The Signal, 1928-8-16, Page 1bpi
A Business Is Jud1ed
by the Stationery it uses. The kind
that means Dignity -Success -- Good,
Taste --the kind turned' out by The
Signal's lob Department.
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchan-
dising. As a medium for reaching
the people of Goderich and district
The SIGNAL is unsurpassed.
Other Plana for Celebration
September 3rd of Huron
Road Opening
A meeting 111 couue•tlou with the
celebration to be helot ou Labor Lay
was held at the town hall on M0Mla)
night, Mayor MacEean presiding in
the aheruce from tow.. of Mr. Par -
VOWS, chairman of the local onnenittee.
The report ut the committee ,_
pointed at n precious meeting to re-
port on the wetter of memorials was
pre,caited by the cbatrmaO. Mr. T. H.
Itth ell and was as follow-'
Report of Historical Committee
On Monday morning, August 13tb,
George Foley, eon of the late Mr...1141
Mrs. Matthew Foley, prised away iu
1 i f4 Id township Itet'eaathl way
The News of the Town
Veterans' Picnic
The annual picnic of the war vet-
erans of Huron will be held in
sixty-one years of age. lie was born Jow'etra Grove, Ita)ttirld, on Med-
iu York township, (marl, coact), neaday, .August '_Sud. There will be
but fwd resided in Colborue township a good program of sport's. All vet.
practically all hie life. Ile bad been eraua In the County with their wives
111 for several mouths before his and families, are invited to attend:
tjeath. lie is eurvived by six brothers Si. George's Sunday Fkltool Pirtle
and two sisters: Edward, of Aahtield; 1
Michael. of Chicago; Peter, of Win- The weather aces Ideal fur the an:
uipeg ; Richard, of Detroit: James mail picnic held by St. Georges Sun -
and Robert, of Goderich; Mrs. Wil- day adtool at//•.Meue*etung Park on
llaw O'Brien, of London, Sud, Mrs. Wedoeaday afteruorn. There was a
William Lawreue•e, of Chicago. The record attendance of children and
funeral took place on Wednesday
awning fruni St. Peter's church, God-
erleb, where mans was sung by Rev.
Father Campeau. The lstdlt+enrera
were four of the brothers. Janie+.
d The
interment was in the Colborne Roman
blramrr tarry with GewetraxIU
Takes Over Repair Slop I Sparks Circus Hein FrldsX Party in Port with
G I)•
In the advertielug ....lawn*. of The Tomorrow' (Friday) will 1* circus The Guveruwent Ammer Lady
Signal this week Mr. hurry Bradley I fin). in. Goderich.- Bright and early 111 Marey, with Mari. t dJA. (Mediu,
epitome -es that he has token over the the morning Sparks Circuit trait will Grey. et of lion.Mariand Fisheries, met
repair shop at the Goderiel Inn Oar- arrive iu town in preparation for two ! {Vert). uu board. arrived In the
performance* tde be given here. There huecibrbor at an e a r e hour 1111
age 1111 Hamilton street. \li�.'ltru.1lr)' Tueoshiy. ltrddeea the Minister and
has hod' eighteen 'care' expnrrletacel will be a stmt p:,ntcic, 1n the morn• Mr.. (carduiu 81141 member, of their
family, the party included Ale:
Johnetott, Deputy Mlnlder of Marine:
1. E. Cole. elite! engineer of the De-
partment ; C111. J. G. Mt -limit. cuw-
and i5 iu a laosltion to gte. first-class Ing at 10.30 (1.w.
Service in repairing al: iwkes of,
carr_ ile hail of late Igen employed ! Notes from the Hasher
with \i r. \\'m. Craig. _- I The tug Forrest cicarchl for By ug
' luiet on Tuesday morning with one mlasioner of lights, and ('. I. led -
Pigeons Ely from Kitetti er of Mr. Forrest's drill stoats. Mr. For- wards. chief of the radkr hraue•Ii. The
The week -ami flight fur youhg , rest is basing his other drill scow' tat- party are on a tour of hiepet•Itun of
ti air held by the Golerich Homing tett out in pd-igwratiou for the 'tired- the eysttut of Ilglithot secs and other
adults and the afternoon's outing was Club, from Kitchener, ane aecompen- ging opretullous to be c++wweucrtl ttevigntion s:rtegttanie along the
enjoyed by all oe and Games were -led Ie favorable w'eatlier turd close short) iu the east end of the harbor. lakee as far as Sault Ste. Marie.
