The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-12-15, Page 7THURSDAY DECEMBER 23RD A.M. talMIKM. FRIDAY DEMME* 34111 11 &AL 10 3* PAIL THURSDAY DECIMIElt MTh T &SI P.M. MONDAY DECEMBER VTR MONDAY • JANUARY 110 MILT DECEMBEIR 31ST A.11, TO &WO 110.1%. Book of Montreal The Royal Bank of Canada IuncltripplOt A SINCERE THANK YOU fio !thosea isupported Wit 44 the pegs Dezembel. 6111 zingi congratulations to Mt, Ewes* Rayne em s Sticzegsfal ,Cliallpakg/k SINCERELY OSCAR 6. KIEFFER I wish to thank ell the Separate Scheel Electors Muth of iivri• who append me on Dec. 66 - Is their represeatotive the Soros Coady 'sari of Edototios upssisics e opt Sevon Eugene Frcirie THE LUCENCY/ SENTINEL, LIXENOW.. ONTARIO DAY ECZMIElt IS, PAGE SEVEN! WHITECHURCH sum • On t4lionda Whirecherat Polak Schoolers awl nth School mils had a behday, The public school pAtifts were takem 1**e s4144N44 ant sera ltxta haat, Thursday Luctrow awl Ripley Bantams hockey teams were in pbky Wit.14 Locirlow sowing 1.a. Riolratd Moore Tilos n this rem. Mr, awl Mrs.Waker Mrate atal Linda ocestded, the dawe at Fla QM by Je Man awl his tem en Saturday ev*INg- azzl Mts. VtiOate Cora the **Min reeeptirafea newly vmds Iktr. awl Mrs„ '11*Ipey (Iltarieme Crakes), ii i Bel- rave Eta em Saar* evening. Mts. Earl ca trenn Wednesday to. Saturday wit& her daughter Mrs, Rasse4 ,toss Mr. Ross el Wingbaut. Mt.. and Mts. Carriau 1Riktrler,, CeMeell awl Carol Of Toreve spew the vmeizer/A WI& Mrs. Gatut Fattier Mr. ate Ms. Ibein Brown atta fan* tit pelvis x4sitedi tagesms 4a41 TOOk Ihtt 14M. days with bet. kisaigihtet Mts. FUsgi Devitt atatijtail4, IBMgas Fft,ittat 61r42311. trekin 1474131-. .00trf,etr W y tItle WaS met by his faiker Bev KaY and taken tie US grawbootbets Alas... Grabs= at Brantford, ac bete his mother Bev 14y 411113 1076tints, Wet Itim mkt brought hit n benne. (tha Schday.,, 113toeMbeir lath the UPS. batl chow el the sercie* e chattier's awl tangSiiiit Pt Viorzici0 itst.„ nuattilottS. libt 103 VMS Thayets were :giketa 1S37 !NNW' attit Batty EitiOrt, de Boer awl VG` • Kay. hiSsems *ere teat by Whim& Qom, &LIM. Reim Letie %than atiii ()ea die Sam- "The Oheir sankg with Cecil de Boer amen/Tanis* nor the at. Karen IV had Oho* ititffie Aileron's service- The scrattia„ Ile (IA Goa, vas tgivea th3r Vcrendistw &tying tyis Marty Yeatti, The (Slitting ac ras tetetc" *03 lky Douala de Boor ati4 IL Team& Camdelitgla Service its IhO53 Dem:utter .11V at SAO at Chatmet:'s blab*. Mast •be seat* at 7...N1 as this ' Smoke broadcast ewer ratio. • The hoe ailittoil 112-IROZ441 blYS fraM Costi RIM The base &foil* m stirvite v.tas aaiist .,gidh this Ire4430t- The toatita Outhai !wow salmi vtiwititgtis Deeeratiet 117 anti tke Preghybleimi °Me u1111, Ettointiber 1,11;v4 11 ill lhoel of lbotimoi., r't* oui - 'oh ' A !av togoisweetswocceisaie Cancer . can 'be beiden 11 ,1n %(diuntattrs BeSeNie tt , tmoistoraosasammissmissts, licDONAG • REM.ESTATE & MOW= LTD. RIM CLAM tOTTACtE Lake beat tearahhis, pc. Audi, 1614 vim., an thatiigh- Ka' FAIAI alms, S aetikaat, 4 burn ana asu, litalgt ‘. 4 Treptik%. • 400, RAIL timoiti sus. mum ahrs. sower • • I i is • • e Al I Pm LUCKNOW BANKING HOURS During the holiday season our offices will be OPEN CLOSED OP EmpbOerna, Astirre, totierculmis. r itr Bronttatis., irlRdll Ginn +Use ChfistmaS Seals • Iles a frnatter off tile arki to ,z4th Its ./Actis imily FARM, was., Whitcamb* area-. GENERAL swim twat, tAttat*ki Wag (pattern invoke tar feat ZP her 1TEESWAYER, este Otet, tea- m= home. ACRE ASINflEID FARM, 4 • IMO ACRES wEsr WAWANOSN FARM, 3 tearoom damn* mid balm locettiable. 1,11.1,4409 WillffECIFURCN.; beim= home, escsogital eoultritta. lard pattleams dame praperdes PHONE OR SEE WARREN ;AM Piave SM4/3M 40,1***1••••••04IrP01•01~4•14**4 1 MUM TWAY • Vailiclzy Stott vet& braVti veltaime mat act Feet; ato etaapetitma, eqakoaaem rai mew eeatraniear, quintets above asedets and seat atS a. pia- Trade yaw hiate • thih one. • MMUS 110/ ARTA ki sates., awe* wattaltie„ Mime bash and favrtm, maim fratan bialrens eactilkhet tan& tkon.. S25 arms tep met& tom batins mesterei hew With every ezemenionee. 1 names, vratialble., goad bum, home I'm meet et impair, ate.Intim Una is l vet tot din157.,iplaktegr, ttaNTO 1441i 4111:: large Nan= belated Matihicers Igiltthe !Mg er Use Mistimes Seals ( laetighIcjhcetatit fal11011vin etyma- tem, Adverti I rat r nom. exactly helps rim thail ,OIVAIMAI tiaMrAiWrEWOZ ;Zit RtillEY„ 3 bedroom boric mall I scomate \Wen Itgaking, te X 132r, Be ACRES MIRY FARIkt, atm arca. 41 BEDROOM NOME, obi 2 amts.; East Waraamosih Ievivasih*, buligaig. The =dim it ern this tam Notas talk lip teem yews. CONTAa• wx.mtlargaii' stEs. matt swam comma I. 3P-131233 WENGRAM OFFICE 337-3S0 oislageaMtswii=in Move in Tomorrow $42,890.00 IMMISMIAVANAKE Lave zoom VC X vaulty thrigtht ihhtlhat %tit& Thalge sande& at Itatet, thedreants,. ° baFsennern wit*, bow Wiudemam. Zoomed on IEViti St. in I, /