The Signal, 1929-7-4, Page 3• OUR CLUBBING RATES Save You Money The clubbing rate for Tile Signal and The Farmers' Sun' is $3.25. You Nave 25c. A similar saving on other pajlers. BUY -AT-HOME DIRECTORY On Page 2 of This Issue What are you doing for the community that is doing to much for you? You can help by buying everything you need in your owtl home town. THE SIUNAI. 1'1tINTINk: (CO, Lr'MITI'L. !'ubli.ht•r+. n i- )1wrMd- L7 L L ,,,Or 1 Sb :- \ BANK MONav ORoast ..A: o ,s •M•NwN e. a WPM Man Or CANADA .r•r1 N.•N OOP .✓,r.•,.. We •OPP 1.1..11 ••.N ,•N.,'. "Money Order Enclosed" 11F'OR safety and convenience in sending money by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isles, use Royal Bank Money Orders. They may be obtained at any branch of this Bank and are issued payable in either dollars or pounds. The Royal Sank of Canada Goderich Branch - - F. Woollcomhe, Manager J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Iasarsnce Geo. Williams Dealer In W)MLNION, PR01'INCLIL, MUNICIPAL 11 1 CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Areldeelt, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent (office, nest to clank of Commerce Phone 53 Goderich W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Car, Life and Fire Insurance Nelson Street, Goderich Phone 2(12 P. 0. Box 43S The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE iNS(•RANCE (Sun IJfe Co.). A('CIi)ENT, SICKNESS. AUTO. ETC., INSURANCE Some real bargains offering just now to quick buyers of houses and farms. Very cheap property. 4iu4Nl 1 1-S story house. Fine location, gond condition, immediate p.ssessian. Has furnace, lights, ballroom, water, garage, etc. Peke !1244), Two or three hundred cash, balance on easy teens to reliable party. (Jowl 2 -story house. Modern equipped, close to square. Price $7.O, Certainly cheap. . rl 1-2 story hoose, fart prick, cion.• (o Squaw. Neils some tgepair., has beth - „room, and lights and rellar. Big bar- gain at $t1:1,0. t• Fine lo.room house, 'berkles pantries, All well arrangeed for heating, con- venience aril comfort. Finely dccnratwh excellent condition. Electric lighted, planned for hot and cook) water service. Full modem equipped bathroom, go.41 cellar. chicken host.', yen! and 2 large Tots. Fine location, inmmediatepsseesion. Price !two. Good terms if desired. Rel brick cottage. Modern equipped, 2lots. Garage. P2300. 1 1.2 story rat brick house. Modern lialiwcquipprcl, 2 Intl. 12)00. Brick houses, $11000:0 $.9100, $3'X10, 11.91)00, $414(10 and 0000, ear. - Large 44,1)441*? al 41(4.4) frame housesfmm$1, Oto$21)(44. • Chicken farm. 44 sere, ,'Ilse' to C. N. R. station, (4oderich, with fowl houses.Rem, nail building, 2 largo.inrnhatnrs. 1'rice $15(10. Big Aimee of making money' to live man. Large number fine farms Hetet! for sale. Por all particular* see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Eater* Agent Bei Square (loderleh 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 LONDESBORO' HAS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs w•0131e1l. "('44-4.1. . I4•Iw4.