The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 9WELCOMES YOU! Plan to attend our SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER DANCE This is your personal 'invitation to join us for an evening of. Wine, Dinner and Dancing. Come and enjoy a superb 13enmiller Dinner. Come and enjoy live entertainment each and every Saturday night by the renowned Johnny Downs and his Or-. chestra. Dinner starts at 7 p.m, Music from 8 to 11 p.m. Dress is optional. Reservations only. '1 5.00 cover charge FEB. tfith • elis SATURD ri NTIVE ST AR yOLIR V ALE vittING Always Welcome! Come, relax in one of our lounges.„ 'On the way to a. party? A play? A dance? Drop out with your friends and relax in front of the fireplace, anytime...noon to midngiht. We featUre two lounges fully licenced under the L.L.B.O. For reservations phon 524-2191 Benmiller Inn Nestled in I3enmiller, Ont., just 7 kilometres east. of Goderich on. Huron County Road 1, Just off Highway 8. SINFONIA CONGER FEATURING: Victor Feldbrill .- ConduCtor The London Symphony Orchestra's Sin- A ounv zsa cii aial Gati r - Group, comprised of 30 full rra:dr - The Marriage Of Figaro (Overture) - Concerto Grosso Boccherini - Cello Concerto H rin Be.e, th vs en's - Octet Symphony No. 88 at Notth.Sfreet'UOited aurch - FEBRUARY 15th at 8:15 p m,. CQ11ii!NG. MAY 2nd ORCHESTRA NIGHT Victor Feldbrill,. Conductoi • . • • • Featuringntlie full. Loudon Symphony,Orchestra SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE TOR THE REMAINING TWO CONCERTS ADULTS 'COO FAMILY 'MOO AT CAMPBELL'S ON THE SQUARE, GODIERICH Since this is a Subscription Series, no individual tickets are for sale. Rush tickets will be available only at the door at P455 p.m. at *S.00 Sponsored by the Goderlch Rotary Club under the patronage of the Sully FoUruicition. tuekao Sentinel, Wednesdey, February 1980,Fage 9 Rintoul, were at a funeral in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moss of PlattsVille spent the 'week, end with Mt, and Mrs.. Carl McClenagfian and Mrs, Mary McClenaghan and Sunday her mother, Mrs. Mary MeClenaghan returned ,,t,., home with them to Platteville for a visit. Mr. and Mts. Raymond Des Roches and..„ Steven of London and Miss MOnkitte Rose of Cornwall -vv,ere- Sun-. day visitors . with Mr.. and Mrs. cart MeCienagham, Mr. andivirx. Dan Tiffin of Wingham were Saturday,'ev, ening visitors •With„.Mr.: and Wesley Tiffin: ' Mr. and-Mrs-Nelson Bell, Brian and, !':'Rielfarcl,,: were Saturday visitors ••Iwith ,his parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Bell on hiS way from Tim- mins to Windsor where he will " be. working at the airport. • Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hum- phrey, James and Christopk, er, of Bluevale, were Sunday ' afternoon visitors with. Rev. and. Mrs. John Bell. . Rev. and Mrs. Ken Rooney of Cookstown visited Sunday arid' Monday with Rev. and Mrs. John Bell- Mis's Heather. Currie of University of .Guelph spent the weekend with her par-. ents, Mr. ancl.Mrs. John A. _Turtle. Ori-W-ecinesday,-Mis, Rick Peter of WOOdstock visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. John A. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman De Bruyn visited. Mrs. David Tebbitt of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. John At Currie are pleased to; nounce the arrival of their first grandchild, Andrea Hel- en, on January 23 at Dor- chester. A first grandchild for Mrs. John Strong, Gorrie. WHITECHURCH 4.H The second meeting of Whitechurch 4-H club was held on Saturday,' FebrUary 9. The meeting opened with the president, Kendra Pur- don, presiding. The roll, call was answered by seven, describing a piece of mae- rattle they had_ seen. The club name, chose was Macrame Maniacs. The minutes were read by Lori Ann Jamieson and approVed. Each metnher made a list of personality assets and liabilities and filled in a chart on likes and dislikes, The girls worked on th,eir macrame samplers, Word was received on the weekend by WS. Olive Boss that her brother, Malcolm (Mack)- Ross of Pembroke had passed away suddenly of a heart attack before. his arrival at hospital. The fam- ily, Janet, Mary Ellen, Eon and Douglas are all in Van; couver. Malcolm will be remembered by many in Whitecliurch when he owned the general store across from the feed mill. The community extends sympathy to the relatives. " • t , BY v'moraEmERSON Nat ThoinSon of Lucknow rier. The present- Minister; ' ary presidents, Rcv• Wilena was a Sunday afternoen Robert C. Perry, •gave a very , P..Brown and *Mrs.: Robert Mr.. and Mrs. Morris' caller on Mr. and Mrs. Vidor `interesting message closing ' Perry; president, Mrs. Ag tieShro, DWayne and Leisa, ' Emerson; . with a poem, The ,Kindly, . nes Farrier; secretary, Mrs, ineardine, visited with Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Elden'Etner. Neighbour, . . .'' Russel Chipman; cotres- and Mts. E. W. Beecroft on son, Darlene, Sharon and, The session reports Mein-, ponding` secretary, Miss Mil. %. ___,t Saturday. .. fireuda of • St; Catharines hera.