The Signal, 1928-8-2, Page 8• ., . V-- w ' S, August 2, 102$. FOR YOU, DEAR READER THE SIGNAL, GODER.ICH, ONT. • *pending a few toe at the home of YORKER GODERIOH $0Y Mr., noel flee Herold 'Over*. era r Birthday Don't forget there's a Greeting Card for every occasion. BIRTHDAY, ILLNESS, CONGRATULATION, BIRTHS, ETC. "Scatter Sunshine with Greeting Cards" Cole's Book Store ANNUAL Garden Party Churcliwoman's thnIti on the RECTORY LAWN Thursday. AuKust 9th Tea Farley Work ADMISSION TO LAWN -- 10e D. L. and W. Scranton COAL Pocohontas and Alberta Lump Shingles and Cement, Second-hand Lumber, AUC/i as Ceiling !mintier, Latil, Wainscotting, 2 a Rafters and Studding, Shia -tine, 'Windows and Window Sills and about 30,(so good Brick. Win. McClure Phone 42 Dungannon . Reader, t.tf The Signal are lh- kited to assist 11% making this colualti illtrreatillg to all. Let us have the names of any visit- ors you are olio -witting; or If you or ansy of your frienda ate taking a trip we eliontil appreci- ate it if you would let us know. hinny people at home toni at a distanee read the Persenal Men- tion column wIth interest each week. With the co-operation of ail our readers it will be still Mr. lt. F. l'orrh has been cera e,rri. I WINS AVIATION comm. ,-u.•li iii the past week. Vt.. Il. J. SIri,kler, of New York. 3.- a ..tiu;; her parent.. Mr. and lir.. J. It. Kelly. Mn. and 11ve. }:. V. I.er.ile mud fnw- itc hat,- returned' from a holiday ci,it i., Kingston. Rev. it. C. 11riA'rmid dud lire. lle- 1'erwld lace tonight by steamer Val - ,artier on it trip to }'ort Mrs. J. A. Stoker, of (lot etuu,l. is ,,•Itmg at the home of her broths I Mr. 11'm. Gauh .‘. Cambridge ge street. .lir.. J. E. Mauch alio ,1nn;[hla', II.g.', Lase returtied ttotue after visit frieud. nt \1'ingliam oiud Flus u,Hl. R. N orttty Ryan Taker First, Prise at Most. N. Dakota From a Moos Jaw }54: With two creditable prises neatly turfed away, the four members a( the Mouse Jew Flying Club who Winged their way to Minot on Sunday ye - turned to the city Tuesday morning. At Minot there was a mammoth air meet at which aeroplanes fist w e • r. part of the American connuent took finent Company lu Kiln rilitie and Godericli. 'Later he the fact that the only pert. A rather surprising filature was moved to Brantford, coaducting a re - Melt* ble•rjaue6,; tail business for the genie firm. and in OBflJARY SAoas A.- ik4.31TALL Il04 Allan all, who was form- er1y for amof years a resident and busiuve1 stay of Otsderich, died day last. at the age of tatty -eight years. Mr. Rastall was horn In Kb- 8ALK—A NeMBER ONE /Wad- cardlue township and after avenging MISR RHSORT, with the prettiest his boyhood days on the farm engaged ereaery around Ooderkt. Good bassi FOE SALE CI.oVEIR IIOAXEY Felt SAVE.—TEN cents Veteoound In your own nr,_ lit the wholeaale lumbering bushiest; naint Good house, with garage Lf W111 sell at reduced price. Come and 8111AD, Piper's Dam, Goderich. 2t large enough to bold live or sty cart PERSONAL MENTION friends at Detroit. is holi.'.nying in town. 1. alises Geraldine,. and Pauline Ile - Liter! are liaida3ing tit Saniiii. Its, Helen Kay. of stratforti. has tit been the guest of air,. J. E. Tom. •; !ration! last wick. Don.. d. are sien,itid: neek in Mr. mid Nits Aitken their it boys. of Louiloli. 