The Signal, 1929-7-18, Page 31 • BUY -AT-HOME DIRECTORY On Page 2 of This Issue 1Vhat are you doing for the coma unity that is doing so much for you? You can help by buying everything you need in your ow u home town. zgi OUR CLUBBING RATES Save You Money The clubbing rate for.- The Signal :ld The Farmers' Sun is $3.2.4. You rave 25... A similar saving on other papers. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929 1:11:1ITY-sEe(►ND YEAR NO. 99► J. W. Craigie Real Estate sad Insurance Geo. Williams Dealer In DOMLNION, PROYLNCMI, MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Aaldeat, Automobile. and General Insurance Agent Other, next to ili4uk of Commerce 1'honc.53 (ioderich The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE INSURANCE (Sun Idle Co.) ACCIDENT. SICKNESS. AUTO. ETC. L'St'RA.NCE Some real bargains offering just now to quick buyers of houses and farms. Very cheap pr. l.•rty. ti,w.l 11.2 story hou,.c. Fine !'cation. good condition, immediate I.,.swwi,.n. Iles (ornate, liglits, batlr.wnli, water, garage, etc. Price $12.5'. Two or three hundred cash. balance 011 easy terms to reliable pwrtc. (iewwi 2 -story timer. Modern e4uippd. close to `quare•. Price $7511. Certainly cheap. 1'1.2 story house, part brick. c•h.r' I.. Square. Newly 14,111, repairs. fiat, hitt ti - r44.4471, and lights and cellar. Big bar- gain at $1451. Fine 44-r.s,n., house, beside. i.antri.w, All well arranged for beating, coil- venw'nce and c fort. Finely decorated, excellent condition. Electric lighted, thinned for hot and cold water service.' Full modern equipped bathroom, g01.1 cellar. chicken house, yard and 2 large. lots. Fine location. ' liate possession. price *Iwo. (;o.d terms if desired. Red brick cottage. Modern equipped, 2 tote. Garage. $2300. 11.2 story red brick house. Medern equipped. 2 lot.. $2300. Brick . bouxes, *3000, $3100, $3200, $3500, $4000 and $5000, etc. Large number of good fragile houses 1 from $600 to $2500. um Chicken Cann. 44 urea, close to C. N. R. station, Goderich, with fowl houses. Barn, out building, 2 large incubators. Price $1:>ftt\. Big chance of nuking money to lite than. Large number fine farms listed for Zak. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF COUNTY W.C.T.U. at Canadian Chautauqua Celebrated Clown Coming• HELD AT HENSALL Unions Urged to Organise Young Women and Children for Temperance The thlrly-,e,..11,1 annual convention of the Boron IVetn'n's ('hrlootlan Tem- perance 1'811.1 '41,i1hedd 11n the Unit- ed .•hnr,•h, Ilcns..1 . on Tuesday. July tnh. 44114, 1We• v.+luus. 'l'la• preddeitt7 Mrs. .\. '1'. coop..., presided. The de- votional exea'e'rr- were tllket. by the Exeter Union. The departments of w..rk taken 1111 he the ('..nary N'4.1aeu', Christian Temperance 1 4,:•n, are the following: I:vangelistic. .inti .\ar.•otici, ('auadian Marine. 4 Itlren h Flowers. Fruits and Joel/pap.. 1..1.4 Enforcement and iw•glslatlun. 1b•'::. Contest. Nelenttflc '1'emperu11e••. Mo1a1 Ed,i-otIon and \lather's \Ie•'1i,. Press 'l'emp•rane• 411 N.1nd11 S. Travellers' Abd. Rail- way Employe• L Idle White Itiblonl- .•r+. I',lI 1• :4,1.1 Ar '!trod..,,. Each of rhos.• .I.y:.rtm'-' - is in cbarge• of a snl.•rin'. Ii.l'•1.:. w 11•.' ' duty It was to the I,cr report at Iw .41I1 V1lttdo11. 'fl..•.ae-t i'' ''-t..at work c.rriel 011 on.' .h.• .-. ii...i..1i ratitenign through lin• Not the -t',, Mr. -anger by the Nil. 710.1,:11 w' T.l'. Next year a eam- i4I(gn 4.. I.• ..nel.1rtel on a hutch are;.rer I+mb•. \I.'hciun was made of the hod.or ''.5uferr.-'I upon Ilnrou eon 11- t b. the 'timers :n the recent call- ! 1.4. 11 1:111 Nnb.rrla 4,d. G..drrieh: 1larrlet a:nn.11er :4,.d Andrew Carter. 1'Iwh•1,. and l'•srolin.• \VelN...1. wing. haw. The ad.ir..s- of a:-Icu1114- was given by \lis, }:rl.el \lurd,s•k, of luras.. and 4444: ably , n•spaolel to by \lis.. Mur- ray, .1 Exeter. • The tren,Irer in her report asked that a more !!!weal centributlen he giv- en to the budget fund. Mlgn Duff. field secretary of the I'rov►nclsl 1V.4'.T. t... 4-ondu.