The Signal, 1929-1-10, Page 4• #L.Thuesday, Jitnwiry int h. 19.3t. January ae FreePants of Fashion Craft Made - to -Measure Suits You pay absolutely nothing for the extra pair of trousers, you pay simply the price the suit has been all season. Fashion Craft's whole range of fine worsted and tweeds to select from, excepting staple plain blues, blacks and greys. 'WHAT YOU SAVE -- The pants of a $34.50 suit are worth ....$ 8.50. " •' 39.50 " ' .... 11.00 •• 44.50 " .... 12.00 It you dui 1 until the , xtrt trousers a lits rt1 dis(•uuttt ot! tlo• Kiri. of suit. ►1tn "I' NIISS THIS OI'POR•1'I'NIT1'. Absolutely the biggest dollar's worth in town. This Sale closes Thursday, January 31st W. C. Pridham & Son "The more 1Vith the Stock" Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 MODEL THEATRE THE•'SIGNAL, , - LOYAG TKEK FROM,. GODERICH, ONT. 'Toronto ifto•r spending :a loco weeks' stend t I ca'sdtlon at her holae here. l Miss . Nicholson has sour to But- 1 Iatl'AL, Jan. 4t 'The Iw•horrl re brow Insect Catching ',eaves of the 1 foe the Christ P/tcher Plans. talo. where slle harm ,4 to 1 . 0. ope11ett on Monday m r a inter. 'Inas vitiation. Ow itis to a great deal Mrs. Slew. of New Hamburg, 1.1 of, Ie st1 Is1s In this. ,••mmtulty there ,I,diut; her mother. Mrs. N'ru. liter. ' was a very sinal alaudance of child - The lade alis. Iler'e.-Mics Susan- cru 'an opening day. Susan- ., h emelt. reached the can lid !'ier, ,, 44ha had just h 1 \\',• wi,+11 to COa4':'rltlatt t .,,I'a1.r.1 age of eighty-eight years.; dates aha were sw cwful at the (sd1,. Ilasvd away ono Tloursday. litactuls•r ; on Monday. pert lento rly ,tr. W. I.. Mir: at the home of her nines, the 1 Yoing, who headed 'he Is111 for ,vuu• llissea Blair, of Auburn. The late ell. Mr. Young..[„ doubt, will lie Miss Pierce was the last of a fatally I Ree,.,, mime day. • who live, ho came many years ago with hyr,,,,,i,,,,,iw•no rice In snip leg their ntrents. from 1rthand, a.id "'tiled 1,T11ill s•hurch last sola,-!:ty on account of , oto the southern boundary of West \\'a• the brad weatther u: a great deal of ! wanash. Th.•y later retired to their slekuess Lt the • atpunity. There Fume in Auburn, where the three re- will 10• 11 a rvhe 1,,t Sunday at the mainlig ruendier- of the family )no'it usual hour. 3 p.m, their house. until the death of Mise Mr. R. M. Your'_ has returned to Elia,' and Mr. Jelin fierce nearly Toronto after encl.. _ a week in the Twelve years ,ign. !Clive that time \li+s Pierre 11:1.1.made hoer home with her ilexes. 'though adt:uavrl In cetlrs." Miss fieri* was particularly i•right and Intelligent, and until re- oently. when her eyesight had failed ...urea hat. she was a great render. She was a member and it regular at- :eu•I.Int of the United (`hutch and ai- .\nys I11 ere -ted 111 and ready to help ata good caase. The metuury of her life will lung remain with those who knew her. The funeral service was ',uu.Itime,► h) her lclstor. Ren. \V. R. .alp. and the Ilallteitrers wPro her four e•rauduet.wws. Elwin Munro of Blyth, Ralph Munro of Auburn. J. E. Robert- son of Toronto .inti 1'. M. Itol'ertsui of rhaterk•h. and two enusins: the Messrs. Toni and Ernest Blake of Crewe. in• •,•rnient Was 'Wide in Ball's Cemetery. BENMILLER ladies' Aid Elects Olsrere.