11r- s -ter. Sher - - were the two from Mouse Jaw. It. W. Ryan, pllot of the Moose Jaw faauteda lausi to Toronto, where he flying (lab, return, to t Bees Ingiv htb city With hit, Own name. While la Brantforn, 111.'4 Prize f°r slu"t "Pd"Y'. ; 31r. /install took so active part In tau- ; as be is commonly known among Ills ,thipai affairs, being „ Amerman for ' Irle111174. did hie little (HAS In "White el „maw of years o4d mayor of the env" His Inalitery of the machine NMI his knowledge city. In Masooic circles he Wag an en. stirt.tsd recognition and as 114411t the, of Done Lodge, 12t, Brantford, and Moose Jaw Irlyiug Club now boasts at I Past Z of Mount Horeb eh most awe pilot All the honors (lid not go to Mr., took a prominent part in church at- nriltBABLE BigaiDENct paopeft. 10an... Air the elid,'s iustruelor, alr. fairs. being member or Metropolitan IF Ty ro .—At corner of Bri- tannia role) and William street Teti rooms besides bathroom. closets. etc. Good furnace. All coareeleoces. For ternts and further brick house. Good location onI North street. Modern conveniences Apply to G. G. NEWTON. the Square. 1/PRIORT PIANO (BELL) FOR Apply to DONALD MacKAY. P. 0. Box 467. Goderich. • Dowsed Ingram. viiierped Will of church' 7°r()Utc In 1887 ' the epeed race. Mr. 11.1,, also piloted ulartit2t liargaret Williatne• ffintether -While Calls" which ho steered around of the late John Willianis, who prede- the twenty -mile of (an. ceased him several :tears ago, sad he other entries. In the rare wer II leaves to mourn his 1 woh ,,f it4irtishtlanosisrssms_alie4 (inuehter! Reg. A. W. aud Ruth I'. of turned to Detroit tito•r tneir speaks well for the type of machiee Mr. alai Mrs. Wat,en Stralfon, Air. and mr. ..tow:;:tor hale re- fart that a Moth was the wiuner ,T,r4:4"; tttr"listirterir, Mr*. w- ..ements and Mies Ilayme Hasten, 7 this ti • 1irs. lkwald MiNe‘ii. ,nd ofter 'wide!' the Federal Government is stip- Lomond. Alberta. and hr.. It. W. (lenient*. Kincardine. it was While spi•ii.liteg vavatiou ulth hls neither. Mr. nrsi 'Mot. J. N. Canips-TI, ' he was visiting lily sister at Kineardine t.initis, Mot., week at the of the Moose Jaw Ilyiug COO,. and Air. W. r. Pritlhani and Miss J. MRS. ALEX. YOUNG • Shay -111,1u thi.4 sirs. E. Eti.hain, oho eits %%siting 1-11b. were tbe other M.tose Jaw ; wiikat she buns with wuuderful pa - visiting wit), 31r. tin,: Mrs. WItt. tintt• _Guuley srattloOlb- I.& (linty u the pct.! week. ha. o'eloek Monthly morning the- re. ina- I wife of Mr. Aleximiler Young, passed her sisle..r. Mrs. 31,1:0-1. at other re - home of Air. ard It. Stoneholi.,. Air. It. I.. Hutchinson. direetor of the nut who Made the trip. At ti.30, lICIrce and cheerfulness, Mrs. Youtig, card being given to only those fro. m After a long and trying Illness ou Monday last at heel SATCRDAY. AUOUST 4th, particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY. P. 0. Box 467. WEMIED ST1Phe •WANTED.—YL 9T I'a« and aelmrste at shorthand Mid t+t�e e; lee sin epics knowledge trot egeentlai. Shia gaalideetioaa, experience, age and pal, an expected. Apply BOX 477, Wings. ham. Ontario. it POC'SiKEI0P1111. — mum CLASS, one small child, desires potljtion with widower or bachelor, toq; or country. References. Apply t• BOX 896, Godericb, Oat. it WANTED. -- REP1E17811 WCATIVR for tiotterich, also a salesman or saleslady to call on homes demons titrating an electric warlilag machine of merit. Splendid remuneration 'for consistent worker. Neelt not be ex= perieneed. Apply immediately to BOX 27, SIGNAL (*IVOR. . " woman 'Referred. Atl- or NTE11.