The Signal, 1929-1-10, Page 31
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Branch of the BANK
Established 1817
Total Assets lit excess of 0810,000,000
Anything and Everythingin
Radio and
Electrical Supplies
Electric Ranges, Electric
Washers, etc.
--Electric Wiring and Repairs -
W. MacDonald
H..fro inn
Britannia Rd. Telephone 174w
Beauty Shoppe
Cp n4Irs. ,',.r Gr,f's store,
corner Kingston and Square
Care of Permanents
Hair Bobbing
Hair Tinting
Scalp Treatments
Eye Brow Arching
For Appointment Phone 239
Open Evenings
r. s. S. X41. 17. WEST WAWAN11S11
The fo;7nwing Is the retort of C.S.S.
No. 17. West 1Vrtwaoosh. for Novem-
ber and.Ikee•ember:
Jr. V. -F Ith Sproul W) per cent.
Sr. IV.-Illlda Ftnnigvtn 74 ta•r
cent.. Melbourne Corbett 71.
Jr. iV,--Anel• Sproul Mg per cent..
1•enor• Shiftier., Illi, Carl Finnigan 11.
l'Iiford Culbert :d), Stanley McGrutten
Jr. lire -Russell McIntyre 78 per
.ant.. Milt.' ret Elliott 70. Arnold
Dicer 117, Emily Me•Gratten 8:;.
Sr. 11. --'Willie Sproul 76 ier rent..
Harry Girin 74, .lirnmie 1eI01mnn
ns, tlart•e•y Sproul 62.
Sr. I'r.--Ihvi,t Sproul M:, ler cent..
Harold Elliott 6.3.
Jr. Pr. -Shirley McGratten R0, !sir'
hel Glrrfn 7a
iVA I. CARR. Teacher.
S. v. NO- 6. ASIIFiHLr)
Following is 11* report of S. S. No.
6, Ashfield:
Jr. Iv —Demi., Rooach 7M per cent..
Belle Swan (i4, James field, 58.
Sr. 111.-111) Maize 67 per Pent.,
Mary Million elft, WIIIIe (1tltiPrt 51,
Jr. III. - Morgaret Stewart 82 per
Sr. 11.--'Knthlet•n McKenzie+ 81 per
tent„ Catherine Held 74. Jack John-
stone 70, Harvey Congram 17.
,Jr. II. --Clara Reid 65 per cent.
1.--4.orne Roach 77 per omit., Thns.
John5tnne (10. Audrey Congrnm and
Doris Swan 61, ik.nnlot M(KeIurte 48.
1'AT-LINI7. ('AMPi)ELL. Teacher.
4. 8. NI). 16, ASIIFIELD
School report for November and De -
(ember, S. 8. No. 16, Ashthdd :
Sr. iV.--.Frances Crozier 66 per
cent., };(leen Treleaven 00.
Jr. ' iV.--Colln Crozier 76 per cent..
Anna Treleaven 73.
Sr. air.-Tteth McConnell 65 per
cent„ Mex. Gatticy 52,
Jr. 111.-41eneoln Mhm•kleton 64 per
cent., William Watt ISP.
Sr. H. 'Ik'ntrie. Treleaven 79 per
cent., Lorne Hasty 74. harry Swan 69.
Reggie (;ruby 53. •
Jr. 11.- Tommy Culbert e(1 per eent..
loon Swan 64, Violet Culbert 62.
Sr, Primer --.Kenneth (trolley.
Jr. Primer -Cecilia Watt.
"Thi1i is where I shine.” said the
girl as she discovered she had forgot-
ten her vanity s'ase.
Annual Business Meeting of
Presbyterial W. M. S. Held
Tuesday at Clinton
An Interested representation of the
various brunches of lturuu Presby-
terial W. M. S. usseatbled in the Pres -
church, Clinton, for the au-
oual business messing on January liJ.h,
The pre.•ldent, Mr.. John Greig, Sem-
forth, was In the ehalr. and with Yrs.
1t, C. Mel serinid of Goderich eemduueted
the dev.sioual exercise.. The minutes
of the lash meeting Were read by i adm.
1f -2H.uatd. correspiiding r..•retery, n
the absence through (liners of the re-
cording secretary, Miss 11. 1. Graham.
Mrs. Grelg In a pleasing rrddrrsr
tire members a haign•New
Veer and graciously thanked the mem-
bers of the executive for their assist-
ance during the year. and In the coarse
),f her remarks swirl that Ole annual
meeting was the tuwwwuriug line of all
work n.r•umpllslurl. The- stout !wort
eventually reaches the goal of stoccess.
It was the individual effort which
counted and the member% of Unroll
Presbyterial had no mason to feel din,
cou ra gee 1. •
]ars. George liebonald, the eurren-
t.nsdiug secretary, Kae a very full
reeled ^o1 •tlte year's work In all de-
purlments. Auburn ' auxiliary' was
highly comun•ud/d for Its individual
respnsibility, laving twetity-eight
member. and tivt• Mase Iie•Ila•rs. Spe-
cial tribtite watt paid to lira. John
Eraser *Mil the Bayfield auxiliary of
!spiny members. Myth auxiliary-,
worshipping its a hall, rout i4) an en-
. -enraging rele,rf. There ore thirty-
one member), Clinton auxiliary- has
thirty Members on the r.c11. and their
interest l4) the work of the Society Is
.keetly frit, as shown by the optimis-
tic: assurances of Mrs. Mcllurchy.
Exeter, retiorted the tot- of the Pres-
byterian kihtern slides, heel held four
quarterly tests. and had two thank -
offering meetings. Tile) have u meta
Is•rship of twenty-nine and thirty-nine
Moue he•Jla•r-.
Go,k•rich •auxiliary itag n tnembtr.
ship of dray and has the largest num-
ber of lana' helpers, totalling sixty,
who e.n,tributed hart, which with the
annual thank -offering and a• hirtlulty
fund materially augmented the finances
or the auxil[ah.
Tbr eorresislndtng secretary de -
tiered that :he lhnsull people de-
served a great deal of admiration for
the cump.ction of their l5•uutiful new
church. They have a membership in
the auxiliary of thirty -(lye. Seaforth
auxiliary ,has fifty members and twen-
ty' -two home hell. rs and attained the
highest tinanelal striating. Heroics and
magazines iad Me•n seat fo Iron,
Bridge and an honorttry lUc-atemb.•r-
ship had been: presented to Mrs. Lar-
kin. prior to her leaving ljseafurth. Out
of a neemberal:ip of seventy-six, for-
ty-one are life members.
' The Young Women's secretary-, 3lrs.
McLunity, reported that Goderich
Arthur Cirele had made a wonderful
advance, eontrftmting $703.20, and
having a membership of forty-one,
Tlw Barbara Kirkman Y. M. S., Sea -
forth, tabid *276 to the Presbyterial
and has a mem erallip of
There .are two C,G.I,T. group In Hu-
ron Presbyterial, The Margaret Lar-
kin, 4enforth, has thirty members' and
cante:Mute/1 $11.40; while Maitland,
Auburn, of twenty members, raised
$2a and sent supplies of $2.
