The Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 81.; : S T• e+ S '11oirs.tay, June 21, 1918. I 'I;tAe .t,I, ,. Hwa y THE SIGNAL, GOQERICH, ONT. SPEND Dominion Day (MONDAY, JULY 2nd) IN GODERICH BIG ALL -DAY PROGRAM Parade of Floats, Decorated Autos and Bicycles, etc., on the Square, at 9 o'clock, to be follow- ed by a series of Children's Games. Afternoon Program at Agricultural Park COMMENCING :11' 1 O'CLOCK Track and Field Sports, for suitable prizes. Tug -of -War. for championship cup donated by Huron Old Boya of Toronto. INTERNATIONAL -CHAMPIONSHIP BASEBALL MATCH FOR PURSE OF $700 OSLERS vs. RISDONS Champions of Ontario Champions of Michigan [;AME 'ro BE CALLI-:it .A i lit EVENING Grand Carnival on the Square, to commence at 8.30 o'clock. We invite the people of Huron County to come and have a day of interest and pleasure with us and help to celebrate Canada's natal day. THOS. PRITCHARD, H. J. A. MacEWAN, Secretary. Chairman of Corn. OPTICAL SALE --- This is our eighth anniversary Optical Sale and we wish all elm old customers at -Walt neW onf$iO take advantage •f it. Gold-filled frames fitted with spherical lenses for reading. $4.00 and $5.00 value, for .. $3.00 All -shell, dark heavy frames, fitted with best quality meniscue lenses, regular $8.00 value, for $5.00 Your choice'of any frauds fitted -with your correction, replar.$10.00 and $1.2.00 value, for. Your choice of atiy frame -fitted with invisible �bte vision lenses, "Kryptok's," regular $15.00 value for $12.* We will fit lenses to your old frame at sale prices. One week only -Saturday, June 23, to Saturday, June 30. Do not wait until the last day. A. L. COLE, Optometrist DUNGANNON `DUaNGALN'NON, June 20.- )11'. and Ern Edworthy, of Tomato, spent the week -cud at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Ohas. Alton. • Mr. and 'Mrs• Nicholson,. of Strat- ford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Airs. John Oliver. Master !Billie Wiggins is spending a few days with his brother at Tuber - moray. Messrs. La Verne and Benson Pent- land, cf Detroit, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland. 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Rod. Ross., of I.och- slah. Mrs. Bell. of Lucknow, and Mrs. Williscruft and slaughter. of Vancou- ver, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. liowani Robertson, of Sevfurth, Miss Blair and Miss Pierce, of Auburn. were gusts at the home of Mrs. David Garvin last Sunday. The many friends of Miss Georgia Allen will be pleased to know that she improving. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and Muster Malcolm left last Saturday for Toronto, where they will spend the next twit weeks. Mr, Kenzie, of Strathroy, is relieving at the Bank in Mr. SfeKenzie's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Sproul and children left on Tuesday for the West miler a two ,..,ekte- visit with Mr. Sp,retul'as parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. sprout. They were ae•.owl,anietl by Vi,s 'Bina Sproul, woo will visit friends In the West. They arc making the trip by motor. Anniversary penises will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, in the afternoon at 3 o'clocft and In the evening at 7.30. Rev. Dr. Forbes, of Teeswater, will be the preacher. Speclal music will be given by the choir, assisted by some choristers trim Lucknow. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, June 25th. at the home of Mrs. F. Idose. The topic. "Local Im- provements,' to be taken by Mrs. Bur- ton Roach. Roll call: "Helps Wanted." w, Mr. and Mrs. Badman, of Toronto. are visiting •the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Errington, 6th conces- sion of Nest Wawanosh. Mrs. Campbell le visiting friends at Kirkton. The sermon in the United church tin Sunday evening to the Orange under ' was preached by Rev. J. Walker, The church was filled to its capacity. Mem- bers of the LO.1.. and L.O.B.A. were Present from all the 'surrounding dis- trict. The fife and drum band from Goderich also was in attendance. Both onle:-. marched front the lodge rooms to the church and returned to their rooms after the service. The W.M.S. of the l'uittsl ohureb entertained the W.M.S. from Nile arid Port Albert '1't.' day afternoon. Ills" Thompson. returned missionary. from thins, addres,el the meeting. . Mrs. J. Heti. in the village, is on taw tack list. We belie she will soul' recover. 'Phe tirst game in the girls' soft -ball series was played this (Wednesday) ev,niu;: at St. Helens, between the St. Helen- end Duuganntnt teams. The St. Helens girls won by the wore of 1;3-10. Rev. Ernest Ilny., Mre• Hays anti Merman Carpenter, of Durham, visited friends in the 'village today. A garden party ler the auspices of the United chunk, Dungannon, will be held on the church lawn'on Friday. June 2tth.Sutt er ell lie se•rttst from 6 to 8 o'clock, to be followed by a program of music and readings by the Eveready Male Quartette, of Strat- ford. 