•ted the questi..h drawer alld aIso rxplaluwl the "Mirror Pledge." Mr. W. iL Johnston. of Exeter, was present and spoke of the splendid work dole by the W.l'.T.I'. Mb*s 1311.11111111111 and Mr. Clarke sang a duet. A memorial service wax conducted by Mrs. McGuire. of Brussels. The departed ones were as follows: Mrs. ('antelon. Clinton; Ates, Whittingham. Clinton: Mies. E. A. Hogarth, Exeter: Mrs. Geo. Andrews, Goderich; Mrs. F. Buchanan, Wingham; Mrs. Ranklln. Brnsuels. Tek election of officers resulted as follows: President. Mrs. A. T. Cooper. ('llutou: 1st vb•p-presid,-:,8. Mrs. A. E. Lloyd. \\'Ingham: 211d vow -president. Mrs. Bender. Blyth: ':rel viae -presid- ent. Miss Murray. Exeter: cur. secre- tary. Miss Ethel Mnnleck. Hensel!: • • reer.nling secretary, Miss Annie Con- sitt, Hermit: treasurer. Miss M. Raw.. Goderich: Y. ww•retary. Mb.s• B. Joyut. Wiugham: I.. Y. I.. s•• ratan. Mrs. G. Johnxtoh, (:nderlch. At the evening s.•w+i•ar Rev. A. Sin- clair. minister ..f :1,e enn•rntlnn For all particulars see or,wrlte J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent Bet 99 Square Goderleb 1 1 1 i� 0 i 0 R I A A I !l Rat A A A n i A )! f 0 R 11 0 p 11 II 4 A # tidi r A Safe Repository. for Bonds ::bier I:. ��L=- ,v or Other Valuabk Papers A SAFETY Deposit Box in your nearest In branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is the logical place to keep your valuables for security and convenience. We shall be pleased to furnish you with requirements space necessary for your eqirements minimum rates. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE / • IA .eA,cA .t n.,o lgn„wI•d ( THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA) i Just A Reminder --- To our old and new patrons that Brophey Bros., the old reliable Furniture Dealers, have always in stock for your inspection the finest assort- ment of Bed Springs and ventilated Spring Mattresses • Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and Brantford Mattresses They are the finest that may be seen in all the larger cities. An inspection will convince you. Furniture sold ---either from catalogue or a personal visit to any factory showroom, at rockbottom prices. BROPHEY BROS. Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealer West Street - Goderich HERB TAYLOR, POPULAR CLOWN AND (MII.1►It}:\'5 ENTERTAINER Humpty Dumpty, master of Fun -Land, is coming to tb• Chautau- qua! Here is great news for every girl and boy. Herb Taylor is a ,very famous Humpty-Dumpty clown indeed, beloved by children all over the Dominion. .An afternoon spent with this merry fon-maker 1n the big brown Canadian. Chautauqua tent will be a never -to -be - forgotten treat church. acted as cbairthan. Ile remark- ed that if men were as faithful as wo- men we would have prohibition in Canada. A very fine program wag ,eude•red. ' everyone doing exceptionally well. Miss K. Sells gave two piano .ele•- tiens, Miss Greta Lawmle a aele•tlon on the violin, 311ss •Sylvia Salkeld a reading, Mrs. ltes1 and Mrs. Halide,, a daeC'•Mkv+ Maxine Wilson a solo and Master 'Harold Wlli.snn a solo. Miss Duff gave a very Inspiring ad- dress. The 'Hensall Union provided dinner and supper for the visiting delegates. Resolutions The following resolutions were brought in by the re,..lutlou cemmittce atm adopted, by the (r.nveution: 11 I 'Whereas we deplore the increas- ing tendency in the use of tobacco, especially the 1•ig,lrettl•among aur !1111 ng awn and ynmig 45..01,11 111141 1.4,•11 e.ur children -be it re,.dv'el that we urge our people to see that the law is et, fur.rd both h1 111, sal, nod purchase of tobacco In its relation to minors and seek by the influene•e of literature and pledge -signing to In4tne•t and for- tify our y..11t11. 42, Whereas we realize the neee'.