Mrs. Glb.on, Sea forth, Mission
Rand ser•r•tary-. reported an iucrense
of ten members. Clinton has thirty-
four members; Exeter, twenty-one:
Goderich, forty --six: Iiensall. twenty-
flve and two junior fife -members;
Scafortli, nineteen. Goderich Mk•l;fl-
ldtray Mission Band Sent twenty
habfes' quilts and fnee(Iern to Miss
1tcArthur In charge of weleome and
welfare work at Montreal and a
Christmas cake to the Presbyterian
Houle, Yorkville avenue, Toronto.
MIse MoFnr'un, Clinton, life -mem-
bership secretary, had one honorary
life -membership certiflcatP,, four life -
members and two Junior life -member -
bind of seven.
The library and litemtnre secretary-,
All.. Belle MiueI esu, Goderkh, said
that her department had sent
orn mituerons boxes of Iiterntnre and
had sent $21t.26 to Ow lRablk•atlens
The wrlcnm(e and welfnr'e seeretory.
11rM. Arnold. of Neuman, stressed the
importance of this work. Seventy-
eight visits hod be'ftt made to new -
(„mors, lonely and sick one. had been
called on, and letters written regard -
Ing oh.Ingns or resldene•e.
The value of the supplies received
front the t•nrinns astxillsrles w•nM glean
ns follows try Mrs. W. D. lair, ('lin-
ton :
Gorle•ric11 nnxillary, $7,30; Gnderleh
.lrthnr (Trete, $2.7n; 11ensnll, $12,93;
Refforfh, $11.06; •41nytkeld, $0: Blyth.
$11.50; Anhnrn, $i5; F;xeter, $5.i8:
R1lntein4 $11.50.
Sales. :reeked], of Exeter, Ann/noose!
the nnmher of sub.eriptfon. for "Glad
Tiding." as 280, on Inerease in' :Al,
Srnfnrth having the highest number.
01. Atthnrn. whhfi was not more -
.entad lnsrt yelr, sent 20 seuh erlptions.
The financial secretary. Mrs. It. r.
ihlnMp, of (ioderit•h, gent ort letters
to each auxiliary.
Mrs. McDermid, of Go"Mtieh. was
nputtntrod the Presbyter* l's deketate
to the I'rortrp'1n? meeting 11, Ham-
ilton. e
Mrs. Milne, of Sen fort h. presided
(hiring the election of nfllerts and
calla! on Mrs. Grshnm of Exeter for
the report of the nominating commit-
1:I,HITI Shx IINlt 1 p1.11t NU
tee, attach resulted 111 (1.1' election of
the hollowing o8kets
Ile:tor/try preside, •. Mrs. W. 11.
Fair. l'liutuu ; pre,+i ...1 s. Mrs. Jots,
Gn•Ig, Seuforth ; I e -president.
Mrs. R. C. McDerm••. ,14duslch; oral
rite -president, Mrs. tt '1'. 1(h14e4l,
Auburn; 3rd vkee-Pr' oe•t, Mrx, Itac-
Taggart. ('[Iatuu ; 4 . t i..•-presldeht,
Miss Taylor, Bt) : ,•ere• -ponding sec-
retary. Mrs.' George McDonald, God-
erich ; reordlug 01-ret.,ry, Miss If,
Isabel Grown'. St'af.•rth: treasurer,
11rs. T. Swan Smith seiforth: home
helpers' ,secretary, Mr- John Framer,
lfaytfeld : Y. W. al 1' I:,I.T. secre-
tary, Mrs. }fellow. 1'liuten; Mi. -
.ion Hand secretary, Nr- 11. J. Gibson.
Rertferth: library a .terawre sera:�
r•frlry, Miss R. Ma l'..t.,i,. (:nd(rlch:
welcome and welfare• •e'e'retrtry,
Artu,ld. Mensal!: - ;•!.iv secretary.
MINS Gordon, (lode' "Goad Tid
!llga" secretary, Miss .I„-kell. Exeter:
'WPM open. r, ]lis F'. 11. Re!ditt
G11111•rfeh; life-memt.•r•blp secretory
Mhos McFarlane, e'tireori : uranyls
Me.•retnry. Mrs. H. r. inlnlop. 1; .d
erleb. The nomInntiag "omnia'..- fo
the next baslness mecring Iv seamleave
of Mrs. Arnol•L__Mr_;c +aihurt ant
Mrs. McMurehy. -
Its -fore closing the l"t.ine. s for the
year the trelsnrer was asked 1., else
her retort. The esteA ss. account
showed a ba1.nee laud of :CNA 1
and the nmonnts re4.•'rrd for the geu-
eral fund are as falcon.: •
►uhprn E 1)7i)1
ltayfleld 113.151,
Clinton " 1151.1
F;xetet 216, 4
1ton*s1) 21(1()1
!ae.l fort h
Go,ler!ch Arthur C1rr:p ;11Q' -MS
dartos ra Kirkman, SeeforM„
Mnrgar•t Iwrkin C. n. I. T.
�asf�rth 11.40
ltuitinud ('.( .r.T., Aahurn,.., 2,. (w1
Exeter Mission Bari, :15.011
AIeGllltrrny Mlssios .Band,
f;oderlrh 177.1(1
Rem forth Mtinsinn Band 1-1.12
!lensall Mluslnn stand 71,42
51 lrreret Larkin C. 6. I. T
Ace forth 15.75
Knox C,G.LT.. Auburn 05.(00
Refund from supply 'e-retary
'w M
---ala !Demme over 11 attoetttlon n
A standing vote of th inks and ap-
!Imolation was tepdere•1 the retiring
snpidy secretary. Mrs. W. 11. Fair for
her /pony years of patient. untiring
and efficient tearviess. . ,
Mrs, Greta. In a ,few appmpri•fte
'mots henntffully her wit-
ssfnettnn In the enenhIl t� reports,
and the Inspiring meeting was hroui !tt
to a r•Ina. In proyer ofTeie4 by Mrs.
.inhn Fraser of Hayfield.
The Weekly Farm Bulletin
Nineteru-twentys•Iglit, now guttlered
10 Its huhers, • Was a spotty year fort
the faruter, particularly the..Outurto1
furnwr. of ttse• twenty -nue main
troth grown iti this Products:, fourteen
were below hast year -.,r rather Per
in yield per acre. Grains were gen--
cr,t:ly lighter. and main crop hay was'
to>.. Practically all cash crops, exet'pt
IM•aos. were down either lit yield or In
price.. Sommer and halt rains caused
lastly les._ in the north and east, and
frust e',usght• hart of the %Vesterr, Ou
sari" 114u"ee. rrnp. ,tltogethe•r, tht-
pl•turc Is not tinted very highly.
Yet, taken a:toget ler, it was not
melt :it bad year us the above Nnnlut,r)
would Nag•..1. Fod.ler tsi-ttttrly Alert•
GNI. The long open fall left bee,
tt.M•t; on paster.. hater than nsant anti �
sent thele Into whiter quarters ! in
.'MMI 14111 101. .1• mew ,,r' (artfulIn,,
farnt wren**. is derive,t from lice
stock and 11ve .th.•kproducts. this Is
tut ,Itene of nn small itiINMtnnce: and
stere !nixed farming Is curried on al I
,•x¶4'11 - Kelly the individual snip is of
less importance than the general we•er-
hear /:rowers Prosper.
The weagt'n Ji't pa sl lots proved n
renulrho ble one for the bean grow yrs.
