The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 28ack and Eileen Curt-an 4. m,arr d 45 years Lucknow Dutch Sets Multipliers All NOW NOW Garden Tools SO" lb. 75' lb. 15% off Assorted Lily Bulbs Reg. $1.35 Rhubarb, Asparagus; & Horse. Radish Roots Special • s ion show at Pineerest 4, entertained on 'May. Their beautiful songs, and recitations were enjoyed. Lucknow W.M,S. held their Monthly .meeting in the- .ActiVity "room on May 8. Sadie Johnston, Merle Stew- art, Josephine Prydges, Enz. iibeth Ferguson, • M. Rae . Beak, Minerva *MacEvvan, Mae' MacDonald, Ellen Gardener and Maybelle Ag. neW joined the ladies ,for • their Meeting.. . On May 9, East Wawanosh - Public. School at Ilelgrave held their Senior , Citizens Day and invited the residents to sec their Operetta, The Swinging Piper. Eight: resid- entS onjoyed the. operetta 'and concert, Jesephine'Jyydr ges: and Ab Nethery .knew a lot of the people there also, On May . 14, Caravan Clothing Of. Toronto came to display their : clothing for Seniors. Residents were. treated to a wonderful fash- ion show, at 2.00 p.M. ' Residents who acted as mod— els were Belle MacKinnon, Merle Stewart, Ab Nethery, Josephine Brydges,. Minerva MacEvvan, Rae Hoak, Jean Christopher, Ted. BrQWfi, El- . izabeth Ferguson and• Lois Wamsley. Mrs. Margaret MacLennan won the door prize of a lounging gown. The KinlOugh Pentecostal church came to sing on May 15 and held a short church service. A van ride on May 16 was to Dungannon- and, down the.. mill road and across the second concession' of 'West Wawanosh. • • dance. • Money', for :the Heart lam,. non. The residents of Pineerest 'Mr. Nethery'S• wife went boree and. they hope many This week residents wel. Maner welcomed the warm alsO and he had a grand time. from the community will come Mrs. Minnie Emrner. • Weather, of May becauseit is Tom Cook of Orangeville come and visit with them and son and Mrs. Olive Ackert nieelo get out inthe fresh air played, his'guitar and mouth- play cards to hell) them help back at gineerest. for. walks and., rides these organ • and violin. He -•also , • day's. . Kingshridge School, grad- WIINIA CLAM eonple A relative shoWer was held in honour , of, Glenda., J amid= son. and.Greg Jackson at the hOme of her sister.and broth- er-in,laW, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cranston and. Danielle oil Sunday, June 1, Those in , ,.attendande, were Mr. •and • •MrS. Stuart Janiieson, da and Greg, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jackson, Kathy', Rusty and. Laurie: of-Wiarton, Dian- ne.,' Art, Leanne and Alechia Short of Ingersoll, Wayne, Arlene, Michael and Jennifer Jamieson of Walkerton; Ca- • - thy, Murray and David. Rut- ton, kitchenerMr, amtIvIrs,„, Jack Splan, Janet and Bill of VVoodstock, Elmer and Mar- lene, Brent and Craig Mac- barn ArrneurieS for tea and Sang some songs he had composed. Harry Lavis also-played his mouthorgan. Everyone en- joyed the afternoon. Residents planted. a gard- en on May 29, They decided to just have tomato plants this year. Twenty-five plants: were planted so they , should' enjoy fresh tomatoes this fall. At the monthly residents! council Meeting, on May 12 the residents decided•te hold a card party on, June 18 at Kenzie of Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Lynda and Doug Splan of Goderich, and Mrs. Marion Harris and Earl Harris of Holyroold. Glenda and Greg were the recipients of many lovely gifts and a delicious buffet supper was served by the hostess. 