'If the weather should be unfav- orable, the supper and concert will be given in the church. . Admission: adults 500; children 25c•; family ticket $2.00. Webster -Brawn. - An interesting ceremony took place at the Anglican rectory this a WVcrdnesttuy u afternoon. at 4 o'clock, when the rector. Rev. W. E. 'Perry, perfumed the marriage cert moat' uniting Miss Mabel Itrown. daughter of Mrs. ('has. Brown of Dun- gannon, to Mr. 'Harvey Webster, of Goderich. After the ceremony there was a reception for the young couple at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Webster will make their home in Goderich. Gefden Wedding Celebration --The home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul, Dungannon. was the scene of a de- lightful gathering on Wednesday, June 13th, when upwards of fifty guests gathered to celebrate the fiftieth wed- ding anniversary of the host and hostess. The house was artistically decorated for the occasion with stream- ers of white and gold festooned from the ceiling, and the table decorations were in the same shades, gold paper and yellow ruses being used effective- ly. The bride's cake was decorated with gold leaves. The ceremony which united Mary Saute Kitson and David Sproul fifty years ago was performed on June 13. 1'i7s. in Dungannon Metho- dist church, the late Ste v. James Cas- well. at that time pastor of the church. I officiating. 'The brideamald was Annie Kit".n, • Mrs. Courtney, of St. i Thomas, who was present for the gold - 1 en wedding. tieing the only one, other Ithan the bride and groom. who was present of limb occasions. The grooms- man was George Begley. now de- teasesL Mr. and Mrs. Sproul have been continuous residents of Dungan' non throughout the fifty years. having lived In their present home for forty - ri BORN AN"WIEW.--4)n Wednesday, June 8, in the hospital, Wiugham, to Mr. end Mrs. Alfred Andrew, of Ashfield, a daughter (Wluuitred Jeanne). TOM, -At the Private l'utieuts' Pavil- ion, Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tom, 63A Atlas avenue, Tor- onto, a son. DIED. PARLEE.-At St. Thomas, Out., on Thursday, June 21, Miss Edith Par - lee• formerly of the Goderich Col- legiate institute teaching staff. Fun- eral at St. Thomas Saturday. CARD OF Tl1ANKS MR. AND MRS. RICHARD MOORE wish to express their appreciation to friends and neighbors of the tawny acts of kindness and symlatthy shown them at the time of the death of Mrs. Moore's mother, Mrs. John Allan, and for the many beautiful floral tributes, especially those sent by "Colborne friends ,of Victoria street United rhumb." ESTRAY TENDERS TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE . undersigned will be received by the Dominion Day Celebration Com- mittee up to 8 o'clock pm. on Wednes- day, June 27th, for refreahweut booth, score card and concession privileges, alt' the Agricultural Park on July 2nd. No touter necessarily accepter. T1IOS. PRITOHARD, Sec's, Goderich. TOWN OF GODERICH. Tenders for building a new grand- stand at the Fair Grounds wilt be re- ceived by the Town Clerk up until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, June 25th. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans and specifica- tions can be seen at the Clerk's office at the Town 'Hall. CHAS. C. DOE, 2t Chairman of Public Works. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTI OE. Notice Is hereby given that Clarence Percy Shields, of the township of Ash- field. In the county of' Huron, farmer, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada, at the next session thereof, for a hill of divorce from his wife, Irene limed Ahields, of the town of God- erich. In the county of Huron, on the ground of'adultery and desertion. Dated at the town of Goderich, in the county of Huron, this 28th day of May, A.D.,1BC/8. HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, Etc., Hamilton street, Goderich, Ont., 3t Solicitors for the Applicant. ,TRAY.-TWO-YEAIt11L1) STEER u en the farm of the undersigned. Huron road. Goderich township. Owner will please claim sante and past expenses. CHAS. 1'Rt)I'SE. R. R. 1. st D. L. and W. Scranton COAL Pocohontas and Alberta Lump Shingles and Cement, Second-hand Lumber, such as Ceiling Lumber, Lath, Wainscotting, 2 x 6 Rafters and Studding, Sheeting, Windows and Window Sills and about 30,000 good Brick. Wm. McClure Phone 42 Dungannon BABY CHICKS After June 15th Chicks from our 'pens of heavy -laying hen" will be at rock -bottom prices. 