•11 IIo' • branches, the d'- ,,,,I the Feder- 1414111." said she. 7• ,.,•,•ret of ou, caw." She also '1Y!..' „t huArestia7: 'the men In in/dilate work, wldt•h Iles•. 1 lung way iu 4.4IIn; aouN•u hterest• - ert in attending the uNrll,g+. Sia• stoke feelingly. .d the work a„rna• IJ1sl,w1 t, the ',ol} . •i,.•tnr who bus 1,4544 estahHN14ed of Tll.•rtlory through the In"titntet. aud the ,real g.NN! 1.c. hag n,rompolslNnl I,. 1,.•r. Thi., work of 111e tustitutrl:.r u,o;,; w;t h•nsd wI- -- 1.'rw at Northers, nn,:nio w':as also, The district annual meeting of the touchel opal 1144 r4 zr.•;I1 lewd of West Huron Women's Institut4M was a•slstan.e when •'r. 1,s .:re .poor. bel don Tuesday. June 25th. In the; The introduction 114'„ ...)1•N... „r the• community hull at IAitdMloro', with I teaching 'of muni. \,.,. ;1r44,1by 4444' forty-eight voting delegates present speaker, alsotl.•- -I'. vLlan or on. and a total attendance of 200 Bele- noon hour. hot . , ,,.. for w•h,...Is. gates. The meeting . open*d with the ; la•11oo1 fair,. 1111 I,. •tu*ren4 4, singing 411 1)44' fide Mt 141 a.m. wi411 1.1114 '1 i,g 1hem. ''::;.:1.,'1'.111..11:i.:01.11111.1- 4114. . •�,•.'1.14,44' wln,a- 4he district pre«idem, Mrs. R. T. Phil- tion. girl guide- •.••, .. , 7,• , etc., were lips of (:od.rich, In the rinIh. S*•rlp snhjeefs lutrodn,• ry f rmildy to lure reading Aliso taken by Mrs. David- the speaker. sun of Uml(pulu.nr, who read Roman.,The Aul.url,1w .. ,.•,.,,,hal 81 f„. 12th ,101pte•r. and fo11Awed with an es-: vlt1141.11 4. hold t: ,.v• ,,,,anal mess-. plu44atlou of fame. Mrs. 1'rw•t,r of the Ing there. Itelgrave branch led lu. prayer. The 1L4nleslor. r. 4•r. ed uu.st The minutes of the last a1111ua4,..i lizi'ig meal• :1 meeting were read by the seen -tar,- the Breve of 1111 • t ,, ,.7o,,tdp gave And the treasurer's report was given. the addr.si of wel,••••ne..4hi,)4 was re. Bram* reports' were given as follows Plied to by ala. 1\'i::.ru1:1.1 of 144)414. 14) the se. rotaries or the •vardo11' Lo,,ne This 4,84 ,onsidere. .•• „f the most 1. 1,M: .u„w.+ful district _•.. .,I �„,, rent ions .tubnrn.. 43 members, total receipts, ever held. 1tIvth. 51 members, total re- The C,slert•h 11.,• Worn cella.. $470:I1 ; Itelgrare. 39 members:: PIPs Institute was I.; r, -, n±e•.1 at the *1214.49: Clinton. 72 members, total re- district meeting • 1 ' (. 11..wio' (-vitas. f:ilio.44: Ihmganuou. 17 mem- ladies: Urs. R. T •I .: ;.., Mn... . b.'r.. (0t11 reeehpto. *4•_2.so; Goderich. Meese. Mrs. J. T •.11;.•.1, Mr... 4'. R. Davidson, of Dungannon, Elected President for the Coming Year COUNCILLOR GOULD TAKES A DIP AT OTTAWA )Iiwlake, ('anal tor Dry- Land and Walks In Councillor f:. 1'. Gould had an uu- lokeol-fur adventure on his wedding tr, ng ti, the .dluwiug fr allipOttawaaccordipaper:tl -4tepiriug ,.ver the twat bank of the Itide•u11 Canal at Polon Station while Ntltlbaptiug to walk to the post ante last Hight, 44. P. Gould, of I;.Mlerkl,. Ont., fell into the hater null was res- cued 1rc '1'liolnii" Armitage. e:141!u4'.