The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 28A U Coveralls Lined Pants N Smocks carlhartst Trax Cords Mercedes Ski Poo suits Linea cowls lockets itoti"*"14::e° oeonsi- ===xx=4*.c=m<=0. Charm/I/Ian's Work Welcomes C lothing You Everyday LUCKNOWPHONE528.2526 Page 28-,Auchnow Sentinel WednesdaY] VebruarY 6, 1980 WaW.Fiebr*,4ry.I8.toib0 .0.04tagpOtky Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leddy, Diana and Kevin, St. Augus- tine ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Leddy. Kincardine OPP investig- ated a two car collision on Havelock 'Street-at -Willough- by on Fehritary 1, involving .Donald Mann and Margaret Ferguson, both of Lucknovv,. There were no injuries and damage was estimated at about $1,500. scope that enriches our lives. And it is esPeelally valuable because, unlike Canada PAY, it , falls during the school year -when-the youth-of.the-oakion can become involyed. That is why Heritage Can- mous. waste a energy and manpower that it' involves, It simply doein't make sense to destroy a building — ttny-buildinfp-ehurehrware--- house, bank, railway station or private home that is still structurally sound, 'All over this country - buildings are being preSerV ed, A church' in Toronto becomes a haberdashery shop. A bank . in Ottawa bectitnes a restaurant, A warehouse- in—Vancouver Comes part of a shopping complex. A railway station in Kleinburg beComes a Boy Scout headquarters. The past lives on, giving our cities an historical' tex- ture, a feeling, of continuity and; incidentally, providing new jobs for thousands of workmen, Why a holiday? Because the heritage movement will not, come of ge nor tie taken seriously til we give it an official stamp of approval. A holiday makes people sit up and take notice. It provid- es a chance for celebration -- in this case the celebration of our history..For buildings are living history lessons,. They tell us something about our roots. They remind us of who we are. On July 1 we celebrate our political' past. On' Heritage Day We celebrate our built- up past -- the cultural lino, ada wants a holiday. Our job, is to act' as a catalyst ;to ensure that something from the past is saved. Surelt we can>alCe one may' out of the' year to drive that lesson home. CHISHOLM. - Peter and Helen are pleased to an- nounce fthe birth of their daughter, Haley Ann, on January 29,' 1980 at Wing- • ham, and District Hospital, Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chisholm, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Holloway, Wingham. FOOD SAVINGS POR SCHNEIDER'S LOIN STRIP Steaks 8 oz, I .15 CASE OF 10 ilY PrERREBERTON ChaltMitla of the Beard Heritage Canada —Early-this fall-r-the—Hetit- age Canada:Foundation lawn- ched an all.,ont campaign to, try te• Make Heritage Day -- the third Monday in Febru- ary• -- a national holiday. Few:Canadians, I suspect, will quarrel with the idea of a Midwinter, holiday to help battle the February "blahS"; why Heritage-Day? :And a natienal charitable foundation,' entrusted with the preservation of our built- up heritage, asking for a holiday? Why, for that matter, should the average Canadian give a hoot about heritage? Maybe I should answer the last question first: It's simile:: Preservation is the wave of the future. And preservation is a labour-intensive indus- • try. We are nearing the end, of the great post-war construc- tion boom, Which provided so many jObs; We are also seeing the bankrupty of z, philosophy, which held that once a building was writter, down on the Company books, after a brief life of 30 years, it could be dispensed with and replaced by anothet. We can -Ito longer afford the luxury of thatphilosophy. Nor.can We afford the emir- Keeping families - It's anal hat de't li.t 1,u'n l the land.. \nd tihen do, dlottke. ,4t.• t'ii tent uit Ittrilwt ottiloi,.art... oh then :lov. 'leant ns and that has to t'nd. ' • ' No.% )enniLlats.ktha‘‘ v, hot 611 a farm hee..athc I arracr [Ito \i )l' 1102Fadtv,a2 • for Mimic, Itt“.. 't!tiaraitit:t., chat earn ort 'ugh Irttltt Own p t.tttlit,:t.:, t o 111,,,,,t 11•N:.tral2..ind support then annlii:s. Ottlet naarisetta;2 and PV.Pme<1.prodtkaton al sot t e n lilt ttireigti ;.lit‘ernineuts to boy 1.)tit 111.0dock. tit operati‘c-to proLess distaillque Lain inoduos: 111(11'111.e stahaltiation land t6 nista,: Loin Intent, Ill the case ul L•top • . . .Ani!itrorc• 1,...islation ll l pre\ ent.take.oa'et latin land 11 corporations and loten2n Laaticertis;.t..o•opekti ton it )II) • prit'.1110..", ,,hour Lind tilt' • ralt."...filt.l.litcc\WW,Itipt lilt: lt ,olltei t.,,,(0•11 ti 1 1.11111001tie• lit 11E010.1 1.<11111 IlIt'.1,171L'S, • . The ili-411 -1111eft:NI policies ol t•he I thetals and the (..1111 ,471\a'ti\ e• hart Canadian tatineis Interest rat.es %.%,ent lift four mites situfe the tast federal elks:too I he. (*onset am es did tlnlhllle 1-nit inl h itt the rol.naes Ad the I Metals Nt:tt I)1:111( ICI,11 ,. \kW ,iel Et) 1611111 1)ccentherhiklget heeattse it v. ould inab.e tanners hat an 'extra I5c t gallori on gaSoline from the ckCIse.tZtk irwrease. Ed BroaLlhent and the N [)P behe‘e that the ['anti farm is .the basic unit of agrit':adture -The .vc ant sectirit) For farmers,. not corporations. ivioxAm NL,P Authorized by OffIcral Agent of Tboy Mo0uail, NOP. Lucknow Bayfleld 565-2453 Exeter 235.1628 • Blyth 523-9335 Brussels 887.6887 Clinton 482.3208 MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT! CALL: Goderich 524-2882 Lucknow 528.6542, Seaford] 527-1860 Change in Hydro Rates Effectiveditch 1; 1980 Billing ONTARIO . HYDRO HAS APPROVED THE FOLLOW- ING RATE INCREASE, KILOWATT HOUR-kW.h COST PER kW.h 1979 1980 First 50kW.h 7.4 8.2 Next ,po kW.h 3,7 • 4,1 `All addition kW.h 2.7 3.0 Minimum billing 4.00 per month 4.00 ii, The aboVe rates are NET and subject to a 5% late payment charge. Commercial Rate Structure may be obtained upon application at 'the Municipal Office 528-3539. Due to the higher cost of providing service, LUCKNOW HYDRO SYSTEM finds it necessary to increase retail rates, effective March 1, 1980. 'Ontario Hydro has announced that the cost of power purchased by Lucknow Hydro System from Ontario Hydro during 1980 will increase by about 15% effective January I, 1980. Lucknow Hydro System will increase retail rates by approximately 11% effective with all bills issued on and after February 1, 1980 for monthly billed accounts and March 1, 1980 for by-monthly billed acemints. The new rates will become effective on all residential bills issued on and after March 1, 1980. You have assurance that we will continue to fight against rising coats to the best of our ability through efficiency and good management. And you can expect us to receive top value from each dollar spent on your behalf. We are determined to maintain electrical service as the best bargain in the family budget. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW HYDRO SYSTEM