7.30 p.m. This is to raise the Qntario. Heart Founda- rowntes go to ,Storybook Gar KRAFT I LITRE Miracle „hi .1IP I • SCHNEIDER'S MINI SIZZLER I# PKG. Sausage $1• 79 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK • . • On a Sunday recently, Mr. and Mrs, Bevirt Whitechiiich, Stephen and visited-at-the--Raytnond-=-- Leddy home. Jack and EileenCurran were surprised on Sunday, June 1, '1980 ' when' , their family,. grandchildren, great grandchildren • and friends gathered at their home on Stauffer Street, Lucknow, to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. Sixty people attended from Goderich, DUngannon, Luck- now and Kingston. All enjoy- ed a Kentucky Fried. Chicken dinner.. A youth, service was held in the Lucknow Christian Re- formed Church last Sunday at 8 p.m: After a sing song, presid- ent Marian Meurs spoke a few words of welcome to a large gathering, and asked Jeri few inoments of silent prayer ending with Kum-Ba- Yah. • Bonnie Askes led in res- ponsive reading after which the Apostles Creed was sung. The, Lucknow C.R.C. young People society sang two numbers, Freely, Freely• and Seek Ye First, Debbie Sjaarda, Adrian Korten, Lynne Hilverda and. Linda' Bakker gave the con- gregational prayer with ev- eryone joining in for the Lord's prayer. Doug Kuivenhoven intro- duced the offering for Radio China. It was taken up by James Urquhart, Glasgow, Scotland, has been a guest• for the past three weeks with his aunt,'Peggy Gordon, and Dorothy MacKenzie, Belfast. - Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leddy and Dianna, St. Augustine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Leddy. Thefamily presented them with a, patio table and , umbrella. Numerous cards and Phone calls were receiv- ed from Hagersville, Kitch- ener, Plattsville, Dungan, non, Goderich and Lucknow. Jack and Eileen have four sons, ,four daughters, 15 grandsons, 15 grandda.ught- ers, two great granddaught- ers and one .great grandson. Jack's sister, 'Dorothy An- derson also oiled on them. Yvonne' H.artemink, 'Lea- Anne Haldenby 'and Frank Kikkert. Offertory prayer was given by Linda Boyle. Speaker for the evening was 'Rev. J. Hellinga_from Guelph and he was introdne- ed by Jack Meurs. The theme of Rev._ Hellinga's, sermon; Count the Cost, was _ taken from Luke 9: 57-62. This passage of scripture was read by Jannette Duiker. Rev. Hellinga closed with. prayer and the Benediction. Music was provided by Lynne Hilverda, Rosemary de Boer and Alice v.d. Klippe. Ushers were Peter Brink, Herman Meurs, Doug Kuiv- enhoven and Dave de Boer. Refreshments were served after the service. Thank you Lucknow Young People for a very inspiring evening. George and Olive Colwell, Lucknow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin and Ronnie. Graduation DavidAlton MacLeod of Bancroft received his Master of Education degree at the Convocation held May 23 at Queen's University, King. ston. His mother, Mrs. Dor. Othy__Macteod, • L1104101V....At- tended with his wife, Arlene and their family, Mark and Lisa. David has been prin. cipal of Maynooth and Dist- rict Public School for the past eight years. snack ended thp day with the group arriving home at 6 A hike was also enjoyed by the girls on Tuesday, 'May 27 when they mef at the Town Hall and walked • out" to Greer's faith.for a, cookout DARK RED KIDNEY 1402.' Stokely Beans Lettuce 69' WE DELIVER On May 20 residents went to Teeswater in the van via the 4th of Culross and back through Wingham, The Christian Reformed Church from Lucknow made their monthly visit on May 25. They sang and held a short service. On May 27 Pinecrest res. idents were invited to Wing. On.Saturday, May 24 the Brownies left the Town Hall at 9 .a.m: for a very enjoyable day' at. Storybook Gardens in . London.. . • They had, a picnic lunch in the park then toured Story/- honk Gardens for the after- nipen., A cold drink. and a energyi saver Youth service at Lucknow church This week in Lucknow Relatives shower 13rit mop THESE J. MBNEY•SAYIN61000MIS! SCHNEIDER'S YORK SMOOTH .6 OZ. [4V ARIETIES] 1.5 KG.