•. of session 0; resident' , dred MnCienaghan; treasUr..- im firciiim IN "T=rari 1111.0 ill 2311i1 E3•1 Stephen', Scott and SUMO Vent111LrWeekend-wirhIVW ' members. Si, nen-resident err-Mr:sr-DaVe-Gibb.,..._,____ Pi- , visited on Sunday with their ' and Mrs. Victor EMerson. 10; baptism', Sara Ann Chap' ' , Five'parcels of used cloth- -...oN,E,suowmoog_p_AY ne e ber a et " an whitegi e FEBRUARY 13 14-15-10TH ' ' owsitArTOIATUROW.1-- AT UM P,M. °NM . grandparents, •Mr, and M.S. Nat Themson of Lucknow man; W in ni S, .1r n mg d fts w re sent II AL pAciN0 Bill Rintoul, while their par- visited On Saturday in Sarnia -Blaine Laisilawi ' XmcindY to the Fred Victor MisSion in ii , in erns, Mr: . and Mrs. Neil Hospital with is his brother, June Moore, Karen Marie 'Toronto valued at $125. ' Li The Sunday SchOol officers Ill were superintendent, • Clif- II ford LaidlaW; secretary treas., i sc„„e°Milniganwtstleck: ., . ever; 'Elmer . Sleightliolm; a ' superintendent of cradle roll, "".• Mr-s. Ivan-Laidlaw;... teachers,, ,.... Mrs, Garry Chapman, Linda MOore, Mrs. Clifford , Laid- 1a,w, Garry ChapMan and Jack Whytock. They spon.. gored a foster child which, cost $180,90 and had a bilance4eft. ' The expenses of the Gen- era' Fund .were met 'and a Mrs. Perry read an as. count of the Presbyterial held in Goderich: Mrs. Milian. Moore tended'thanks to the hostess :and All those Who contributed' to thi:Tneeting ,and closed with ...prayer. WHITECHIIRCH UNITED CHURCH The "annual meeting of Whitechprch United Church was, held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 5 in. the church, .Min- isters during the year' were Rev. Wilena.,Brown,. B.A.': B,D., Th.R. arid Robert C. Perry. The session--members - are . clerk;., Moore, C. Laidlaw, R. Chapman, C. Whytock; E.' Sleightfielm; and D. Gibb. Trustee board is. C. LaidlaW, E. 'Sleight- holm, and R. Chapman. Stewards elected in 1979,are Mrs. F. Tiffin, D-:-Gibb and A. COUlteST See-ritary treas urer is M. Moore..Auditors are I. LaidlaW, C„ Laidlaw. and Mrs. a. Willis. Organist is Mrs, Agnes Farrier •and assistant is Mrs: Jean Tiffin, Oberserver,'MrS. Agnes Far- Stanley Thomson of Forest., WIIITECHURCit On WedneSday the. U.C.W. held their meeting, at the home`'. of Mrs, RuSsel Thiptnaw-Seven members answered the roll call with a New Years Proverb.. Mrs. Cliff taidlaw led in prayer. Mrs. Fred Tiffin read .a poem, "`Politics"'. Mrs. Sleighthohn read the scrip. ture, Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw took the topic on Japan. Only one per. cent of the, people in japan •balance left. All departments al; .. • are Christian. The W.fvf.S. of the Luck- of the church had a real '-'-.11,40 p mi El al Ole 01111 0 III NI 11111=111111 . . now Presbyterian Church successful year. held, their February meeting On Wednesday at:the honie, of Mrs. Jessie Johnston,. Mrs, Cyril Brown ,was in the chair and welcomed all the ladies and read the winter poem,: 'White World". After singing the, opening hymn, Mrs. Austin, led in prayer, Mrs: Leree conducted thc business part of the meeting and. Mrs. Wallace . Wilson gave two readings, Mrs. Berl Moffat favoured the ladies, with. 'two loYel selections on her acCordiart Mrs. Jessie Johnston gay( the scripture and meditation Mrs. Clare Crowston ga‘{ the offertory prayer'and Mr:, Ena Henderson gave tilt mission study on ``flumat 4Rights" and". also read letter Miami-PI -the meta .bers about the girl they arc sponsoring in St. Vincent. Mrs. Jim Aitchison closed the meeting with prayer and a social hour was spent together., Quipp• and. Nancy Edith. Quipp. The board of stewards expressed thanks to the vol- unteer caretakers and all who -helped-in Tspeciat The Mission and Service fund amounted to $884.09,,. The officers of the United. Church Women were honor- CLIFFORD EVENS *conductor • M41-71111.1011401iii 11011:3011 ""' I A:i0N- IRA._ BROM-TUESDAY 111 FEB. 1140-19 soONITImE IRO in c3loose Emma alma ID SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT 1 4VVT.,4'.;,":.,,;, 2vinEADy..symooN4y.t o liwitahmommiumimr, FEB 20-21 at P,M. BAKCIPITIr 7 • • WINONAM, ONTAMo PHONE 351-10M FOR MOVIE INFORMAPON moo® lieclormampio w40, *AWAY TO SATURDAY FEB, 13T11,, 15TH III ONE SHOWING EACH PAY AT TAO P.M. ONLY! 11 _ A WONDROUS ANIMATION SPECTACLE AMAZE WITH AD'VENTURIE