The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 11Holyrood 4-H How AND TRusr Contact us in GodoriCh at; 100 Kingston St, 524.7381 VG t tomorrow. VICTORIA. An apple a day may keep the doctor away but a Victoria and Grey RASP can help safeguard your financial health, now and in the future. Talk to us about it soon, Member:, Canada Deposit insurance COtporation Mrs. Harvey MuOen, leader of . Unit 3 LucknOW U.C.W. welcomed 13. mem; ben to her home fehruary. 5, She opened the Meeting'with • Reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs. A: Ritchie and the social convener, Mrs. Grace, Gibson. Cards were signed to be sent to bereaved faMilie-s. Mrs, E. Wightman, pro- gram convener, read 'a Jap- anese•Versicin of Psalm 23. for Busy People. Mrs. Grace Gibon 'Con- ducted the worship service with 'the theme, "Man's Greatest Power!'. • • - Meditations were given by Mrs. S. Reavie and. Mrs. A. Ritchie: The power to choose is• one 'of God's greatest gifts -Sou OSS- a :teaching mission to that ' Mrs. Greer, had a number' conntryf., We learned-of many of interesting 'articles front of the Japanese customs and, Japan on display, Mt*-Char.. ' , lie. Anderson gave a paper Mrs, .Dunsmuir Sang entitled, "Bigger- and Bet- • ,4oVelysoloand--4alentine,--ter'4;which-deall--Writh-the-v- reaing was. given: by Mrs. ; manufacturing .'business H. Webster. ,`A Nalentine JaPan as Well as education, contest Was conducted by religion ancfeustoms. Mrs.. Arnold: A lunch was.! ., Mrs. Win. Ferguson spoke served by the committee: . further on the education and • told of the . work of Eiko UNIT 4 Sakasai, a kindergarten' teacher, who also taught Unit 4 of the Lucknow Sunday School, 'organized U.C.W. met for the February worship for adults and led_ Meeting at the church with Bible study groups. an attendance of 22. Scripthrei The . WidoW'S The president, Mrs. Bar- Offering,, was read . by Mrs. ported on the Agriculthre old Greer, called the meeting banquet, Mrs.: -C. Menary ..to ,order with :a‘ poem, gave • •• Smile interesting "Love's Seasons". Commit:, thoughtS on Stewardship, tee reports were given and • using" the theme Of the the roll call .'answered With a to man and.the responsibility "Loaves and . Fishes'', on Valentine verse.• An invita:, Tor:his choke rests with.eaeh • sharing!, Mrs. Allan 'Gibson' tion is being extended to the individual. read the scripture from Luke, Evening • Auxiliary of Luck: Mrs, Gibsehled in prayer. . on the "Good Samaritan"; now Preibyterian Church to A piano instrumental by The meditation on Compas a attend the March meeting. Mrs. V. Johnston'was much sion . and Huinility and .some:: Mrs.: Gordon .Cayiey-intro- ehjoyed. thoughts , On giying were iinced the study on JaPan, Mrs. ,Wightinati . introduc- presented byArs. J. Arnold: using- a map' and question,. ed the mission study on Mrs. Dunsinuir. closed the. , naive. .Japan consists of over. Japan, ,using a map.. and a devotions with prayer: . 3000. islands With/ a Poptila- qnestionnaire regarding the • The topic on Japan- was'.'. tion 0111'4 million, the sixth' .country, its peeple, theit •introduced by Mrs. V. Hun-. largest in. the world. The' . religions and their interests. ter, , with an account of a main religions in, Japan. are A reading ',Heavenly young chap froin Goderich on' ShintaiSm,, Buddhism and Christianity, with only about one.per cent of the 'Japanese pe°P1C-7'60ing ,Ohrigtlatis• ' The Eebruary Meeting of Clipping"On Hurhan:RightstO' Sputh Kinloss was . , the March meeting. held February 6 at'the home Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes, "of Harry rs; Ted' Collyer and Mrs. president, Mrs. LlOyd Mae- Eva* Keith , took:.part in the, .DOugalt,Y,iipehed the", meeting. Prayer: Circle. Mrs. Frank . with 4,!tpoetti. 