The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-27, Page 23Carry-Pak of 10.CartriclifeS' Contains, an antiwear ad- ditive to reduce Obaring wear •. . .. , .. 685.299 Carry-Pak of 10-40.09 cart- .ridges PM.Nly LITRES Plastic ry Chain Oil deg Formulated specially for CO-OP.. The chain oil log- , gers trust. It :sticks to the chain and guide bar and is dyed red so you can see it working....... _584-395 Surnrner/64-405 VVinter. Hydraulic 20 Lare Pail A universal fluid for transmisSions, differen- tials, and hydraulic use. FOrmulated for all. season operation and provides excellent low temPerature 'operation to (-37°F). . . , . 684-602 'front pow, 22 Zealand. There were three trucks hauling big Wads of saw logs , last week coming from. .the 15th north turning at Ripley's. Main, corner to gO east to Holyrood. Two of___the trucks' were fitted-to haul a big trailer each loaded . With logs.- So that. •in one. trip with the three trucks • they had five, loads. The logs tame from the South Line and they were going to 1-laWkaville near - Kitchener, So one of the truqkers said.' --Receiving- mention On "last Friday evening's Weekly radio report for top. sales made at the Ontario LivestoOk YardS in Toronto were Ripley drover Allan coiling and' Wallace Pollock: On the 15th-nOrth for atop priced cow sold down there last week. , A glance at, the Calendar shows . that this Friday is the end oof. February for 1980. AlSo it is February 29 - Once every four years, Packin: our mind it says it is birthday greetings time for two Men well, known here, namely Tanner 13rooks and Goldie Buckingham of Kin cardine. Tanner . is a native born in Huron and Goldie could be con- sidered an adopted native as each Monday af ternoon for more than 25 years he was in Ripley walking. its main street and down at the high ' school gathering., the weekly news for the Ripley g,..xpress. Down at the school he knew every student and teacher On a first , name basis and that extended to high schbol inspectors Bill Stewart of !Toronto and Don Scott of , 'London. So -happy bir- !thday to both Goldie and Tanner and any other person born on Feb. 29, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Courtney, Mr. and Mrs: - - Bill Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thompson, all of the Pine-River and keid'S Corners area have .returned to_thei r _hornes this past weekend from a two week winter holiday in Hawaii. While there they 'enjoyed a three island tour visiting Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii - all in the eight island group making up the Hawaiian Islands. They reported__ excel lent weather for their-vacation. Home to Ripley this week is Doug peter- baugh. Doug is enrolled in photography at- Conestoga College in Kitchener. Anti down there this is "Study Week''. Ripley and Huron folks were Sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Thomas Welsh this past weekend. Mrs. Laura Welsh, "the. former Laura Humphrey, in her 95th year, died last Saturday, February "23, 1980 in Walkerton Hospital. She was borniri Huron Township on June 21, 1885. She is survived by three daughters Rita, Mrs. Steve. Irwin of. Ripley; Marjorie, Mrs. Ted Wildfong of 'Preston Cambridge arid 'Amgen; Bernice, Mrs. Jerry Meyer of Forestville, SALE PRICES ARE IN FEECT ;UNTIL MARCH 1st i.p8Q:. • . MPG Greise "THE SUPER STICKER" multi-Purpose grease. Blended for year round use: 'Specially 'recom- mended for farm machin- ery, wheel bearings and waterpurnips, LUBRICANT GUARANTEE An: Assurartde of Consumer Protection Your: CO, OP. Provide§ This. Guarantee On Ail C.00:i Lubricant§ . EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1980 ' A. CO-OP oils and greases• are blenclid to meet or sUrpase the requirernents of automotive and madhinery manufacturers when used as directed.; • B. CO•OP guarantees that, no damage Will result from a change from other' oils to'.. similar CQOP,oils. If CO=OP oils are proven to cause damage or if you are denied warranty by an equipment manufacturer or his authorized representatiye,,because he dlaims the warranty is vOlded by the using of:a CO-OP oil or grease, CO-OP will .reimburse you for the cost of repairs tparts & labour•onlYT,provided the, following Conditions ere met. 1. YoU provide UCO withra letter within 30 days of the denial from the equipment manufacturer stating: • , a) the type of repairs dialmed and costs and: that they. Would normally, be •• covered under warranty • ' . • b)° His statement that warranty has been disallowed because of the use of CO•OP oil. '2. You aubrnit a sample of the used oil and retain the damaged'parts for inspection. 3. You Submit copies of bills substantiating the repair costs .denied under `warranty. • — • - • G. Use Or addition of non CO-OP products may void this gdarantee.. This guarantee does not, cover the Misapplication or using the incorrect oil or grease unless the product was recommended for a specific application by a CO-OP employee, In this case: the guarantee will only apply whew a written CO,OP lubrication recommendation signed by the employeeis_producPd • ' • • - - This guarantee is'offered by Unitcd.Co•operatives Of Ontario thrOugh its branches' and [participating member CO•OPS.. United CO:operatives of Ontario . Petroleum Diirision • 151 City Centre Drive ••0 Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3M 1 LITRE gr•troli NET CONTENTS sLiTRES , , 24 Litres IN661- Plastic A.T.F• Case Of , CO-OP carries two .types . of Automatic Transmis- Fluids=-P—arid DexrOn 11''' . . 684-630 Dexroh If' 684-650 • Type F Jug CO-OP 1 59 co-op 5 Litre A premium quality all- season hydraulic oil. Indol_ is an anti-wear hydraulic oil that prOvides excellent anti-wear protection and "reduces wear over con- ventional fluids.. :684-615 D•1140 Case at 24 Litres 2299 Motor Oil t936yot grelle If bought A universal "new generation" low ash motor oil for all diesel and gasoline . engines, AP.1„ service SE:CD, Multi- grades 10W30, 15VV-40. (also available in straight grades). 684.470/684.480.15W-40 ALL CO-OP OILS AND GREASES ARE FORMULATED FROM, HYDROGEN TREATED BASE STOCKS • EVERYONE CAN SHOP THE •.CO-OP 1-1D-7 . Case of 24 Litres 1889 Motor Oil • by 79 ¢of,t)ee rc la, isr: if bought Reformulated premium quality long drain- motor. oil at regular prices: Multi- . grade 10W-30. 684-710. Case of 24 litres. CO-OP Farm 99c Power Cap 99$ with any purchase. of CO-OP oils or greases. Na COST WITH A PURCHASE OF 110 LITRES OR MORE. SIMILAR SAVINGS ON. OTHER CO-OP OILS AND GREASES AND OTHER CONTAINER. SIZES.