The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 69peaks to 4.11116. '4U i''('r EXETUt I VPS, THEN 1/2 MILE EAST ymy-Krim Mrs, Edmund Green was, hostess for the June Meeting of the. Kinlough Anglican, Chtirch Women at' her home in 'reeswater ThprSitay , • Mrs. Delbert Hedley pres- ided and Mrs. Bert Nicholson read the scripture followed by prayer. Mrs. ROnald Thacker read the minute's and the communications, During the business:period it was decided to paint the Sunday..School room and make some other church improvements. All of the members an-. svVered the roll call with a. Bible verse containing a place. in the Bible. Mrs:, Eric .Thaeker', con- vener, then took Charge and introduced MisS Flora Nab- rotzky of Flora's Flower Shop in Teeswater; who gave a Most interesting travel talk on a trip that she and her family had taken to their homeland in 'Germany. They also visited H011and, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy: She Hutton attended alatnily reunion at Tara on Sunday at 'the home 'of Ernie MacDougald. Anniversary services Were held on Sunday at Kinlough Presbyterian Church. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. D on Robertson and their Sunday guests 'Miss Margaret Robertson and Mrs. J.C. McNab of Lucknow ,and 1Virs. Goldie Huston of Ripley. AlsO attending the service an enjoyable weekend recently as part of a group of around forty women at the Ladies Presbyterian ' camp at Kintal. Mrs. Nugent of Ripley led a workshop on Worship. Attending the Guitar- Vo-cal. Recital last Wednesday in Ripley were Arlene Scott, Tim, Robert and Jeff • and Marilyn Reid, and Larry. Tim and Larry took part in theprogratn. Mr. and Mrs, Weldon Bur, rill of Woodstock visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs: Jack Scott. Mr. • "and Mrs. Howard Whiteside of Toronto speat the weekend with Arthur Halclenby. We extend sympathy to Mrs, Veronica (Murray) Mc,- • Carter and family of Wallace- burg in the death of her husband; Keith. Members of 11•;.•••••••••••••••••"%:"••••6•••••,•••41, 100 ACRES Morris Twp., large barn, brick house, over 85' level drained acres, $130,000 includei crop. 1,00. ACRES Belgrave area, 60 workable, balance bush and•paSture. brick house, *barn 40 x 60, asking $69,000. 4 ACRE'c1reed property, Lucknow area, 3 bedroom house, implement shed, small barn, must be sold, try an' offer._ 11/2 storey home on a• one acre lot, close to town. New roof, drilled well, furnace. Price $13,900, Its a bargain. 200 ACRES West Wawan- osh, over 100 workable, 35 _acres hardivood bush. 113 ACRES Kinloss, 79 workable, large barn, nice house, steel granary.. Real low priced. MEL MATHERS IA/Ingham Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine the Murray family attended the funeral on Monday, after, noon at Wallaceburg. The. Presbyterian congreg- ation marked their 117th. anniversary On Sunday with services in the morning and' evening.., The Reverend Ron- aid C. McCa1iti ti: of VCsodertch was the guest minister. -Special music was provided by., the choir with Mrs. William MacPherson organ- ist, • • lvIr, . .and ; Mrs, Gerald RhOdy visited on 5unOay -with his mother, Mrs, Wil- liam Rhody at. Hanover, Mr. and MrS. Don .McCosh of Ripley entertained friends from here on Monday even- ing in honour of. Jack' Web- ster of Edmonton, Alberta, Visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. William MacPherson of Holyrood were Mr. and' Mrs. H. E. Wilson; of "White Rock, B.C. w ineettigToirlye--mor . productive thc,right,:atmbspherek: RReilnnllt r Lori WELCOMES. YOU! .7 tm.i . away, (tutu it all roi..(t riumt.v...1s(11:10. your Iwoph.. our rospr't ctottplo.x, .tr.'otntirt.hensivt. 1116.ting. 6trilitt(N lin.1,4rotitts tip 0) 30 11:1•111(ling.- • roproational facilitios tad' u,r•ritil ht (a.contrnadations. A vt.ry 1 141)(410i%, r• t Musl Mori. for pan' goita.ring. ( l'(a. details on a pacK tig.t.ta.signon to your. 'spi.chic.ations , ,524-2191 - si • Mdre selection...more accessories for outdoor cooking Convenience. Delicious char-broiled flavour from Superior.,. the propane experts! Canadiana 2000 D • Beautiful styling, rugged design • dual 20,000 BTU burners • twin heat controls /IP 44. Broilmaster G-3TX.PL - • huge .526 sq. in. cooking surface • uhique.triple- grill design • easy-clean Porcelain grill ,;wore a' smart hat trimmed with a • feather and flowers and modelled an apron. She Showed many other souven- irs and pictures of places of interest which she passed around. Sti also displayed her eoin-eollect*ancLended her ;talk ,with a religious thought, Back . ground' re- corded. music of these coun- tries was played during her question and answer time and suitable hymns were sung. Mrs, Roy Collins, on • behalf of the A.C.W., ex- pressed .appreciation, and presented. Flora with a gift as an expression of thanks. Mrs, Eric Thacker closed the 'meeting with praYer and gave the, courtesies. Delic- ious.refreshmentswere serv- ed and, a social time eras enjoyed The hostess said: What a PleasUre it was' to have 'the ladies at her home on such a lovely summer .. evening As there , are 'aci meetings in July and , August they hope everyone has a pleasant summer. SOCIAL NEWS. Rod Brapdt of :. Soarbor: °Ugh Visited with Mr. and Friends: -of_ Ben Scott are sorry to hear he, was hospitalized in Owen Sound last week , for surgery 'and wish him a speedy recovery. Visiting: •-- Paul Greenwood, John him on Sunday were Mrs. Paul, Joel and Joy Ellen Scott, ,Morley and and Mr. and Mrs. John Deanna. - Farrell, Teresa Tania Some women from this and Tobi Kay. Friends community attended Ow are 'glad to- know Mr., Hospital. Auxiliary tea ..Angus J. Elliott of Kin- last week in Ripley. • cardine has returned Mr and Mrs. Jack home from Kincardine Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Hospital much improved Courtney MacDonald of in health. London and Mr. Donald Mrs. Earl Elliott spent were_IVIr. and Mfrs. Don Forster and Donna Jean.. Celebrating • Father's Day with Earl Elliott and family were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, „glen HaldenbY and family and with his grand- father, Roy Haklenby in Owen Sound• hospital. Mrs, John Brandt and Miss Susan Brandt of Corn- wall visited with relatives in the area'and with: R„, in the OwenSound' hospital. On. Saturday even ing a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Mel Dahmer at Millar- .' ton. JadOzzi' "Jet Chef" • heat indicater • .easy-Clean porcelain grill disposable grease collector TO CAR LOW We make sure everything is ' right. You start off =with a full cylinder. VVe don't just hand you a box. We deliver. We put it ALL TOGETHER for-you... Dow-Tie Burner A Etr011master - exclusive. Perfectly even heat across the entire cooking surface,