4 J, gave the offer Members were reminded tory Piayer. Courtesies were of the World Day of Prayer to by Mrs., Harold Howald. be -.licit' Match 7; in the • .Mrs. Fraser MacKfnnon Christian Reformed Church. gave . the. Clesing prayer.. -Mrs.MacDougall -The.hostess_and.direifors, . ajlepprt,•of,the Presbyterial Mrs, Allan MacDougall and .Mrs. Harold llowald gave Mrs: Harold Howald, served the Bible Stusly, funch. . meaningless unless we have God in. our life, Presbytery':" no.Study' for the year, Dimensions of Human firce&-1 Rights, was well presented by Mrs. Allan MacDougall, Walkerton followed by the answering of A The first meeting of the Holyrood 4-H Homemaking club, Your Corner of the World, was held on February 7 , at ...the home' of Barb Gingerich. Eight. members are doing the project. The results.of the election of offieers are as follows: president, Lea-Anne Halclenby; vice president, Lori Gingerich; secretary, Carrie Allen: Assistant leader, Joy Ack- ert, led a discussion concern- ing the present appearance of each member's bedroom and how the member would Change it to her dream room through redecorating. Lead. or, Barb Gingerich, then dis- ' cussed .the history .of mac- rame, the various' types of macrame bord available, equipment needed for the next meeting and finally, how to set up Design Collec- tions and Record Books. h of questions on t e sub 1. t Human Rights.: Mrs. Mac Dougall asked that each member -.bring a newspaper' 'including in-her re- B marks; Our goals in life are rt4cse Presbytery.' • Rev. Mervyn Russel based his remarks, on Matthew, chapter 20, during the wor- ship service • Consideration of the' mara- •juatia question and alcohol and drug concerns was pres- ented—with discuiSions fol- lowing. • Business arising from the reports of the other three cormnittees was dealt*with. The session adjourned and Rev. Earl 'Stokesbury =closed with prayer. Strike 4 Was given by Mrs* Enda McDonald. Mrs, Houston closed the meeting and: .a social time followed: *The, four'. Committees met and re-convened to rep'ort 'their. findings. For Evangel- ism Mrs. Edna Avery, Mrs. Georgina Smith.,-.and Mrs. Lloyd Cuthinings gave opin- ions. Rev, Ray. Cowieson led in a sing sprig., At lunch tone Mr. Dan Davidson showed slides talc: en at various activities of Mrs. Irene Parker repres- ented Hamilton • Conference at Brute 'Presbytery on Feb- ruary; 5 in Walkerton United . Church. • T,he meeting opened in the routine manner with Rev. Ronald Pierce . in charge. Mrs. Eileen Lamb ektended the welcome, Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.C.Vi/ met at the' home of Mrs. V. Hunter •with 16 members answering the roll call with a,. 13ible verse on Love. Mrs R. Button con- ducted the installation and dedication of officers. Visiting this month will be Mrs. Cliff Menary and Mrs. E. Dunsmnir. - Mrs. Gordon Morriscin re- ..„ Leonard Leonard Ritchie. Following the 'singing _of a Japanese Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Services 1000 aim : and 2;30 pan. Listen to the . Back to God'Hour, —10:30 a.in.CKNX song', Let's Grow, Mrs. chic closed the meeting whit • prayers '- Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 aa.m. Sunday School_ 11 a.m. Morning Worship PKESBYTEkletN, CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 10 a.m.: 'Sunday School 1,1:0Qa.rn. Morning Worship Nursery FroviOed • ' For Pre-School Children • jr. Congregation for 5 Year Old Children IL.0.(10•19W UNITED cHugcFt 7Rev, Doug Kantrinas 1WhilSter 7% Rebate ON ALL UNITS Until the end of February 1980 1979 CUTLASS .SUPREME, :door, 6 cyl. 2 1979 CHEV IMPALAS . 1979. CHEVELLE MALIBU CLASSIC, 6 cyl, 1979 PONT-IAC PARISIENNE, 3 with. 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