- '.itv.of tie immediate preparation (if our women ciders, we would reIIP"t not only every member of the W.C.T. 1'. but every tumuli:an woman to to very thorough and prompt in the car- rying out of the pledge -signing cam - pollen known ag the "Mirror Pledge." I:1I Whereas we appresinte the wonderful results which were de- rived frem the rwwnt educational cam- paign conducted by the Rational W. ('.T.1-. supported ably by the Jahn ik,ugall Publishing Horse. and where- as we are gratified that another cam- paign un n larger genie 1.4 to be laun- ched to the hill of this year, he it re- eolved. that this convention pledge Its support not only In hearty .co-opera- tion but in liberal financial gid. (41 Whereas we are emissions of the great lack of temperance urgsnl- NHt100(4 Jinni/met our, young women and children. we would ask each of the local Unions to consider seriously the forming of Tonna Women's ('hrlstlan Temiwrnnere i'ntong and Loyal Tem- perance Legiong. 1.'en Whetegs we have once more re - eel red instil retlon from the present, of Miss Duff in oar convention and listened with Interest and profit to her addresses. We w•nuld plan 1181 record aur sincere appr•cin4bon of her Infln- ence for prohibition throughout the length and breadth of our Dom- .tnion and Willi Id ce41v.1 h. her our best wkslww and our co-operation with ler through prayer. •••• - cis Wherein" we have enjoyed the h..spltnlity of the Itenelll I'nlon and the comfort of this lenntlfnl church, and 1410, tie program. of mesle and e.ocoLun. we would desire' to express our gratitude to all who hare In any way , agtrlbutpel to the '.Iter•e*s of this (r.4, 5Pn 1Ion. BIG CIRCUS Id COMM TO TOWN (1ttrMty Brea.' Entire ('!erns and Merna- gerfe WII1 19e Here Get ready, kids. The greatest wild animal show in the world will soon he Isere. And It is guaranteed that the Chris- ty Bros.' Big Five -ring Wild Animal firms in Its entirety will he here on Monday. July 22. "They don't bring all the show here, 1M they. mister?" Practically every day in the season and on rime days several timed, advance repr'es.ntativp, of the Christy Brea..' Clrcw are confronted with this gneation, put forth by towns- people. who, on account of the 'Igen- tic oda and bigness of this notional HURON OLD BOYS OF THE BORDER TO j PICNIC AUGUST 3 All Huronites Are Invited to That Date .\ few days afro there apelrfel In 11'est.•ru 01118triu I'a•ler, a. de -Pettit from Windsor aluuuncing that arran- gements 14,1.1 111•14,1i completed for a series, of reunion picnics at ,aims polio. in F: -'..x ..query for former re- s441(110s ..1 tinntriu uo4% Ihii,g i8 De- troit and other centres 111'.., the bor- der. Mr. A. 11. Wilford, of Win.Isor. 811.• ..rigi:'u..r ..f this luterestiug pro- je't. w:1, I11 town 4,1, Sotto -day nllil gays• '4'h.• Signal n call. Mr. %Alf..rd was formerly of 111)114 and \Vim:hate.I 4.114 Ln• heel, du Wi11.h'r the, la -'l six 'ell', and is . halrtu:ln of the Essex Count. 1Larki•ling IG.:vd. 111- Idea 4.. t.. g4•8 the former \Vc-1,r, en2111 rio people-ih.•r, are ...C.a., ..r rh.o,s:unls of thea, in Ik•Ir..it :.11.4 the vicinity ' 8egeth.•r 11. far as l..wible. (1444 them.._ :1 Lund. t lane . It 4'1IIn'1l111 :171,1 ere11e in 111.11. a fresh interests ill their 11:1144(' .unlet I'\'. T. locatlze• .the r.•nni'n. 14,..! t., Le aloe to a'•. omtmo.hue •,11 44111..111 - fe- 1...u4e11ic11•4•. they w ill Is. he'll Lig 8o colitides.' rt three d{tr.•reuI OM*. on (•arh of tile• S:uut'da,s .duly I :14.lily .7 and .\ngu-r :i. as follows: July 314 - Eesex county, at Scacliffe Park. L,•-rrlivgto❑ : Feat county. + • at I.ak.•-i.l.• Paris. Kingsville: (ax- � fool .,.nary. ant e:r.+s,d:IIP Park.: K l iigss• i Ile. 1 ! 1.11y 27 L:nmbtou ...milt,. :1t 1.ak,--141.4! I Park. Kingsville; \li.blh•sex • oul,- ty ret Seacliffe l'ark, Leamington: • Brace ..minty. at 1:ro4ed111.- lark, KlI.i3" idle. .