-Tie 1a8d1es' Aid of Itenmllter United church mgt tit the home of Mrv. Arthur Str:tughun ui \Vtslnesda)• afternoon. it. Waiters was 111 charge of rho meeting and the -reports of the carious committees showed that the year had been a sne.essfnl one. The f .11. wing ;inhere and rontmltteea were named for the .soming year: Brest- A5IIF1EL1)IPnt. Mr. S. B. (tardier: viee•pr'•si- dent. Mrs. Fletcher Fisher; ee.•rentry'. Miss lkeuklh ming: treasurer. Mrs. ASI IFIFIL1►. Jar'. 'A. -The services John hone: pinnfst. Mr*. WIII Icing: 111 • .hhMld I'r ,by'te'Jan church on assistant pianist. Mrs. S. Vanstone: W k of January 14th to January 19th Sind"). were ,-inducted by the Rev. program committer•. Misv L. \lawlel Mr Currie uf.a1Ynlate:41. Mr:. A. Straughen. Mr. A. G. Von \lundny and Tur.thy--The--fetirwIt,g left on $aiuniac-4r'--, ..f*, -Mae, may taw resins• dirties after slseildhag the hull• nilttre. Miss alaedel. Mr's. W. Snyder ,Illy at hone.: lir. ('ha+. Mau -(:rector to ler.,. J..1'Itblildu, Mrs. .1. Flick. Mrs. Klf,dw•ner. Iii' -es Anna and Beetle Alden .111111. Mrs. Ed. Haskell: work %l:telielrie to Torul,to, Miss Ii•ttle',s,nlmtttes. Mrs. E.J. Walters, Mrs. J'. 11;mK••nzit• to S•/ruia. Miss .Annie May F:. Flaky, %Ira• (Ie,. Baxter. Mrs. J. Conrad Nagel and Myrna Loy repe11t a Me Meilen 1r' really version \\';(1, w,441 ma.n Donald to Detroit. Messrs. 'Lal• .\Ilia : h Medi committee. airs. Jim. . tie' colnl Maclennan and Donald Itoyd to .T1we11, Mrs. Loot. jaeob•. Mrs. E. 11. P frit 1. but full"( thrills anti mt riaely" m - to ting is the sup•r1 l I slramie "State Street Sadie" Wed.t4 nry and Thursday - William Haines with Anita Page and Eileen Percy m a tiro, ,.1 ane .tut Action -104 "11 Ilk. press. A thousand laughs in this rub repolaer story with the illimitable Ilain,•s at hip cockiest "Telling the World" .Pathe 1'• inc,ly-" IIITII' RE -TAI'- I{ A N'1"' township atteudin. eteetlon 111:1 tern. MD/ {tend has • .men her duties as teacher at S. S. \ 1 atter spend Ing the Christmas - :1son at her home at Potrkhlll. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP t?(►Lln rltN'F: 'r , \ \ Jan. 9.- lli5s ,1.11,14 Alun - or t:,oierk•h. 1+ 'Isittul 44'1111 lues -ter. )Itis. ('bus.' Aillll, and family. Miss Margaret ,1 '• hell. who has 1'ten [+ick with "flu 1,ettet and ha - Mrs. Will ('lays has" returned to her.hallw ,at 1'ulu. . ,,fifer speat1L:g ttet•k alit, her luta - here. %Ir. and Mrs. K'- ,•tis .\Ilii left by motor for Detroit Sertnrday 15.1. Mr. and Mrs. I I , ' et Fi-her :u,d two ehlldroa. 'how rid ':er:dld, spent [Sunday at the bon of Mr. and Mr. ,1. Trs4de. Mr. and Mrs. `, dt M,te I. 1. w bo are here from the Nest• visited hi- brother. Mr. flits. '1 iedel, ib Es -et. .last wick and are .,iv visiting with the lady's sister. NI. Will 1Tift: " 11 'e are sorry to retort that the Col- borne 4eleiaurne lineman. all-. .\Poet[ Kurs'•ht•t kl. his been hili! tit, influenza. Mr. Nelson Norse') shipped :, ..,rInaol hogfrom M'4:at' .•tat'• - \\'wl11of1,day.s the prism paid Iain_ 1 -'rr than last week's The election on Monday 11%t etw.•'I • unite an excitement •in the township, in state of the raging. ,oink. Sime sere pleased. while other• were -.Ad . „ger the ranits. Friday and Saturday- , Hoot Gibson i ie return of an ohs favorite in a Iran,! new action Western. t;n'ihng !lot and Itis golden pony in a galloping tale of the West. "The Danger Rider" lk,n.thy lit -yore ia'R.\11: 1{.