The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-25, Page 22Page 22—.Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Juile 25 1980 .`0.1 CHAMpIONSHIPGAMES SUnday. at 8 p.m, and 5 p7 m. Admission S1.00 per person a Kinetie Peed Booth: Saturday 1114)Reo 16 ABSOLUTELY FREE A) TEAM SUZUKI HELMET (Snell 75 Approved) B) Your Choke of a Pair of High Quality MXPANTS % ma ,..• it illisaim, *61441y Gultil, VARNA, ON1----- 'NW i44, NOWTH'OF tiENSALL, LOOK, FOR iiii SIGNS ) ii_ 262m3318- or 2620580 nts ',tate from a' visit with relatives at Detroit: A retatiye bridal shower was held at the 'home of Mr, 12 in Ashfiela 'on Saturday.: There Usually iS.a good ttirn- out for the afternoon events and supper and it is a chance for everyone to just get together, and visit. Martha grahamand friend of Toronto spent .the week- Myrtle Percy and Mrs. Grace Eckenswiller enjoyed the bus trip with Lucknow ladies to Kitchener where they saw places of interest. 'Mrs, Bert. NichOlson and Mrs, George Graham Were dinner guests on Monday Wanda Keith, who were married on Saturday-. School is over for the students for the summer,' The teachers arc working for another week, and there will he children buSy going here andihere. Some of the high : School boys and 'girls. have BY KATHRYN TODD 'summer jobs.. OtherS arc helping with the farm work. students was, held last night ,end with her parents, Mr. in honour of their commence- and Mrs. Allan graham. --Mr. and-Mrs. ,Duct StangOf meet into high - Sehbol.iloth high school and public Indonesia are holidaying, schools arc now closed for. with Anne's parents, Mr. the summer. and Mrs. Allan Graham. Don : Michael Cere returned Have a good summer. We hope the, nice Weather • home this week after spend- ' f ing several' days 'with his asts for South, Kinloss Suti. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. day School picnic that is tu'b'e Joseph Cere of' Port Elgin.: held at the end cif` concession Debbie McRoberts of Chesley is spending part of her summer vacation visiting with her cousin, Lisa Taylor. Congratulations goes out to all the graduating students in the• area. The graduation dinner for BrOokside Grade S M T ill b New York related to his work rs. Jo-Ann odd w Miss Debbie Johnston and will be attending' business in BY MArt,i0YLE Congratulations to Debbie Hedley, Connie. Landing and quet Mrs. Ken MacDonald, was in Kitchenq 6064 the week with her . •parents; Mr. and. Mrs: Carl Yeandle, as. Anne's mother underwent major surgery, early in the week, Congratulations to Mr. Ana Mrs.-Ron Young 911 the gift . of their baby boy, a brother fore Laura. Carl MacDonald Wa4 with his grandparents, M. and Mrs, Tom. MacDonald and Lisa was at the borne of Debbie and Karen Healey,. Mr. and Mrs.: Bert Niehol- son and Lois returned home rtsus cousin in St. Helens travelling to London on Fri- day to write their final exams in order to become registered nursing assistants, They completed their course over a month, ago. Good luck goes out to both of them. in Indonesia :and Anne will be staying with her • parents for ' the next .feyi7TWeeks. part'Logan is teaching art 'again. atthe • Southampton School' of 'Art during the next 'month. This is the 23rd con, secut'ive, year• for thiS sum- mer.:schoollerb Ariss of London, and Cdrbet dicay,.are the other. . two well, known -teachers and Edna "JohnSon of Sarnia is the director of the school.' Congratulations to Wayne Bell who •graduated, front FanshaWe College on Friday, June 29th. He received his' diploma as, an Electrieal • Engineering' Technician: At- tending' his graduation were his. parents, Mr. and Mts. Don Bell, his sister, Beverly, Laurie Clarke, . his grand- mother, MrS. Philip Steer anithis:ahnJ., Phyllis Wallace. of London. Following the gradilatiOn a family dinner was held ,at the Garage Restaerant in London. -Fraser Mac- Kinnon attended anniversary services 'at Ashfield Presby- terian Church on Sunday:and Were dinner guests with Mr. ,and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie. SUZUKI reception of Mr, and. Mrs. Murray Keith (nee Wanda Linnet) at Sal.tford• Valley Hall on Sathrday .on Mrs. George Harkness Of -• fiery ie—was—hosterKlin-. June, 'meeting of 'the ,Kin- lough PreSbyterian W.M.S'. Mrs. • Alex Percy/presided. The devotions were given and concluded with a pdem, God's Care, by M iss Winni- fred Percy. A letter of thanks. for a lo,iely .birthdy gift was r read. by Mrs. Glen Haldenby from their child, Mar- i4. Mrs. Tom MacDonald was convener. for' the program of hymn singing and Seripture readings: .The strip; - Caribbean, Was shown and a'' disenssion period •Oh the I-01 followed. ReaclingS by Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Wit-. ,. :.McipPhe.rso were en- joyed cetirtesies.wCre given by Mi•S' Don EnShell and refreshmentS served: ;.f Starting Friday Night at 7 p.m. Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.M. Sunday at 10 a.m. ance Saturday Night In the Lucknow Complex Then drive mto Montgomery Motors in Lackner/. James will help to take the crunch out! By ROTH BUCHMEIER Congratulations to . the newly weds, Murray, -and with Mrs. Olive Needham: at Lucknow. ' Mrs. grace Graham and Mrs. Dorothy Thompson Cathy Stanley who. were and Mrs. DaVid Haldenby ited on Monday with Edna among the Oracle 8. pupils and family on•Saturday night and May Boyle. , who graduated frinn Luck- for Miss Diane Haldenby. Mr. and . Mrs. Stewart !WY/. PUMA: ehpoLon_VIted.-____.....1,Mrs....Agnes.Hodgins,-Mrs„--Larte---.and the girls -were - nesday ening, following the parent and pupil ban- dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Lois. Mr. 'and. Mrs. Mac Nicholson of Millarton , were also visitors at the 'same home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack SCOti were guefits at • the...wedding onesi 1979 CHEV Malibu, '4' door 1978 FAIRMONT Squire Stationwagon 4. • St. Helens UCW On Tuesday. June 17, 1980, seven ladies met at Miss Isobel Miler's home for the, June meeting of St. Helens U.C.W. Mrs. Cora Miner, in charge of the wor- -ship service opened with prayer. Mrs. Laurine McQuillin had the topics, A Sign from God sends Japanese Mis- sionary back to Japan and, Racism in Japan, Mrs. Janet McPherson was in charge of the busi- ness. The minutes were read by Laurine MeQuillin and the treasurer's' report was given . by Janet McPherson. • Correspondence was dealt with and a work bee at the church was planned in place of a July meeting. Rev. Stuart Miner joined the group and after repeating, the hymn, Dismiss me not Thy service Lord, he closed the meeting with prayer. Grace was sting and a lovely lunch served by Janet McPherson aSSitte.d.,..hy—the.- _ hostesses, Isobel Miller and Helen Todd, cLEARAKE. 1977 PLYMOUTH; 4 door • 1977 GRANADA, 4 door Bruy any" new or used 100 to 400 cc Moto-Cross Bike and receive your choice... 1979 FORD: RANGER F150 197.9 FORD LARIAT, super cab -.1977 FORD F150, .1977 DODGE 1976 FORD-EXPLORER 1976• FOR, F100 1976 GMC 1969 FORD ,Pickup 1966 CHEV Pickup