There aro moo: exteptiun, In Ibi•
file, .,f course, esis.•!.,lly tic -Huron.
where the ern' w1)+ $ Irtia,larly
*Neu but taking the while tseati-
tn,Wlsng distrl-t oyer the storage
answer is astnul,'wd-tit his good Inek.
in placing the e -t.4.115! na•ut m1) •,
basins t basis. The farm is it p1a, •
of business -a mw10fa.•wring plant
well o. a bras'. Seldom. excels eh
farm, dors one thud njnie•4'as faetori. -
n1d uuwnne.t pro•Jtot a....s.An ate
pr.,prutte name makes a g.MNI fano
better, The 4trnt.r f.e:IM that he La-
-e1 a !nark or standard wlik'Ii lie 01,e;
"""'" ""'' maintain
A g';' The Armstrong Beat Estate
nuns• bolds replifoli"u t" basine.s,
slits pride In owlwrship, alai proves'
taluab:c advertisluc." 1 and Insurance Agency
That Calmette {'arsine, - 1 LIFE INSI'K.\N('E: (Sun Life Co.),
al'CIDIfNT, SI('K.\1 SS, AUTO,
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Oat,
Phones 430 and 445
lnve'stigators 15'1.111 1m Is. no nearer
agrlenle•nt o1M'n 1)e value of the (hi -
melte t-u.e-lue- Sir tutI•n•ulosia hl eat-
' it,. than they were two or three yeltrs
1)1111. .1t u conference held recent) in
Souse Itig lturgains in Houses just new
(loan's the only agreement reached
wets to dlsngre'. F:tla•rinte•nters from sold ears terms fur payment. Jirsl e
the Universities of Montn';ll and ..A1- few' of the malty:
btrta r 'named eucoura(11 1, n•sult,.: Modern eelui;'tat,l home close to the
others trete the special laboratory at Square. Must ire sold. l'rice $1100.
11111)1 reported very little to got uioa• Eight-roMotueel house, large lot. gad
1ud'the net result, as phrased by I1r. dry cellar. Fine ',smitten. Nearly en -
Tory. president of 115. Nahuatl Ile• tits• hours healed by kltcheu store.
*,i telt 1"in,t''l 1, was tlltat "111,4• .1,'!I,71tP l'rhp $12(10,
tlature of the MuhJert 114)1'. 11.11 11'. rmit (','!tag,, 11000.
'Aerobe' 0f nor .stnclasfon .t ithout nat-
1 htrn Nta.1ytudLx{. ,J,Y-riltt�L•• i;.N"I dwelling house.. _ lots, 81200.
New 'Isidore). I'nliey. - A number of tine brick house., fall
Ruhr chick: sold by l..1 t i:4)l hatch- i tau'lern equllyil.1. Iturgnln 'irkee.
erre. la-Iyeur'J,uIII s•r,',t icer 7,Ixa),- A few houses to root.
15411; 1'u,'! do these 11)1),1 bio ad.i.'d lath its
iullM.rtutien+, from the. United States Sirtue for exelt*nge aur awes pro
Tic tp1alitt of these chi, k-', 1Le 11.. ks lens
front which the h:tacking egl,n. loos'.
and the hatu'heries front whle•h They fA $150 r, very close to Goderich,
re turned out. are therefore. of prime Price $16110.
i-ttiportann• b. the putltry bushle,•s. Ivo acres, welt improved, sonic !tar
1'nel•r a rues• pi.iicy worked oel by. tier. !'rice of entire property A!
_t71e ratio u r a h the. dlvlsion i4) co- Than price of timber and Impr.,ve•
oiN•nitiou with the. ('oux�lliin Briliyt�mettle,- at -tow valuation. Keay terms.
Thick Aswb•iation, fl.N'ke :ed thatch- Many ether fartns, Awk about them,
1 cries are to he'irradet, with partl•u-
1 lar attention paid in the 4irnter esw
l''to laying r'.,.rds, bestial, e1)1M' :11,1 a"r all P
iculars see or welt.
.:Altana f.ql.. are! in bloc latt,•r 1., 'ani- J. W. ARMSTRONG
tatlo,l. a 1111 weight. -, 1 vigor. tyre. and
In the first pla.e. although the aertrtce
was not high, the general yield was
"Melte-fa : and in lite oreohd, the ;.rice
for "the 11'1 w'it,• bet" has sprung
-back almost to war le•t•el. Although
flu• 41t•Prag4 yield for the I'rovine.- is
Pstimn1(51 at a little ober 17 hue"•l.,
there. are many well :mtheiti.'ited' ht
stnnees ..f yields running, from 30 to
40 bushels anti more. than one Kent
-land Elgin grower has token Ili arts tn-tvehcht of .-hick. Kort Estate Agent
memo to 141 1, Iemp front it,. s•t'r 1'f" - _-_- ltoa 11(1 Square (;nderiels
f 11114 1 1)e eropY r
stilt (Iptimistte.
• F9flal re earn- twos) sir great gra,',
crop of the prairie Kest will Is...,
.'!e'ntbly Ielott- the eptllnbsi, •
mates of the early full. 'Frost .i.yory
was f tr more w1.11•4i:re•a•'• titan w
resslized at the time, and this Covet
with sagging pries has cat the W
ern intone' to a mark.el deer,.•. 1:1
e1 1. however. the ca s1 fulfil yield .
seres a eonslderahle sum. 11101 oat r,
of the good (Tops of the past few•
finds op,imism to the prairie farms
This 1. re -fleeted In I1'.-rea,rel horn
1 stead tiling's. allot in tic• pl„wing t f
I larger 11cr•age this fait. Open tie:
f Intended for In -t week l
NILE. Jan. 1. -Mrs. 14 r14, -t Segos.,
Is 'visiting iter daughter, Miss Sylvia.
ani other rel:ltives in London for sev-
eral weeks,
MIAs Amelia Petberlrgton, of God-
erich, spent the week -end with her
friend, Miss Mary liogie, and Is
spending several days this week with
her aunt, Mrs. A. McIlwain,
Mr. Angn. McI)erm(d !e visiting her•
(luught,'r, Mrs. Albert Thal,, of Tor-
Miss Helen Connell, of Gait, re-
turned there this week after spending
the Christmas vae•ation at the home
of her grandmother. Mrs. Jno. Tnytor.
Miss Alter She•pperl returned to
her school at St. Catharines ..a 1Ve.t,
uesdey of this week, after spending
the rseation with her mother. Mrs. I..
ltissese Velma and ,)rel F'Innignn re-
huruerl to their schools. of Marton
oust Kipper a fter ' spending the halt'
.trays under the p, rental roof. --- --
Young People's Ilanq et. -{)u NOW
Year's Eye a tory sneeeessfnl banquet
for the young ts'nple was held 1n the
t,IMement ..f Nile united church under
the auspices of the •;Iris" Guild. The.
seltoolr,Nom Anel table. were tastefully
dt••nrru.NI for the oM.•iSloti Ira rl (, 0I'
seheme of rest. rust green. (ittt'sts
numbering about seventy -tree ' ate
renI(,ed and were salted around the
tables and did j11 11 '- to a 5nmistunns
ehle•ken /supper .er.pd by the girls, 1
After n xce•illi hour was stent the
evening's program •ommen(ed with
,community Miming • oder the leader -
!Mitt of Mr. Lnrrte I'etMtnnd and u
nnmis'r of approprate sung. erre
sunt. Various Masi. were then pro
posed. A toast to the King was pro -
Posed by flet. R. .5. !dimly and re-
siMfl,Ipd to by aril singing " 8.ere the
King-•' .1 s, euI,h"1)c .t01n ens potter
I' Mr. Frun'k M.•Ilo lino aecom9n0Ied
11 the nranh by itis- Margaret fent
'arid, Mr. 14eslle. 1',, Intal prniw,sevl n
toast to "The Country" which was te-
slsamded to by all siccing 'The Mnp'e
pylar Forever.'•. ,it toast wale prgN,asd
by Mrs. Lundy to -The Chnreh." and
all responded by singing the hymn
"The 1'hareh's (lel• renne,'tion ." A
thief tens then given ivy Meemrs. Fronk
1tr•tlw-nin and Lorre Pentland 1)r- r
enmpanied at the "r gen ler Mi•• M.
