The Citizen, 1988-04-27, Page 32PAGE 32. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988.
New $1.4 million program will cut pesticide use
Initiatives tocut pesticide use by
50 per cent by the year 2002 will
begin this year, Ontario Agricul
ture and Food Minister Jack
Riddell announced last week.
Food Systems 2002, a long-
range program announced in
principle by Premier David Peter
son last fall, involves three main
components: research, education
and extension.
During the first year of the
15-year program, $1.4 million has
been allocated to hire four pest
management specialists, expand
the existing pesticide safety course
for growers and begin research.
The annual $800,000 research
allocation will fund targeted stu
dies on alternatives to pesticides
and pest management programs to
reduce dependence on chemicals.
For example, research will look
at the cost/benefit of various pest
control options, the development
of disease and insect-resistant
plants, the most appropriate me
thods of applying pesticides at
reduced rates and control of
crop-damaging insects by other
“Through research, we hope to
reduce chemical costs to farmers
by as much as $100 million
annually, while sustaining crop
yields. This will help keep Ontario
in the forefront of safe food
production and ultimately lead to a
healthier environment,’’ Riddell
A grower pesticide safety course
will be fully implemented to
complement the existing ministry
coursefor pesticide vendors. Some
growers have already taken part in
a pilot project to test the contents
and acceptability of the course.
Also, a full-time co-ordinator for
ducts for our Ontario consumers
and export markets, improve our
competitive position of Ontario
agriculture and protect the quality
of soil and water in our rural
areas,” Riddell said.
Jr. Farmers win with play
TalbotCollege in London saw
Junior Farmers from across On
tario displaying their Cultural
talents on Saturday, April 9, 1988
at the Junior Farmers' Association
of Ontario’s ‘Culturama’.
Culturama includes one-act
plays, public speaking, poetry
writing, poetry recitation, spelling
bee, slide presentation, debating,
and Farmers Feud.
Every county is entitled to send
one entry in each event. The Huron
County Junior Farmers had com
petitors in four events: one-act
play, spelling bee, poetry writing,
and poetry recitation.
In the one-act play Huron
County performed the play “Moon
Up”. Actors were Rob Essery, RR
1, Centralia; Dianne vanVliet, RR
1, Walton; Robert Hunking, RR 1,
Auburn; Jeff Hearn, Clinton and
props and audio Paul Hoggarth,
RR 1, Kippen. Jeff Hearn was
winner of best actor in the
competition, Rob Essery received
honourable mention as best actor.
The play itself received honourable
Special events
mention as best play and best
Rob Enders, Wingham, repre
sented Huron County in the
spelling bee. Linda Axtmann and
Anne Alton, both of Wingham,
competed in poetry recitation and
poetry writing respectively.
Culturama is one of many events
sponsoredandorganizedby the
Junior Farmers’ Association of
Ontario for the benefit and enjoy
ment of its members.
the educational program will be
Under the Ontario Pesticide
Education Program, during the
next five years, up to 35,000
growers will be taking courses on
the safe handling and application
of pesticides.
To assist farmers in reducing
pesticide use during 1988/89, one
pest managementspecialistwill be
located in Clarksburg (apples), two
at Centralia (rutabagas/muck
vegetables; corn/cereals) and one
at Vineland (greenhouse, flowers).
These specialists will organize
on-farm demonstrations, conduct
feasibility studies, develop strate
gies for selection and timing of pest
control options, and liaise with
“Through Food Systems 2002,
we will be able to help growers
ensure high quality of food pro-
Marten Vincent elected
as area ORFE DA rep
At the 42nd Annual Meeting and
Convention of the Ontario Retail
Farm Equipment Dealers’ Asso
ciation (O.R.F.E.D.A.) Mr. Mar-
len Vincent of Vincent Farm
Equipment Ltd., Seaforth was
elected Area Representative of
O.R.F.E.D.A. for 1988.
O.R.F.E.D.A. is a non profit
voluntary Provincial Association
founded in 1945. O.R.F.E.D.A. is
the recognized voice of the Farm
Equipmient Dealers, making pre-
sentations to the Provincial
Government, supplying trade pu
blications, regular Dealer bulle
tins, conducting training semi
nars, insurance counselling and
legal representations to its mem
bers. O.R.F.E.D.A. through its
“Computer Division’’ is selling,
installing and servicing Dealer
in-house computer systems.
O.R.F.E.D.A. is affiliated with the
Canadian and National Dealers
Air Spread — For a more even
spread when applying
See Next Week’s Paper!
R.R. 4 CLINTON 233-3423
mark minister's
A re-enactment of the swearing-
in of the first minister of agricul
ture in 1888 is one of the highlights
of the Monday, May 2 celebrations
at the Ontario legislature to mark
the centennial of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
When Charles Drury was sworn
in as agriculture minister on May 1,
1888, he became theheadofthe
first separate department of agri
culture for the Ontario govern
This event will be recreated on
the stage in front of the main
staircase in the Main Legislative
Building atQueen’s Park at 11 a.m.
on May 2. The actor portraying the
minister will give a 10-minute
review of conditions facing agricul
ture in 1988.
Shortly before the re-enact
ment, a horse-drawn landau will
arrive at the front steps of the
legislature with the current mini
ster, Jack Riddell; former minister
Bill Stewart; Deputy Minister
Clayton Switzer and Harold Drury,
grandson of the first minister.
Another highlight of the May 2
celebration will be the screening of
a special video outlining some of
the past, present, and future
highlights of Ontario agriculture.
Members of the public are invited
tosee four showings of “century of
Change” on May 2. Ontario apples
and juices will be served at the
Riddell will also announce the
100 winners of Ministry of Agricul
ture and Food awards for outstand
ing service to agriculture in the
legislature on May 2.
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