0. A. C. Barred Rocks 15e. S. C. W. Leg - horns 13c. Our stock is prodection- bred, hardy and free from disease. C. G. CAMPBELL ■YMa1 Specialty Fars. AUBURN, ONT. Phone 1024 Blyth Municipal SALE': We are holding a sale three hundred days in the year. Our prices are much lower than most others for goods of equal quality. Watch our windows for merchandise you need at your prices. Better Values Cannot Be Obtained in Town. E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELER East Side Square Phone 136 Goderich six years. The happy couple were ' showered with congratulations and gifts throughout the day, among the gifts being a purse of gold[ from their family, who were all present for the occasion, with the exception of the younger son. Harold, of Davidson, Sask. The family are eight in num- ber: Robina. of Dungannon; Nettle and Mrs. Roh»rt Wilson, of Goderich; Mrs. William NIerlore, of Dungan- non; Mrs. Arthur Elliott, of Ashtleid; Clare, of Stratf..rd. and Warner and Harold. of Davison. flask. A pleasing feature of the evening was a mock wedding carrlel out bye number of ILIA One preferred who can stay (toilerieh. TO RENT TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR grocery or office. Immediate pos- session given. Apply to ALEX. SAUNDERS, Goderich. TOW[ OF GODERI'l-'li. l Applications for the renting of Park House, including refregionent booth, wilt be received by the Town Council. The tenant to look after the town tour- ist camp grounds adjoining. Apply at once to L L. KNOX, Town Clerk, Goderich. TENDERS r OF GODERICH TDNI>*R8 FOR ('.EMENT S WAL.KS Tenders addressed to the under- signed for the construction of cement sidewalks In the town of Goderich will he received up to S o'clock pan. on Tuesday, July 3rd, 11)28. At present there are approximately 42,035 square feet petitioned for. There may be less or more. No tender necessarily- accepted. Specifications may be seen at the Town Clerk's office. L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. WANTED WANTED. - YOUNG GIRL FOR as light housework. MRS. ii. C. YOUNG. BOARDERS WANTED. -APPLY AT SIGNAL OFFICE. 2t MAID WANTED. -TWO 131 PAM- AWl nights. Apply at erlch- and woald�taifF-g riitvttl arm + mer home. About three minutes' walk from Hand itueset and a -abort distance front the harbor. This property must he sold to close the eats te. TERMS -'Ten per cent. of purchase price to to paid at time of sale, bal- ance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to ,- HAYS & HAYS, Soliettors for Administrator, tU T. GNI►RY & SON. Auctioneer; AUCTION SALES TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Reconstruction of West Wall, Owen Sound, Out.," will be re- ceived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, June 27, 1928, for reconstruction onstruction of the superstruc- ture of the West wall of the Entrance Channel, at Owen Sound, Grey county, Ont. Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forme of tender obtained at this Department, at the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., also at the Post Office, Owen Sound, Ont., and Builders' Exchange, 1104 Bay street. Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un - lees made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accorhince with the conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by' an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pa)iable to the order of the MID- Inter in Inter of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will also be aceelded as security, or bonds and a cheque If re- quired to make up an odd amount. NIYPE.-Blue prints can lie obtainednu at this Departmt by depositing -an accepted cheque for the sum of $20.00. payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regu- lar bid. AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS - :a FURNISHINGS. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions from the commis- sion of the Presbytery 'of Huron. United Church of Canada, to sell by public auction, on the premises, on FRIDAY. JUNE 2)th, o at 2.30 'clock p.m.: The building known as Lane's church, situated on the 11th conceitssion, Ashfield. This is a substantial frame building. 33x4:. feet. There will also he offered. What re- mains of the church shed. 3'2x45 feet; a stove; pipes; church seats and tither furnishings. Scats arc in good con- dition, TERMS. -Furnishings, cash; build- ings. six mouths' credit on approved joint notes. J. PURVES, Auctioneer. - By order, 8• E. O'BRT'BN. r Secetary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 6, 192.5. 2t AINISDM TIL%TOR'S SALE OF VAd.