The Signal, 1928-6-21, Page 5THE SIGNAL,
Brownie Cameras
Practical sturdy picture makers
that make it easy as possible
to make pictures.
$2.25 up
let us du your Developing and Printing
Campbell's Drug Store
Paint Requirements
We handle S. W. P.
til?s•I' Ii't 'I'I':ST
\1•e handle only Pure Linseed
lid, 'Turpentine and other
{paint ingredients
Don't be misled by cheaper dope
Carrie's Hardware
Phones 501 and 363 Goderich
4-iLltultNF: TIIWNSIII1', June 19.
as Iiorolhy Ho1N•rtsoia has re-
turned home after spending the week
In Auburn.
Miss ('epha Maskell Is home from
Alum College, St. Thomas, having
completed her course there.
Mr. Gus �'anstone sports a new
Foal coach, Mr. Arthur Fisher an Im-
perial Chevrolet sedan and Mr. Ed-
wia ,l hardy a Chrysler sedan.
The McG,iw elevator is now closed
for the season.
Mies Jennie Morrill), of, Galerich,
x elelfding a Mttipte of weeks or more
114111, visited Mrs. John Thompson ou Fred Mt -limier and Mrs. Mct;re:or, MUMMIES OF CHILDREN.Suuduy. sr., def Kiutail,'visited their ntuliye•
Mrs. Hurry 1'uugblut visited with here on Sslueloc, Discovered by Excavators at Agee'
friends 1e Mount Forest last week. Mrs. 1)ixuu, who was here Lir the Ituln, New Mexico. +
Mr. adtI Mrs. Vivian Wagner mud foreman -Wilson Bedding, It -ft on I'r:
MIN., of '1'orouto, are visiting friends day by IC.X.It„ fel- her hoWe at I'. -4 I The dircovtwy of, some lntert,
in the village. i .uuol. mummies has just been tinuou deg
Mr. Frank lidded, of Godericb, Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford and, by Frank ['1[ukl•y, superb nt of
visited frkeuds in the 'village en Sun- children left for l:.••ir home at Flit,southwestern monuWeuts- Na-'.
day. Mich., on ruuday. ;;,dug by motor. Uoual Park Service, says a lenea
Improvement W Hall's ('Mope,, Mrs. .ilex. Venlig. of Loyal, i• not Servbe Bulletin. At the Aa a Ruin.
Great io a ei in Ntw Mrxwu, excavatio work hal
levy,—Tlwse who may have a•enelon Improving as her belay floats ty old' bean in progress for thr�puriase of•
to visit or pass by Rail's cemetery will I wish. ge•ltfnp d regret down lulu a rowaits:.
view with pleasure the remarkable, Mrs. tIeurge Jojtnston, of Goderich. prehtatotic rooms bring used fur,
iwprovement to the general appear- I gave a talk to the Sunday st•hoei un strum purposes. in the centre of this
aloe of the grounds as a result'of the, Sunday Iasi !a+ tempi -ranee.- We ap work two child burials were taken
work that has been done this spring.' lirea'lute airs. Johnstun's . coluhi to from the door, one with a very Inter -
Alt iron and woolen feuet•s and raid• draw attention hi this iugwr'•+lit stint black obsidian, pendant, two
1111;5 Ive Imes removed frons around{ i.ubjts•t.
We ore sorry -to tate that at...• decefl+ated dippers. a mug, and two
the plots, tile higher plots Iwve have dishes containing food. This ,mum-
ias'ui ed le grade, loads of earth have 11'iuuie Marsh is laid up with an my was first wrapped in feather cloth
I.w•u drawn to fill the lower sections, tack of ameuoleitis. We trust sl.:•and then In matting, and in addition
and the leaning monuments base been •till sosaa be uroutpd a;aln, had beneath It a large reed screen
wady plumb. All this reflects to ad Mr. Mew spent Sunday with hi+ and over it a large mat.
