The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 37"17 urch and' Mrs, John MacKibbOn 'for dinner guests on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. tliVd Mae- Dougall, Mrs. Grace Farrish and. Mr, and Mrs, Grant' Farrish were Sunday dinner guests with,Mr. and Mrs. er, Mrs, Steer and other members Of the family. Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Mae- pougallund familY entertain- ed Mrs. Dick West and. Mabel MacDonald as dinner geest$ on Sunday. Miss Cheryl Marsh and ,friend of London visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, David MacKinnon and family. Mr. sand Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dougall visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, HarveY MacDougall at Bayfield. Bob Bregman was away fishing last week* up to the Lake of the Woods area. ID% Ill AI Fl 5,1)Y51 5 1111 hCR51A\ ;MAI esN HIOOIlllvI 10%. Pk4d RAJ STARTS WEDNESDAY JUNE U-19 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 SHOWTIME DUSK Incleauw Sentinel,, N'Vednesdity, June, lll, 1989—Page 9. • . .nniversar_y services at South tnloss ing. The church was filled to Mrs. Nancy hear Rev, Glenn 'Noble has en and guest minister. Me..Noble Needham, Was 'minister from 1969 till WatterS 197T When •he and "his wife, Lots, and their --daughter, Lesley, moVed to Swift Cur- rent, Saskatchewan. While here, they dare staying with Mrs. Jessie Johnston of Lucknow. However they also -have been dinner .guests with Ivl ,Mary acIntyre on . Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs.: Evan Mac hear' BY RUTH BUMIVIE1g12, John Iviewbray and' DUnean,. Mr. and Mrs, John Murray,. An inspiring sermon, and "'Taney, Helen and Alphonse, 'beautiful music .contributed, of Palmerston, Mr, and. Mrs. to the 'anniversary. services" Don Bannerman 'and family held at Smith KinloSs on of Kincardine, Mrs, Ted Col- Sunday mornia and even- ate, Miss Mary Madntyre, Heather, Mrs. Olive Mrs. Phyllis Wallace and Gary Gibson, Troy Nancy of 'London visited on of Ripley, and Mr. the weekend with her moth- Dates Available Lucknow & District Community Centre Keith and Mr.' and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie on Sun- day. Mr: and Mrs. Ira Diekie : and Mrs.. 'Jessie 'Johnston; were alsO'dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Mac- • • Kenzie. • Mr's. Ena Steer is now, a proud great grandmother. Baby • girl, .Errin; Margaret: Evans was.. born to Mr.- and ,Mrs, Evans. of London Saturday' morning; 'June.. 7th. Dale and Vicki, (datigh- ter of Mr.'" and MrS. . Fred WoOdley), shared 'the 'first prize with Gerald Murray: at the' Kinsmen draw here last • Month , • , Mr. and MrS. Earl Stever''.':' were 'one of -the Seven:-.. couples that went•to Ottawa •last week: for five dayS to '- attend the Lions Convention. • While there they. did' some sightseeing ., around ': Ottawa and attended convention ac- tivities and. were part of the' Lions parade on Saturday. The. Lucknow band look second prize . in this parade, The Lucknow'and District Lions helped. to promote the • eleetion of Bruce -Murray .of St: Marys; Club for"Interna- tional director. Mr and Mrs. Barry John 'stop spent, last week in .. Ottawa.. They visited on the Weekend with Mr. end Mrs. Greg.Welsh and Cameron:in Kingston. Barry' and Gladys attended.' the.0.M.S.S.A. • convention .Ottawa.' While there, they. visited Barry's aunt, Mrk..Naomi Johnston, . Allan, Carol, and Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Intyre and family had Mr: and Mrs. V. A. Mowbray of Lucknow, Mr, A. M. Nichol- son of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. IJCW unit 4 holds 0 0 picnic • Honour DAD by taking Milne to our fitbulons • • Btiffet, for' FATHER'S.DAT: FRI., SAT., SUN.; JUNE.20, 21,22 Kin Summerfest. FRIDAY, JUNE 27 E • Leo Dance SATURDAY, JULY 5 i,•,. Lucknow Noisy Ladies • 'SATURDAY, JULY 12 LueknOw Agricultural. • ,Society 'Walter Ostentak OPENDATES AVAILABLE Served4rotn $ to ,8 Ott. • f eaturing such items cis:. whole salmons, roast beef, various hot: dishes plus an' assortment' of cold salads, dessert & beverage. MI for $7 95 Children'Under 72 - $4 . • VOID-DISAPPOINTMENT MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY CALL 396-3444 ., • ; Now Booking ,For 1981 0 e FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND , WEEK BOOKINGS c, CALL 528-3532 ( • 'JULY • rilchiy • frldayli Friday:1V $attirtlaY• 26 Friday 15 • ,f tidily 29 • SEPTEMBER Friday ..5 Triday`26. Don't Forget Our Coffee Shop SUNDAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL - 1:00 pan. includqs: , choice afjuice scrambled eggs bacon, ham or sausage homefried potatoes toast with preserves beverage • . for $29.5 ' FATHER'S DAY SPECIALS • in the COFFEE SHOP • - 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 porno 'Some: scenei not ror Pre.4Perlagers Some 1 .4.;.0 • b olEeniive ' THEATRE OR„ ONT. 12th -19th ' FRI. & SAT, TWO SHOWIGS 7:00 & 900 P.M . SUN. -THEIRS.ONE SHOWING'ONLY'S P.M. Bands make it rock,.. -Roadies make it roll! Starts FRIDAY! LA ST NIGHT JUNE 12 MAD MAGAZINE "4'177 PRCSENTS UP THE ACADEMY- The story of a buy and his equipment. GODERICH i j PyON ..5•24-1811*.• MkC01'4P !TONE., HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524.9981 MINErril*FIZ.E.11111 4A 41ti r a•A /7,5.41 Unit 4 'of Lucknovv United Church Women held -their regular monthly meeting in the form of a picnic on. Mon- day, June 2nd, at the home. of Mrs. Bill Graham. Twen- ty-one ladieS gathered at 6.30 p.m. for a delicious pot luck supper. Mrs. Harold Greer, presid,' ent, conducted the business and expressed appreciation to the hostess. Mr m Mrs. ken Cam had charge of devotions and fol- lowed with a contest, Games were then enjoyed, which were conducted 'by Mrs. EvanS Helm. DINNERS. THESE Include soup or juice, tossed solad,,dessert& beVerage • $5.95 *'CHILDREN'S PORTIONS AVAILABLE * SUTTON PARK INN