•r of u 4'.L'.1t. train which 111141 141st arrived at the station. Mr. Arndtago. removed his+ overalls and threw hoes idle .4111 to the 11111111 ;11111 ,.,,poker. dragged film 10 the lank. '!V hale the wlMrial train , waited 4111 truck 3 at 111.:44 o'clock to .1.' *rt for the Maritime,. carrying _1114 members of the United 4'hur•11 ..f Canada. Mr. could, on.. of the part). decided to mail a letter. Ile left lois car, erowee41 truck. 1 and 2 and •tel peel on the ,1•men I*Nlg* 111 the 51••1 aide of the t ra.k.. He took another .tel. 4vh1.-11 bo• nded 11111,1,„t 1,14 ,nu111,;111011.1 41.4 uu a .•1414 to ,.111.•4' .lad 4111'4"'"••4.' ILe was pbl,' 4s' .elm :wd whit• hell0 w'a' arriving he puddled n4out, in the water. Men uw'hil.' Mr. .Armitage came to his astistane. .,s' Mortal hall been seal to police• headq,1nrters that a man was .,:reels lug In the canal. 1.114 on the nrrir:al of ...notables Mr. f:ouid had keen reword. 1:+. me•nhere. total rtreipts, !4+18.04: Cott. Mrs. Rradfor•.''Ir.. Sanderson. fie told poli.* 114' tl ht the lark on Kintail. Pk members, total receipts+. 1Irs. W. I'. Raine- lir. .t. Ir. AF•' the 51.1 tank of the 4141141 '*44.4 4 4 $1:111.741: 1,1/111110.1141r1/.. 91 members, tar- 1A•n11. AiM. Iiilrgdusor.Mr- .4. 4'. Thew' 111, to the tracks, toil receipts. a►:Nin.00; Ft. .1ugu.t4114', art. Mrs. Beetle_ 11r+. N. Phillips. „ 2'- member.. tidal receipts. *1:47.49: -Mrs. Maradlall. Mrs ,';,;1. I:fswt and Tot. Helens. ::w meml.'rs. total receipts. M -s M. E. Salkel.l. SCHOOL REPQRTS *1544.411; %V ,,gtnitn. HS meml*rs, total rs-ceiptet. Y128.01• ST. PE7rER'S PROMOTION s. No. 3, WEST 11-.111'.1N41SH• total of 126 . of 4,4,. were heloo w.r-. EXAMINATION RESULTS Folb'Ai41g Is the Jinn. pr Ion re - with an attendance of 4.41441 members,' And 110 paper. and addr,•s.. were --- port of S.S. No. 3. West 11 'ah:Ino,.h. given. There Is a total membershiplu Following Are the ot-aire of tole Honors 75 per ,Ant., piss 1111 few the district of ISM. promotion rsam111ati,•n-• .t. liner's The Institute motto. "For Hones :11111 school: A chafe. -4:*1141: .toy Fowler. Country." t. ty l'Ic111 of the pork nn- Sr. 11 ata u. ,t Claire d - M 1': •I l .Ir. 1'r.-.F.4.etknit : Harold Irwin. l.--F:zcwllrutrrtakrn'and a4rnmpllshaus l by the' Ih•hlrr. Nnrewp Graf. Doris+ Plante."I 4 nii .•e 4'. hodl..ate a weak wap," branch.... Newly families *Pre "wiped. Cyril Robinson. -+'..r,::is'- -Stapleton, I"'IaN' .r• 1'r. to : Leo ,Foran: teslas; Norman -4'rNll. tate. 1111 oeul1•1. Mack one• .r.1 )111, The teaching of mash• In the .4•11.1.11' 4'hira Webb. .1r. 1. to Sr. 1.-4.00*I: Fluter Foran. a weH4, defence -Nall Street .)nnrnnl, Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed in the up -to -elate war FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Goods called for and delivered Full line of Gents; Furnishings W. C. SNAZEL 11atN•rda7-her aud 1'11 1 , km.? West Street Phone 331 SHINGLES' A car of Roofing and Rod: Face Shingles just arrived 5x and 3x B.C. Shingles 1..'t our prices before you buy Robt. Standish i.ast 't. Phone 381. 