The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-27, Page 31Illu*ated by Lesley Ea When__Dan_weke, up he lay, on his bed, he stretched his All thrOugh thedaynine'kids one by pne:ivished him t hex._ arms and scratched his, head, he plaYed with his dog, as he always hoped his party was fun. They all were so: sorry, .but they iust did,.for Daniel Ding was a normal kid. Then all of a sudden he lept on the floor, he whOoped and he yelled and heran out the door. He ran down the stairs, he jumped up and down. His. tribther was smiling, but she, tried hard to frown. couldn't come. .And: Daniel inside felt pretty glum. But helaughed and he talked and he made quite it din, and finally: the teacher, his patience worn thin. veiled. :"Dong. you've been talking in whispers, all. day hours so after school SOIVIETHISIG.K*Tm,s Conic;; visit our unusual country resort !Or Tea .today' We've prepared buttered toast, freshly. made sCones, home Made jam,. Devon cream, cake. biScuitiand Earl Grey tea 'for. the occasion. Relax and enjoy' as We serve you :in front a an /Ten hearth log fire in one of Our two lonnges. treserytttions not required) just . per person ' timpletnehl your.uf Frig with ki visit, ton IE HOLLOW:A unique gift shop just :st.iv: our Inn • Benmiller Inn something'like that?" ."Ya"..replied Kt/n...1 must` buy a hat. "Oh;' said 'Dan. bathedidn'.1darg.,s,PY why don't do that different day. He'only Said, "Well, thanks for the card'," Hetried:to" smile, bin that Was hard..0h well, he thought', there'S plenty more. . , A party . Without herwon't be a bore, • . , Then Kim ran off end 'along came Bill, a friend of Dan's . who lived up the, hill. ',"Hi " Dan. Bill puffed:, he'd been.runini4 hard: "Hi Dan "',he gasped, "Here is Yntkr , card: Yo, know your party? Well. I just can't come:.' have to go out after:school with..My„ mom." "Oh, too bad,:" said Dan While. he thought, there are ten , other.. kids; the party' not shot . • '' Then off ran Bill and along came Steve:: "Hi " Dan.. he said. "1 have to leave .a dentist appointment 71 hate them you -- • know so guess to your party I just can't go." cih Well, thought Dan, that still leaves, nine. He laughed-and he:smiled. but he didn't ,i, feel fine. you'll just, have to: stay. Ydy'll sharPen the pencils .and wash' .off your desk, you really should learn 'not to."Oh Teacher," Dan cried; "I've a party you 'glow:" Although he knew that no one would go„ can't stay in late, or at least not today -" "Too. bad,r said the'teacher, "That'S ail:I can:say..,‘," So Pan stayed behind, he felt so alone, Oh well, he thought. My party is blown., When Daniel trudged home; he felt sad and...glum. How could he ever ekPlain-tO hiS mom that 'nobodyliked hint, that no one would come, ,He sighed as he walked., and he whispered,]''Oh. Some birthdayive had, some day this has been, I feel sb bad„ it's been so Mean., "Oh crumb; he sighed when he saw his house, I'll, creep, inside like:a quiet mouse, PH creep:up the stitirs ,and hide in my to,* just talk: to Dog about birthday gloOm,' • When Danief walked through:, the house's front door he blinked .his eyes so he could sebonie more, The hbusewasdark, us dark as night; so Daniel, fliCked-on. the -front.hall:digbt, And' then :Daniel Dong couldn't trust his eyes! For thousands of PeoPle shouted "Surprise! 'SurpriSer they Yelled. "StirpriseP', they, saicL and Daniel laughed and held his :head, He laughed and laughed-:—'he'd been such a fool tofeel so had.on the Wayhothe from'school. Of course he had .fti-errds -='-hesliould.kn OW Olat by now '- SO Daniel R.Dong took :a birthday hOw, And after they sang "'Happy Birthday" to him Daniel loeked over and, smiledfit kim. "We fooled you;" She cried. -We fooled you . Dan being" And Daniel replied, "Yes, .You did' all': along'," Kim laUgbed as she said,. ".T1PS party's a hit r --vvell:. mumbled. ,Dan, "I Was worried a bit." • "Dan,", she scolded, she tried to sound stern, "Dan, be.'" quiet, why can't. you•learn? Breikfast's a quiet and calm sort of meal," "My birthday!" laughed: Dan, ''Now that's a big deal! My' birthday's, today," he shouted with glee; "My birthday's today - there's a party fer me! • Then he ran upstairs and threw on his,'clothes, then he wolfid,bis Breakfast and bouneed,bn his /Os. pri the way to school kids darted: to him; "Happy Birthday Pan." And his best friend Kim gave him a card and laughed. as she said, "Happy:Birthday: Dan, here'S a „card instead." '"litStead Of what" Dan said to her face "I Can't come to the party tonight at your Plate." "Oh," Saidpan, but he wasn't too sad _"a party without her wouldn't be bad: "TguesS you're busy or Nestled it) just / kilometres i s ist of (19(44101 oh I inrtM 'ount) itotiii I, just: off nigh% ay S. phone 524-'219 1, This Week In LUCKNOW I X6, :-.21gq7 5,x (a = 30 5 An apple a day may'kerep the doctor away but a. Victoria and Grey RRSP at 12 1/4 % can help safeguard your financial.health, now and in the future. Take one today for a better tornorpw, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. MacMillan and daughter, Abigail of St. Catharines, were weekend, visitors with' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe MacMillan, Macrame 'Maniacs By Debbie Hedley, iNtiegoWn • Godwin,. Heather Moulton The fourth meeting of the 'Silver Lake Macrame Mani- acs Was held February 18th, at the Kinloss. Connminity Centre. Eleanor Johnson showed the mernbers the different ways to arrange Weir bedrooths. They arc to bring a graph of their, bed, drawn ' rooms to scale with the rooms' furnishings ar- ranged on the graph. . • MiSs. Fay Hogan, and. Mrs Pattison of London, Visited On ' Saturday with Fay's . Par ents, Mr, and Cor Hogan of Ashfield ToWnship Girls BY CATHY VanDIEPEN The third meeting .of the Kingsbridge Knotty Girli was held on February 18' a, Barb Van Diepenbeeks. The president, Jackie Van Osch,. opened the meeting. All the members then' filled out the quiz in their 4-H books. They discussed free choice articles e -. - and Achievement Night pr parations. They then went on to meeting 4. The members took turns reading from the 4-H books about floor plan- ning. -is a good time to redecorate that old bathroom • -a good time to remodel any room in your home CUSTOM MADE VANITIES SPECIALISTS IN CERAMIC-TILES "Guaranteed for one year 12 1 .t% for 5 yeart, • Both Rates for Annual Compounding LucknOw Phone 5284114 FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATIONS Contact us in Go(lorith at:. 100 kingston St. 524.7381 the 'office will he open 1;11 4 p.m. Thuirsdey 0, Friday evening, $61tt, 20 for .14EtSP deposits. Member Canada Deposit Insoranr.e C,irporation is]] AND GREY VICTORIA 'TRUST