\ngrl,t 3-Il1'101R (v►1'XTY, at -8.a- ellffc Pirko Le:nidugt'm: Elgin Gather at Leamington on organisation, believe that it is splh and divided on certain days. The cir- 1-180 Men always smile libel/ they hear the question, as it 1...lie .R the oldest miseoneeptlurls that the public has about the circus Jest erlusider a II..nwmt and you will see that It Is ;moo - Able. 11, the first place. tow folly ..1 carrying dou- ble equplment, teat, tribe*, cook- houses. and a hundred and one things needed every. day. just 4,e a'.lonally to spilt it into two .bows, would mean a staggering amuu.t ..1 capital.lying idle most of the season. No0let1111P. al hog organize tion, BP the c'hristy Bros.' Circus will play a small town. ,even smaller than the nnliul.ry thentrien1 show would book. but there Is a ren -nn. It may be the logien] stopping ponce on a lung crus,- e'rlttniry }MM. 84. a -larger ..qty. The day would 111' lost If they did. go straight through. and as a matter of ursine* a small town 1s preferable to tart town at nii. A big show. like the Christy 4Ir..s.' I.1 reit,. gives the yell feet perforin:nor at well and 4%1•11 stand irregpeetIve of AAMP, a'. th.•) take no chances with their n1.01':104.84. 44 hkh they lhrve built 111. after year- of struggle. of hiev11R the greatest aggregation of circus stars vier alsse•nlhtel under one tent. Performance. :ir.• scheduled 1..r 2 for the afternoon a11s1 x for the night show. floor-. 44 I'4 epee an hour earlier. '.o flan. all say pay n leisurely visit to the nsnu.g.•rte. The two -mile - long g. rgeoti,Iy :141,1 hrilllantl\' gpl(r•101.- ullr street pw.rob• will 1e145r the sbuw ground. promptly 111 noon. . WINS FIRST PRIZE IN WELSH MUSIC FESTIVAL 41sIerl-h r'.'...l.• are Interested In the animuseemen? that the Brant- ford choir co:dncrel by Henri Jordan won first prize .4 1the chief Omni, event of the national Eisteddfod of America held rer•11:ly at Scranton, Pa. Mr. Jerdnn re-o-i4,d the Elsteldf,wl molal, while the choir was awarded $1.500 a11.1 au Eq-8.-.Idfe.l solver loving cap. Mr. JonIn1, ,..tae years ago was organl.t 111111 •hoirmastcr of Knot church. Goderich. Ir. 1hu11e1 1'ro' hero,, of ('hleago, iollop ,aures. '.f \ew York. and Dr. D. E. 1,ne'.. ..f seranton. were the musical adj.1ddcau.•8-. A guest of honor was James .1. Davi-. Secretary ..f Lab- or In the Felted states Govenlnnent. who give a ,wino,•? ,,ddress in which lie Inudel the \Veld.. Next year's F:i't'•.I(I1041 will be held at Jackw.n. (thio. If 'Advertising Stepped "What would Ice the reaction upon the cost of living If advertising cen4ed and Its iem•fl.r•nr force- were step- ped?" This gn.wtion, asked by The Forth Estate. pro,ideo much fon,) for rltmination. It Is an Intereattng enn- jeetIre. Adyertl,lig largely takers the pine, of personal -ailing effort, which Is very much more expensive. A ('a11- fnrnla editor, cogitating on 41* hIIIty of 14 (rsg'Iti,m of, advertising, gays: "Distribution :mot, the present aisle would he Imp,'. 11... Mannfat‘tnring world fall off. 4'11h a consequent .1. - cream• In labor ..emend. Johters wonld find their Mi.lne.g proportion- ately limited. Retailers would make fewer and glower turnovers. Pelee. of all crommewlltls. would take a rise that world make war rims and ante -wear prices. seiem low by comparlann." Fend specialistm now are re'om- Mending spaghetti so containing all of the health -giving elemento. Includ- ing, of course, peer. Jae. - New York itvealag Poet. Gal, The Safe Way TME home is no place for valuable papers-- neither is your office. For a small suns, you can have the protection of a Safety Deposit Box behind the steel doors of our vault. Your personal inspection is invited. The only sale INac41 for wills, bomb. storks, duds. pbelu. faintly papers, small netellen% etc. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch F. Vb'oollcor44- Manager canny. at Lakeside Park. Kintaw Misa MaephaV urges that only $1 l.• %ilia: Perth county. 1,l w:roc,d•nle• -I•') o11 war training i1. Canada. And • Park, Kingsville. hay, ns I0..4 like :a, .