1 ,• 4lerich We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on 8111:411'4t1' n Frank McArthui i.1.4.171 -11 C1.1:\ Telephone 82 West Street Cleveland's Bread is a tempting complement hi any meal --delicious in itaell and lend- ing RAest to the nest of the menu. Your family wily demand twice As notch of our Bread as any other. Encourage then) to do so, as it is the most healthful and nourishing fool they can take. E. U. CLEVELAND r1,„,„ 114 11 -t "4 has been the aha upon whish ..ane . Jr. ' 1V. - Jasper .1n1•nio, TPrc.•, bmnehe. have concentrated. this work Ihae.-111Pr, Mildred re•to•Ilo, it,lmong taring Veen M,.•omp1L11e,1 with much ; N'hitely. otteeess. Hoopitalb, children's shelters, i Sr. 111.-oPhyllta 11,w'lIler: Joseph old t*.'i'e's home-. and eharitlnhk' ht- Burke. Edwin 'lean. .I"-eph 41'itrien, A1ant1on• of a like nations have deme-, Hobert Spain. w4 mash pr„.tient assistance. one 1n-' Jr. III. %Ilebae! 4'„ -cello, Clarence $tiruro. installed sinks, west-Laf.lu., , Gernmette, French. -Aber. Pat 3iur- pltebec. asap and sanitary towels In 1 dnek. Geral,. O'Brien, 1'*run .1'belnn, the schools of their (ommun:ty. Com- Perna Plante. William Hockey: M;ir- muntav 111111.. raleh as t1.e 4M•ats'iftll ' gnr*t 1'4'ehb. otle in which 411e• meeting war held. 41. - . ('rant• Buechler. '1'atrlcL•I , Il S. S. No. 4. 4'nlhorne have 1-nme Into existence through the 11,14"'filer. ih,r.tlo Burke. 'high,.' Jr. 1V. to Sr. IV. -Norma Hill. 71 untiring zeal and'4rreistent efforts of ('lairmonr. itay-nea1l Costello.. Earl per fent.. Nettie 4'1(1.114.lo 110. the members of the N'otmm'1 1ntI-• Gra 1. 1:441) iINgg:orth, Elaine Mem,, Sr, 11.11. to Jr. 1V. -Windle AI hugs. lutea - Marie '1'nrin•r. Elaine Wh14p1c. ;81 her cent. Edith Flick 75, Norn111 Onto brain -II. 1 17In n. pun. iMs n fart 11.-Alfunh• .1114111141•. Ra+alinP Fisher 71.8, Whittle l'itblado 71.7, 1'lara responsible for tlir upkeep of a street, .ione•-, Afary 11,.1.uw•ker, 4'hri.tiu* Pliblado 01. Clayton 111111*,,, 4.t. lighting ,1•trrn which has cost np- Morrison'. Bob Phalen. :MIN Shephar.t. Jr. 111. to sr. 111.--I'thel 111uwiugs bank, of ;11.2.10 1n the past f1 v. aud 4h'11Mg1 '1'111(4.1)'. - - MRI is•r 11'111. Ulla•* 1'it1.1a1100 Ila:. !fermi!' ,-half year.. Fruit and flower. t.0 t114•. fart I. - nowt Raw•hl.r. Howard Fisher 01.5. -ick and shut-ins. jars of fruit to ho.- J1/110.. Teddy �il1e.4Mterr•ker, Muriel Sr. 11. t.. Jr. III.. -144laabe•th Thiel 4,:411.. n11 neenn14M4Ir1Pd t) I11e.•4lges of Spain. 7,4 per veil!. Mina Fisher 73.Knthtwn •'hoer and ...rotor!. have done their 1.14 Million I.S.�Ru) AAlgtanl 4:l. contort those to whorl sent. Courtly W.('.T.1-. convention - i Jr. i1. ---roti M11nnings. Ir*aHi11. . DIP *kNginn of offi(eM res"11"1 11. '1114• Huron ,..urs-. Women's elm.•'; Jr. L -;Juba 11 igfonl. Jimmy Pit.(.Ildds: President. Mrs. R. Davidson. 