Pentland. 11 r. poems Pentland Pro
it toot to lase !nate! and was re -
spondee, to by Mies toral Finnigan. A n
trio by Misses tn144s and Veda Tnbh
noel Jes.le Me('ann. aeeompnnied at ►
the organ by Niro,. I,slnde% ens given.
Mr. Clerente Dustnw momeseel n tonal
to the Girls' Guild whleh was re- 1
'vended to by the president. %lrs.
Re Ppntlanel. A committee wax then
appointed s. follows. Merters. Holt.
Echlin, Lorne Pentland ant! Rosa Tey•
Mr, to confer with the Pxeetttlre of
the furls' Gild to arrsngh for it debate
to I* held at the next literary and ao-
rtal evening, thus bringing e very em-
joyihle erelong to a close.
t(tomaeh troubles ennse. most of the
,)d9Mrpes of furl,;hooti and childhou"t,
w1) rand ere aye gre.f 1,51 problem that •i
len - young smother .h1). to solve. The treat
ss men! far tie-,. 'hi?••alye di'hlrl.naes
'I' rbat m:1ke Why cot• tlmtinnnitt• and
r- diet11rh his Mle•rl mast is• qui. k 11n,44
'r''efl'.stl've. and. above nth terfletly sae
r The Il1,4,411 fl. wife tfe:,tn4•nt Tor
'r nhrhrinces of the st :tell and two,•
found in 11a1...'o, Iran T:rhl.,
tint 1)1111 early December permit!.
the, r'nrmer. to get mach Hi- til' crop t
the e'Ptlati'r before the cold suet 11), an
also pe•rmitfe.Mhlni to got mnrr fern
w'.irk flntstawl than for yen r. hack.
)-her. It .•111 Goes. - .
What IM•.vtnuPs or n11 11s11 t:n.f to!
mem, of grain, swat, milli_ and o11sr
pnulam?x produced each year aper
Compliers- farms? With some excel
urns, airtime pwery commodity 1
eighty -tire or more per cent. enrtsumpt
1)t home. ('onspl•n"es among them
ex.eeptl"ns are wheat and ry-P, cheese
ward, and apples. The 4fftk•I:t1 figure
Show that during the crop•mnrkettn
yeeslr 19'27-28 jiver over one-third of
the %limit crop. Jtt.t tinder nrte.pulrter
of the rye. approximately the Nome of
cheese. two-flfths of the w.•••1, and twn-
thirds of the apples were nhsl In Catooda and the remainder exported.
Harley alert is nn eteeptin,,, th.rngh not
10 the sltrry. drifter; slightly ,,ter .iim•-
quarter of the crop ens so
4xlrted histyear, and the year brfnr,• r1,.t alont
in most ether 11114" hon. .o, •••111111,tion t.rik by for the wrestler ptrT of the
proitnetl",1. The Attires .loos: oats,
home .eonsutmptinn, 97 ts'r sent.: leas.
1)4: te'flns. 401.5: I'°theses, 02: turnips,
00: hat-. 09: butter, fMet; fresh leer, 86;fresh pork. 02.5; egg•. all hot half-a-
millintl dozen out of t 1•,t.r1 of or. r
Honor Where iforror'. Dile,
Frank T. Shutt. 1lminion agrlcn'-
titr:rl chemist. I. noir of the font esl.•u
tlets t.. share in aha vertri rttilenm
llfrntr e
itwae's award for research
into the reletilm; of !liftmen supply
and farm tomos.
".tli Itan,ittian ugrhat:htrrt cellet_s•.
:end etterImettf. tit 4. nod f!, rengh
1h(•1,, 9111 Canadian f:nacos. flees or„-
"tiled (roll the Rork of the II„tlde.ion
ch.)nlo,t." sin ••s, the retort.
Dr. si-rpt Lon . , 1)p'•''` ' '- ,...•. •
1M,sit1n for forlt -one year...
Clean Eggs.
1.11.44,o,41e:g f. nPu4 .1, good .1- .4
e:eel(t 4'414. 'fierce. .1 11 Motu. n' ,. o'
noire lb. nws.
, to tetter
('lean firms 1, 41rda, .Icntt IP 4. r. !old
(lean sm.?. n,)ke for reran (pts. (t:,1'.
the ne
of the nest inatcrfn1s from this
standpoint ' nodi nn rr ph
1;/1 1'r ., int.
They are absorbent rout gni,k1y ,Ir, 11s,,
my 111.1,1,1,111V. which ma. Ise left 11)
the, r•
What's in a Now?"An appropriate farm 11411114•
ton.( farm better," de l,res n 1'ri
rersity of WLN» Inderal,,. .and it
In.'k* tip the senfernelrt with very
"\lames nid in dletinguishl,C fawns'
est M 91111.01yx. tier serve fn 414-1
tfntnl4iine Indfrld,1.r14 ('nm,M'ting,
with millions of other farms. the 110-
called protege farm is In ,tnntaer of 1
hemming knit another farm
As an tnstltetlon that se'nples so
prominent a m'
pert In th4 nettle/WS
life. the farm .Icsrr -t . A
.Nnming the term with a tx•P11•
PhnxPn name Is one of the 41 4.-t .t4'y
"1 Thtnl»noels of mothers have had 11,•:•
o problem "..led through them. ''1'f,
are t•'unrauteed to Ise free from ell i
Jurems drugs and .11100'? fM,a i .It
: harm 1' eve'u the youngest bale tb'•d(
way..l! goo.
Ruby's Own Tablets re'gulete 11 ,
r;sf14mnclt unit lowe:s: banish conoip•
tion and hldigestion: break up rola-
,-and simple fevers and promote Units 1 in -111f h-gl ving steep which is s,. In.e•g-
1 • wiry- M the welfare of the baby or
' ; Crow hag child. The Tablets are sold
by an 'medIrh,e deal' rs mr by ,moil ;If
:1-40 n box from The Dr. R'iltl:tno.
g Nlediainr ('o. firw•kriil.% Ont.
(Interah'tl fur !est week 1
N'ESTF4 E Li 0. inn. I. -M r. mid
Mrs. Thnua,s 'codger, or Ncw.ii lie.
Ore :risiti yt ,Mr... and Mrs. .1. Fr..l
(',Mak and other friends.
\IoM. J. E. Ellis and her grami
daughter. 51i'.. Kathleen Kiehl kslroro'. vislt..1 1'aat weok will
the ferns -r''. sister. Mr.. M. 1'• t:rillin
"f 11'Iatgham.