—MAID ,r011` TV housework.. Apply --eis ROR tf Nunez,: is frthtlemy GIVEN To la persons having claims aininst the estate of Caroline itch wane. late of the town of f/toderich. the county of AUCIION SALES ED AUCTItaN SALE OF SERINIOLD FURNITURE A_NDiodanyoroLibJurely.thdo.D.not'bildt2us.7 Ott:too:no:I:ha: .„,,t3, sank. duty proven. to tbe undersigned Huron. who died on or about' the 23rd 0 MISS C. I. STEW.1RT I on and ,after that date the assorts of dewy. Victoria artreet. Goderich on 4.1U sell by publk auetion at her real- among threes -ties theretu emitted the mid estate win be distributed Goderieli. aerodrome was reached. Thr tr;i, was! home ea the ot conceit:Jou of Col. etimmenting At 110 sharp: wbont notice shall stars bent rei'viv4 Iliss OeIight mitt,i, visited over the Mr. mid Mr,. Thoniit. shields and made with the idea of toteertieing boree township. It ts a little over • DATED at Oblerkh thlaollat •day lieek•eibi with relatives Anil frielulA llt 4,y mrs. Sam Moiio• Jaw and during their efisencel year since Mrs. Youug became IIL and room dining -room. bolt -nem and ktt- HAYS HAYS. All the contents of the house: Lirines 3411,' 4•1°- 1928. Mr. IVal. Gdulpy, of Fle'relalld. Is litre dinight"-• l'e:tY. inetortst to , spreading the slogan, "Follow the Boo pect of her reiovery, but time sad , sheartiown. nor: Bradford uud the fohlr men 'were busily ting':ined WI for sons there bad been no pros- own fundahhers, ieeluding etm Goderlich. °uteri°. couple of weeks tit. Gto.11,), higt to Moose Jaw." again her •nutsing vitality carried her tains. vIctrola. Singer sewing machine,: Solleitors fur the Executors ot the St I " ideturee. lawn mower, garden hose. ' ilbuyS "tole - Mrs. F. D. sr.aver and daughters. over the critirul period when ;hose, , leo weeks. Ng the post three week. with relatives itYan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Itiehard many Jane tp„14.1 Budinns„, w„ ..f t;o4lcrich, is visiting in tr./will fee a Mis. Ora AVells, of Galt, ri,rineriy M,l'ired. have returned . The foregoing will heo'„f ,..pecial in- about'her belicied the end heti omit.. Everything must be dieposed of. 2.461ffilimmow.renemmeerwasnatewew,„es. to their horn,. ;it Toronto !tiler ma.nd, wrest to the frientia here of Mr. Worthy I Sirs. Young. whose maiden name way TERSIS--esteh. Miller -Sherwood we -tilling at Stratford moo( cotetth Jeerpli ha.; retorned In the CoReglitte Institute at lione• toweship, a daughter of the late Mr. LIVE Mos. liarold litters attended- the and (Heeds in Goderielt. Ryan of town. Mr. Ryan Pr a teacher buru seventy years ago in Colborne' Auctioneer.. 141 Tuesslay. home after nttending the Summer Jaw. but has not allowed himself to/ and Mrs. John Buchanan. After their ' rLEAins4; AriTitr,N N.51.1,:, ()Ft s. spending her vatlitlion at her lo,ine on kr A3 . street. Sfiss alaiiiT Taitton.- of- Detrnit--ht-- -.-ttont under- the fensfereltio (4--tho, forget the art „r Hying which hal marriage in 1,42...ember. ISSe. she and, t. Y.P.S. of the I.onilon conference et , leorne,1 and Pla to good Isuelsose during' Mr. Young rived for twenty-three- yearn., ra-rgg-rs. . Hof 'SE FURNISHINGS ANI) ggiew gtteagediePtbaltirb• lit sem :Montreal staff. the Unfits! cloincli. at Sint/fore. I the war. AT PORT ALBERT I •t lot 5. eunce.Nion 7. where their ROBT. ROBERTSON. been spending a few days tills u'eek spent A telt- (lays the ;Kist week with . for a few %eeks. are wIgiting her lament,. lb Suiltiliry. !age anal will reamin till sel,ternber, was from swarm and maven Bum township, they mude their home un the Miss M. 1.. Bra/. a Kitchener. has ..