The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 21The great escape machine On-Thursday eyening--the--- Holyrood W,1, held a card . party in the hall. There were five tables in play, and a. lovely'.isociable time was enjoyed Prizes were award ed to the following, high. ladY, Mrs. Cliff Johnston; high • gent, Ellwciod Elliott; ... lucky . lady, Mrs. Lorne • Eadie; 'kicky gent, Eric Hal- denby. Prize for the youngest player went to David Elliott. Mri. Don Wall is a patient in University HoSpitaf where she. underwent major surg- ery. We send our get well wishes Linda and hope you will soon be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gra, ham, Mrs. Dorothy ThOmp-• son and Edna" and May Boyle were dinner guests with Mrs. George Graham on Friday.. Mr. and Mrs: Charlie Mur- ray • visited :on Sunday with . her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Sutton at Teeswatey. We are glad that Lyman is making favourable progress after •his recent_iiirgery .in Londop. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ScOtt are withl Barbara and Blair Scott, , concession 4, Huron while Bill sand Bertha Scott , :are enjoying a winter It011.• daY. Mrs. VeroM,..tiodgins..was home from Florida. She visit, ed with Mrs. Kathleen ,Gra- ham. at Goderich. and With her mother, Mrs. Mark John- ston arid other friends. She returns to Florida March .1st. Congratulations ate ex- tended to the Pee Wee hockey _team, •who won the championship, trophy in the , playoff- ;game 'at Paisley on Wednesday night. Charlie Murray is, the team coach, and the •loVely trophy is on display in the Holyrood Gen- oral Store. Eric Haldenby is a patient in Wingham and . District Hospital. We wish him im- proved health. IfOLYROOD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The citizenship and world affairs meeting of the Holy - rood Women's Institute .w4s held on February 7 at the home of Mrs„ Lorne Eadie Who also .,presided. in the absence of the president. The, roll, call was "Name ..a ,Canadian Province, its Prem; ier, and the flOral embleM of that proVince", . Mrs,, -John Scott read the 'minutes .;.,of the previous Thank.younotes were read front the Brownies fora gift donated to their dance. From the 'township council for an invitation to the Family Night in November; also from folks who received cheerio °Voies at Chriitmas. There were 12 boxes sent to shutink in this area. The new 4-H course has now begun with Mrs. Orrie Gingrich and Mrs: John Ack- ert as idaders. A donation was made to the hospital. A • quilt wai.quilted for Partici; pation Lodge in January and the cost of the material .was $30,00. - • . Mrs. Howaid .Smith was prograni -eonvenert,,and 'gave a splendid motto on The bird that sings is One that• draws attention andinteresi. A very well prepared topic, What meeting and gave the Onan, Oaf statement and.read, the -•;otritn,nnications-__ chided letters front ,Mrs. Flerenee Dymond, f,W.I:Q. Mrs: Marjorie Wall, District secretary- treasttrer, an appeal from the Winghain and District' Hos- pital and notice of the officers' conference at ,Wat- • erloo in April. makes a.. good citizen, was given by Mrs, Gerald Mtir- . gave a paper on thelife 'of St. Valentine, and also condttot- ed a Heart contest : Mrs, Harold Smith conducted quiz on CanadianHistorY. A reading, Old Friends, was given by' Miss May. Boyle. Courtesy remarks were given b'y • •Hatold - Smith and the meeting closed. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess. !mai-farm Now, Available Seed grain, seed corn, chemicals, fertilizer, spreader chains, water bowls, farm gates, pig feeders, big round and square bale feeders, cattle Mineral feeders, cattle ollerb, animal health products. SUMMIT An outstanding newcomer exclusive CO-OP • two-rowed,:rough-awned feed type barley : • one of the highest yielding varieties now recommended for use in Qntario • Strong, short straw for a high level of lodging resistance produceS a large plump kernel with excellent test weight high resistance to, mildew„stem rust available only at your local CO-OP .in grou meets BY RUTIfBUCHMEIER. . -Congratulations- and Mrs. Jim iMacKinnon of Guelph on the arrival of their son, Michael James, who was born on February 4th. • This is a brother for •Sien. Faith and Fellowship group mete at .the home of Nancy Maclntyre on Sunday evening. Mr: Garrott was. guest speaker. There was a good turnout. Mr. and Mrs. jim Dollery, Audrey and Jamie of Or angeville were visitors, with. Mr. and MrS. Lloyd Mac Dougall last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Dick. McQuillin and Ron were Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordan Mc- •—Quillin of Sarnia, --Mn—and-- Mrs. Bill Duke and Alyaia Of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacNay of Amberley, Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacLeod and Dawn of Vanastra, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Breutogatin, Michael and Beverley of St.- • Catharines and Pat Buckley of London. Jack McQuillin of St. Catharines is' spending some holidays with' them. Recent visitors with Mrs. Olive Needham were Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Gawley of. Ripley and Mt. and Mrs, Lynn Lowry and family.. • „ y MaeIntyre enter- ! tained the neighbours on 1. Saturday.. evening, Friday night -dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Johnston and family were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Car- diff. Mr. and Mrs, --Mike Snol?elen and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell, Also on Sat- urday, Velma Chadbotirne and Tracy'.and friend, Mary Tin, to page 27, ....... TOTAL SAVING $35684 89 ON THIS WELL.EqUIPPED UNIT Features V4, automatic, radio, power steering, wide tire and wheel package and much much more. Serial ..No. SA171'4104050. Salei Tax Rebate - $694.89 Model year end discount -Plusloweir:79-iirice-- - Total saving On SO prices $2 8 /4 .°° FINAL .• CLEARANCE 334 HURON RD. GODERICH Phono524-9381 or 524.8411 or 524+8841 STRICKLAND MOTORS:LIM Btiice • six-rowed, rough-awned feed barley • excellent yield, short strong straw • Mildew-resistant, tolerant to'smut PeguiS • six-rowed, amooth-awned feed barley • medium height straw, good strength resistant_Ao stem—rusty smut—and mildew Herta • two-rowed, rough-awned feed barley • good yields on a medium to short • straw With medium-strong strength • • tolerant td loose smut, mildew resistant "'"Virittft 10/A11401.E ELGIN 50% SUMMIT 50% ELGIN 65% SUMMIT 35% ELGIN 50% BRUCE 50% ELGIN 65°/0 BRUCE 35%. ELGIN 50°/0 PEGUIS 50% ELGIN'65% PEGUIS 35% GARRY 50% . HERTA 50% GARRY 55% HERTA 35% ... • large white seed matures earlier and yields higher than Garry . • short, strong straw .Cereal Mixturei Chart Sentinel • highest yielder on the recommended list • strong, Medium-length straw • large oat matures medium to late in the season • resists lodging, crown and stem rust • withstands aphid damage Garry • good yields on a medium-length strong straw • Matures mid-season • resistant to crown and stem •rust