•eats. Border Mr. Wilford Nly' the Idea haw ClIleo Star. caught o4," trctue•udol..hy at the' )..r.' der. 1411.1 leading public 1111.lt ''11 lw'111 side, ..f the tine are taking an active interest In the preje4. Acting Mayor Quinn. of Ik'tn.it, is gaging hearty co !operation and members ..f the Border ('1814-'. ('lumber or Commerce are ex- tending . helping hand. Mr. S. It. Neither,, well known In Ilnrun. tem • \agricultural representative fur Ess(•x county, le tawretary of the organise- tion. It is leveed that all Huron comity people 'within travelling dIstanee of Le:lmbnitoI 'ill join '4th their br4.m i Ther and sister Il..r.ndtcs in 81:14 town on August 3rd. Mrs. Wilford areon1puI1111 her hug- b14nd on his trip to Glwlserlch on Sat- i nrday, -they call him 'The man you can? rattle' Many wtcceseful business men regularly use Wrigley's- The act of chewing has a soothing effect. The healthful cleansing action of Wrigley's refreshes the mouth- gendy stimulates the Aow of the natural )takes -steadies the nerves - aids digestion. WRIGLEYS Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed in the up -to -.late way FIRST-CLASS SERVICE (foods called for and'deliveretl Full Gee of Geati Fsralsliisp W. C. SNAZEL Ilabev.IxsL. r and Dry cleaner West Street Phone 339 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS A ND INSURANCE Telephone 230 \ia-..1.:1. T. mph. Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO Confederation Life Association Age -year Amount 4.1 Prem. F:wlow na•n1 Insurance 1.5 •' 5000 $1).5.1111 20 " " $111.00 25 „ $194 23 A 25 -year }:ndownw'nt. maturing in Ih241, paid 1,. aur policyholder neer $I:w.I ler th�,nvuud. M. N. MacDONALD AGENT Fire and Automobile Insurance Gaderich Phone 382 or 142 Have for Sale Cr .1 P11 31ortg.gc (1 F'nrin, $3,0(M) \4..rtgage 0 Fart... $4.14040 \Lntgnge u' Iarn1. Vol Mortgage 7 Town Property (;.slerich 1114,•tor and Tr:,,sit (o., .144441. st' , :.red the Stardom H..yal- li.•e. 4' 1-2 , ..rye ol'th, lest Nerurl ties on the market, W. J. Powell Car, Lite and Fire Insurance 1411'1,(1n. -ireet, (iewh•rtell Phone 292 1'. 0. !lox 1:45 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance in Force - -$1,898,915,000 Assets -- - - $485,958,000 1/kidontk to Policyholders inercnsed for the ninth mimesmive year 481 addition t(1 a special rnatnrity dividend bonus I'I{,a\• ()dice 115 1:4-.4i4leilce Sat• H. R. LONG, District Agent We Offer Unsold Balance --- 15,000 Shares \11 I'.\ 14 VALi'1•: NATIONAL HOSIERY MILLS, LIMITED Convertible Preference Stock Fulls Paid and Non-Assesrnhle Inc.rp•ran.l 'mdcr the laws of tow Trainee of tMtn rio Preference Stock convert Ode into 1'nmrnon Stook at any time on or before July 1, 193:1 Transfer Agent and R.gist•art \.4 -TN IN 11. '1'IU'nT etott.\NY. I.IMITFII, Toronto. (a,,,,, 1 CAPITALIZATION '14 - Upon Completion of This Financings A th.n..,d •'. •.I.4- . r Coayertible Preference Stock (No Par Value)... 50,000 Shares 50,000 Shares Common Stock (No Par Value I 100,000 Shares' 50,000 Slues • 511.11011 shares remain in the Treasury for rtieg of Prefersnce Stock. SHARES CONVERTIBLE AND REDEEMABLE The ism0P of ('onv. rtible Pr. -curette., Stick note being offered far the financing of plant con- struction and expansion op-ritions may be converted into common 't.w•k at the option of the holder, on n share for -hare ki,t0k any tint'• up to and including .1111y 1 4, 111a3, after which date the company ham the right to redeem all or any part of the outstanding Preference Shares at $1 7.50 p.er share. • -Price on Application - All legal detail. relating to die is'dmneo of 44.4. Pn•b•n•nce Mock 1.144,• twill !.ascan upon by pangs, Rinkky h Morwiek• of Hamilton, Ontario. for the 4', rp.ration, and John H. Near,. F:'..1 . Nev. lark ('its, for She Rankers. DIVIDENDS at the rate of 70c per share will be paid ce.meacing the third quarter of this year Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building, Coderricb, Ont. Phones 430 - 4f4 Ir i