'lin Temp.'r.uor fin will hold Its Itludo, Verna Millin. Earl Mugford. Ihtuganuon : flrot sole-pr•sidw,, Mrs. „nano. ornv*ntl.o, in Hen" u. ,lilt) ' Benson Million. ' 11. Geddes. 4,, Ingham ; s+1. and 1.1.1. -1.r. -- NW There will 1.4 ' three session. I'r. .1nnaa 11isma4ug., -idem. 111•. '1. Salk*1,1. G,NIPri,h .."4"-- m,.nling. sfterrosm :11111 evening I. ' 14. AI. 111'111'11V. T4 7,.i,er. nstan-trPn.unsr, AM. i. J. Elliott. Ilenmtl I'nired char, h. Alive. Duff. of -T - 11'Inghatn; Federation. delegoo7P. Mr'. T'rontn. will ,.L;••sr the 14ffen11Nn, S.S. No. .i, 4. 11 N11(N4: It. T. 4 I,lltipo. (,.sler,,I, : toothless. :Ilei .'Truing mw•r4, _-. Mlw WII., .1. S.S. following report 4• t1,* 11••1144 'Ire.. •Ileuderwm and Mn'.. wiiilatn Era- ser, Wingham, T.4 .AL, rf 1.011.11111. ;.,:'114.4 and 1,11111.1.- of 1111• prnnwtt,h► cg/nahrnulull. for S. The affenewon session 044•10s1 with ''r. *III hly ar „ ,•cenilrN1/..5.. Colleen,' community singing 4(nNlnrtwl he Alra ~e.1 g1MNl ppmgrnu 4-- tlam 11 g.u1. Ecni.e'll Ig. ., Nryo e .Ir. IV. to Sr. IC.--11►r-1s .11,11,44.11 D. Geddes. of 4Ingha:n. tool an fu- leumr. AU•i11. all, +• .Pried of t1,* Mi per feat.. Jack -tinnier 7•. 4're• Ere. pian,. solo h, Aliso Atonic ''humh. man 72. i;v,l Horton 06. rain. of dA,ndestwr,'. Mrs. chows]. of -- _____ - Sr. til. to Jr. 1V. -Evelyn 4.Irvnu Clinton. favored the audience with a fang and Mat of It 73 per rent.. Herold Freeman 1111,. solo and Mrs. Henderson. of Witigham, Ati off.1:,! who I.wtrtfly disliked Robert 4's.k 5,.. gale a reading. "Th* Legend of an 4)r- tong m'rrrmn• w1. it1:,•rviewing n coq• ' Jr. 111. t.. Sr. 1)1.-And4' rew rw•- g:nebuilder." The attention of the 410)-. dilate for an, .Imgeriaut chnn•h tip- mall lilt per fent. ,Intik 4'.ek 4k., 4.rare ventIon was directed to much sul.jw•ta as the 'League of Nations. the Mottos - hold .,.Jews. and judging (v.mp•titinne, -hurt (r,irw.. A 1ra►W1ge of condolence 5'18 sent to a former president. 'Air.. 4'ruirl.shank. of W/11 hnnl, upon the death of her longhand. The asislrem or the dry Waft given by Mrs. 1Pardh1w of Ethel, the 'Federa- tion representative. And urns followed with keen interest by the Urge au - Jr. 11. t.. Sr. 11. -Hanan:: - Helen Ihlrnin 83; puss: Helen Fowler Ott. Jr. 111. to Sr. 111,- 1h'so: Joe Forma 70, lla Fowler 62, Ellwood Fowler till; below lows: Ernest 1)urnln 45. Sr. I11. to Jr. I1' -H n.: Jean Minion rut, Hobert McAllister 76. (:1..►DYS A. 11411N,INS. Tette S.F. NO. 4. 1'IILH4►RNE Resulto of 10)111444mn, e1an1114:111,.n'. lo111iMPH (. Hunter (M►. "1Ve don't mind whether you are N Sr. 11. 1r Jr; 11I.---41lfford'Horton High. 1.uw. or Itron,l churchman; but, .W4 per (*11L, Pearl limiter 414, "" Ah1teoer you Hr.. 0111 LP long."--- Jr. 11. to Sr. 111. -Meryl Freeman Met oNlls( Time,. 71 is'r cent.. ,'rank Cook fn. l'rimcr class -Marie ltogle, Bente, Try This on lour Telephone Cook. Bing lop any lady .4 your acgnaln- 'Numb"' "1"4"" i. 1 i. acrragr doll Caner and 111 a .disgni•e,1 vole ask her 111(16111111114V Is 1.1.2. it she... the fade on -Street aha( HESS IF MI NT. Teacher. washes.. When she indignantly denier 4 ,lien('. Maw. W:Irdlaw ,srlgritII•Ireil the neelnaitlntl, retnlu•k sweetly "Yon • ▪ LI;;ht sleeper the district ..n the efflelenc' of tis dirty thing," and hong up. .