The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-27, Page 4to the electors . of I. wish to thank you for your support and the confidence you have shown by electing me as your Member of Parliament. I* will continue a close personal service that people in Huron- Bruce have received in the past. For information or assistance, please contact my constituency office, Main Street, Brussels, Box 9, and phone 887-6852. 14.,, Thank You, Murray Cardiff Casual Shirts Coveralls ...Smocks Work Shirts & Pants Char-Man's Work Clothing tk, Welcomes You Everyday LUCKNOW PHONE 528 2526 1141° contes Fourteen students from the .Lucknow 'SchooL. 'Brook- side Public School, Kinloss 'Central Public School and St, Joseph's. School, • Kings, bridge. Jarticiated. in • ' the • event. The two, winners will go' on to. the 'zone- competition:- in :Clinton thiS...Saturday. Runners up in thetwo cat- egOries were Brookside -stud ,.. ent, Celia Chandler, grade 8, in , the senior ' speaking about The Young, •st in the • Family ,•and in •the, • tutiordivision,'.-Linda Van- )sch, a grade .6 student at St.- ,Kingsbridge,• Speaking ..,.abOtit a . Dairy Farmer'S. Daughter,. The other students who participated ineluded. Mary.: Katherine Staplaon, Kings bridge, speaking about Em- barrassment; Heather HoW- ald, Kinloss, Pollution; Lauii Lee Howes, BrOokside, Spe- eches; Vicky Hackett, Brook- side, Effective Listening, and. David Ca.yley, Lucknow, Pet Cat: Macs, in .the junior. division 5peakers 'in the senior division included alea Cameron, Lucknow, My Brother, Colin; Christine. Stapleton, Kingsbridge, MY. Mishaps; Suzanne Alton„ Brookside, Hot Tubs and' Ken Van Qsch, Kingsblidge, Speeding Ticket, Judging the contest were Graeme Craig, Mrs. Ross Shiells, and Rev. Stuart Miner. Las'Leckie. League of Bel- grave met at the home of Joyce Casemore, Bel- grave to discuss the "Art of Elreastfeeditig and Overcom- ing .Difficulties", on Febru- ary 19th at 1 o'clock.4-Mrs. Casernore welcomed' -the mothers to her home and then explained how the lend- s ingiibrary_works. She was.' happy with the growth Of the' librafy I, since LLL Belgrave now has 17 books, thanks to mothers taking out member- ships, buying League books and, prodncts, and donating books. Mrs. Barbara Kerr opened the discussion with a round • • Wm Lions speaking contest Lucknow and D‘rict Lions ing out' victorimis. Murray Club conducted a local will now represent the local speakoff in the District A ions Club in, the next stage (Ontatio,--Quebec., and Labra- ,f the Region ConteSt to be dor) effectiVe speaking cont- geld in .Wingham late in est. . arch . Murray Gilchrist, son of The contest is held for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist I igh School student-S,' bOth .)f R. R. 5 Lucknow and Ken 4irlSand boys in English and irvvin, son of Mr. and Mrs: ''rench speaking .categories. Bob Irwin. R. R..1 Lucknow, ucal judges were Mr. Char , were.the. participants.H _es.Liddle; Mr. Ross Erring - -Both boys did quite well - and-Mr,-Don-Cameron; and judging was very, close, of the Brookside teaching with Murray Gilchrist corn- taff. Winners in. the BOO Cansidlattitegfon Lucknow Branch 309 Public speaking contest on Friday nightivere train the left, Craig Kaufman, Lucknow,Central Public School, first in the • junior division;',Helen Macintyre, Lucknow 'Central -Public School, Brit ,tn • the senior division; Celia Chandler,: L4,-Leeh0i.di.4cooetottriy .40y$:-(4.0007-sotg. Brookside Public. School, runnerup in the senior division and Nan: 4oSephts SChool, - runnerup in the junior division, Craig and Helen *liton - 'to Compete in, the Legion Zone public speaking competition in.Clinton on Saturday. ' [Sentinel Staff PhotO] of introductions. The moth ers shared experiences of breastfeeding,. relating how they had solved problems they had encountered in the •.•••-•••••.,•-......... • early days of nursing, such were either minimized or ' as engorgement, and build- non-existant. ing up a milk supply. It was noted that with experience and knowledge, difficulties • •