offTtheed a by gSe of tt• ' orte S J
of the iutere•,liug features of the pro- comtlpNtion. The bills were released, The Jrewlge Cotlerirh Will 'be brought White here- M. t'nrtilrt-met w atm
Mae -
gran was a treasure bunt 1n the at 7 o'ehrk a.m. and the Mir -t bird to, here from Ktueardine lu a week e.r Iw•r of c111zens, inch/Oink! Mawr Mae-
pl was at 911 a w• the. die- tau to assist in this work. F:wnu. and CInwed 11lulself iuu.4i 1n•
Edward, Robert and Iliclwr a Welois for the children. lir. C. A. or
n w Wilkinson is the genial auperinten- - fence being ai!praximatel) («: miles by I The steamer Comilla en arrived i ten•i'ted in the town and its Indus- ,).s under 7 years -Kenneth Ait
Catholic eemeter). Mrs. Iawrenoe, o! dent ut the school and a great deal airline. The ..ext flight w i'.1 le from from Toledo last Thunwliy and die- tries, as well a, in tnattera more lair- kine 1st, Walter . Bassa 'lid, Ray -
is due him end the officers ..wn. -Tho lust .tcu birds top t -Larged u cargo of 25180 111116 of leeal tk•uhirly pertainlug to hie own ale- kens Butler Sed.
Yvur d meeting
beg to ridadrt that 81iMChicago; Mrs. O'Brien, of hnoeMn. for tuit l under re )eats -Betty Juhu-
they held a weruug eu Friday even- and 'Hr. Rirtwrd Foley, of Detroit." the splendid success of the plcnlc arrh•e home Were 'al Yulbii � - at the Western Canado Fleur 1_pa�tmrhndr C�eey Rteumchl nut of the
lug, tit which all the weuuter5 were were herr fit the funeral. obi- year.
present, and that, after cont kterable 1 W PlMlado 64116-7.41 i4 )tooth Jni
ltwusatuu, they decided to recommend
he f 1 - wggeatious: • The death occurred In Goderleh on I The• Goderich band gem a program
Program of Sports Carried Out
and Everybody Has a
Good Time
The third annual pknk of me em-
ployees of the Ltvwlulon ltued Mach-
tuery Co. and their families was held
ou Thursday Inst at the Maitland
River Fall,. )about nue hundred took
part in the outing and-enjuyed a de-
lightful day. An exteuaive program
of worts created much interest, the
different events being won as follows:
-Milken); Games
Girls under 7 years -Betty John-
ston let, petty Routh 'and.
J. Mnteh 91S-'.41' n.11, a.m.! Plaut.
-, . a.m.
P. Johnston 7ett-.t 2 -1113 a.m. accident at Big Mill
W. Pithladn 454-741 *11A a.m. ! l bad tooldeut occurred ut the Wee-
g i
1st : That u wrworlal cairn he Sunday morning, August 12th, of I nu the Square last Sunday evening. � W. p+ithludn
idaeehl lu Harlon Park, to work tate! John Gouley, son of Mr. Thomas Tthiu program was not counted as noel W. Pithladn 712!►►4-9.2'1 n.m. f when for head of the main ausiur \le•ne+retung Park trophy mos played
end of the urik'ival road. Gouley of town. Deeeiaed tea' forty of the arnson'e edxteen concerts. A , a McKay
2nd: That, In addition to this, • eight years of age. Be wile born in collection was taken to help defray' et McKay 72`-RMA-n.2r. tem. blew out. Fortunately no permit %toeoi;IRI week. It. i1. McCreath won tax
pair of gates. or pillars be erected at I Aehfleld township and when a yuting the expenses of the hand at the tom- S. McKoy 729.767---024 a.m. 1n the room win•n the broth. occurred. riot %I'M' C. It. Berth. Windsor. W.
or near the juuMlun of the present man Moved from that township and petition at the Toronto Exhlbilon and S. McKay 715-32et---n.2-i a.m. , Mr. Robb. Huggarth had just left the ,1. Anderson. London. and li. G. 110441-
Hurml road and Britannia nett', to j melded for a ..umber of )ears .at the Alun of 810 was realized. Other Time -keeper -M. Robins. room w•heu the 114 ideitt talk place. anau,- Toronto, is runners-up.
t Practically all the damage done mus More prospective guests have been
mark tbe entrance of the need Into Hamilton. Lucknow, and Saskatoon. donatiothA to tits food the pest week---•�-------
tbe town at a point where they would' Last fall he moved front the West were as follows: Mayor 11. J. A. Mee-
t*Win the enginein more noticeable to traa'ellers on to Goderich. He had been 01 about Ewan 810; C. A. R. Wilkinson 85: T)r.
the highway. ten weeks before hie (teeth. The J. A. Graham $.I; Dr. T,. M. Mabee $5:
3rd: That eatable inscriptions be. late Mr. Gauley Is eurvivep By hie Des Whitely. & Marin $ro J H Lau
wife and one daughter, Etta. TIM
sisters and four brothers alio sur-
vive: Mre. J. A. Stoker, Mrs. Geo.
