The Signal, 1928-6-28, Page 4• to .• • k {-drenrstley, Jane 2fi, 1>11111. ALL OUTDOORS"t CALLING To enjoy the outdoor life as you should you must be com- fortably om- fortably dressed for it. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS - HATCHWAY (no -button UNDERWEAR, INTER- WOVEN HOSIERY, FORSYTH SHIRTS, ENG- LISH GOLF HOSE, BATHING SUITS, HICKOK INITIAL .BELTS, GOLF KNICKERS, OUTING .PANTS, COAT SWEATERS, ETC. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The St,•rc With the Stock"' Men's and Boys' Wear Phone ,,•7 MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF Jt'LY ! TO 7 Monday and Tuesday Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. BILI.IE DOVE E AND LARRY KENT in ti tiie I. tar Broadway review With an intimate backstage romans*. Feet - um.: the s. raven's Itird of Paradise and a (horns ..t fifty beai'ik . A tip to ynu-don't miss "TilE IIE.URT OF A Fthl.l.lt.' GIRL" Mermaid Coneedy "HIGH SPOTS" \\cdm-d.ty. Thursday and Friday RD E SIGNAL, rDERICH, ONT. \LT Jiulr 27. -Tile tiatnlar ,no 1;f of the Saltford' Hlos- tlltat r\' .wilt be helot at the tone et Mrs. John Steep, on Thursday, 'July lith, at '2.ai` p.m. The there f the Solrford lbw; id diary with their families rn plcasnuit nutlug on the batik' of err, at Mr. Albert \lugford'e. { �pA Wednesday afternoon. Julie 3llth. "The afternoon was spent is genies, after which all partook of the bounti- ful spread of good thing & with eh ahtuulrinI supply .•f lee cream for all. A vote of thank. was tei dere(' to Mr. and Mrs. Mugford for the use of their grounds. coutpanie,l'tE(' remains from y to Met:I e. 'frau, W hattt'e they were wheat .11'tutertlent ticemetery, l place where I '' asithiaiat before ai .•• , ;nhhttt,• of s.'nn I friends. L',` .1. Walker conducted a short sere i t the grave. The pill- bearer. ee, 'byes• luridhers tImeld. tHerb ert n t. ' . 'F. Whyard 1.' . A. J3. Pentland, e, .,. Harris gust Thos. McLean. \I v beautiful dorsi offers tugs bole ,i tt testiwouy to the es- teeut iu wh:- the deceased di wars held. These came t m the curls Club of Cal. ger and Iran 'a'- churches and religi- ons organization. in 'that city. from Mayor Kennedy of \\'iuullreK• members of the family nt New York end Whtnits•f. and ,ether relatives and hien,:s. Mrs. 'Diener. of New York. and Miss Mario' Bechtel.' of Elmira,' a nioce, were among those present at the funeral. The Lade Robert M. Ferguson. -Tire funeral of :lie late Robert M. Fergu- son, of Windsor, took phare here on ThUradhy afteruoeu last, npn the ar- ricul of the body by motor hearse from Windsor. intermcut teeing made at Dungannon cemetery. Tile service was conducted by Rev. C. Il. Macihivald of Dungannon Presbyterian ,hnr-h. The late Mr. Ferguson was thirty-five years of age. He had 'Jaren missing from his boarding house in Windsor. where he Was an insurance agent, since January 5. and police had been on the lookout for him since that time. Suspicions Pre firait avowed - were made by a lady friend in Winni- peg, Who failed to receive oldies to her letters to him, which heretofore had been answered very promptly. 'His body wits found floating in the river on the Sunday previous. Laving drifted 1n at Sandwich. and it was identified AUBURN. AUBURN. June 241 -un. Gordon Taylor Is visiting friends in Detroit this week. Mr. and -Mrs. Clayton Ladd. of De - troll. spout the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1rwla. Mr. Arthur Yungblut. of Detroit. is spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Yuugblut., Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson visited friends in (:alt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mork. of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mica K. Wagner. • M.. s..J-kitcar--Gara•1-t- gleans.