The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-25, Page 11Hurry for these exceptional values !II A New World of Personal Electronics Greer Electric Lucknow Phone 5283112 — -01 4,0*-11-41/4 injured in a car accident - at the main intersection ins 1 in ton .e arty last week. At present Mrs. Emerson is in Wingham and' District Hospital recovering from 'three broken -,'ribs'while Sam sustained a hand cut requiring. stitches, Failure of the car to stop at the intersection-caused it to cross the road' and strike the Royal Bank building, They were returning from London and, a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Goldie Emerson. Airplanes here 'Here a drone, and there a drone, and everywhere in the bright blue sky the sound of airplanes could be heard last Sunday morning. From 8130 on planes were flying north • Over the Ripley area. Apparently there was a "fly in" ' taking place:. Operation. At 5:30 last Saturday afternoon . Mrs. Pat Cornish of Malcolm Street in Ripley un- derwent emergency surgery in Owen. Sound General and Marine Hospital. She was rushed 'to Owen Sound by her husband Ron arriving just one hour before the operation, Pat is presently a patient there. Friends ektend best wishes, Home from Kincardine and. District Hospital is Hanzilton MacKinnon. It is hoped that . Harn haS continued recoverY, His , wife Annie remains in ---finsiaitatpridergoing care-- there. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Henderson are in London. Helen is presently un- dergoing treatment in Victoria Hospital. They have been in Lcindon for the past week and are still there. Play school During this afternoon, Wednesday, June 25, from one to three, registration will be held for the children attending the summer play school at the Ripley Huron Central School in Ripley. It is sponsored by the Ripley Huron Recreation and Experience 80 and will' be called the Ripley Huron and Point Clark Play School running from July 7th to Aug. 22. In Toronto Mrs. Katherine Collins of concession 12, Huron and • Mrs-.- -by McLean- of Ripley were in Toronto last , week attending the Grand Lodge of the Rebekahs. Joe Fludder of "4 Malcolm Street was doWn to Victoria Hospital on Friday of last week and he is back, there this week after spending the Weekend at his home in Ripley. Wildon Robertson of BltieVale is a Patient in Victoria Hospital in London where he un- derwent surgery about two weeks ago. Cousins Miss Christena Rober- tson of-Riptey and Bobby. Robertson of the. Tenth recently visited him there, Mr acid-Mrs. Jiiii-Tout, whoa resided in Huron; villa, are tow residing in their home Which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs, Neil McCallum. Located just south of St. Paul's Anglican Church the late Sam and Elwyn Pollock had 'this house built a few yeag back. Training school On Stinday, June 15th ; five members of the Ripley and District Lions Club attended a training school for executives held in Palmerston, Newly elected president Ron Nicholson took his car and accompanying him were Dale Liddle, John D. MacKay', Allan MacTavish and Don MacTavish. On Wed- nesday evening, of, last week the committee in charge of the annual Beef Barbecue coming up' on the last Sunday in July, namely. July 27, at the Ripley Huron Corninimity Centre Cornplex, met at the home, of, the president R-on Nicholson to discuss plans for the event. It- follows the Ripley Craft Show which is on. Friday aria Saturday. Speaker J. R, MacDonald of Roseville, 'Detroit, Michigan was the guest speaker at the Ashfield Presbyterian Church anniversary last Sunday. It is alWays nice to -have:. Joe back to this area. Funeral A graveside service will be held this Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. in, Kintail Cemetery for the late. Mrs. Marguerite Scott of Royal Oak, Michigan. She is survived by her husband Robert and daughter Mrs. Barbara Perry and three grandchildren: Also one sister Mrs. Violet (Roy) MacKenzie of Ripley, and one brother John F. MacLennan of Lucknow. Retired An Open House gathering was held last Sunday afternoon, June 22, in Grace United Church in Caledonia to mark, the retirement of Rev. Douglas Dunlop. Those attending from St. Andrew's 