\etc Tear grrtiug" tm.uil the fend
of The .yigu:ll.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDowell spell:
over the weekend In Brantford at
Gorr+ling the silte'r weeetdin-
g of lar. nil
Mrs. rk*Ie' .,f that Idnce
Mr. n 1).l la r.. Herbert 1':nap l'el1,
N'ioghotn,. Mr.-:unl Mrs. John 1'nn.;.
1e•:1 nn,! .hlldrea. "f .tylamr. Ile• , roc,
211 -ns. James. iVitthis.a.r .444.1
Iteige:of% sisal! the 4'In•istmas boli,:,
sat the home! of Mr. 11,1,1 Mr, !.'los
4'nmpls•ll, II.'h;rntp. '
The bratty
H14esettifr \n t•,1) 11,4 ,1,,• .1111.
01:1It 1(1 whorl I g:a%. i i , • n,in..
pie !nit' (reek?"
')'ramp . hitterly • N,,, n . t
not : till' sot's more, the •1 . s,,
i never will be the same man aeoin.'
Li sited
Telephone 230
51..1' 1 '1'.-mille l(uildin,:
Geo. Williams
Dealer in
Fire, .Aetidenl, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Officio, next to (tank of 1`ommer .•
I'hnmr ..a
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
many ;ittr:artier loons
of loltl'i. Consult us
regtlnlit:g that.. ,
Uolri, 1 Agent
Goderich Phone 115
When looking for :m investment why not buy
the safest and best ?
are represented here.
Two good houses for sale. One furnished
house for rent.
INSURANCE : Fire, Life and Auto
Phone 292 P. O. Box 438
11 •
•t. 4.r• 'a -ambit
De Forest Crosley Radio
Hear the two extra octaves
this set gives you first :
Several good Used seta at attractive prices
F. R. Miller Service Station
('or Elgin At• and t,ctonn til Photo: 2".•91i
Annual Business Meeting of
Presbyterial W. M. S. Held
Tuesday at Clinton
An Interested representation of the
various brunches of lturuu Presby-
terial W. M. S. usseatbled in the Pres -
church, Clinton, for the au-
oual business messing on January liJ.h,
The pre.•ldent, Mr.. John Greig, Sem-
forth, was In the ehalr. and with Yrs.
1t, C. Mel serinid of Goderich eemduueted
the dev.sioual exercise.. The minutes
of the lash meeting Were read by i adm.
1f -2H.uatd. correspiiding r..•retery, n
the absence through (liners of the re-
cording secretary, Miss 11. 1. Graham.
Mrs. Grelg In a pleasing rrddrrsr
tire members a haign•New
Veer and graciously thanked the mem-
bers of the executive for their assist-
ance during the year. and In the coarse
),f her remarks swirl that Ole annual
meeting was the tuwwwuriug line of all
work n.r•umpllslurl. The- stout !wort
eventually reaches the goal of stoccess.
It was the individual effort which
counted and the member% of Unroll
Presbyterial had no mason to feel din,
cou ra gee 1. •
]ars. George liebonald, the eurren-
t.nsdiug secretary, Kae a very full
reeled ^o1 •tlte year's work In all de-
purlments. Auburn ' auxiliary' was
highly comun•ud/d for Its individual
respnsibility, laving twetity-eight
member. and tivt• Mase Iie•Ila•rs. Spe-
cial tribtite watt paid to lira. John
Eraser *Mil the Bayfield auxiliary of
!spiny members. Myth auxiliary-,
worshipping its a hall, rout i4) an en-
. -enraging rele,rf. There ore thirty-
one member), Clinton auxiliary- has
thirty Members on the r.c11. and their
interest l4) the work of the Society Is
.keetly frit, as shown by the optimis-
tic: assurances of Mrs. Mcllurchy.
Exeter, retiorted the tot- of the Pres-
byterian kihtern slides, heel held four
quarterly tests. and had two thank -
offering meetings. Tile) have u meta
Is•rship of twenty-nine and thirty-nine
Moue he•Jla•r-.
Go,k•rich •auxiliary itag n tnembtr.
ship of dray and has the largest num-
ber of lana' helpers, totalling sixty,
who e.n,tributed hart, which with the
annual thank -offering and a• hirtlulty
fund materially augmented the finances
or the auxil[ah.
Tbr eorresislndtng secretary de -
tiered that :he lhnsull people de-
served a great deal of admiration for
the cump.ction of their l5•uutiful new
church. They have a membership in
the auxiliary of thirty -(lye. Seaforth
auxiliary ,has fifty members and twen-
ty' -two home hell. rs and attained the
highest tinanelal striating. Heroics and
magazines iad Me•n seat fo Iron,
Bridge and an honorttry lUc-atemb.•r-
ship had been: presented to Mrs. Lar-
kin. prior to her leaving ljseafurth. Out
of a neemberal:ip of seventy-six, for-
ty-one are life members.
' The Young Women's secretary-, 3lrs.
McLunity, reported that Goderich
Arthur Cirele had made a wonderful
advance, eontrftmting $703.20, and
having a membership of forty-one,
Tlw Barbara Kirkman Y. M. S., Sea -
forth, tabid *276 to the Presbyterial
and has a mem erallip of
There .are two C,G.I,T. group In Hu-
ron Presbyterial, The Margaret Lar-
kin, 4enforth, has thirty members' and
cante:Mute/1 $11.40; while Maitland,
Auburn, of twenty members, raised
$2a and sent supplies of $2.
Mrs. Glb.on, Sea forth, Mission
Rand ser•r•tary-. reported an iucrense
of ten members. Clinton has thirty-
four members; Exeter, twenty-one:
Goderich, forty --six: Iiensall. twenty-
flve and two junior fife -members;
Scafortli, nineteen. Goderich Mk•l;fl-
ldtray Mission Band Sent twenty
habfes' quilts and fnee(Iern to Miss
1tcArthur In charge of weleome and
welfare work at Montreal and a
Christmas cake to the Presbyterian
Houle, Yorkville avenue, Toronto.
MIse MoFnr'un, Clinton, life -mem-
bership secretary, had one honorary
life -membership certiflcatP,, four life -
members and two Junior life -member -
bind of seven.
The library and litemtnre secretary-,
All.. Belle MiueI esu, Goderkh, said
that her department had sent
orn mituerons boxes of Iiterntnre and
had sent $21t.26 to Ow lRablk•atlens
The wrlcnm(e and welfnr'e seeretory.
11rM. Arnold. of Neuman, stressed the
importance of this work. Seventy-
eight visits hod be'ftt made to new -
(„mors, lonely and sick one. had been
called on, and letters written regard -
Ing oh.Ingns or resldene•e.
The value of the supplies received
front the t•nrinns astxillsrles w•nM glean
ns follows try Mrs. W. D. lair, ('lin-
ton :
Gorle•ric11 nnxillary, $7,30; Gnderleh
.lrthnr (Trete, $2.7n; 11ensnll, $12,93;
Refforfh, $11.06; •41nytkeld, $0: Blyth.
$11.50; Anhnrn, $i5; F;xeter, $5.i8:
R1lntein4 $11.50.
Sales. :reeked], of Exeter, Ann/noose!
the nnmher of sub.eriptfon. for "Glad
Tiding." as 280, on Inerease in' :Al,
Srnfnrth having the highest number.
