The Citizen, 1988-02-24, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1988. Lleyd Glannville of Brussels left, was presented with a plaque by Maitland Valley Conservation Authority chairman Bruce McCall at the Authority’8 annual meeting on Friday, In recognition of Mr. Glannville’s 15 years on the MVCA field staff. Other awards were made to MVCA secretary-treasurer Marlene Shieil of Listowel and to retiring director Margaret Bennett of Wingham at the Wroxeter meeting. Armstrong on MVCA board Continued from page 1 approved at the meeting, the Water Management and Land Management Advisory Boards are to be retained, but with an expanded membership. Both the Community Relations and the Conservation Areas Advisory Boards are to be disbanded, as is the old Finance and Personnel committee, to be replaced by a new six-member Finance and Admini­ stration Advisory Board. In addi­ tion, the new Executive Committee will be expanded from eight to ten members. Elected to head the new Finance and Administration Advisory Board was Dave Gower of Goderich Township, while Leona Armstrong of Grey will serve as vice-chair­ man. George McBride of Kinloss Twp. andlvan Suggittof Arthur Twp. were acclaimed to the positions of chairman and vice- chairman respectively of the new Water Management Advisory Board; and Norm Haid of Morning­ ton Twp. was acclaimed to the top position in the new Land Manage­ ment Advisory Board, while Ro­ bert Grasby of Morris Twp. defeated nominees Don Dodds of Culross and Arnold Storey of Milverton to win the vice-chair­ manship. JackGraul of Ellice Township was elected to serve as member-at- Melville Guild meets Dessert euchre draws crowd despite the weather Despite the unfavourable wea­ ther there was a good atendance at the Dessert Euchre sponsored by the Rebekahs. After those in attendance sam­ pled the delicious desserts, 10 games of euchre were played. Many prizes were given, the following being winners: lucky cup, Helen Elliott; lucky chair, Mary Humphries; lucky tally, John Simpson; high lady, Gloria Love; high gent, Jim McTaggart; low lady, Mary Clark; low gent, Jane Devries; lady with most zeros, Ida Evans; gent with most zeros, Muriel Whitfield. Melville Guild of Brussels Pres­ byterian Church met on the evening of Feb. 16, in the church parlour. Joanne King opened the meet­ ing with a reading. This was followed by a song of “Love”. Joanne led in prayer and Margaret Work had a reading. There were several musical selections by Angie Yoon and Laura Douma. These piano numbers were enjoy­ ed very much. The scripture reading was Psalm 23. Margaret had a reading, “The Gift of Love”. The hymn, “The Lord is my Shepherd” was sung. An excellent topic on “The Good Shepherd” was ably presented by Joanne King. Jean Bewley presided for the business. Eluned McNair gave the secretary’s report and Jeanne Ireland the treasurer’s report. Making quilt blocks for the W.M.S. was discussed. A delicious lunch was served by Joanne and Margaret at the dost of the meeting. r Brussels People Compiled by Marilyn Higgins Call887-6754 We are sorry to see that Dave and Janet McCutcheon are going out of business. They have carried on from Jack and Marg, giving their service and delivering to the people of Brussels over the years. You will be greatly missed by all but we wish you success in the future. The Brussels Optimist Club is in the final planning stages for their Annual Atom Tournament. The tournament will be held on March 12, 13, 19 and 20. They will be needing sponsors for ice time, and homestobilletsomeplayers. Ifyou can help out in any way, please con tact any of the Optimist club members. Sympathy is extended to the Bishop family in the recent death of their father. The Brussels Crusaders are playing Durham in the playoffs. They have won two games and play again Friday, Feb. 26 in Brussels. The series is for the best of seven. Come out and give these young men some support and see some good hockey. There is also a consignment sale in the B. M. & G Arena this Saturday, with Kevin McArter auctioning many interesting items. The Brussels Seniors Friendship Club held their meeting on Feb. 17 at the Brussels Library. The meeting opened with O Canada, with Verna Thomas at the piano. In the absence of the president, Ethel Brewer presided. There were four tables of euchre and five playing UNO. Martha Logan was high lady, with Alice McArter getting the low. Mary Clark won high (playing as a man), with Jack Simpson getting low. Ruby Steiss won high in UNO. Ethel Brewer and Marguerite Sanderson served lunch. The next meeting will be held in the Brussel Legion on March 16. The Brussels Cubs and Beavers held their supper with their parents on Monday, Feb. 22. It honours the birthday of the Scout founder Lord Baden-Powell. The supper was held at St. John's Anglican Church and Jim Garniss of the St. John Ambulance was the guest speaker. 20tk “FLASH!” BARBER SHO Turnberry St. S. [Beside Brussels Auto Sales] OPEN TUES. TOSAT. 1P.M.TO6P.M. /INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE 122 The Square / Goderich 524-2773 1-800 265-5503 FEATUREOF THE WEEK 10% for 2 Yrs RSP LOVE YOURFRIENDS large of the MVCA. The Planning, Priorities, and Policy Committee will be retained, with members to be named by a striking committee at a later date. Several presentations took place at the annual meeting, with both MVCA staff and directors honour­ ed with plaques presented by Mr. McCall. Lloyd Glanville of Brus­ sels was honoured for serving 15 years as a member of the Author- ity’s field staff; and long-time secretary-treasurer Marlene Shieil of Listowel was presented with a plaque and warmly applauded in recognition of her 20 years of service in her present position, as well as for her four years with the MVCA prior to her present ap­ pointment in 1968. Finally, Margaret Bennett of Wingham, an MVCA provincial representative for a number of years and a number of the old Conservation Areas Advisory Board, was presented with a plaque and received a standing ovation on the occasion of her retirement from Authority mem­ bership. BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH King Street MINISTER: REVEREND CHARLES CARPENTIER Sunday a® 11:00a.m.Morning Worship Church School Nursery Rock of Ages, cleft for me Let me hide myself in Thee. Brussels Dance Club is holding registration February 29th 7-9 p.m. inthe Brussels Legion Hail For Children’s Dance Lessons (Jazz, Tapor Ballet) Starting March 7th Further info call 887-6918 or 887-6582 THE Best Meats TOE SIDES OF PORK 80-100 LB. AVG. 1.05.. CUT & WRAPPED OPEN: SLICED BOXED SIDES OF BEEF 1.75 Hip 1.85 CUT & WRAPPED Mon.-Fri.8-5:30 Saturdavtill Noon Closed-Tuesdays LB. CHUCKS OF BEEF 70-90 LB. avclb 1.49 CUT & WRAPPED PORK LOINS LB. AVG. 1.69 12-14 r 1.89 ROUND STEAK ROASTS 2.69 r a BROKEN SLICES 11 LB BOX Bacon MAPLE LEAF 11 LB. BOX Wieners $9.99 $11.99 ALL MEAT IS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. “ Safa CUSTOM slaughtering • CUTTING &WRAPPING • CALL FORAN appointment BACHERT MEATS 887-9328LOCATED JUST FAST OF WALTON WATCH FOR OUR SIGN killday TUESDAY