F. Brinkman and James. of Clem -
land,: William and Thomas. of Gode-
rich, and Deville est Lueknow. The
funeral rook place from the reeid-
dente of his ,brother. Mr. William
Ganlec. ('ambridge street, on Tuesday
afternoon to Kintail cemetery. iter.
R. C. McDermtd eondueted the ser-
viette' and the pallbearers were the
*teasel's three brother., meow..
William. Thomas and Dat id Gouley.
and Thee. Glenn. jr. MrR. Stoker
and Mtn& Brinkman. of Cleveland.
visited their brother just a few days
before he posed away. Many floral
tributes were received.
--harbor shortly after noon. on the stun len, Edith Barlow 2nd, Getty
way north.Buys under 10 years- hilly Isar-
hoe 1e . Eric Johnston 'and, Kenneth •a,
,640 -274 -AM a.m. tern Canada Flour Mills plait on At tdng Altkiva ard.
6fgl'till►-ft.2n n.m. Tuesduy morning about 4 o'clock. The amnia gulf tournament for the 1 Girls under sjt! • year: - Dorothy
planted oil each of these memorials,
(one on the cairn and one o11 eat. -11 of ,
the gates or pillars).
The following is recomnten,led fur',
the inscription for the cairn:
"This monument marks the loation
of the log building e•rectehi by Lr.
Deulop la 1827 and occupied as head-
quartere of the Canada Company.
'This w•as tate terminus of the road
planned by John Galt and built under
tbe direction of Dr. Thinlop in 1828.1
which was the first overland connec-
tion between Lakes Huron aril On-
For the gates or plltare on the high-1
way the following are recowmentled :
11 0 This memorial le erected by
the effluent. of Goderich in honor of
John Galt, Dr. \\'m. Dunlop and the
Pioneers a ho conceived and executed
the plan of a road. through the bush
from Wilmot to Gtelerieh in 1424, by
which an overland route from lake
(Continued on
page 8)
Pickling semen is almost here. We
carry a full line of supplier -jar rub-
bers. corks. .plies, pickle mixture,
eatsiip flavor, garlic. Cumpbe:l'e
Drug Store.
A Board of Trade for Goderich
In order to discover the feeeling of Trade .aeries a lot of unpleaaant-
among the business men _of_lown_lilik
reference to the advieabillty of'estab-
'belting (or reviving) a Board of
Trade In Goderich. The Signal has
interviewed a numtrer of the members I think we should hare a Board of
of the htutnee, community and here- Trade and any mocemen{ W reestab
with presents their views. Ir1ut support.
noted be given my enthusiastle
It must be admitted that the old W. C. Pridham:
Beard of Trade was not as generally It avndld be n good thing ie a
representative e s 1ti should have
been, and beauee of this and for
other reasons it Incurred a certain de-
gree of unpopularity. it is not nee -
nem .Many opportunities hare been
lost on account of lack it cooperation
of the hu-ines,. men.
J. A. Campbell:
)Marlow IRM, Mary Beteg 2n,1, Margar-
et Taylor :ard.
r 1111)5 raider 12 years. C. Stap:eten
let, Keith Colborne _rel, hilly Boo
low 3rd. ►
Men's Sports -
London ! CVMlie Itsc•1 an 1 t ,wo weeks
Thor•-14.gged race evert/ xn.l )tar-
The Red Caps. bund"i' ` well- will ie about two weeks before It wall than 1n any prectmla year. although 1 ker 1st, Craig ••rad Putt 2nd.
known baseball teem. visited Gude be iu miming order again. Mr. Titus. til^ enttaeP. ninth a number of tents!, Putting 121b shot -Wm. GriRK :12
gerdaS and playedgame Sandy, unlisted by other tcnrktneu,-hl!, have Been med.ft. 7 in., .Ilex. Colborne 32 ft. 4 In.
-clan ye
r . •4. tau
dsr 12: C. Wurtele 810: J. Juek fi with the local nine. The locals doing the repair wo 1 Bench fires are nlmnat a nightly awe- Pole cnnit=(`Mitt 0 ft. 9t In, W11
Bros. $2: J. W. Tayinr 81 ? started off with snappy pall mud, shut doe tbe meantime. son
A. Cornfield 82: Mr.. Hannah Smith toured once in their lSret nme at bot, 111
n in menu me. rllrrenee the 01ca,lon of a Pnrtieol- -
e ft 9 lw---
arh pdeatMnt one IARC mark bring 111* inn varda--Putt. Hamilton. Rivers
82; E. L. Dean 82: F. H. Martin 82.