01. Atthnrn. whhfi was not more -
.entad lnsrt yelr, sent 20 seuh erlptions.
The financial secretary. Mrs. It. r.
ihlnMp, of (ioderit•h, gent ort letters
to each auxiliary.
Mrs. McDermid, of Go"Mtieh. was
nputtntrod the Presbyter* l's deketate
to the I'rortrp'1n? meeting 11, Ham-
ilton. e
Mrs. Milne, of Sen fort h. presided
(hiring the election of nfllerts and
calla! on Mrs. Grshnm of Exeter for
the report of the nominating commit-
1:I,HITI Shx IINlt 1 p1.11t NU
tee, attach resulted 111 (1.1' election of
the hollowing o8kets
Ile:tor/try preside, •. Mrs. W. 11.
Fair. l'liutuu ; pre,+i ...1 s. Mrs. Jots,
Gn•Ig, Seuforth ; I e -president.
Mrs. R. C. McDerm••. ,14duslch; oral
rite -president, Mrs. tt '1'. 1(h14e4l,
Auburn; 3rd vkee-Pr' oe•t, Mrx, Itac-
Taggart. ('[Iatuu ; 4 . t i..•-presldeht,
Miss Taylor, Bt) : ,•ere• -ponding sec-
retary. Mrs.' George McDonald, God-
erich ; reordlug 01-ret.,ry, Miss If,
Isabel Grown'. St'af.•rth: treasurer,
11rs. T. Swan Smith seiforth: home
helpers' ,secretary, Mr- John Framer,
lfaytfeld : Y. W. al 1' I:,I.T. secre-
tary, Mrs. }fellow. 1'liuten; Mi. -
.ion Hand secretary, Nr- 11. J. Gibson.
Rertferth: library a .terawre sera:�
r•frlry, Miss R. Ma l'..t.,i,. (:nd(rlch:
welcome and welfare• •e'e'retrtry,
Artu,ld. Mensal!: - ;•!.iv secretary.
MINS Gordon, (lode' "Goad Tid
!llga" secretary, Miss .I„-kell. Exeter:
'WPM open. r, ]lis F'. 11. Re!ditt
G11111•rfeh; life-memt.•r•blp secretory
Mhos McFarlane, e'tireori : uranyls
Me.•retnry. Mrs. H. r. inlnlop. 1; .d
erleb. The nomInntiag "omnia'..- fo
the next baslness mecring Iv seamleave
of Mrs. Arnol•L__Mr_;c +aihurt ant
Mrs. McMurehy. -
Its -fore closing the l"t.ine. s for the
year the trelsnrer was asked 1., else
her retort. The esteA ss. account
showed a ba1.nee laud of :CNA 1
and the nmonnts re4.•'rrd for the geu-
eral fund are as falcon.: •
►uhprn E 1)7i)1
ltayfleld 113.151,
Clinton " 1151.1
F;xetet 216, 4
1ton*s1) 21(1()1
!ae.l fort h
Go,ler!ch Arthur C1rr:p ;11Q' -MS
dartos ra Kirkman, SeeforM„
Mnrgar•t Iwrkin C. n. I. T.
�asf�rth 11.40
ltuitinud ('.( .r.T., Aahurn,.., 2,. (w1
Exeter Mission Bari, :15.011
AIeGllltrrny Mlssios .Band,
f;oderlrh 177.1(1
Rem forth Mtinsinn Band 1-1.12
!lensall Mluslnn stand 71,42
51 lrreret Larkin C. 6. I. T
Ace forth 15.75
Knox C,G.LT.. Auburn 05.(00
Refund from supply 'e-retary
'w M
---ala !Demme over 11 attoetttlon n
A standing vote of th inks and ap-
!Imolation was tepdere•1 the retiring
snpidy secretary. Mrs. W. 11. Fair for
her /pony years of patient. untiring
and efficient tearviess. . ,
Mrs, Greta. In a ,few appmpri•fte
'mots henntffully her wit-
ssfnettnn In the enenhIl t� reports,
and the Inspiring meeting was hroui !tt
to a r•Ina. In proyer ofTeie4 by Mrs.
.inhn Fraser of Hayfield.
The Weekly Farm Bulletin
Nineteru-twentys•Iglit, now guttlered
10 Its huhers, • Was a spotty year fort
the faruter, particularly the..Outurto1
furnwr. of ttse• twenty -nue main
troth grown iti this Products:, fourteen
were below hast year -.,r rather Per
in yield per acre. Grains were gen--
cr,t:ly lighter. and main crop hay was'
to>.. Practically all cash crops, exet'pt
IM•aos. were down either lit yield or In
price.. Sommer and halt rains caused
lastly les._ in the north and east, and
frust e',usght• hart of the %Vesterr, Ou
sari" 114u"ee. rrnp. ,tltogethe•r, tht-
pl•turc Is not tinted very highly.
Yet, taken a:toget ler, it was not
melt :it bad year us the above Nnnlut,r)
would Nag•..1. Fod.ler tsi-ttttrly Alert•
GNI. The long open fall left bee,
tt.M•t; on paster.. hater than nsant anti �
sent thele Into whiter quarters ! in
.'MMI 14111 101. .1• mew ,,r' (artfulIn,,
farnt wren**. is derive,t from lice
stock and 11ve .th.•kproducts. this Is
tut ,Itene of nn small itiINMtnnce: and
stere !nixed farming Is curried on al I
,•x¶4'11 - Kelly the individual snip is of
less importance than the general we•er-
hear /:rowers Prosper.
The weagt'n Ji't pa sl lots proved n
renulrho ble one for the bean grow yrs.
There aro moo: exteptiun, In Ibi•
file, .,f course, esis.•!.,lly tic -Huron.
where the ern' w1)+ $ Irtia,larly
*Neu but taking the while tseati-
tn,Wlsng distrl-t oyer the storage
answer is astnul,'wd-tit his good Inek.
in placing the e -t.4.115! na•ut m1) •,
basins t basis. The farm is it p1a, •
of business -a mw10fa.•wring plant
well o. a bras'. Seldom. excels eh
farm, dors one thud njnie•4'as faetori. -
n1d uuwnne.t pro•Jtot a....s.An ate
pr.,prutte name makes a g.MNI fano
better, The 4trnt.r f.e:IM that he La-
-e1 a !nark or standard wlik'Ii lie 01,e;
"""'" ""'' maintain
A g';' The Armstrong Beat Estate
nuns• bolds replifoli"u t" basine.s,
slits pride In owlwrship, alai proves'
taluab:c advertisluc." 1 and Insurance Agency
That Calmette {'arsine, - 1 LIFE INSI'K.\N('E: (Sun Life Co.),
al'CIDIfNT, SI('K.\1 SS, AUTO,
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Oat,
Phones 430 and 445
lnve'stigators 15'1.111 1m Is. no nearer
agrlenle•nt o1M'n 1)e value of the (hi -
melte t-u.e-lue- Sir tutI•n•ulosia hl eat-
' it,. than they were two or three yeltrs
1)1111. .1t u conference held recent) in
Souse Itig lturgains in Houses just new
(loan's the only agreement reached
wets to dlsngre'. F:tla•rinte•nters from sold ears terms fur payment. Jirsl e
the Universities of Montn';ll and ..A1- few' of the malty:
btrta r 'named eucoura(11 1, n•sult,.: Modern eelui;'tat,l home close to the
others trete the special laboratory at Square. Must ire sold. l'rice $1100.
