—sager.,-04-1Y1rs.; Lorraine,... MacHardy of Hamilton, Mrs. Gladys Rivett and Lorne,. Straffordyille, Mr. aitd Mrs. Bill Eldon and ” Alien, Scar- borough, formerlyy from Dun- gannen,. Ireland,, Mrs, Law rence (Beatrice) Trethaine, Hagersville, Mr. Dick Trel- eaven and son, Dick' • of Woodstock, Mrs, R. J, Winghain and grandson, Chad Button : of Barrie, Rev, and Mrs. Don- ald Watt, David and Erin of. Goocifish Lake, Alberta, Mrs. Ella GuShue, Hamilton, Enid Williams-and Katherine of Georgetown, Miss Hilda : Twamely, 'Loudon, Mr. arid Mrs. Marvin Smith, Catharn, Mrs. Eleanor Townsend, Toronto Mr, and Mrs Her- man Vooden, 'Toronte, 'and Others from nearer home. And there were brief but wonderful . visits with many others at:the different cent- t,41VIOLLY'S SKOV By Made Park 'Molly, had a friendly smile, she gave that smile• away. Thp people-_of Dungannon seemed glad of it each day. She took it to the picnic. She wore it on the :street.: She gave it WithoUt thinking. to all she chaneed to meet. She gave her sMile away as thoughtless as could be. And everit time she gave it,. her smile Came hack to she.- The saying "Small crimes. for small Minds, while smal- ler minds look on", once more proved itself true ever the, weekend when several .of. the hanging baskets decorat- • ing the • main street were• removed from their hangers, Each and every person' who gave their donations towards these flower 'baskets would like to see •them 'returned. Jim and Sandra Rivett had company over the !!Birthday Celebrations!' including Ida and Gordon Bowers ' and Nancy of Goderich; Albert and Gladys Rivett and Lorne of Straffordville,. Garnet and Edna pidto and Barry of Ho il e and Mrs. George .Riyett of Clinton, Doug and Darlene Mole, Shannon, ,. Bradley, Shawn and Chad of Edson . Alberta, 'came" herne to Attend :the Birthday Celebrations" and remained kir a lOnger timeto visit with other relatives: Also at Een and Margarets for the festivities were liar- ' yey and Belle Mole -'bf Lucknow and .their daughter, Marion Salo and children Of London, Dinner guests on Sunday with Bill and Marie Park', TOd.d . and Bradley, were Mollie Whiteside, Lillie Mac- Donald and Mrs: Gertie Park. Following dinner they enjoyed .a visit to the Glass- works just east of, the village. This is a real interesting little shop and the young couple do such beautiful work in 'glass. Sincere sympathy. is, ex- tended to Dan. and Mary. Ellen Boel on the passing of their 26 day old• daughter, Danielle Cambria, on Wed- . nesday, August 6th in Alex- andra Marine and. General Hospital, Goderich. Private funeral services were held on Friday with burial in Kings- bridge .Cemetery, On Sunday a bridal shower in the form, of a pool party was held in Kitchener to honour Valerie park, bride elect. Vicki, Wanda and Patti Park and Debbie Johnston of Goderich attended. • Valerie received many• lovely gifts. Any 'family who did not register throughout the "Bir- thday Celebrations" may do so-by doritacting-IvIrs-. Helen Dawson, Mrs. Olive Blake, Mrs. Mary I3ere or Mrs. Marie Park, 529-7719. Their are plenty of buttons left and they will be given with no charge. Company on Saturday with Mrs; Gertrude Park were Knox and Marjorie Holtz- limner of Galt and Mrs. Millie Garrett, of Clinton. Congratulations to Roger and Lynn Noble on the birth of a. new son, Donald Roger on Wednesday, August 6. at, Goderich hospital. Mothsf and sOn returned home Fri- day in time for the pork barbeque they hosted on OCTOBER . Friday 10 Friday 24 Friday 31 NOVEMBER Saturday 1 Friday 7 Friday 14 Friday 21 Friday 28 Saturday 29 Now Booking For 1981 ,FORVIIIMBER INFORMATION AND MID WEEK BOOKINGS CALL 528.3532 SATURD•AY, AUGUST 30th Lyntie Anderson and, Steven Mann SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th Rita Hendriks and Mark Tully ' SATURDAY, AUGUST; 23rd Sandra Finlay and Graham Rutherford FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th Fred Phillips.and • -Brenda Bremner ates vailable Lucknow District Community Centre OPEN DATES AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER Friday 26 11' . • , .. 11011DelillSt. • LW MO . AIIIIIMMOS,JAWMAST.WIMO• ' • PAS WIty!JiS ,(11i Mi0141110 ••• A kerAft ,rvigotTICELBERS „,,,......, .. ., . "SMOKY AND THE BANDIT t: .,..,01.4TTTORM A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Mrs. Bill:Blake, Becky; kaia and = Julie of .Carnbridge (Galt), Barbara Blake, Scott, Dickson, Mrs. T. C. Ander- son,,,Mrs, D. S. Pines, Mr. ' • ; - , , , • • the Baldttfrog,eeilthistice 8re .8t again • ie the al I teW adyPlith, (If FRIDAY, AUG, 15 to Friday, TaT949Y— 1:1S9941991ASI iSMIVITMoltAndayn To nu"* THURSDAY, AUG. 28th A117100 and 9:00 p,m. I _ 8:00 p.m. only! 0 THE 0.11\1101- COUNTDOW RICHARD R JOHNS PRESEPANS KIRK DOUGLAS:MARTIN SHEEN KATHARINE ROS LAST MIGHT THURSDAY, AUG: 74 TIM :SIAM bAGOON CF1F.b4 STARTS FRIDAY GODERICH RINGTIAK ORTARIO FRONT 351p1630 MR 34 HOUR IFOTIT 11801180011, 1111 III E:3 Illf DS N 8:00 p.m. THE BLUES BROTHERS THURSDAY AY BEWSHI KROTO ." Aid JOHN IWN E I i 1110,8 1111111 E] SHOWTIMFS: FRI. 8. SAT:7:00 9;00 .P.M. SUN. THURS. 8:06 P.M. H PHONE' 524.7811 AIR CONDITIONED CHANGE WITHOUT Haricot, • ATerrifying Love Story jr.'01.7 It A1.11,XA N 1).F. • 'R RAY !IAMB:ION mvim ,.1 TIM Me . ' • • • Robert Redford ‘BRUBAKER" or iiref;_tt"..6 Wed 13 Thurs 14 Fri 15 Set 16 • The most wanted man in Wakefield prison is the Warden. ; Is Is )0t04 • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Aust- - in arid 'Mike and Mr. anti Mrs.. Alvin Moran and Marty Rivett spent. a few days at Miller Lake in the Wiarton area .Stothers friend, Ken Isard of. Calgary, Allierta and Jim Stothers of Montreal speptlelidays with their_parents,-Sob. and Helen