Softball Team Entertained hl M l 1 • frit k Mr.teJ Burns.. of Tson.on std and Wit)etnr en!.__ _
tett tate arose The
Blacksiox, iometer, were blanked for e•itard won first prize anew 1. Bisset nmet•ted st fIM fnrmnt prP*e'ntntttm itunning brood jump -Rod John -
to the happy emote. Ston 12 ft. to 1n., Reg. Hamilton 12 ft.
North street 1'7'114..1 church T.ndlteef Red Wire added one more to their Forty players participated Mra ane - t, ( 6 in.
Aid And yonug ladies clang entertain- tally lu the fourth, two in the eizth tournament on Monday' evening. The
BRIEFS sttkti,' .Running high jump-ReR• Ha1t11-
ed the members of the boys' +.eft -troll and tw,o in the eighth, milking the rnrtteRt took the form of rinitt and ton flat) 4 ft. 6 in., ff. Rivers (2ndl
team And their friends to n bench finial -.ore til. Battderles: Mahon the prize manners were: 1st. J. S.
M f London Timmy Electric flower pwelt,ber for rent. Alf. 4 n, 3 In.
while the v1d were unable to get , -
Lawn Bowling Notes
1 anniversary of the marriage of Mr. Wheelbarrow• race --Porter and Cutt
a mai around until the gird tuning*;, In the boil tournament bast Fri and Mr... R. R. Terreherry M Wood -
when they ( day event!,g c. ee nn. - „Mew . w
Wood -
let. Hamilton and Allen 211.1. Merlon.
pant•, on Mmndac ecentng. est Memo- and itude t or Miller, 11. Joh stow. 4': Griffith and A.
Moue. (:amps were playa) and and tlaudPrstm for Goelericto. Mtn' Goldtbot•pe (skipt ; 2ne1. O. Ginn. F.
Townsend, E. Cowan and F. 11. Mar-
tin (skip). •
The rink compoetal of A. 1.. Max-
well. J. B. Swaflleld. G. Newton anti
Fred. Hunt (skip) won first prizes at
the rink tournament. wt-- Kineardlae
fait Ttiureday.
sing -Rang enjoyed. Mr. A. M. Rnhert-
•ron an.1 Mr. Harry T.otg *peke eon-
irretnFnttng the teem. who hAre won
the Pre.htterr trophy and those who
loom McKay, of the locals, was hit In
the head toy a pitched tali in the
eighth innings. and Turney took his
plate in centre field for the ninth
took nn ncttve part to the ,port. The innings, Fritzley relieving 1n the
captain. Mr. Earl Weetbrnnk. respond- pitcher's 1aox.
Pel fittingly. Regret was expraxse.l
tint the (lnrrh wens anon to arae a W. M. S. Conducts Services
rained member of the young people's, The services of \'ietoria street Un-
organizations in Tack Purves. who itehl church on Sunday lent were un-
leeune's .hortFy foliar a pnaitinn with 1 der the direction of the Wlomen's Mis-
the Stratford. po.toMee. Good wLhes sionatS Society-. Mrs. Wm. Rivers,
were extended to ihim. along with secretary of the Soviet), led the morn -
three hearty gnol lack cheers. .1 ing seev ce Anil a pleasing solo was
bountiful lunch carved by willing 1 rendered by Mr. George Itaed-hler.
helper. brought the happy evening to I Miss Mabel Bailie gave the addre,te,
n elow. taking for her Rubio.' •ripen Doors."
-- - She spoke of the various mimeo') fields
Resignation Received with Regret i with their many ,olperhunities end
Mass Itob•rtw'm. of Niagara F'allai concluded her 1alk_Itx..telling of the
has returned from a month's. visit Canadian misteRms. The prmidPnt,
with Mrs. A. A. Agar, at her ('imp Mrs. G. M. Elliott, eendlncted the
Kilkare on the Magunetawan, and at turning service and wee. assisted by
Cleveland's House. M iakoka. and is Mrs. R. T. Phillips. who offered pray -
now with Mrs. Eci. Fisher, Carlow. er. Mrs. Adams tang'meetly tee ...lo
Miss Robertson has given up teach• 1 "Gates. Ajar." The address wnte given
trig. find' dvring her visit in M'nakokn ivy Sebes- (Tara McGowan. of Rleth,.
receive.' from the board of education who told In n flue way mnny ineidenta
of Niagara Falls the following letter, of her reent tour of the Holy 1,.ind.