11111)1 reported very little to got uioa• Eight-roMotueel house, large lot. gad
1ud'the net result, as phrased by I1r. dry cellar. Fine ',smitten. Nearly en -
Tory. president of 115. Nahuatl Ile• tits• hours healed by kltcheu store.
*,i telt 1"in,t''l 1, was tlltat "111,4• .1,'!I,71tP l'rhp $12(10,
tlature of the MuhJert 114)1'. 11.11 11'. rmit (','!tag,, 11000.
'Aerobe' 0f nor .stnclasfon .t ithout nat-
1 htrn Nta.1ytudLx{. ,J,Y-riltt�L•• i;.N"I dwelling house.. _ lots, 81200.
New 'Isidore). I'nliey. - A number of tine brick house., fall
Ruhr chick: sold by l..1 t i:4)l hatch- i tau'lern equllyil.1. Iturgnln 'irkee.
erre. la-Iyeur'J,uIII s•r,',t icer 7,Ixa),- A few houses to root.
15411; 1'u,'! do these 11)1),1 bio ad.i.'d lath its
iullM.rtutien+, from the. United States Sirtue for exelt*nge aur awes pro
Tic tp1alitt of these chi, k-', 1Le 11.. ks lens
front which the h:tacking egl,n. loos'.
and the hatu'heries front whle•h They fA $150 r, very close to Goderich,
re turned out. are therefore. of prime Price $16110.
i-ttiportann• b. the putltry bushle,•s. Ivo acres, welt improved, sonic !tar
1'nel•r a rues• pi.iicy worked oel by. tier. !'rice of entire property A!
_t71e ratio u r a h the. dlvlsion i4) co- Than price of timber and Impr.,ve•
oiN•nitiou with the. ('oux�lliin Briliyt�mettle,- at -tow valuation. Keay terms.
Thick Aswb•iation, fl.N'ke :ed thatch- Many ether fartns, Awk about them,
1 cries are to he'irradet, with partl•u-
1 lar attention paid in the 4irnter esw
l''to laying r'.,.rds, bestial, e1)1M' :11,1 a"r all P
iculars see or welt.
.:Altana f.ql.. are! in bloc latt,•r 1., 'ani- J. W. ARMSTRONG
tatlo,l. a 1111 weight. -, 1 vigor. tyre. and
In the first pla.e. although the aertrtce
was not high, the general yield was
"Melte-fa : and in lite oreohd, the ;.rice
for "the 11'1 w'it,• bet" has sprung
-back almost to war le•t•el. Although
flu• 41t•Prag4 yield for the I'rovine.- is
Pstimn1(51 at a little ober 17 hue"•l.,
there. are many well :mtheiti.'ited' ht
stnnees ..f yields running, from 30 to
40 bushels anti more. than one Kent
-land Elgin grower has token Ili arts tn-tvehcht of .-hick. Kort Estate Agent
memo to 141 1, Iemp front it,. s•t'r 1'f" - _-_- ltoa 11(1 Square (;nderiels
f 11114 1 1)e eropY r
stilt (Iptimistte.
• F9flal re earn- twos) sir great gra,',
crop of the prairie Kest will Is...,
.'!e'ntbly Ielott- the eptllnbsi, •
mates of the early full. 'Frost .i.yory
was f tr more w1.11•4i:re•a•'• titan w
resslized at the time, and this Covet
with sagging pries has cat the W
ern intone' to a mark.el deer,.•. 1:1
e1 1. however. the ca s1 fulfil yield .
seres a eonslderahle sum. 11101 oat r,
of the good (Tops of the past few•
finds op,imism to the prairie farms
This 1. re -fleeted In I1'.-rea,rel horn
1 stead tiling's. allot in tic• pl„wing t f
I larger 11cr•age this fait. Open tie:
f Intended for In -t week l
NILE. Jan. 1. -Mrs. 14 r14, -t Segos.,
Is 'visiting iter daughter, Miss Sylvia.
ani other rel:ltives in London for sev-
eral weeks,
MIAs Amelia Petberlrgton, of God-
erich, spent the week -end with her
friend, Miss Mary liogie, and Is
spending several days this week with
her aunt, Mrs. A. McIlwain,
Mr. Angn. McI)erm(d !e visiting her•
(luught,'r, Mrs. Albert Thal,, of Tor-
Miss Helen Connell, of Gait, re-
turned there this week after spending
the Christmas vae•ation at the home
of her grandmother. Mrs. Jno. Tnytor.
Miss Alter She•pperl returned to
her school at St. Catharines ..a 1Ve.t,
uesdey of this week, after spending
the rseation with her mother. Mrs. I..
ltissese Velma and ,)rel F'Innignn re-
huruerl to their schools. of Marton
oust Kipper a fter ' spending the halt'
.trays under the p, rental roof. --- --
Young People's Ilanq et. -{)u NOW
Year's Eye a tory sneeeessfnl banquet
for the young ts'nple was held 1n the
t,IMement ..f Nile united church under
the auspices of the •;Iris" Guild. The.
seltoolr,Nom Anel table. were tastefully
dt••nrru.NI for the oM.•iSloti Ira rl (, 0I'
seheme of rest. rust green. (ittt'sts
numbering about seventy -tree ' ate
renI(,ed and were salted around the
tables and did j11 11 '- to a 5nmistunns
ehle•ken /supper .er.pd by the girls, 1
After n xce•illi hour was stent the
evening's program •ommen(ed with
,community Miming • oder the leader -
!Mitt of Mr. Lnrrte I'etMtnnd and u
nnmis'r of approprate sung. erre
sunt. Various Masi. were then pro
posed. A toast to the King was pro -
Posed by flet. R. .5. !dimly and re-
siMfl,Ipd to by aril singing " 8.ere the
King-•' .1 s, euI,h"1)c .t01n ens potter
I' Mr. Frun'k M.•Ilo lino aecom9n0Ied
11 the nranh by itis- Margaret fent
'arid, Mr. 14eslle. 1',, Intal prniw,sevl n
toast to "The Country" which was te-
slsamded to by all siccing 'The Mnp'e
pylar Forever.'•. ,it toast wale prgN,asd
by Mrs. Lundy to -The Chnreh." and
all responded by singing the hymn
"The 1'hareh's (lel• renne,'tion ." A
thief tens then given ivy Meemrs. Fronk
1tr•tlw-nin and Lorre Pentland 1)r- r
enmpanied at the "r gen ler Mi•• M.
Pentland. 11 r. poems Pentland Pro
it toot to lase !nate! and was re -
spondee, to by Mies toral Finnigan. A n
trio by Misses tn144s and Veda Tnbh
noel Jes.le Me('ann. aeeompnnied at ►
the organ by Niro,. I,slnde% ens given.
Mr. Clerente Dustnw momeseel n tonal
to the Girls' Guild whleh was re- 1
'vended to by the president. %lrs.
Re Ppntlanel. A committee wax then
appointed s. follows. Merters. Holt.