\II' I; \II" alatine Saturday at a p. Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed in the up -to -ditto. way FiRST-CLASS SERVICE • 1- -.11.1 f•,r :.rid dchr cns1 Full line of Genn Furnishings W. C. SNAZEL I I o.• ,,iaslucr and Dry I'Ic.u,er West Street Phone 339 Benmiller Sunday School ole• t- •-gear rnrnl:,c ':it 1t 1n o'rinck Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend Itntlato. Miss 1.14 Ma'•Kenaie to Port We sire pleased to have Kenneth Tlrliu home again after 'pending the seieani nn 411e lakes. - %Irmuslin MacKay has returned to col in flrslerielt after !pending the Loll,'.ncs at home. R'o'tes. Mira. Harold .\Ilii: 'raver- . tisinc ra er- timinc committee. Mrs. S. 1t. Gardner. Mr.. 'Fletcher Fl.her. 'lb's Beulah 1e111:: missionary committee. MMrs...:\. Slrntg11nn, Mrs. John :Ilio. Mrs. 11. Edward.. After the eh'etion of 0ffl••,'rs had taken pinie tie Ito -apse .erced •, dainty- lunch. Mr . .Andrew Thompson reopenwl a. heel Tiere Monday in S. S. Nn. 3. We regret to report that Mr. R. 1). )L•e•I►•ona'.1. of near hoehnl.i., who wn1 I very i11. pewee! away Tnc+.Iay room - 11'g at a o'clock. c AUBURN .'t4]II ILN..l:1u. • -alis.. Ettle Stoltz. rel o-ne.i to her -.hoot at [Gormley and Mr. Eldon St•,11- to hi. 0..1, 4. studies at Guelph Weducstla}.of 1.i -t week. Nit... 41. Melltten. of L'tns,lawne. Is i-tt u*g h' r parent.. air. and airs. A. 1-,(trLh. Mr•. Akafilltk i ii 1;ig net With -I ,serious uw•i'Ient which bus .+111111'•1 her to her bed. 11111 s hu„la re-opet d on al1.11 ht ..f this work. although ntleuda'ec 'a:'- m:rll the first tiny. - Tile funeral of the bite alts. '\\rut Myth. of tth. formerly .if Aulun-u. ,.owl through here to Bali'. cemet,•ry T11Pa1ny of this week. \Ce are Kind .to report rime airs .1. .labii -tau is Improving ,ime her 14,- Mr. W. 'r. 1{iddell is u.si-ting In (1.. T-.yl.'r'a masa•,• during the Iath•r's 11 lies.. A young sou arrived at the h.,me •of Nr and airs. 44:rrueo• \\'4ul'len en uy .I ,nan Tho• cote in .Utbnrn for trustees ,r lir!n re -oohed In the ele,•tlo11 of R' 1' 47idielt. „las. Johnston and Jae Ira ll rws . Stanley Stnnt•r barMnree,' t,, his hone near S'el'ringvIllt' and \Ir I'erwln tarter leis taken his alae• 't It it %intro's store. Tree !rows which are comipon In the Southern States, have learned to borrow Insect catching leaves of a southern spot les of pitcher plant, to entrap the victims destined for their own ideals, *Otis s u profeesur. of 'the Joint 1.1 .pkius 't t:iverslty. 011 several occasions. Burl a so- journ In North Carolina, he Wand these little yellow -green frogs money, inside the narrow•, tumliet- shalx.d hollow 1,•aves of the pitcher plant, whose color-- almost exactly matched tis,• color of the troglola. • luae,uich ail the leaves of tile' pitcher plant normally serve as traps for m4: -eta. whose remains apparent-' ly nourish this li-edatory vegetable, it aeeU)1 that the frogs Were. 111 a way, playful; the part of paratdies, by robbing, the plants of their rightful pr, y as it .tumbled in at the mouths of the pitchers.! r4 In a few lustancea, the writer sa3h, The frogs were in their turn cheated. for he observed t)•og Inhabited leaves *trims whose upetllltgs spiders had spun -their webs, so that any Insect undertaking to eater the inviting mouth of the trap Would much 1:.1 - (her the frog's eautuach nor the plant's digestive pit