„,,s. George nod flepitialil. of Toront..• Mrs. F. Townsend Anil two obiliiren I, ooderieti, where they have lake* * .-.4- I Ten-day Outing — -, three years, oil moving back to the Young reseed away. Of the tami.y o, Young moved to town, rein lining here eommeacing at 1.30 "harp. all tb tents of the house: SATURDAY. AUGUST lltb. [the I , See him or drop a card and Fs' I.. sell without any reetirve at Itis rest- w aeoetiteaturtmnethali:slang.71.7..they be-ste Mr. Hurl Mrs.. Fred Love and left en Slate. Jingo. alit°. ••kita. six sisters sett three brothers to which ' the Statee. on a motor trip throngh. linktitroluekl how do you like us? stokes Is taking hoilda s Ringo jingo all bah Mr. Ned rzie.e has taken LI positi011 as- Iterder Cities Stair: Ifni and Sirs. R junior elerk on the local Bank of Whittaker anti daughter. Patriela. HAPIGOLUCKI CAMP hospitality. 1n 1:./11 Mr. and Mrs. • We hake received lostruetions front , Wort me& to give satletnedaw- Partnere' sal* motes discoeeted. give It immediate attestice. sbe belonged. only rite youngest of the Ilibrar7/ and Diainii-remi,--one Farm seise a apsoiaos: Judea eca "'eters, Sirs. John S. Clark of Colborne I green wieker arm chat 1 -hi miss Elliot Rivers, of Hanover. is PUBLIC NOTICE TO Tiff: CiTIZE.Ns oF THE TOWN OF GODERICH MONDAY, 6th of AUGUST, 1928 h„, lug leen tio,l by By-hiti as CIVIC HOLIDAY — 1828 1928 PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the TOWN HALL on Friday, August 3rd, 1928 a Leta! Committee to Join with the District Committee in Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Open;ng Up of the Huron Tract EVERYBODY COME ! Goderich. Aug 1st, 192`. H..1. A. MacEWAN, Mayor Cut Sow Thistle Now A little attention immediately to cutting Sow Thistle will prevent millions of seeds being scattered over your farm and your neighbor's farm. Sow Thistle is one of the most pernicious weeds in the Province It has been on the increase. Further increase means loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get it under control now before it gets your farm under control. JOHN S. MARTIN, G. R. PATERSON, Ilimitor of Apicskure. Agricultural Representative. Mrs. Jane Lynn and (laughter. Jenny. of town. spent a moat enjoya time on a three-day trip to Genre itity and Red Bay with Mr. and 11. Faust and children. Jene 14..' Girls in trait:rig. Rah: Rah:. Rah! Me eameing days are past. ne merlon sn , Keith C.G.I.T. hare returned from a i -k ten-day life In tbe open. The camp. Mi.,1 Coleman, who during July w one of the at the Mettle thdr 410,, left t"ddy for Toronto • er home at North Bay. Mi Courtiee of Leamington has ArTlir to iissist Miss Carter in this work. Mr Chrya Archer spent the wee Wright. at Net Boom. On hie turn ha was accompanied by his al ter. Miss Helen Archer. who wl spend a montliai holiday" with her grandparent', Me and Mre Ale ; returned from a visit to Mr. J. T Goldthorpe at Goldthorpe, Ont.. whe Dr. end Mrs. D. A. MeCarten and tam ily. of Winnipeg. and she, tillve Gold - Thorpe. of Toronto, Men were holi , Kineardine News: Dr. and Mos , IVeir anal Mrs. C. A. Robertson were here on Saturiloy visiting their conein, Mr. J. T. Johnston, of Ottawa. The rear Johnsiton, of Auburn. who was resident tif Kinctirdine for many years, , He is iu his eightleo. but in good health. Antl