The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 14200i .Lynn Wall 258i'Grace,, Elliott' 247, Mary Treleaven 239. Men's high single Bill Searle with 291.. Men's high triple -Keith Tyler with 663. Men over 250; Bill Searle 291, Lorne Cook 261,' Gerald RhoOy 245. ' Team points and stand- ings; Kangaroos 2,135; foxei 5, $5; Wolverines 7, 78;' Cougars 5, 78; Cubs 5, 671/2; Polecats .2, 60; Tigers 7, 58; Chipinunks 0, 58; Gophers 5 57; Squirrels 2, 521/2 ; Zebras 0, 46; Coons 2, 31, LADIES 6:30 P.M, LEAGVE Dorothy Bain bOwled the high single with a 260, Dorothy Bain 'bawled the High tiiple with_•a, 647. Games of 200 and 'over Dorothy. Bain 260, 214, Carol Adams- 221,- Marion Cook '227, JesSiejoynt 215, Kath- 'leen MacDonald 209, Isobel Miller 208, Bernice Kemp 206, Joan Livingston. 201. ' • Team• points • and stand- ings: Roosters 5, 78; Ducks 7, .72k Geese 4,.11; Chickens 0, 6$; Hens 3, •66; Turkeys 2, 65. LADIES 9 O'CLOCK High single Dianne Carter' with 259. High triple Dianne' Carter with 672. Games over. 200: Dianne Carter 259, 2,29, Mary Lou Raynard 221, 217, 215, Mary Park 219„' Sharen Cuillerier 217, Dayle Taylor 227; Marie Scott 208, Anna Johnstone 201. Team points and stand- ings: Grapes 2, 69; Pineap ples 2, 69; Oranges 5, 67; Apples 5,':67; Cherries 2, 65; Bananas 5,62. .single for the men with 205. Les Purvis' took the double with 314, • Team standings: Violets 49, Reds 48, ..Orates 45, Blues 44, Greens 38„ Yellovvs 31, • ' January 31 Isobel Tiffin had high score for the ladies:with single of 241 and double of 401. • High for the men went to Harry Lavis with a. single of. 247 and double of .z..183. Games. over 200; Isobel Tiffin 241, Anna Johnstone 226, Harry Lavis 247 and 236, Pete Cook 223. Team standings: Reds 51, Viblets 51, Blues 46, Oranges • 45, Greens 43.' Yellows 34. KINLOSS MIXED LEAGUE Men's 'high single Mike Dalton with 229 and high triple Eric Exel with 556. • Men 200 and over: Mike Dalton 229, Jack Henderson • • 206, Ladies high single Jan Zdybel with 224 and high triple Nikki Exel with 544. Ladies 200 and over: Jan ZdYbeI 224, Nikki' Exel 208: Teart , points and stand- • MEN'S BOWLING High single and high triple ROn` Stanley with: 259 and 732, Games over 225: Ron Stan- ley 259, 239, 234, Donald -MacKinnon 245, .242, Ken Adams 240, 229, Gerry Ross 238. George Humphrey 238, Joha Palk 233, Gerald Rhody • 232, Cliff Livingston :232, Harold Maize 226., _ Team standingS:, OldsMo- biles 41/2 ,, 541/2 ; Fords 21/2 , 591/2 ; Mustangs 2, 54; Pod geS .S, 49. Pontiacs '5: 69; I3uicks 2, 71. TOWN 'AND COUNTRY"' - January 29 - Greta Johnston and Anna Johnstone tied* for high Sing with 186. The double went to Anna Johnstone with 339. Spence Irwin had high ings: Snows 5, 85; Spys 2, 71; Kings 2, 66; Macs 5, 66, Wealthys. 2, 63; rippins 5, "'"N LUCKNOW-DUNGANNON Ladies high single and high .triple went to Merle Rhody: with 268 and 622: Ladies. over 225: Merle Rhody 268, Gwen Caesar, INTERTOWNTBOWLING On February 2 • Listolief defeated LucknOw 9 ,- 2; Liicknow scores ,werei: Bob Cranston • 1195, Ron Stanley. 1172, Bob Love' 979, 'Allan Stanley 859, Ken Adams 855', Dan .Dawe 850. vielissa Becker brought home a gold medal 'for -ladies oreliminao figures from the Great Lakes . Winter Skating r'estival held in London January 26 . 27. About 700 skaters ompeted in the event which is sanctioned by the Canadian Ind United , States Figure Skating Association. Melissa, the 'aughter of Chuck and Nancy Becker, Lueknow, is a. senior kilter with the Lucknow Figure Skating Club. Fitness fits in. Sehitiidi Jewellery ;and china Have a selection of gifts' for. youi • Special. Valentine Choose from.... Figurines Watches Charms Rings Costume Jewellery Gold. Chains And many more ideas CLOSED MONDAYS DURING WINTER MONTHS Schmid' JEWELLERY. AND CHINA OWNERS- W. JOS. AND DEAN E, AGNEW 1.4LICKNOLV PHONE $28.3532 Do you kopw anyOne here in Ontario who-thiough selflessness: humanity and kindness without expecting anything in return-has made this a better province in which to live? That's the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal for. Good Citizenship was establiShed, 1 . • , 12 recipients are selected yearly by am independent Advisory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary Chairman is the Lieutenarit.Governor of the Province, Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario Medal, and nomination forms are available by writing: Executive Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal, for GOod Citizenship Queen's Park. Toronto, Ontario M'7A IA1 Making a nomination is itself an act of appreciation for good citizenship, All nominations should be received by AprI115,1980. • , ntano Medal fol. Good. Citizenship