at the base of the Teat. DIPPING FOR A DIXXF:IR. Pa) a Nickel and Take it Chance of (ellIuig Junk of Meat. A quaint rest'aurarit Is situated 1n Paseo de Julio. Bu. nos Ayres, a street frequented by sailors. In the centre of the restaurant la a bug put about one yard in diameter, and an equally large fork. Only one "111411." called "puchero," Is offered to cuti- tomers. It is simply prepared. The pruprietur Gllr the put with water, tete a -few chunks_oL weaka11.1 bones drop to the bottom, then adds some coloring mat••rial, partly to give a touch of mystery to the whole: partly to make the meat In the hot - him Invisible. A titre in now lit ulult•s- the pot. When the mixture bolls a card Is displayed. ,.luting that -lunch, dinner. or supper is Low ready." Each custom, r pays the ''''r is and 1. handed the hum•• fork, which he dips into the bolting water. 11 be Is lucky he harpoons a pit ce of mt•at.- t width h,. h.: utltled- tau_ tisk out and. •r.. -- not. nue cents hay,. ";,one bang." But he can. buy another devour. WIIITECHUittt.M chance If he has another live cents to Dav for it WHITFJ('lliElI(111, Jan. • \t.-- Jeanette It Cottle, of F:can- mat»a, 11,.. 1- visiting with her many friet7a in this vlcinity. Ori wcooyo mt of the death ..f lir. Fell's aunt, ru, aehrod was hew it, S. $. No. 10, Ktak.w!. on Friday or Monday. Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, Elroy and Ken- neth hate been laid uta of itis a serious attack tit •11u.”1101110Wluuifred Farrier left 011 Sat DUNGANNON ,Inlay for her reheat at Cedar \',tib ______ Mr. -Its. Stat -sou. of 'ensu'.. IU'N(L\NXI►X. Jar.. 9. -Miss F:ttel was rltlttng his tinter. Mrs. Frank 4'1.e roamed 4n Titrnnto nn Sn til rd:dy iter' ry, last week. • to resume her ditties a• re-wh,r. atter' There 1s1+sei; awn} in Kill lnss lm spe11.1144: the holidays with her lair- Tuesday host Ilia. alarg:try Ferri . eat Dr1 1 \Ir Case who had Leen ailing leis the past al , Mr. Harry Ryan. of (lodstrich, 1a Mouth. She leave. two brot11u•rs. ilsiting his mother. airs. J, Ryan. 11 • 1 Robert and Andrew. wit1i wlortu -. aressrs. Norman and Fred Tri11ent:Ma resided. She wa: seventy-ihri.• t,. of Toronto. motored it;, and anent'old and was a memlr r u( the Pre . N, -‘v Yenr'' with ,their mother. airs.. i'•ri;un tdntr.',. ttwin1 to the id,. Rohr Treleaven. ., of her bri'(her Ituioert. the rimers: Miss .1eant Soothers. of the Toronto. clue wars het.: In ChaImers cion•, te:t'-hing---•tnfr. Iono, rrfnrnett to- the 11,ec. J. t'olh••k uu Thursday. Jpin.o. city after sfmwlltlg the Whiny with :t. She w'rt.+ hurled in leingham 4,111* -- her lslrot 1.. Mr. mud Mrs. Thos. tery. Slathers. _ air. Ed. Haines. of Fast \\'•twat .. S* -11.5 1 re-openr•.1 on Tlhesday. with 11 . who 15 .uferiig from a stroke !1 .. good attend/one. • after being eirnPol left sh:e. Is doing- as well as 1:111 h.• 'or the Chrlatrna. holidays. vanes -tett. Mr. Jahn Wilson. of .\nbnrn. and - %(lase. Jean ,tad Ethel Crumb, spent Mr. ik.nobl M••T.enu. of Lochs 141. tore the week -cud with Mrs. Mara'.! Spit. :mditingr the Fire lu.nnn,ee ('o. book.• ling. this week, There ha. been no school in 1". 1 r (twin¢ In the storms day a- very •No. I1. as ND-- 1.011a Iln.•ket is .i,., a: •mill vote wag lolled In the West Wow. Ler home in -\sl ticld. wannsln eleettoi- an Monday. The The atoms,' nuetl11K.