The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-25, Page 2fileCaNum Agrilair„ ALFA-LAVAT, DAIRY SYSTEMS BUTLER STEEL SlUILDINGS AND GRANULES EPPS PRESSURE WASBERS [across from Zellers] Hanover 3644376 • Dates Available 11 0 et 1 )v. i Lucknow a I District Theniorning Idudergarteryclass at Lickno*'Central Public School graduated. June 20, Shown, following their grad/1101ot/ assembly are from the left, front row, Christine Corialey, Maritsi, IVIitcDortgi/11, Erin jOhntitoing,' Paul Pawson;. Sarah Nelson, Clint Thomson, Adain Skiflen, Mark !Overdo, Jaftoli Stanley Community and Alex Hariemink. Backrow from the left are, Tim Falconer, Chris Stevenson, Stanley ICikkert, Lisa Kaufman, • ,Botrinie Hallam Robert Crich, Centre Matthew Keogh, Connie McBride, Vincent Stialem4 Ma/114;1'ga and Daryl. 't Graham. [Sentinel Staff Photo] FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Leo Dance SATURDAY, JULYS:. ? Luelinow 'fr+Inigy Lit4leS 'SATURDAY, JULY'12 Luano*AgricUltural 'Society '%iralter,OStenak. SATURDAY, JULY 19 Cathy Foran and GerdonPretimut OPEN DATES AVAILABLE graduated Dunne 19. The young graduates.are from the left, front row Jason Murray, April Brindlei, Donnie Guillerier, Billy Cooper, Jana Caucid, Duane _ 4 Now Booking For198_1 Hamilton, Peter MacDonald, Rosemary Stauffer, Chris Humphrey and Brad Kevin Bushell. [Sentinel Staff Photo] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND r1VILD-WEELCIJO °KINGS—) I CALL 5210532 ; The afternoon khidergartent class at Lucknow Central Public School Rhody. Back row from the left are Theresa Stanley, Chris Colwell, Justin JULY_ Friday 4 Friday 11 Friday 18 Saturday 26 AUGUST' Friday 15 Friday 29 SEPTEMBER Friday 26 Haldenby; Steven , Doerr,. Marina • Yemiian,—Angelti_Brecklegr,t,.Robert--LPorter,- CO/Mielli/skT—TerrYr'-Stitnley,---Norgtan'-Xlages'i--Rehbiellayes-tuid 'Vlrs. Taylor retires.... *from page 1 Mustard was to be principal at the school the year Grace attended but he took a tripe to England that summer and drowned on the Athena when it went down. He gave his seat on a life boat to a woman or child who were rescued first. . Grace has often wished she could have :had the benefit of him as principal during her year at normal school because he had given her encouragement to becothe a teacher. °Grace has seen changes in the teaching system and in the children during her career. Both one room country schools and town schools have their advantages she says, but the most serious disadvantage about the one room, eight grade classroom was the lack of time the teacher had to spend with individual children who were having prob- lems. A senior student could be assigned to (assist a junior student but it was not always the solution required. She dislikes streamlining students be- ause she feels every class has its groups; apable, medium, slow and sometimes very Slow learners. It takes more preparation and planning for the teacher to teach a class which has not been• streamlined, but the children benefit. The slower children learn from the brighter students, she says. "A child is more likely to listen to a peer than a teacher." If the children are streamlined; the bright class tends to become snobbish ' and the slower group begins to think "we're just the dumbells". At Lucknow school classes are doubled to equalize the nurhber of students in each class. . Television has created a 'new 'Situation for teachers. Children eXpect a teacher to be able to entertain them as television does and teachers cannot compete with T.V. Teaching takes wise planning says Grace. It's demanding and somedays when you dOn't feel enthusiastic, you have to act as though you are to stimulate the children. This "acting" iS perhaps . the closest the teacher gets to competing with television. Grace is also concerned about the number of children coming to school who are too tired to sit still and concentrate. They are restless and can hardly hold their eyes open she says. She wonders whether parents are not aware a child must be well rested to do well in school. She is also concerned that young boys who play hockey are driven 40 miles to play a game on school nights, sometimes several times a week and yet, ' they are expected to do' well in school. Since returning to Lucknow Public School in 1959, Grace has taught the middle grades, usually grades 4 -.6, during that period; She enjoys this age group; they are interesting, keen, enthusiastic, and still pliable enough that they like to please the teacher. After grade 6 it isn't• the thing to be interested in school and the children lose their enthus- iasm she observes. She is looking forward to her retirement. She has' iio plans. She and her husband would like to do some travelling. Hawaii and California are on their lists of places they would like to see. She plans to do nothing for the first sev,eral months of her retirement and catch up on her reading. She looks back on her carrer and observes she tried to help motivate the children who came to her classroom. "People tell me," she says, "I understand the child and I've been able to let the child know I understand." - Another teacher commenting on Grace's retirement noted , that Grace_bas given hest___.... son one of his best years in school. "I've always thought," she said; "Everyone should have a Grace at some point in their school career.'.' The office will be open Monday and Tuesday, June 30 and July 1 Closed Friday, July 4th The1 .011••••••MeMil.••••••••••,0••••••••••no rmwmarmla teitkito*.',:Senti001 Will observe the regular publishing schedule for next week's paper July 2nd. News and Advertising will be accepted as usual.