Board of ')'nide were supported. The accnmpnnte1 by Achegnr for 8200 1) ming her dlaemirsP air shone(a
esea•ntlel thing is to secure a good Niagara Falls. Ont., costume of the style worn by the
leafier. A lice Board of Trade is July 20th. 1024, people of the Fast.
essential if the town is to make any Tleenr \fins Rntertr+nn.-
emery, however. for n new .orgauiza- heads -ay. The heard of eelurntion heard with Was In Gellerkis In 18117
tion to carry all the sins of the for- Jas. Buchanan: sincere regret your resignation from Ltu•know Preshyteriane to the
mer one. Surely we are all capable! 1 believe a Huard of Trade is Melly the principalship of Glenview school, number of about two hun.ired, pick -
of learning from our mistakes. The needled with active 1, -ineti5 men at find know that the eltizena of Glen- nickel on Thnralay nfternnnn last of
Signet would like In See some orgenfz-
atlon-call It a Board of Trade or
anything else -with a modernte mem-
trerahip fee, and so officered and con-
ducted that every business man would
feel a genuine Interest in its exise-
once and its activities. lu helping to (entree are awoke to the present polel The board of Pain ntion. heard. with
develop the Indttstrinl Intermit of ethlities through industrial growth.i very much regret. ynnr resignation.
and this the lop is leaned to you by
the board nil n murk of their arr.
preeintion of your Ione and 'plendtd
M.iy 1 Sar. peracmnlly. tint T nm
very sorry to know yon are relies-
nni•htng your position. to we nal
will be herr mneh the loser,. With
ion know the number of times a eineere gr•oe4 wl441pa 1 remain.
Beard bas been .turfed in Goderich Tont. sincerely. •
end mint i. the 1114' of doing any W S. R\'R118.
thing •further? i,' retnry of Mont of Fsl uestkm.
C. Wurtele: --...�•.._ Nlnitnrn Fatis. Ont.
i thoroughly apprne of the idea of
TPlrbutt E Son. We deliver. I'hnne Hop. step and jump-CullwrruP 24
• • •
Warm Itow's are trnnhl*anme this
year. We hove Mnequlto Nitre and
other preventive,. (Rrnph*ll'* Drug
• • •-
D. Major has rented Mr. G.
G. N4'wton'a residenie on North
Two Fire Alarms f;
and will move into it Sepfem-
The fire alarm summoned the bra- her 1.1. • • •
glide to the southwest end of the town
last Saturday evening about 8 The regular meeting of the. W. M.
ticlow•k, but 11 was only a bonfire and I S :meiltary of Kum( chile% will lee
the services of the lirignde were not 1 hell in the lecture room on Tuesday.
required. The_persem who turned014 .111gnst 21st. at -3..30 p.m.
the alarm evidently thought it was _a -
serious tire. a- it was quite -close to a I There Is .splerslid equipment at the
Building. 'Ymrtetng betteh for ...trimmer.. The
On Monday at'noon the brigadebathing house and refeehnuent booth
ave tatted 1.. H,. -home of -34*.- John aw taw rmtlt 1i1'•r are 04.-14 . d
Burrows. Brock /street. When the -night.
brigk arrived oke was lesuing , • •
from the upper part of the house ,and /tonne iitwl bring your friend.' to the
It -wag date to the prompt action of ;thte AIM Tea Shop nt Blue Water
the brigade that the dwelling was ;Tench for hunch. bridge. afternoon ten
ft. 2 in.. Stapleton 21) ft, 1 in. --
Bktrttil rating ('oateats
ladles` -Evelyn Mi•Alltster.
Meh--Rill (Trigg.
• The cluthest pin contest was won by
Mrs. Thompson.
The tug-of-war ens won he the
erection room from the 111114.11111e shop e
team. two pull, 0111 of three
ie)rection room -Forster. \tae-virut,
Blackford. ('lark, -Grigg. 3V11 nal.
Machine %hnp>---TSPteh, r. Bo rine,
Dickinson. Crntg. ('otberne. )Sate*.
Qn.dte-itiackford anti Wilson won
from McMillan and. Stapleton -21-16,
•.Tayinr and McDonald -wont (rota
Barker and Itionw--21-2.
Colborne and Tlnrlow won fres
Taylor and McThrnaTll ^TT
Colborne and 'Kar!ne won the
Hessle front itlaekford rind \\'ilson- jo
Single ladies' race- Evelyn Mc-
AIli tcr•1,t. Nona Barlow 2n,I.
Mnrried hullos' raee -Mrs Tviekih- .at
men 1st, Mr- Meioonnl1 Ord
Swtmmine, rare -TMcc \Ctism let,
Jae•k Mel►onald 2nd.
Babc'i bottle eonteot woe won by
Gep. Green let. Wm. .Tnhnaton 2n41.
Time 20 minufee.
"Teak on the rock" was n very pop•
hlnr en me elnrini the 1ttern,n.
Soft -ball w,tasy?
in 114 mews soft twill game Rod.