- Iuetroit. visited the .latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warner, on Sun- ' day. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong and - fondly, of Go terlt'h, were Sunday slt.lrs. at the home of Mrs. Margaret Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. moss and family, by the lady in Windsor with whom he „f W.udstock. spent Sunday with the boarded. The W ndsor anti: hs he latter's parents, air `ort sirs. -John near Dungannon on the 7t11 rutt.e3Pion of West Wawannsh. a son of Mrs. Ed- ward Ferguson. now of Peace Riser. and the late Edward Ferguson. Some VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. M. ('. PARR. \linister II. Il.►RKER. Director of dusk SUNDAY, JULY 1st. Special Golden Jubilee Services 11 a.m. alit 7 p.nt.-- Preacher, Dr. W. H. Graham la former Pastor) i p.m. -Church School. i lien Session). Address by Mr. John Elliott, of London (a former Victoria Street boy) Musie at all the Services by Unity Male Quartette, of Sarnia Morning Fellowship Class - 10 a. The Public Are Cordially la- - sited Te Attend These _. Services e Medd. . Rev. aur. fthinrk. of Milverton. oc- cupied the pulpit of the Lutheran rhur•lt on Sunday. thirty years ago. lit the age of tire. he kir. and kir.. �:uu Doerr motored to left this district with his tut rents who %nrirh nn Sunday went to Rainy River. where his father Mr. John Wilson, sr.. who spent the died. When a young man he went to last three weeks in the Weft. returned 'Windsor and had slues resisted there. . home un Saturday. Ile is survived by his mother and two led Bertha King. R.N.. of Toronto. brothers. who reside in Pease River. ailed on friends iti the vtilACP e'n Mr. Charles at(Tonagh. clerk of Ash- mondey. field township, Is a cousin. as are also Mr. Robe. Asquith. of Saltford. is the members of the Frrguxin family visiting has sister. airs. Chas. Hows,nwino redde.on the 7th ooneeaslon of Mr. and kiss. Mitred Sunday ,:r'1 West Wawanoph. and James McDon- fnmily. of G.ater spent Suudac at ugh of Mount Forest. the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. C. Robertson. Just try a quart of Blaekatune's A number from the village attendeddelicious homemade lee cream. It ate confirmation services In the Blyth peals to everyone. Phone 240. Anglican chur•h on Sunday. Mr. Stephen Meld. of Woodstock. is spendinr iris vacation at his home here. Messrs. C. A. Howson and E. Phil- lips motored to TTarriston on Tuesday. SALES Goderich his a every week.• but on sailing into new sale we keep the New and Used Furniture. We positively save you money on every sale. BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange starring JOHN GIBERT and RENEE ADORES "Thr greatest human document the diver sheet lies over ilaslsed." The world's Idlest marvellous t.ieture Is great ente'rtoinnumt for anyone.. Ale. n Fox Novelty reel "KEEP OFF THE GRAM" Admission Wedne+.bly. Tluurulay ind 'Friday evenings --+Adults Nee. children 35.'. Matinee Thars.ley at :t pm.-,ldnits 2"s'. children i s•. Saturday Only TOM MIX AND TONT" A ronial's of Western men and an Eastern girl in which the rnwiaty nee and his wonderful steed show acne thing new in the way of hanurdotis prints °DAREDEVIL'S REWARD" For Comedy ".A IJDV IRON" 1Latlrtec.: minnlwy at 1 15 min. Thurs- day and Saturday nt 3 p.m. DONT MiS.4 "THE BIG PARADE" FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION TRY SPARR'S GROCERY pill: Quality Groceries and Fresh Vegetables Silverwood's ice Cream Bricks, Dixie Cups, Bon Bona and Bulk Sparr's Grocery "The Store of Sat Isfaet ion" Hamilton St. Goderich Phone 146 DUNGANNON TYprY'1A'NNON. Jane 27. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris and family, of $trtt- ford, spent .Sunday at the home of Mr. amLYrs. T. G. Allen. Mr. Bell and dangh er, oT+rnderieh township. wervehetef a Mr. turd - Ifes--Robt-Ptarddson nn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. McEaebern and little daughter Mary. of London. *pent the week -end with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eedy and family spent Sunday with friends at Mil- verton. Mr. and airs. J. Pattison have re- turned to their home at Wingham Mier spending a week at' the borne of \I r irAirTit. Mt'hi1 e• Mrs. W. Treleaven and daughter, of Toronto. are visiting of the home of Mrs. Rohr. Treleaven. Mr. and Mrs. holt. Davidson ami Master Allan Reed visited e.itli friend- SHINGLES \`'e specialize in Shingles of all kinds Let us supply your wants Robt. Standish Dominion Day Special Dance Monday, July 2nd AT HE PAVILION GODERiCH Phone 369 East Street Goderich Highest Prices Paid For Beef Hides, Goose Feathers and all kinds of Junk. Good Prices Paid for Hens DAVID BROWN Phone 270 Goderich at illiterate on Monday. We are pleased to report that Miss Georgia Allen. who was np'ratel on In the Goderich hospital. was able to re turn home hast snottily. The entrance exntnineltions are Lein;: 11e1.1 In the sehred this week. Miss rowan. of Lochalsh. is presiding. Mr Moss is preshliusa at Cnrrie's Corner?. Mrs. Sam. Treleaven met with a had Admit white at the homeef her eon reril, falling and breaking her arm we linps• for sleety recovery. Rev. kir. Williams. of Ethel, will preach in the Presbyterian ehnreh next Sunday. Rev. C. H. McDonald will conduct anniversary services at Ethel. Paint Requirements We handle S. W. P. BEST BY TEST \We handie .,sly Pure Linseed Oil,'Iorp 'tine and other print Ingredients Don't be mi,led by cheaper dope Carrie's Hardware Phones 501 and 363 God.riet Religions servft'es are being held in the Anglleiln charch (beery evening by he f'hnreh Army Crnstilers from Eng- land. They are holding serrisea nt t'hrist church. Port Albert. also. Mr. Milton Atnthera. of Toronto. ii. making n brief visit to his patents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stothers. ' .\ tall game was ldayi here this r\Welnesdny) evening by the St. Hetet,. and ihingnnnon girls' teams of the United ('hnr9i league. The St. Helens girls won with A Wore of 14-11 Annfvetntare liervivew.-Annivet'sary services were held In Erskine church bast Snndny. Rev. Dr. Forbes. of Teeswater. preached very aceeptahly both uftern.s.n and evening to appre- ciative conererntions. The choir wen. ably assisted by members of the choir of ?,ncknow Presbyterian church. The freewill offering of the nr-ensinn reached 5251, which was snfletent to meet all ohligetions in the reshingling I of the church. Death of Miss Maud Whyard.-tin Thursday morning. .luno 21st. the sad .eros was received from tea len ry of the passing of an esteemed lady in the terson of \tits \Land \Whyard. daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Why- ard of ihungannon. The deceased had been in the hospital at t'algnry lime Slay '24.1 11 until her death on \Wednes day eucaine .lane _Mt. rearing the last three weeks of her illness she had the attendance M her sister, Miss Ida - Whynrd. trained nurse, of New York. rThe tate miss Whyant was engaged In the perching profession. haying tonight In Ontario schools for a nttmliet of years. and afterwards. In thie city of Calgary for eighteen years. She WA. nlw}:tys a•sorinted with and took an noire part In church work and In movement, of moral and serial reform. She leaves to mourn her departure four brothers and three sisters: Devitt and Herbert, of Winnipeg; Charles, of Detroit: Nathaniel. of Dungannon: Mrs. .1. Smith. of Port Arthur: Mrs H. Turner and Miss ida \Whyard, of New York. Mr. Heifiert Whyard ac- Dominion r Just received a shipment -of ALL -WOOL SWEATERS Men's heavy Varsity stitch all - wool Sweater Coats, with shawl collar, fancy block -trim front, in scarlet and black, royal and white and white and scarlet. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Price $4.50 to $5.00 Men's plain camel shade medium weight V- neck Coat Sweaters. Made from best quality wool yarn with two buttoned - down pockets. All sizes. Special Price $1.85 and $2.45 M. Robins Phone 384 THEBIG CRASH WE ARE THROUGH Everything Must Go Fixtures for Sale C. A. HUMBER & SON CLOSE THEIR DOORS Chop Prices Beyond All Reason Entire stock on the bargain block for quick selling. Lease expires. Humber retires. Everything Sacrificed Nothing Held Back SELLING OUTI PUBLIC NOTICE This is not a sale hatched up over night to offset competition. but a genuine close- out sale including every article under the roof of this old reliable store. Stainless Blade Dessert Knives Stainless blade Dessert Knives with reinforced white handle. Regular Std Illi a dozen. l:oing•for 11 \I.F $1.95 1111/I'N Bread Trays Rogers' -i ,-r plated Bread Trays. Attractively pierced ends, exceptional quality. Regular $:i (St Selling -out 2.85 Silver Sets Rogers' silver plated Silver Sets ,,f 26 pieces -6 knives, ti forks, 6 tea- spoons. (i desserts, sugar shell and butter knife. Regular $14. Now $8.95 Sandwich Plates Roger'- r dilated.autoilli Hut, - Finest quality Very atlrailiy, .1. sign Regular 4u til. Now $2.85 Salt and Peppers Rogers' heavy plated Salt noel Pepper, that regularly set! for $2.50 $ pair. (:o out at pair.. 1 •1 9 Tea Service . Rogers' silver-plated Tea Service of :1 handsome pieces -teapot, sugar and creamer. Extra duality.9 Q 8 Regular $15.00 set. Now... $9.5 Glass Sherbets Long or short -t.•tn. Fine cut glass Sherbets in floral designs Regular $3.(t) half $1 .39 dozen. Now - Work Watches A big selection of reliable Watch, - that regularly sell at $3 7,0 and $4151. •Are now each . $1.49 Cuff Links Dozens of pairs _to.tip at a•le• a pair. Gold-filled of best quality. 'Varian. de- signs. Regular $1 50 and $2.15) 49 pair. Now C Bar Pins A -marvelous selection of stone set Bar Pins. Latest designs in hest quali- ty. Regular $2 Oft 98c each at Watch Bracelets Expansion Watch Bracelets in green, white or yellow gold filled. Regu- 98c lar $2 00. Going eaeli I - Alarm Clocks Fatuous "America" al:,rtii made' by \\'estclox-only 21) of $1, A9 them. Art quirk ........ `r Compacts Loose or Cake Powder Compacts with chain. Various designs. Regu- 98e lar $2.(10 values. Each Women's Rings The finest selection of women's 011.l gold 10 and 14 kt. stone set Icings going at $1.924 each. 1Regular )0 tto $7.00. OUT QQ THEY GO . - .✓V 1 SPECIAL WATCH SALE - Men's or Women's A special selection of Wri-t Watches for women -Strap or Pocket \Watches for men -l. -jewels in best quality eases, accurate time keepers, fully guaranteed. Regular prices $1.") to $11. .YOUR CHOICE E:\CH $9.85 Saturday Nite Special PRIZE BOX SALE At 8 o'clock sharp Saturday night we give you a Prize Box Sale that will reveal bargains such as you never saw before. Each and every box contains clean demandable merchandise worth $3 to $5. You get it for Box BiG PRIZES BE HERE EARLY L) II Someone gets a Diamond Ring for One Dollar C. A. HUMBER & SON SELLING OUT - GODERICH