-Tads "Why hnvr7,'r 3„17 eretsed ,orir offiers, who had emiductr,l the i.n.- 1. a delightful trick work on your trnuserMY' sob, 1.1• F••;peLol-AL4j.r. Ines. h. .11,11 splendid manner. 'She u,ot:,4'r-ire-lair. the nn-,i+ter',. wire, or "1 pit )hem under .m) mattress, spoke of the work of the l'rnvin,lnl on any single girl ,. . 1118 lately I',s.- slue a• the other.." ilii the recruit.: teard 41/ 'hleh .he belongs. miring ed you a 104„' .he prov.•r14!•,4 "bit I'm such a light sleeper."-- Sword that it 4s composed of moll. not city., ":,i•." and Gun. Popular Comedy Success to Open Canadian Chautauqua SCENE FROM Ot'TMTANM\(: ('5)1(11)1' The uproarious domed)-euerps, "The Family 11 night bf the doming Chautauqua herr, Is a long and eontl that warms the heart with ate vivid pictures of the Iltt pleasures crowded Into the average family life 1t rings and beautiful love story that you will remember with p "The Camay Upstairs" will be presented here by th "THF; FAM11.1' I'I'MTAII1M" sales," whish will he presented nn the first 441101111 strrteh of laughter. Here Is a play Ie near -tragedies, hopes. Ideals, ambitions and with wholesome laughter And tells a touching leaaure for many months afterwards. e noted Martin Erwin Players. I:I1,1I'I'1_S1'1.11\11 1C1It \I4 P /929 /8/7 //2ijea4 FoUNDED in 1817, the Bank f Montreal is now in its 112th year of financial service for the people and commerce of Canada. In every place of importance throughout the Dominion, the Bank is represented by a fully -equipped Branch. It also has its own offices in Great Britain, France, the United States and Mexico. Its facilities in all phases of do- mestic and foreign banking are ,w4 ttl1 *gilled. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 4817 Total Assets in (-mars, of $900,000,000 o, 11,11 1;4.31,,11 R. C. WHATELEY, Manager 0. F. CAREY & SON Li -sited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH ONTARIO Confederation Life Association Age 25 -year Amount of .'rem. i:n.lowun'nt Insurance 15 •' Woo lll-, 20 24. '• " A _'+5 -year I'.ndowment, maturing in IN214. punt to our policyholder over DI '.:M1 per thousand. M. N. MacDONALD AGENT Fire and .Automobile Insnran,, Gadirich' Phone Sat or 142 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance in Force $1,4496,915,000 Assets $488,958,000 z 1'ivi•len,1- t , I'olie}•hol,I.r- incnn .I for the ninth Tear 111 ,'!•Mien to 11 •pedal 74 ,tnritc ,livitenol holm - 11110c 1111..• 114 - . Isms 1.1, H. R. LONG, District Agent Buy --- National Hosiery Mills, Ltd. No Par Preferred We recommend this stock as a most de- sirable investment, with a choice specu- lative feature in the option to the purchaser to convert to Common Share for Share when desirable. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Ont. Phones 430 - 445 •