The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 4T-7 Page 4i-Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 0; 1980 Special education course for teachers BY WILMA OKE Teacheri- in -northern- Huron County and Bruce County will be offered a special education course for the next school year. At tymeeting in Dublin , Monday night the Huron= Perth County Roman 'Catholic Separate School: .board gave approval for the course to be given at St. Tciseph`s Community School, Kingsbridge, by • the Faculty'Of Eclueation, University. z Of 'Western Ontario. About 60 teachers• in the school systems under the •Huron-Perth County . Roman Catholic school board, the Huron County board, and the Bruce County .boards have in clicked both' would be interested in the course. A survey was con- ducted by Mary Flan= nery, Seaforth, Special education resource teacher and David Zyluk, principal at pt. Joseph's school, to determine the interest in the course. . September; 1980 and continue until early May, 1981. The coordinator of ' continuing: education programs from the • university said that while no definite times for the classes 'have been set, they would likely be held one evening per week and possibly a few Saturdays, The board accepted the resignation• of Mrs, Evelyn McKeever of R.R. 3 Dashwood, ,who will be retiring -from' her teaching duties in special education at Precious Blood School, Exeter, and ,Our 'Lady of Mount Carmel School. Trustee William Kin ah,an of Lucknow remarked that with. the resignation offered early it would give the board time for an early look at a replacement. 'year. The members 'are: Ted . Geoffrey, Zurich; Arthur Raid, R.R. 4, Listow el, and. John O'Drowsky, The recreation . COM- mittee of Stratford was given perinission again to Use the outside school athletic .facilities et hoard-oWned schools in Stratford. Willi a m kert , DI-re-et& of Education, said the schools, St. .Joseph, St. Aloysius and. St. Ambrose are used extensively. The board endorsed a resolution on inarijuana from the N6 folk Board of Education to oppose any legislative changes leading to legalization or decrirninalizatiOny of possession of cannabis the trustees. The book; along with a principals' handbook, took months to compile. The books give' complete information on staff, schooisi-prograrn adminrstration and in- ventorY of the, resources and related program activities within the school system, This data can serve as a base• for= future planning, and direction in keeping with the aims and. objectives of the school hoard 'and the ministry of education sidelines , Director of Education, Eckert said. • • A plaque was presented to Trustee , Kinahan, who served as board chairman in 1979, by the present chairman, Ronald Marcy of Stratford. " for the board-staff party to be held September 26 was renamed for another • offered from mid- The banquet committee was presented to each of , An ad hoc board ,policy substances and • the and by-law committee deciion will be reported ' was named, The mem- to the federal member of bers are Michael. Con- Parliament and to other nolly, Kippen, chairman; school boards, soliciting Vincent Young, their support. • Goderich; William A •140-page book con- Kinahan, Lucknow and taming detailed in John O'Drowsky, St. formation of the t9 The course would be Marys. schools in the system, ot gee An Walkovering in stock and Books 10% off sales out' Surprise your Sweetheart with Flowers That say I Love You Custom Draperies and Kirsth of Canada. Limited Open Every Monday - Cloied Thursday - C.K.N.X. TV - 25th Silver Celebration Store Your' Complete Home Decorating Centre CARPETING SOLARIAN. AND CORDONS YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.WALLPAPER AND 011 PAINTS PHONE 528.3434 .6