Johnston's: team won from Wm. ,
Grigg's tenni by the wore of 12-10. i
The teams were: 44
Cott. Barlow. River.. Finmtltto-,
Craig. Johnuton, Allen. Rates, Otos
Diekineon. McDonald. (rtgc
ter. Forster. Ifitaeleton: L a
Belcher. Colborne.
1'mplrPe-Wm. Cam • II rad .Toho
The ladles' ` AR gam,
by Mrs. ('ileal Fat TT,• ,' •c wn•.
n in
Tea ma Be: sf.
Arn,. NcDe,Mhl. iTamll- t
Mn. on. Thotr"•'i ;Wr1a1L�• 8wl
Mc\ ter (Mfg
eased froni destruction. Two lanes of
-bore -werelaid and the eh.mkala oft
tib truck were used. The principal
damage to the douse was canoed by
smoke and water. -
Hine Water golf Notes
The lady members of the hhx
Water Golf and Country Club took
.part in a tournament at Stratford on
Tuewtay. The result of the match
was se follows:
or 6 o'clock dinner. T'Irasatrt *ass
rvnmding5, always 4•,414.
• • •
The regular monthly meeting of
.1111neek nippier. 1.O.D.F., will
11e111 al ale mobile library on Monday.
Angtat 20t11. at I p.m. A full attend-
ance Is requested. as there w111 be im-
ponrtnnt Malmo!. before 11m meeting.
• • •'
Ilefore pee•vetting'to the "Pas" on
Wednesday. night the trend called at
its bead l,w,king Into things awl seeing clew and the city of Niagara Fail• Harbor Park and load a roost eu ray I atm tford / .Goderich the Imam of Mr. Robs. MecKey. Nel-
that they are done. ore sincerely Rnrn that you h u
1 n Id able outing. :lmohg the party trail Mra. ltrner• 1 Sri. Barclay .,.0 45n street, and played a number of
T. M. Mitchell: find it ntre.aAry to lance Ntagarn. Mr. Robert A. (nrrick, whose mem Sjlaa Stiller ....%iMrs. Bruce ....% seleh•tlone in front of hie resilience.
The loon' of Trade is the melting Fella. WP hope that con mill ,non mem-
ory of Goderich Rood Niel to the rttF' Maes 4ifford 1 'Mrs. Lloyd 71 Mr. SGicKny, elle is linghte to taste
PIA for constructive aggressive ideas, hare your nom] health ngain, and In 1857--seventS-rue yenrs ago - Mee. iawrenee ..0 Mra..1. Collate -1 his bed, appreciated the.mus-le and the
the Teetering of public interest 'and that you will aware look bnek with when top sallel into Gnelpri4.h ha
rlwor Mre. Rulloerford..1 Mrs. Horne 0 klndneee of the band hogs.
from Minto he present at the 1 MSV. 1. Gregory ..1 Mr.. F. Cmlgle0
the creation of ienderehlp. (Slier plensure te the yea... -entere. celebrate!' of the o{ehlne of the Sflas SlrndlPy ...n MIs, Somprriliel COLBORNE TOWNSHIP
railway to til, town. Mr. Carrick will I Mr,. Alexander ..1 Miss Stutity 0
le P g paw% ti y -
the teen, lu encouraging 411111 making Con Galericli afford to disregard in -
the most of the trimmer tourist bust- terms' 'xponslon Amt the opportunity
for increased employment? if not.
ncs. In eztpmM + the town's retail
r le
R5^n1<' ergantzntion is nrcently rMpttred
ooh ehaudising rade-in tI1rRP and td, lend Its support for the advance -
'blue 4 I nndane to do. •
J. \3. Fraser:
The 'dews gathered by The Signnl \Wi nt g,wl is n Board of Trestle,
reporter are as follows':
G. 1. Parsons:
A 11':'r 1 of Trade ie n proper ftie-
iMty to data with too nutter for the
welfare of the teen and 10 work in
(nIJI Ietien with the 1,1111 council.
1.. 1. Knox:
1\'e e,rhoinly 5huu..l have a lbntrd
of Trade
tiro. Williams:
i nndersuutd there 1. n It(nird of
Trade 1n (letteri,1 11 -ilei hes! net
funettened for ae*i•rnl ee-trs and I
would likd• to PPP it bn•neht to lite
again. In the lufer•st of the town in.
general +11111 Ihr un;nnlfarilirer- in
parti� ulsr nn 11 11'e Word od Trade
would 15• n gond thing it savor in
mss that the ofii.'r' np{adnfed of the
last annnnl meeting of the Marti are
in n lwtaition to take action.