Echlin, Lorne Pentland ant! Rosa Tey•
Mr, to confer with the Pxeetttlre of
the furls' Gild to arrsngh for it debate
to I* held at the next literary and ao-
rtal evening, thus bringing e very em-
joyihle erelong to a close.
t(tomaeh troubles ennse. most of the
,)d9Mrpes of furl,;hooti and childhou"t,
w1) rand ere aye gre.f 1,51 problem that •i
len - young smother .h1). to solve. The treat
ss men! far tie-,. 'hi?••alye di'hlrl.naes
'I' rbat m:1ke Why cot• tlmtinnnitt• and
r- diet11rh his Mle•rl mast is• qui. k 11n,44
'r''efl'.stl've. and. above nth terfletly sae
r The Il1,4,411 fl. wife tfe:,tn4•nt Tor
'r nhrhrinces of the st :tell and two,•
found in 11a1...'o, Iran T:rhl.,
tint 1)1111 early December permit!.
the, r'nrmer. to get mach Hi- til' crop t
the e'Ptlati'r before the cold suet 11), an
also pe•rmitfe.Mhlni to got mnrr fern
w'.irk flntstawl than for yen r. hack.
)-her. It .•111 Goes. - .
What IM•.vtnuPs or n11 11s11 t:n.f to!
mem, of grain, swat, milli_ and o11sr
pnulam?x produced each year aper
Compliers- farms? With some excel
urns, airtime pwery commodity 1
eighty -tire or more per cent. enrtsumpt
1)t home. ('onspl•n"es among them
ex.eeptl"ns are wheat and ry-P, cheese
ward, and apples. The 4fftk•I:t1 figure
Show that during the crop•mnrkettn
yeeslr 19'27-28 jiver over one-third of
the %limit crop. Jtt.t tinder nrte.pulrter
of the rye. approximately the Nome of
cheese. two-flfths of the w.•••1, and twn-
thirds of the apples were nhsl In Catooda and the remainder exported.
Harley alert is nn eteeptin,,, th.rngh not
10 the sltrry. drifter; slightly ,,ter .iim•-
quarter of the crop ens so
4xlrted histyear, and the year brfnr,• r1,.t alont
in most ether 11114" hon. .o, •••111111,tion t.rik by for the wrestler ptrT of the
proitnetl",1. The Attires .loos: oats,
home .eonsutmptinn, 97 ts'r sent.: leas.
1)4: te'flns. 401.5: I'°theses, 02: turnips,
00: hat-. 09: butter, fMet; fresh leer, 86;fresh pork. 02.5; egg•. all hot half-a-
millintl dozen out of t 1•,t.r1 of or. r
Honor Where iforror'. Dile,
Frank T. Shutt. 1lminion agrlcn'-
titr:rl chemist. I. noir of the font esl.•u
tlets t.. share in aha vertri rttilenm
llfrntr e
itwae's award for research
into the reletilm; of !liftmen supply
and farm tomos.
".tli Itan,ittian ugrhat:htrrt cellet_s•.
:end etterImettf. tit 4. nod f!, rengh
1h(•1,, 9111 Canadian f:nacos. flees or„-
"tiled (roll the Rork of the II„tlde.ion
ch.)nlo,t." sin ••s, the retort.
Dr. si-rpt Lon . , 1)p'•''` ' '- ,...•. •
1M,sit1n for forlt -one year...
Clean Eggs.
1.11.44,o,41e:g f. nPu4 .1, good .1- .4
e:eel(t 4'414. 'fierce. .1 11 Motu. n' ,. o'
noire lb. nws.
, to tetter
('lean firms 1, 41rda, .Icntt IP 4. r. !old
(lean sm.?. n,)ke for reran (pts. (t:,1'.
the ne
of the nest inatcrfn1s from this
standpoint ' nodi nn rr ph
1;/1 1'r ., int.
They are absorbent rout gni,k1y ,Ir, 11s,,
my 111.1,1,1,111V. which ma. Ise left 11)
the, r•
What's in a Now?"An appropriate farm 11411114•
ton.( farm better," de l,res n 1'ri
rersity of WLN» Inderal,,. .and it
In.'k* tip the senfernelrt with very
"\lames nid in dletinguishl,C fawns'
est M 91111.01yx. tier serve fn 414-1
tfntnl4iine Indfrld,1.r14 ('nm,M'ting,
with millions of other farms. the 110-
called protege farm is In ,tnntaer of 1
hemming knit another farm
As an tnstltetlon that se'nples so
prominent a m'
pert In th4 nettle/WS
life. the farm .Icsrr -t . A
.Nnming the term with a tx•P11•
PhnxPn name Is one of the 41 4.-t .t4'y
"1 Thtnl»noels of mothers have had 11,•:•
o problem "..led through them. ''1'f,
are t•'unrauteed to Ise free from ell i
Jurems drugs and .11100'? fM,a i .It
: harm 1' eve'u the youngest bale tb'•d(
way..l! goo.
Ruby's Own Tablets re'gulete 11 ,
r;sf14mnclt unit lowe:s: banish conoip•
tion and hldigestion: break up rola-
,-and simple fevers and promote Units 1 in -111f h-gl ving steep which is s,. In.e•g-
1 • wiry- M the welfare of the baby or
' ; Crow hag child. The Tablets are sold
by an 'medIrh,e deal' rs mr by ,moil ;If
:1-40 n box from The Dr. R'iltl:tno.
g Nlediainr ('o. firw•kriil.% Ont.
(Interah'tl fur !est week 1
N'ESTF4 E Li 0. inn. I. -M r. mid
Mrs. Thnua,s 'codger, or Ncw.ii lie.
Ore :risiti yt ,Mr... and Mrs. .1. Fr..l
(',Mak and other friends.
\IoM. J. E. Ellis and her grami
daughter. 51i'.. Kathleen Kiehl kslroro'. vislt..1 1'aat weok will
the ferns -r''. sister. Mr.. M. 1'• t:rillin
"f 11'Iatgham.
\etc Tear grrtiug" tm.uil the fend
of The .yigu:ll.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDowell spell:
over the weekend In Brantford at
Gorr+ling the silte'r weeetdin-
g of lar. nil
Mrs. rk*Ie' .,f that Idnce
Mr. n 1).l la r.. Herbert 1':nap l'el1,
N'ioghotn,. Mr.-:unl Mrs. John 1'nn.;.
1e•:1 nn,! .hlldrea. "f .tylamr. Ile• , roc,
211 -ns. James. iVitthis.a.r .444.1
Iteige:of% sisal! the 4'In•istmas boli,:,
sat the home! of Mr. 11,1,1 Mr, !.'los
4'nmpls•ll, II.'h;rntp. '
The bratty
H14esettifr \n t•,1) 11,4 ,1,,• .1111.
01:1It 1(1 whorl I g:a%. i i , • n,in..
pie !nit' (reek?"
')'ramp . hitterly • N,,, n . t
not : till' sot's more, the •1 . s,,
i never will be the same man aeoin.'
Li sited
Telephone 230
51..1' 1 '1'.-mille l(uildin,:
Geo. Williams
Dealer in
Fire, .Aetidenl, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Officio, next to (tank of 1`ommer .•
I'hnmr ..a
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
many ;ittr:artier loons
of loltl'i. Consult us
regtlnlit:g that.. ,
Uolri, 1 Agent
Goderich Phone 115
When looking for :m investment why not buy
the safest and best ?
are represented here.
Two good houses for sale. One furnished
house for rent.
INSURANCE : Fire, Life and Auto
Phone 292 P. O. Box 438
11 •
•t. 4.r• 'a -ambit