The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 7RE YOU-LIVING .
Al-Anon can kelp!
FACT. No.. 4.
Subsurface drainage allovvs you to plant your crop earlier,
thereby ensuring a longer growing season and harvesting
period, In fact, the number of days available -for field Work, in
the wet season can more than double.
Well drained land also ensures even ripening for maximum
yield and no costly delays in harvest due to wet, muddy,
conditions. With drainage you, can get on yOur land earlier
and stay on it later, .
For more information on bovv• you on benefit from subsurface drainage,
roth drainage
Ft R, #1, Ripley NOG 2RO
PLO Box 970
Exeter; Ontario
4 4.1/kW!, rf.;11, •, 4
native pcacti..
Arabia, They also visited
with other relatives and
friends in this area. Last
Sunday, they were driving
back to Toronto to visit
with .pat'& brother and
after that to the end of
August: they. will ;be at
their cottage at Severn: .
They flew into, Toronto
Airport on. July 17. non-
stop , from the airport at
Dhahran. on the Gulf of
Persia .for a six week
holiday back in Canada.
. On July 18 they, came to
Ripley for . a few days
• then back to Toronto and
were ; back again in,
Ripley last week.- •
• Dr. McDonald, who is
On Sabbatical leave from
the staff• . Of Sunnybrook
Hospital in-Toronto, is the'
acting chairrnan of the.
Department of Obsetrics
and , 'Gynecology ,in the
King, Faisal Hospital,and
Research Centre in
• Riyadh, The King Faisal
Hospital -is, the "referral
hosPital'.' of the Middle
East. It was'• built to'
,cominemorate -the.
assassination of King.
Faisal in 1975. It is one of
the • most modern
hospitals in the world
with mover:- two „thousand,
einPloyees coming from
45 -different countries
soldierS around it and Columbia, . Fletcher.• Singapore. Previously T is week in ' they were in the hospital Billingsley of "Doc' had shown slides ,
as well. Dr. McDonald Orangeville, Mr. and
says that it was an in- Mrs. W!.C. - Lockhart of
teresting time even Niagara Falls, Ontario,
wife. Pat, sons Scott, though he was.on 0C- Mr, and. Mrs, John.
Steve, Duff, and daughter casion confronted by a Stanley of Kincardine
Julie all ,the way• from soldier with a .sub and Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Riyadh, the capital city of machine gun. ' • IVIacDonald of Detroit.
'the Kingdom of Saudi
Before their return to Lip from Torento on the
Canada his • wife Pat Civic • holiday weekend
happened to be within was Bill Robertson
block from the -place visiting with friends in
where they were.. the area. •
beheading .30 people for Ilorne this. past week
an • uprising. The • visiting was Bob
Population of Riyadh is. MacDonald of Tavistock.
'one million. He feels that
his family are getting a Ripley area folks are
glad to see the folloWing
gOod :education. They men home again - Glen
attend the Tnternational Stanley from Victoria::
School - attendance 1200, hospital in Owen Sound, attend the annual Martyn Marion and Oliver Wingham hospital where Also they are' involved in Jack. Johnson • ...from picnic held on Sunday at, .
the. Bruce Beach Cottage McCharles. Molly and she expects to . be a several sports'. There are Kincardine and District ,
two Olyinpic size pools Dorothy have been patient this , week hospital and Reg Moore of his sister Miss Amelia' penpals over the past dergoing surgery. and both Steve and Julie , f rom _ .. Owen Sound - Martyn of Toronto. • years. Then she was Turn to pop 8* have won the Chain- General and :Marine Dave sa S that• the ''' • .
picnic reunion' is held
each year on the .Sunday
following Civic- oliday.•
Both Amelia and Dave
were'teachers in Ripley
before going to Toronto.