M. Robina:
1 would like to Per the Ronrd of
Toole r-nrgnnleed and wnnld give it
snplwtrt. -
F,. H. Hill:
1 eerteinly believe we should Nnve
A Hoard of ?nide if the 1. 4ttag bud -
nem men 101114 be enthn•et to take
an active port. My own opinion IP
that the 1.6 one worked fine. hint two
dthree he realiseeelli h t ft lItttakes/emnrn'v tomop-
erate A Ronret of Thele end 1t world
hP neeeaaary to n around and solicit
money to carry on. The old Board
an fictive Bonn' of Trade. The town
need. it to dent with nuattere rom15R
rap from titre to time. A lite group
of business% met+ should be of notelet.
Alice fr the eoune•Il.
A. Cornfield:
A atoned of Trade 1. badly needed
In Gdwifrk•h and 1 agree nifh the
view. expre..eel Ity The Signal last
week. 1 would oche hearty %rapport fn
any til'tement tow-nrds resns itntlh(
the old ' floderirh hoard of Trade or
forming n,me new orgnntnnilon to
take It. piece.
W. Hern:
A the Mnnrd of Trate wnnid he a
geoid. thing for the town in the past
the mnnag4'ment of the Bnnri wee
perhaps left' too mneh to s few nf the
mannfeetnrere. The merrhwnt. and
business men ge•nerelly dime('' fake
sn Intorout And en Aettve pert in ateh
An nrgnnizmtinn.
J. W. Taylor:
A Mnerd of Trade .honld be Pnm-
pwraeel of men w'hn wool. here temp
Inflnenee The guard „bw114 not hare
ton large a m-tnber.htp.
(Inc or tan other. win were Inter -
slowed did not wish to 1* gnotee.
Rival Teams Will Plat Double-
• header for $750
Arrangement./ luxe been enml4Pt-.
ed for a ba.ehtll "dolubleheader" in
Onderkh nn Lnbor Iles;. The ORlers
of Toronto. Om well-known ,eml-pro
champion. M Ontario. a 111 be nppsoael
by the General Thea team of Buffalo.
N.Y.. semi -pm champions of their dia-
trkt. The Mier, and the General
Tires hese met seven them this year,
the Boffin, tenni winning four times.
There IP A c'hanc'e for either team to
be nhead on the Aenann's ,rare ef1Pr
the two Reines here.
A per... of 17111 1s being put rap.
this being divided between the two
armee. 8223 to the winning team And
Wen 10 the losing teem in each gntne.
"he fret game Will be collet at 2
n'ekeic. After the second genre the
unrelling of the memnoriel earn et
Harbor Park will take place.
"Hat." Oration. the Ceders' tunny
mne. will le here again.
in Se
I I th enra of age P
tevnber. web.. Is wonderfully vigor -
nits, both physlenlly and mentnlli.I
He was born near (:alt. ami after ,
ten years at Brantford he tame rap to
this gstrt of the country, with his
parents in June. 1437. the family 1
tattling est 'Unfelt Mr. Carrick was
for thirteen years tax collector for
the towne1.1i , of .Ashfield. Ile went-.
to the West In 11101 anti spent sever- i
al years there, 111111 on- his trtnrn in
10111 be became n resident. of t,iak-
now. where he has since lived.
HiTn W
1 Mls
MiWelker ....13.11as O. Whitely _0
7tt ntc
A hridge enntd et env held in the
ratio house •last Friday afternoon.
Mho. 011ie Whitely won the prize•
vrldeli was donated by Mra. (Tar.)
Oro ham.
Hoose and School Council
A few week ago the ilurun Conn -
cit of 1l0rnee and Seltod-Clubt wns or-
' entered. with Mr.. .ttrhlhnld of Pen -
Pre, ntattan to G. M. Elliott
The .resignation of Mr. G. It.
Elliott from the official bleed of
Vietorin tenet United ehwrch, owing
to poor 1104111. woe not aliowel to
pas• without some %pedal mark of
the regret felt by hi. fellow -worker.
in the chnreh at ihl. 1PVPrantx' of n
Hing-mntInned- and most ovine, rnn-
necMnn. (n. Tnwsetny prefiing of
week the atew•arels and effete of the
ehurch met At Mr. Rlliott'e hump
and pr-,eated him with an addroas
expre.aing warm apprevntlon of his
lervicee not only ea a measlier of
the nffklal hoard Imo In all the se-
Britten of the church. The address
MOP reed by Mr. W. M. Knight.
while Kr. James Adam* pnwnted
Mr. Elliott with a handsome gold -
heeded cane. air. F.11lntt Made a
rery fitting reply. ,and gave some in•
treating beta In connection w*h
his aaa,Wiiltlan with the -hnrrh. which
had Pnv.r,d a period of forty-fmtr
Neer.. ile itai.' he hoped the time
would come when be multi solo.
with renewed health. tale hie pigee
nn Cie Iwoardin behalf of the La-
dies' Ate Sneiety. Mr.. Town present.
ed Mra. Elliott with a hnugnet of
forth 115 preWhirIit. ami reprPRentn-
lives from Golerirh• Clinton, nen.
teeth end Exeter A, member, of the
Conseil etecntl%f.