IS ptyrbsibly one of the inet I !Inks with the early history of Rin- i cardine. township, now srmirer. The bereaved er arm ehair; I rucking chair; 1 tapet.. I husband, the eurviving sister, and , try arm chair; 2 ruse; 1 black walnut f as , . the camp consisting of two i• iiiann;;.nwais held at Port Albert on bawe Mrs. losing was a Wielong menitsT Of Wagon ; 2 pairs curtains; I child, 4311111°PRATTet AND Digua. Smith's Hill Presbyterian (now black walnut chair; I wick United). church, und the funeral see- stand; I pet,. bab I whom they were devotedly attacheil. dining -room extengion • 1 di other relatives hare the sympathy of ; tatsie; I wastepaser basket; 1 group a host of friends in the loss of one to I statuary ; 4 eurtains ant rings; 1 table. er tea GODERICH SON nd large tents aod a cottage was situated • y sea es; odd dishes sertipned win, conducted by Rev. It. It. Cummjpg. pastor of the church, and Rev. W. R. Alp of Auburn. Mr. Cumming spoke comfortingly front the words "He giveth HU beloved sleep." Mr Alp, en on a point overkakieg the lake. Owing horse; 1 doll's carriage; 1 child's ham- tmemeeme aad wattage. eadUre4," s ho weir ferwerly SIrr. young's pa...! mock stand; I Steinway- upright piano; peistaset vices on Bednesday afternoon were sad glasses, 1 red wool rug. bathe. imietrosue alictrimaftastie walnut cupboard; 1 table; 1 chair; I nervous theeeesa Lady hi hat ruck; 1 child's, tricycle; 1 express Office hours 2 to L aad Tato 0.IM. wages; doll's house; I retiring emending meads, sad Ts - ss to the excellent beast and the seal- ed erosity ot the cottager'. the swimming and rowing was enjoyed by each and h. everyone. Mr. Matheson. of Port d Albert, very kindly took tbe girls out w re. • in his motor boat. On Saturday. the tt, girls were all enthutied over a picnic to 11 /- to Goderieh. The &arch eerrieee at Sheppardton were totally and wholly ha x., taken by the girls. The weather tie e during the night owl/4 to the Mad ea rush to the cottage in the rain. The see re hills abotit the eamp become very elite Jo .1 gave had impretarione Nome of the apd pery with the showers end Indeed y ens and- Christian ' charity, which I mahogany and brocade chair; , d been a help to him In his minietra-; ofrasatErneallattonandebeaslein:a1; ns and an example to tall with whom! ablauporrchtaabia7M 1 CHAR17214 AcoscriltiNT re. wItriraireT;andteditIlinsangherodnaellory ibit i Irierillelbh—r, Three large grass mats ; DistaNIC P. owe, OILAIIIIIIRED rorite byWans. "Jesus Sakautr. Pilot 2 /ow wicker green arm chat s ; I larg,. AccountanL 302 Ontario germ ." Ilie pallbearers were mewirs. , rocker; 1 white woven arm chair; I Stratford. Phone IMO. Rea MINIX lin Yowls, Jas. -Hayden, Alex. W. I white woven table; 1 green table; 1! re laid at rest in Colborne cemetery. i sofa ; I cushion; I veranda swing v I si tore Many people visited the eamp and all arreed that ft was an ex. eellent spot. The girls wish to tbank 4,,,, all thoee who berped to keep the camp pre aupplied with good thinge to eat; A thove who Ic/mlly loaned their teots, Toe and' threw who used their cars to take we the girls there anti heck. 