•of the 1'1119-: •u,•,rasft:: cootelidates ore: .Wm. Male. ,'hnrch will Is• held an Tuesday. .lar It.ece; M010,r4 14Vo401tser. Tadd. Rtes-- nary 11. wlan it bsttsinet will he 11.1,1 rrt and ('arr. eouncitlnr.. .\11 menils•r- and adherent.+ o1 11,e ' There was nn service In the Pres- clin•eh are requested to kf4p this date 'Til, rinn church list Sand ty. owing to In mind. '11, Tnrlenit'nt weather. . • Owing to !he ,,ttitiune.l atoms many 'mole), ihnlgnnnoll lets had its telephone 1i11*-. :,re ant of ,r,ntmt.sion. -•11n1e of "flu.' the epidemic' lows int - --- keet at all severe here. and is now nlrrnntly rha kcal. -. The Innnanrnl meeting. of the erhnn! - lanlyd of this 'eetlon w is held Oohs LAVES. Jai, Our netaa,I has re" opened pith \[I+s Mel hmow ld In LANES _ IIV.Nlnea.inl' 1 t•tenhlg at the re•h,ol .1 Ill Jan. a. %t r. for ltr29 are charge. There !,Huse. The menthe',a very g.s.! attend is ci-1t H,¢ friends In Wlnd+or. Rncnge. Arthur .1. ('111- aloe, though -sone are hnns• with „his lir.. Tetnde• 1'I:Irk. of o1.trr.nFrl,l knotic t. larf and James McWhinney, ll r. "Hi 'flu." I r. A. viva ..t Stratford. notorc•: itcd !rioend.+ lit the [1111[¢.• rilrace urn• •,plr.h,te.l rhnlrm. 4 of the 111. i.)esti• Iii- -inter. NIrs, Mr. IRil- nil ',i,r,? for fh'. r.vur. and Mr+. It. fisc• t. Who hn- 14441 11.1 fir some titre, btr lark Ralph Ninny., is IniA up with :In .''- n, w••n'a'ry-tn•nsnr.•r. The eon 'e nn• glad 10 resort motile ins .c, tsar: sf etr•rnkh,g was ,,• nn nwinrdel I I„ lack o- "tln." ,• r 11••111 in h.,, he 'h and hope Ibnl Mi-- Klota Jhu,•h has refnrtte•i ho vv-Ifrid Pentland.- "74., 1111. t Nw1t cr=-The f vT w i l f •act la• we!! U' in. 41.1.,:44:(11417.,:;,17:7114:71:k. 'e Ia.. ,, d' 1 to the• %I'' '•e, Itl•.,nnn Ir molal ' ,, 'i • 1"••'•r'' h. her 11'.,4. til.. e. .h'. has bee. :Ind n re some time. now tP•dy h..• rircnl:.tb,h : The Best Mao.. 111.1. Sita:• Itr•al',••-. Ro' 1.1,:••011, that 's llni ole 1'ncknr,l. Relnrned P.m'ay 11 -:relay. 14.e V'. -e- -Ti..• 41srelnt'. -- %Ftst.•r nI, Lire (1447,. (Irenln Stead 11'1'•1 Ilnr•r• %1e.n lir.w .\t the south 1; ,1. Ttlehtnnml. Foolish Virgin 1 Norris. Tole rut Empire Kyrie. \ ',Row I're van vpiw•nhPlm. Calvin Cutt's Store News Potatoes, 90 lb. bag Parsnips. pk. rurnips, pk. Macaroni, 2 pkgs Macaroni, cut, 3 lbs Rolled Oats, 5 lbs •.$11.1() 25c I5c- 25c 28c 25c 25c 55( Wheatlets, 4 lbs. Honey. No. 5 pail • Walnuts, in shell, per lb. Walnuts, shelled, per 1h. Candy. cut rock, per Ib i 16e 491 151 CALVIN CUTT Phone 116 Kingston Street \I [Iris. 1.1': a 1s Inprntii4 tin l• 111It siwr her „,•t+rllIlon. alnry 1'. 11111, mud Mr. \\'1: Phillip. were 4. a streets of their .1- - ter. airs. Tho-. ! eraawm, fur the 4,01 -d:ty wte4t. air. •tl,l %t r-. .\Ilan Alton ;no! ran IIy returned by nutter to their home 'forms,. East Sutnrdny after n 1,. -- weeks' vl+it wit their me•le, alr..1,.- Mtullin. • N11.4 Winnie 1'nnnlnlrhnn, of T., Vanishing M. ssencer nipenl *-Iin. . ..1144,. 'pew a few stay. rill, her -:- tors, air.. Ito. Alton and Mr.. (:e„ 1'eareek Feathers iloilo. Lana Tru ,. mpeter 944,Ruler, allows Edith .lohnston. of London. . ontf,n Ilan •itnllry' et lid Made: ilip .1, 4111.11011. of 'Windsor. Tin Rohller itnlley. ane sp•ndh,g a while ander the i'ar- Day of the Rerht - Gee! Nita! roof. -MeT4.n¢nll of .\Ihertn 11.-i.e:r'1. The .fork b.