11 the orannizntion meeting. 1t acne
dr• ided to hold a ennneit meeting est
an early dote. and this took place at
ilnyfield on Tiswlay, .\ngtiM 14th, A
number of apls'neil. sitegestlnnp were
brought forward• and three will be
bronght before the various chubs for
their enoM Iomtlon est their Septem-
ber ineet Inge.
The work of the Home and School
Clubs hes proved to be worth while
tooth In the stool end In the e•nmmun-
toy. and in the months stdbleh 11.'
ahead. with the Increased memter-
tahip that h hoped for. ,till greater
nehlewementa are believed to 1* In
The annual congregational punk of
Knox 4hnrch will M held next Wee.
neaday. August 22nd. sr Iiteneretnng
)'ark. Thome washing to he ennAeeyell
to the Park art regneeted M be et
the t'hntrrh by 1.110 p.m. Al the
Members and adherents of the con-
precision and visiting Presbyterian*
in town are larked to attend.
iY-iTB(TTLNE 'iriWNSi11P, Aug. 13.-
-Miss Margaret 3litehell is vlsitiug
111 Toronto for. it few weeks,
Miss NI:tremol s Hoy has returned
home after ,lending her holidays at
Port Albert. -
31!•s \Lartlua i ittteron bus return-
ed to her home at 'ferrite after
spending her enentlen 1511It relatives
here: She was acenmpnnlee by her
eolt•eln, Miss Dorothy Itobertwn, who
will spend n few weeks flu the rlty.
Mr. 'mot Mee. John Treble spent
Sunday with Mr. "and Mrs Gem. A.
Recon at Atibarn.
Mr. Fronk .lien le spending a few
week% in Detroit -with ads brother
Mr. George ieniter, •nf fImthroy,
. ha, been rislting friends' at Tin -
M. Henry Young is visiting vel-
istieea in Geskrich.
1 \tr. and Mra. Kenneth Allen, of
Detroit. vjPtet the wppk-Ptet Rath th
contuse.) termite. Mr. end Mee. k
i lltrns. John Treble spent a rnnpip of
days In Goderleh inti took.
Mra .1nhn MIdrllefne eu l two chil-
1 dren. Phyllis and Roth. of Tippernry,
stent Tnewiny lath her parent%, Mr.
and Mrs ,las. Filamen, .r
Mr. And Mrs C A. 1tolcrtwon and
fnmlly mnlon-i to pre -ton on Sun -
'07. .1 eery aisoepdefnl meeting nf Ben -
miller Dello.' Aid was haft at the
home of Mr. J. Jewell nn Tnenia•.
wtlh A lnrgr nttemi-aiwe.
Mr .top Ynnng, of ilPtrott. was
hoop for the wppk ernl.
Rer Mr. And Mrs Rnthprford sad
non Tonnbd, of Watford, were renew
Ing 0'11 friend*hipe to the enetorrmnit'
this week.
I �F
•r -'sae
Tleaspy. Harlow. T:,rlor. .lnhnafd
Cnllonrne• Plante. T.drl+•r.. Plekin•nn^
t'mPire% Camlebeli fit plah•F rf
ater. \torrid! atn1 .1111 or base.
Before the gn•',el'11g ,il•pe'►wat 'rad
vete of thunk. ores,, tendered 'n 1110,
men• nn mntlnr ,f afro. .%box
Paton. for for the ,flendl. ware-dhev 1w'3p
entertained the visiting- note• w e
Exchange ef Plants Suggested '1
Tn the E'1iter of The Sian:+' a tfiti
814 -At this time elf year tnaalt•,..;
pearl- ere out their g.tHlens. 1
and. for Met; of anything better to I'
do with them. are tlrnwing away
valteth1' planta. Could not Rnm,
at nem of • Pachang4' lo- nrrnnfS't
whereby thoeee who have extra pleats
of one kihd might evehAnge with
anmennre who would like to have inch
pbnt,t• And him Rime other pInnt to
thr..w (or give) nw.y which the drat
per«.n would like to hare? This 10
se,methinir tint might ire taken up hF
Ise Tiortirnlhtrt' S.l0ty it Mesh
n theme that bettered.. of gent' plants
end b111110 should h4' thrown tort 111,
n ' e . ery year.
DOVER 07' Fi,IWP)R11
It'ooit,tone's homemade fee
make. A d.11elons d.Aaert. Prlt•et
cent• a (inert. Order now.