vantage the renewed Interest that is relatives in Goderich. The body itself was wrapped as a •
Ie -dug taken In the work. The an- A number from Dere attended the IAT package and tide with yucca
nual meeting of the plot -holder: wild .cantata oven at 'Ile last iunclay cord. The pendant had slipped from
IN held on the grounds Wednesday evening by the combined chum of the package, and it is believed by
afternoon, June 27, at 2.34. All mein- Nile, Port Albert and l.e•burn. ge L Boundey, custodian of the
Mr. and Mrs.- . Stull visited at their
berg are re ueeted to attend.monument, who wadi the excavation,
Ordination lieniees—o t 1tr at- 1 old home near Gollingwtwd on Thur.- that -there are other ornaments with-
aflerriN,u, June 14th, delegates from day last. in the wrappings He did not open
the Baptist churches of Auburn. Chin- Mr. and Mrs. Stoll had as visitor, thein, however, as the whole la in
lou, Glnwis, GoNlrrich, lieuiltcorthi, over the we•kamd air. amei airs- such a good state of.reeentation and
Lletow•el, Munck, Mount Forest, feta. Fraetley and Mr. and Mrs. Bhakly gust 4 an excellent museum exhibit
rroton, WalkrrU,n uud Wlugham wet two children. from Rob Boys The other child burial found at As -
the. Auburn !W firth -a church. and Induction Ser iee.—A service for tel had an ax a basket, a flat board,
the Induction of Rev. R. B. Cumnkh::• sad about a plat of euro .ars One
were an urdinafou cows the new minister of the United Chun h ear of rod ensu, and just as fresh
ell with Iter'. F. C. Elliott,llutt, Geol.-rich, char ee of Smith's Hill and Benmlller• looking as though from last year's
as moderator; and Rev. W. L. Patina- g
man, lltamks,-a,►-s!lesk---�f� x "►re. - IS appoliued to be held in the Smith's crop, has about half the kernels still
a o, llill church on i r o ay evening. June In pTaoe. Mr. Boundey-states this to
at the home of Chas Allen. fol examination of the tend id t It
M l' P 1 in i 'Gracie, w tor of the u on and
In Ike hard dirt floor of the lower
I at•truit this week. Auburn Baptist clan lass a ministry, Parr. of God s -rich, will preach : It. u- story of rooms In the ruin five soft
Mr. ('has. Allln. who 1s 1n poor hie converelun, call to the doctrine,
It. A. Laud). of Nile. will rehire:: Ii.• breaks were noticed. One of these
health, went to '.melon on Monday and views of t'hrlstlau doctrine, the' minister. and Iter. W. )t. ti.. of sirs was partially dug out and disclosed
le Y N { b
Mr. thus. ft ,he rtsuu, s l . pastor Oli t i d =►t h. at 8 p.m. Rev. C. F. Clarke, •f unlike any corn he ever saw before.
t'alerlch will pre
rdde. 1(t'v. M. o'
w . specialist. council not only unanimously dt+turd burn. will uldrn,s the c.a+Kn►a•i.. some peculiarly carved slicks sad
No. 3 ---Quality Yr. Jan•Ls alcRrtdr i l.- ,,,el a car• , t„ , i-su n - Nlth the urdivatiuu, ut three pots.
1ua4i of choler int cattle on Friday ala, rzpnssivl their apprelutlon ..f
Quality is that factor very sel-
dom considered by many buyers
when comparing priers. Atwl yet
quality is the basis from which
prier is (•omymitt•(1. Quality is the
lest of chi -airtime.
The point we wh.h to empha-
size is this: That we absolutely
ran supply Flowers and Floral
Mork of First Quality if desired
n d :also cheaper grades when
emitted. We cannot sell first
tomtit) blooms, at -,steals,,,- price;
and we sin not sell "seconds' at
"tint" price.
�1e respectfully solicit your
ttonil patronage. Phone. write or
a: ill.
Iasi. _ ' the promptness and aptness of time re -
REALLY 1.01(. July PRINCE 1}} CAf.Lf�l► DAVID.Quite a number went to Nile Sunday {dies of the candidate to the many _____
gnt's.11eus heat to him. The evening Took Fifty Years to Gene a Blue We hoer on hand :► nice assortment
I t'aalil.•aun', hoar the tanlata Thr; eerviee-began at 7.It11 with it song --sur•--__ - immix,. truly Itwdnnr Belirrrw Briton* D� et ('ahate s. strollers, Prang, Got
Miss Beulah Deng huts been In God- vice led by Pastor H. W. Gu .oat. Lis.