'Ph. Orb f <We riff their good times to their chaPertalees fro Mot. Lane and Mos Connor. The yea forgotten. All the girls were thrilled by it'and meet likely Port Albert will see the girls of Seaforth again next year. Tbe names of those who attend- ed camp are ay follows: Marguerite Black, Annie Hanna, Bessie Bell, Helen Lane. Elinor Burrows, Mildred Turnbull. Elizabeth McLean, Margaret Crich, Jean I luff, Elva Wheatley, I an °rare Scott. Anna Edmond*, Mary Beattie. Mary .1reltibald. Norval Ila.h. we NIPPER BOY DROWNED ' SUNDAY AT GRAND BEND William L. Cooper Seized with Cramps while Bathing ' firand Bend. July 29.—William If*ticiiirr. 1)f Kippen. was drowned here at o'clock this after- noon after he hail been aeleed with an ;meek ernmpe. The troy, together with n.n older brother and a chum, had Just (-mere() the water a few moments ore, distappeared almost at Imee, With ery for help to his bro- they. The No4ly did not come to the siirttoe the time. Was found A short time later in about hair feet of water. .than Skinnisr. formerl, of Lowboy. voided into the natter fully irlresated. and. assisted in directing me Or. Norman F Seltram mid Dr. W. I,. laenner. heill of London. urre at the scene and worked for rly on hour in RA effort ; The hot- Was spirtultng the. afternoon , here with his fatter end fire brotborel and sisters. Another sister. Olive, re- ' sides in Delmit. Ills mother died! 4 TO RENT.—STORE SUITABLE roil , grocery or office. Immediate pots - A ntiotek is any -thing that someopel session given. APPI7 to ALEX. fta enie one of flio Latest , couch; 1 bark basket for dowers. Frost 813.1"1"1.--4411° rug; 1 befl- thalamic and Aural Rosette- affillits". Late House SargeotiNew York OA. "t7 ST& EAR, NOSE. THROAT vent from towu. as r seen hi tbe township. many being casket .Witemerretioded wim hamm Neck walnut table; 2 chair& well as from i seesielated:. Iffiaroctire:er, table, whh drawer, and mirror; I awadhitespreninagmliel; ;1It,zoilet Goats Hssaro Throat Hospital, Lew at Moorefield lye Hospital sad -.r' - . Thew present et the funeritil side tattle; 1 set of Are Irons; 1 ARI- doL, Res.,. , 1 flowery pear' by-friende near land 1 At Hotel Bedford, Owlorkil. ea the and Mrs. Gre: Paterson, of Torento, — — ' evening of third Momday et m a diet/ism were Rev. Oilin G.; bottanY highboy ; curtain and drapes. ...),""" ".„ateratm BI- I. Streeter& Tel. ng. Dix, Mr. ileadereon Yining! Sewed Bedroom—one large ru • "—". ''• my. Townley. verton; Dr. Alex. Moir, of Bengali. Mr& tRee.)- Vs. maenbuntin. (4 )111- 2 mattreasee sad sPeingo; I Inlaid oasts rill fbn f _ black walnot toile( table, clrellAPT st i p.m, • table; 1 inlaid black walnut washing stand ; 1 toilet set; 1 large arm chair Mooda7, July anth, Mary Jane table; I brown tablati 1 small cheet of ERNEST W. LEI, DIM Third nedreem.,-Onc white enamel 10 King street east l'orento & YOUNG.—In Colborne township, on chintz toter; 1 chair; 1 white enamel , with tibints cover; 1 lounge with Barrister and Solleitor Buchanan, beloved wife of Mr. Alex- drawers. Telephones Ilea $4141441T. der Young, aged 70 years. old chest of drawers, hiaek within" • 1 walnut dressing table; 1 large Barrister, Ste. iron bed; 2 mattresees and spring.; 1 DUDLEY E. DOLMEN, • of Senforth, and Mrs. Connor, Mar- a r . Mr. LIMP. Laura MeMillan. all THE muir.v•OF"I•HE LATE MRS. M. SCHWAN/. take this oppor- made chairs, crinoline chairs; 1 pair Keret Itc1101111111, Dnrothy MacLean. Bentrioe confer and FMK Workman. nintty of tendering their , l'pper Hall ---One runner, wool tex ; Photia 27 - of lihnet. mother during her Illness, also in timel Sitting Hewn Offistairs). — One 0 R. DARROW, BARRISTER thanks to neighberti and friends for the many kindnesses extended to their