- t'AItLF: RESIDENCE. We are instructed by the admin- istrator of the estate of the late Nor- man McDonald to sell by public !Me- llon at the premises, Quebec street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, JULY 14th, commencing at 2 o'clock: Lot 194. in the town of Goderich, commodiouson which there Is a commodious frame twoetery dwelling. 25x30 and 14x2:.; also a small frame stable, suitable for garage. There Is a splendid garden., several fruit tre, berry bushes, etc. The location La one of the lest in Gost- i rite grant!, ft r.'un ...ho NM trmrteeis number. Dinner was served at 7 p.m.. and afterwards there were toasts and speeches. Guests were present from Toronto, Hamilton, London, St. Thom- as, Stratford, (Week)); Davidson, Sask.. and Dungannon. Fowl Omission Landlady-i'm sorry you do not think the (thicken soup good. _. I-.toid i the cook how to make it. Perhaps the did not catch the idea. Boarder -No: it was the chicken she missed. They were.ulone in the graveyard. She crowded him close, as if afraid. poor the s,r sap said: " Wouldn't ft he awful if all the dead people came to life here of a sudden,,?" "No, in- deed," she rep:ied. "i wish one ofo them wuld." BRIEFS at her own homeat g pp 7 SION,AL OFFICE. - RECRUITS WANTED FOR "A" C'ompny, Huron Regiment. Ten day camp, July 3 fo 13, at London. For further particulars apply to A. F. STURDY, Major. --_ JANITOR WANTED. . . Application + for the position of janitor or caretaker of Central Public School will be received by the God- erich Public School Board up to July 3rd, 1028. yDDuties to commence August 1st, '71/2L L. KNOX, Secy Public School Board, 2t Ooderich, Wesley -Willis United church. Clin- ton, was destroyed by fire early this tThursday ) morning. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's llospdtal Auxiliary will be held at the public library on Monday, June 2.1th. at 4 p.m. Miss Caroline Davidson, field secre- tary of the Tract Society's mission to sailors, was in town this week and collected $144.23 for the funds sup' pwirting this work. The Collegiate institute term was concluded on Friday last and the teachers residing out of town left promptly for their homes to spend the vacation. Miss Powell went to l'rea- eott. Misses Uurwash and Clongher to Toronto, Miss McNaughton to ('hat - ham. 111111 Mlle Campbell to Ripley. At the close of the school term on Friday last the atndents of the com- mercial department made a presenta- tion to their teacher, Miss E. J. Clongher, who is leaving to take a similar position in the collegiate intel- tate at St. Thomas. A handsome pen and pencil set, with the gold hand en- graved. ' F:. J. C. 1.('.i.," and a bar pin were prevented on behalf of the class by Miss Delight Mntch, who briefly expressed the student:' appreci- ation of Miss ('lottglier's services. Mies ('tougher, though taken completely by surprise, was able to thank the stu- dents for their gift. and the class fur- ther expressed their feelings by the singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER Tuesday, June 20. -Auction 'ale of twenty grad young geldings and mares, property of Donald McKenzie, at his form, concession 4, Aahfeld. Friday. June 29th. -Auction sale of building' and furnishing• at Lanes church. 11th concession of Ashiiekt township. .1. Purvis, auctioneer. AWONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.- For ladles, over 30, to sell the latest sensation In foundation gar- ments, also correct supporting ; gar- ments and lingerie. Part or full time. Good profits from the beginning. Apply BOX 50, SiGNAL OFFICE. FOR SALE FOR SALE. - THREE-PIECE chesterfield set at a bargain. This is a Snyder sant-blit upholstered set in genuine mohair. WESLEY WALK- ER. 'Phone 1117. FOR SALE. -4;0011 GARAGE BUSI- NESS in a progressive town in Western Ontario. Apply to BOX 33, SiGNAL (►F'F'iOE. FOR.SALE.--TWO HOUSES, COR - 1'7)R of Victoria and Napier streets, eight and seven rooms and furnaces; also eight -room house on Newgate street, of the D. A. McLaren estate. Apply A. J. GOLDTHORI'E, It. R. No, 4, Goderich. 4t HOUSE FOR SALE ON NAI'IER " STREET --4 Mt water heated, wired for electric range, all modern conveniences, large lot and good lo- cation. Everything in p(ood concR- tlom. MRS. X. BAEOltbER, Napier street. St aFOR SALE.-SEVIIN-R(X)M WHITE brick house. Good location on North street. Modern conveniences. Apply to G. G. NEWTON. the Square. !raid HT PIANO (BELL) FOR IU SALE. -In Bret -class coeditios. Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. Box 467. Goderich. Goderich. It FSIRA,BLE RESiDENCE PROP'lllll- TY J'OR SATE --At corner of Bri- tannia road and WIllIam street Ten room. heaidsa bathroom. closets, etc. Good furnace. All conveniatces. For terms and further particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY. P. 0. Box 46T. or to AUCTIONRF.RING TIPIMAY GUNDRY, GODERICH, LIVE STOCK AND G EINERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Saler atteudcd to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction farmers' sale notes discounted. ROUT. ROBERTSON. The Auctioneer, will conduct and orange any sale ma the latest methods to get the best re- sults. r sults. See him or drop a card and be will give it immediate attention. Farm sales a specialty. Eldon St. Goderich. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. CHIROPRACTORA. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG - GODERICH Equipped with electro•magnetis baths. >llectronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. Lady in attendance Office hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Meoday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. Residence and ofce--Corner of South street and Britannia road. AL't(TiON SALE OF FARM STOCK. At lot 92. Provincial Highway, three miles west of Holmesvllle, on TUESDAY, JUNE 26th. at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing' Thirty-five head of cow', young cat- tle and young calves; 30 store beget from 75 to 125 ibs. each ; 2 sows with litter at foot; several young pigs, 6 weeks old; Massey -Harris mower, 6-1 ft. cut. nearly new; good farm wagon; I 2 -horse Oliver ec11Rk'r ; 2 new neck - yokes; 2 sets of whiffletreee. TERMS -All sums of $15 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 months' credit will he given on furnishing bankable paper. or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. A. E. TOWN-BM/ND, S. It. MaeMAPH, Proprietors. GEORGE H. PNA.iOTT, Auctioneer. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 'RANK F--MI311S, CIIIARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street Stratford+ -Plea. 1580. Res. 13801. MEDICAL nit. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ople thalmic and Aural Hospital, asslutaaC at Moorefield Eye Hospital ask 'Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Eng. 58 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on thin evening of' third Monday of tack month till the following day, Tuesday. at 1 p.m. AUCTION SALE OF 20 GOOD Y O T' N (i OF)I.'DTNG9 AND MARES. MR. TIONAi.D McKENNZIE will sell by public auction at his farm, coneendon 4. Ashfield, on TUESDAY. Y, .1T yNE 20th. 1924, commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: One pair of grey mares, 7 years old. about 2900 Ths. ; 1 pair of iaay mares, If years old, about 2650 lbs.; 1 pair of black mares, 0 years old. about 2500 Tim; 1 pair of hay mares, 7 years old, about 2500 lbs.; 1 pair of sorrld geld- ings. 5 years old, about 2000 ahs.; brown mare. 7 years old; 1 hay geld- ing. 0 years old; 1 pair of buckskin gelding'. 6 and 7 years old; 1 hay mare. 0 years old; 1 hay gelding. 7 years old : 1 general purpose mare, 7 years old; 1 general pnrpnse mare. grey. 0 years old; 1 brown horse. 0 years old ; 1 hay mare. 4 years old. This lot of horses are in good work- ing condition. have splendid legs and feet, have all been worked and are a real gosh lot. TERMS -Faye months' e'selit will be given on furnishing appreleet joint notes. A d1wrnnnt at the rete of 6 per cent per annum, for Mab. 0. McEPNRTR. T. GTTNr)RY k SON, Proprietor. Auctioneers. R. R. 1. Dungannon. LEGAL ERNEST M. LEE, aas� Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, Toronto 2. Telephones Elgin 84IS-8417. DUDLEY E. IIOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hamilton street, Goderich. Phone 27. Li R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successor to J. I. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The lunare. Goderieb. Flaps & Flaps BARRtwraM, En-. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS ua., B.A. Hamilton St., Oodericn INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILLOP MUTUAL TIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and fon hated town property Insured, Olscers-Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres.. Reechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec. -Treat. Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Rroadfoot, R. IL No. S. Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Na 4, Walton; William Man, R. R. No, 2, Seaforth; John Bennewles, Brod- hagen ; (leo. McCartney, R. R. No. IR Sesiorth ; Robert Ferris, Reflect Murray Gibson, Bromfield; James Evans. Beechwood; James Connolly. Gods rich. Agents -J. W. Teo, (Goderici Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Murray, Seaforth; R. Hlacbley, Seatorth. Policy -holders can make all payments and get their cards receipt's ed at R. J. Morrish', Clothing Stors, CYuto. ; R. H. Catt's Grocery, Vag. ' sten street. Ooderleb, or J. R. Raid'N% OMsral Stara Baykal"