'United Church in Ripley were Mr. and Mrs. Frandis Boyle, Mrs. Lot Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Moore, Mr. and,Mrs. Walter Forster, Mr. and. Mrs. EUg9ne Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne and Kevin. Back twenty years Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Dunlop and family lived in Ripley. They came to Ripley from Northern Ireland and he was the minister in St. Andrew's, from 1959 to 1962 following Dr. DouklaS A. Brydon. From Ripley they moved to F onthill and - then, to- Caledonia. While here their daughter Judith and son Alastair attended the Ripley District High School. Also Mr. Dunlop' This week tn taught a grade once a week. Judith is now a teacher. in Toronto, She has taught for two years in Japan, Alastair has a position in Hamilton. Ripley 'area folks wish Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop well on their'retirement, Visiting, Visiting with John and Karen Wyld at their honie on Malcolm Street this past weekend were her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ken Gale, also her uncle and . aunt Bill' and Joan Collyer of Weston and her uncle. Arthur Collyer frOm the Village of Huncote in. LeiCester- Shire, 'England. He flies back to England tomorrow, Thurs., June 26. , This past weekend Don and Audrey IVIcLay of RiPley went to Philadelphia where they are, visiting this week and next week with their daughters Ainslie and Susan. During this time Don will spend a few days in Washington.' Mark and Lynne Harris of Kincardine spent Sunday afternoon visiting with their grandmother Mrs. 'Evelyn Johnson in Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson of Ripley, were Model.Q•857.083 881 so, 1,92 f t.!! 91; ?X I ;U I IN. Mrs. Elsie FO-irester returned to her home on Malcolm Street this' past weekend. She had spent the, last Coulile of weeks visiting her daughter Mrs. Barbara Barber of by Ab Wylds Norwood and other family members. Visiting with ' Harry Scott at the family homestead on concession 4 east in Huron township are his sister draCe and her husband • Fred Tushingham of Los Angeles,. California. Mr, and Mrs Tushingham are visiting here and , in Toronto. On Saturday evening Harry, Grace. and Fred along with Joe, Mary arid Cathy Fludder enjoyed a barbecue at the home of Donnie and Carol Fliidder, Tammy and JasOn. . • Funeral held The, ftineral service for . Stanley. Drennan was held last Friday af. ternoen in the .MacKenzie-McCreath Funeral Home in . with Rev. Hugh Nugent officiating. Burial was in Lochalsh cemetery. Stan. Drennan was known over a wide area here. He had farmed in Ashfield where he was born in August, 1902, Then he operated a restaurant in Tiverton. Later he lived in the Lennie Harrison home on the Tenth Concession west in Huron township. He died in Kincardine and District Hospital last Wednesday, June 18. He was predeceased by his wife,. Surviving are his family to whom sym- pathy is extended. Mrs. Katherine Coiling of Ripley was a dinner guest with her former neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black and Joyce on the Fourth Concession last Sunday evening, 91, S1 • yR, ILLUSTRATED RECORDS AND TAPES NOT INCLUDED MI Dimensions 21 , H 12" W x D • Cue :ever diamond stylus and low profile dust cover for maximum record protection • II Automatic sh'ut off at retard's end • ' ' Speakers • • Bass reflex design With 8" drivers • • F. ull size plotter with rubber mot and strobe pattern • • III.Bpeed tine ,tunrrig (pitch) Control Receiver./ Tape Decks .11 AM FM -stereo rad e with ligOed slide rule dial • • Cassette recorder with pushbutton controls records directly from raaro. Phan°, B'track detk oil live' with optional mics ' 'IN Built in cassette storage tray II LED indicators for recording. 8 track programs, and FM stereo 1,'efT)Ole3Peaker outputs and switch Belt-Drive TUrntable- Furniture stand with casters Ilt On YrOyoriviOttl. lieionIrdvYittl 0000? cOid ieric it1lucied) 4o9,0 i0, f0 0 01,#00.410; 0 • " • • " /104Ct;id0100(9li 190)" qqat..00110.q0 • . , • tOrOanktkiri*OtO VIEA440..010 F 1100000 " /0 BtilOivgrciti)*iticiar WOVilfPNY. • Enjoy AM/FM radio, records; cassette and 8 track tapes this eceiyer/ urntable/ Speaker package •