I 1 table and "loth. MEDICAL • IMGAL CARD or TRIANKS • t.ircus parade at the perilion or bereavement, and for floral tribotee. - I enameled desk; 1 enameled chair; 1 Suocessor, to J. L. XI/loran. Werineeday, Aantust lath, under footstool; 1 arm chair, cane back, Phone 87. Alleeleey of Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O. la. E. Perth -Oars later. TAKE Tills OPP()RTUNITY OF Offiee—Ths- Square: Goderida Meek walnut ; 1 rug: I lace curtain; 1 %bine pnrlor In connection with Me ssloehrepairlitg buisinetss on Hamilton street. An expert in attendance. 2t TO RENT A double holm on North rreet. This Is the second house from the Square. Ilas six rooms, furnace, bath- room anal all modern convenlellefol. gxxxxxxmccxxxxxxx3000006-acxxxx.cmcm........300c Robins' 17th Anniversary Sale Starts Saturday, ugust 4th, and Continues Until August 18th ft,T rfot WATCH OUR wINDoWs FOR EXTRA SPECIALS • e , so eat clothes. extending my sincere and heartfelt Hack - Bedreens._4Thc rum bed; I their innumerable klutineveis to mY ; roc.' black walnut frame; 1 washing thanks to friends and neighbore for: mattress; I ellen of drawers; I ink, beautiful floral tokene dear wife during her long llinews; also, ifnortItiehetimmeanoyf letexres17.eim'ine;d7fil:illitfirrItthehY i csIntarwntiadtif,n;kiwmcnniseini neiltrsroceupepkablip,:metaalli rth;)72ewellvehrsalenrit ;;; Colborne Township, All contents of library. Kitelien.—ente kitchen clock; I clock, chairs; 1 large kitchen table; I cherry whioacodk etra.abilnettlw;ivil tirmdrac‘h.sprir; 12 k(iilticoth.ocen licKILLOP MUTUAL rata IN. 2 kitchen (bairn; 1 coat scuttle; 1 stove with oven. clzkbaotsonvie;; Il grionferigewarlaltiza; rld ;cola:mail; erilfflate:gutpo,:i.c:E;rojtieses70;:rnarnaostr.ined.v:e7pres..law Officers—Jas. Connolly, Pres., Goa AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF IIORSES. will sell by polille auction at Siti let 3. COAreswlet1 9. E. D. Ashneld town- ship, half mile month of Lenses store, on commencing at 2 o'clork. sharp: Heroes and Coke. Perelerrens and Ceram—Two mares years old, 3000 gelding, 7 years obi, 140u lhe ; geld. hag. 6 yearn old, 1300 Me.; 12 one - yes r•okt Pereherone and Clyde"; colts; 3 fonr•year-old colts. No brands, all good stuff. TER31/4--Nine swathe' credit on ap• proved joint notes with 7 per cent. Interest Proprietor. Awl looters. Naps alHape BARRI/MOM ETC. Hamilton St., Goderkn INSURANCE. LOANS. IITC. Irons; 3 cosi oil cans; 1 spider; I wash board; 1 tob; 1 iron frying pan; 1 Preserving kettle: Jam jars: 1 bread box; 1 bread mixer; silverware; pie - tures. glass; ornaments; lame tion of ornamental jugs. ler; axe; lawn mower; shears; water. leg can; hoe; rake; spode; wheel- barrow; chiki's playboys*. and nune *roue other a rt leles of ?value. Praetically ati the furniture is wal- nut or mahogany that has been In the family for year's and will lutenist any- one food of good pieces. There will be nothing reserved, as Mr. MeDooald is leaving Goderleb. Directors --A. Broadfoot, E. a. No. 3, Seaforth; Jobe G. Grimm. Na 2, ileaforth; John Bennewlek Brod. Ileafortia; Robert Ferris, sarlock; morns Gibson, Bromfield; James Evans, Beech wood ; /sow CosoeSIPA Alex. Leitch, IL S. No. 1._01tetest John Murray, Seatortlit EFIselnap. Seeforth. Policy -holders coo oaks an payment* aad get their nerds recelp& ed at R. I. Illorrish's Clothing Stara Mates: S. R. °etre Oreeery, Mee street Oedtriel, er 7. M. MAO% Omani Mom