The family home is the
and swim in the Red Sea. Ripley after spending last. one 'where Bill and, Lila
They also have had a trip week at the Kintail Tranter now live.
to the oil fields. They`:Sommer Camp. After attending the
have driven to . Jordan. The auction sale Of back to schoolieunion. at
And they have also been houSehold effects and`Kincardine District High
on a safari in Kenya, :antiques held last Thurs..„: ,:school as a fernier
Africa: Dr. McDonald • Aug, 7 on the rear lawn at •teacher there, Henry J.
was sent to a special the home of :Dick . and
medical conference in Jean Edmiston. -across
Rome. . from the Chopping, and
By the .way he is ern- 'Feed • Mill provided
ployed and paid by the Ripley with some ex-t
Saudi Arabian . govern- citernerit.•In charge of the
Then they were orf' sale: for • Mrs. ...Doug
a real long holiday trip Edmiston of Kincardine -
first to Nepal where they Dick's mother were
'around the world. There rode a raft on the river au c ti on e ers Grant;
are more , than • one Trisuli in the foothills of McDrinald and Wallace
sp e ci al•i the__ Himalayas',.; also_ :Ballagh. There was a
doctors from 20 coun-, three days in the Chitwin good sized crowd and the
tries. • • Jungle riding elephants weather.held out A.SwiSs
They,,tend primarily to rand. watching wild tigers cowbell, a Mate for the
the Saudis and the and — Royal Bengal one the Ripley HuronO
patients' range from the leopards. From, there Complex, and bought by
Itedouiri- ,nomads nlz:the _they-, to---India. and- -Dick, in Switzerland- Was-
desert to the members of visited • New, Delhi, Agra one of the articles sold. .
the Royal Family. During and its Tal 'Mahal, Open House was held at
the 'paSt year .the present 'Bombay, and Goa; next the, new home of Jack and
king of Saudi Arabia was Bangkok, in Thailand, Mary .ScOtt in the east end
a patient for three. weeks. Pattaya Beach on the of Ripley. Honoured
During this' , time all . Gulf of Siani, Singapore guests Were Dr.. D.J.
general ad -Missions to the and finally Australia. • MacDonald and Mrs.
hospital were stopped Visiting with Mr. and MacDonald and their
and the government took Mrs. Jim Tout at their faintly Scott; Steven,.
over an entire floor and home in Ripley during the Duffy, and Julia. During
ran, the country, from recent • holidaY weekend the evening Don showed a
there. During- this time were the following folks - part of his slides on ,,,an
Visiting last week with
his mother Mrs, Mary R.
McDonald and his aunt
Mrs. Elizabeth Fair at
their home in Ripley were
Dr, Donald 3, McDonald,
F.R., C.S.(C), •his
pionships for all Saudi Hospital. Reg and Jack
Arabia in swinning•••_ both returned last
- He, • hi wife,--s• • -and- ,F " ,r
children have been' able
to drive in their car. They Last. SaturdaY Tammy
have been all the way to Fludder, Kerry and
the city of Tabuk where Nancy Nugent, Christine
they were able to dive Wright returned home to
the hospital was. guarded Mr. Grant Weyland of
by 4 circle of armed Van cO uver , British
on, the King, Faisal.
Hospital where lie works,
alSo on a trip to Nepal and
to A'ustral'ia.
'On a trip to Alaska are
Elizabeth Fair, Mary R..
McDonald, Violet
Finlayson, Reg and
Frances. Godfrey all of
Ripley. They. left Ripley
at noon, on 1Vionday of, this
week 'and took the plane
that night. -‘
Mr.. and Mrs. David
Martyn of Toronto called
hi Ripley 'last Saturday
noon, They were in
Ripley on their . way "`to
African Safari, Kenya,
Goa, India, Bangkok and
Down of Stoney Creek
called on Mr. and. Mrs,.
Gordon Munn at their
cottage at Bruce Beach
and also to see Ab Wylds
in Ripley before retur-
ning home.
Visiting last Wed-
nesday . with Leslie and.
Dorothy Wardell was.
Mrs. Molly Whiteside of
Dungannon, Ireland.
Accompanying her were
This Year.
Offer Yo
Grain Marketing ;Se> rvices
Through The New
mighain Co-ip Feed "Wilt'
taken to visit •Francis and
Irene .Boyle at Purple
Grove and from there on
a trip to see the 'Bruce
Nuclear Plant, the Agri
Park, and Kincardine
harbour. Also on .Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Spence
Irwin of .Lucknow visited •
,with Les and Dorothy
Wardell. On •Monday of
this week Mrs, Dorothy
Wardell • entered
bydb Wylds
Get full value for
your crop
Contact your Lucknow Co-op
salesman for prices and details
We are interested in purchasing
good mixed grain, barley and corn.