•,t Santa Cla,as M the ('rrnadlnn thole. of Romance ;Tale hump of lir ;rnd %itis. Cyril cnmplell rare', short Rtorleu of Tketeetlnn. „nil left them a, flap hla goy for n lletoh In the Ikesert 1AI%I' Christmas s. Tragedy 4,1*F,Ivrarl tire it •F.d- gift. (',a,Rran,'a!)ii wards. airs, nervy nailed I. of Dungn, :In mre. IV01f' .•llnnah. 11011. le stiI Inc for n felt week- with , Reined WWWEI talents pig,.her son. Nir r'. Campbell. T.atlna of rhe Tormont 4,41•111am. lit•-.ra. chnrlie and Fort Sherwnosd,1 lhaar':r Vitro! 1in)a. of Detroit. airs itarlonr )11111 fnn,IIy,I RemoIn nl.s,nt-.icntf_ of 1;nderleh. were the guests of their Peder 1hP Lilacs .ball. parent.. Mn. and Nit.. Samuel Sher- Feder 1 .\d'entnrt• af'l'oat Snwter -Twain [grind, for the holidays. Adynnttre. of 1Tnekletwerry- Finn Mr nail lir Tho.. Taylor and Twainfamily sheat New Year's Day with • Bhp Ridge Patrol Walker. Nit. and Mn'. Vint. (iverr•omina Ilnndlratae Wall/tee. Mr. 1,1,15,1 Zinn, Mr. and Mrs. i. TlI ,l,ug New Trull. Wallin-laZinn and family spent Chrietmaa pay SioniP...f (Irl,. R'nllsre. with their parent. at Delmore. CLEARING IN Men's Felt Shoes LOT I- Men's felt shoes with leather soles and rubber heels. Sizes 6 to II. Special $1.45 1.0T 2 -Made of heavy felt, leather -faced, $2.75 rubber heels. All sizes. Special . 1.0 I i All sizes in lot. Some have buckles and lace. Special clearing . $1 95 M. ROBINS The Coniplett' Men's Store of 1:olerich BARGAINS ! Real Bargains in Dining Room and Bedroom Suites Some in solid walnut and also in walnut finish. First come first served. J. R. WHEELER FURNITURE DEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phones: Store 335, Res. 355w Hamilton St., Goderich FOR Service \NI) Quality TRY Sparr's Grocery I tie •t.,n• •,I - ..1,-[:1,11••11" Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 N F. 11E1.1 \ 11{ I \ TIM'S Sona• of lllnwathn Longfellow. f lrls' Own .\nnn.i. Never offer mirk, to one \Alin Thinks toy: Own .\aria.[. he has..fMlnt'A porfeetloo_1 1. - 1. Before Taking Stock E are offering special values in sever,i1 lines VV - of n1C•r('lt tn(lise, This will he your oppor- tunity to buy first (iwllit\ merchandise at a great saving. Below we list ti( )111e _of the feature l,alues. 1 ladies' and Misses' Coats Rich, fur trimmed model's in all the newest shades and styles. Beautifully lined and trimmed with opossum and thibetine. Before taking stock we are offering therm at greatly reduced prices. Regular $48 $35 $25 values for $37.50 $25.00 $19.50 ladies' and Misses' Hats of felt and velvet. Regular $3.50 to $5 50. . Special at $1.98 Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Cloth Dresses of French twill and poiret twill. Regular price $12.50. Clearing at • $8.95 Silk Dresses in season's latest styles at greatly reduced prices. • A new shipment of misses' and ladies' Dresses just received. Come in and see these. Men's Overcoats We are offering special values in men's Overcoats. Latest styles and materials. Gen uine Barrymore cloths in various shades and overplaids. Regular $35 value for $29.00 Others at reduced prices. We have a splendid line Of boys' Coats. Many other lines of merchandise offered at greatly reduced prices. Special in Blankets Mossheld all -wool plaid Blankets, width s i n g l e, Targe size. Special at $7.95 per pair A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Plane 418 Goderich, Ont. 1