scarlet From Darfd cif TawemM. ' tarts. etc.. in different colors. .�I-ti
For centuries gardeners n tsar, b, .•n
erirh fur a couple of weeks,t owrl, 4rl{Kure read b} 1'a+tor T. trying to get a black nnlap, but that The .Prince of Wales i called (O'-
Dell Carriages. Kidd) Pars. Rocking
Mr. Wna. Deng. who has been on the 'Invite •rs, Mount Purest, uud prayer sesnia as impossible as ilio• pnmlueU„n "David” by his relalhis, and never Horses. If in need of :►nyll►ing in this
vi,k Hats is inihere g. by Pastor Stade of Palmer -tun. Thr -of a blue rose. 'The great•'•st triumph "Eddie." There will b.• slow' Interest line ,gite us a call. Our prices are
A Leta' from here a tterdel the Or- erdivathma sermon mus preuehed by of the present year to this direction in the Dowager Lady itaduur's claim, right.
atmgenu•u's srryiov hold at Ihwgrax• Rev. F. C. Elliott. 4 , iit'rich, f,PuiW.•el is the exhibition of a blue dahlia the in her' newly-puhlished book ut rein -
non last Sunday eeening. I.y a -solo -sung by Mrs. F. i. }'Viol!. oa.ulvati, of which ias..takcn t11ty- , iniscences, that it was slit- who sug-
Mr. 1111 t Mrs. Fred Seahro ok, of u;f„terh'h. The charge to the .•Audi- threw years of patient work. imbue,. , geated this name.
visited at Chas. Althea on . 'lute was given by Rev. W. E. Smith. showing traces of mauve or blue were lady Radnor says she believes that
(km -tench. Wiuglam, and the cliorge to the cru- picked out and hybridized, and from Britons are dezcen,jed from the ten
greltatien by Rev. W. I.. I'alframatn. the progeny of these (resit plants lost tribes, and the Royal Family
Glamis. After a duet by Pastor and plants were selected until after more from King David of the Psalms. She
i Mrs. GueeortL Lietuwt4, the ordinate:12 than half a century, the blue dahlia sent a message to the Queen—then
' prayer was offered by iter. A. E. cur a very near approach. to it was Duchess of York—asking that if, m
produced. eon' was born to her hi- should be
AI'Itl'ItN. June 19.—Mors Dorothy , Quinn, Munck. The moderator iters 1' Another ced.long job is just approach- called David. The se liked the
Itoberts,u, of Culburue, is the guest of move the hand ur fellow•shllr n- 1't- Inc completion let[ng —the nett approach -
name. but "whea•rrd what reason
her couch+, alias Josa{.lultae weir, [his! list .nail the candidate lulu the Bats D , she could give" fur calling her stun
Dictionary, begun by the lair. Sir by lt•
wase list ministry. Mr. Itaithby ,fur man)' James Murray in the year which saw
Miss Bertha Wagner has returned! years teacher of the Auburn Bible the beginning of the search for the Lady Radnor then seigieated that
from the Normal Schoch Stratford,, class, spoke of the Leigh salaam fu it could be included among the other
btue dahlia.
to spend the holidays with Mer par whish tie chun•h is -Id its 1,11,4"r.The scholars responsible for this oilmen of the tour patron saints of
cute, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner, soler which lie'. B. Gracie sang a work had to read all available Eng- these- Islands. That, she writes, "Is
Mrs. It. C. Weir visited tier sister, bolo and Nowt' the he werch•r with the lisle booksprtatedbefore 1660• aswell'.how the Prince of Wales came by the
Mrs.. George Patterson, to Toronto, benediction. The ladies of the oral as a vast number of solumes publlab_ name of Daviel."
— _ _
n•Rntbai in addition to the Acral cd since that date rive million Quo- Per --1
1latisdays Juno 21. IIS •el
Next Week Open
Holmesrille Annual Lawn Social
Ceder the auspices of the indies' Aid
and Sunday School of the UnitedChurch, at Ill be Meld on
Friday Evening, June 29th
on Miss Acheson's Lawn
SUPPER Served from 6 to 8 o'clock
fulls eu'd by a I n•urain glia Lt.
- The Favorite Four,
I London's Premier Entertainers
Telephone 105 - Goderich
We specialize in Shingles
of all kinds
Let us supply your wants
Robt. Standish
Phone 369
East Street Goderich,
Furniture Dealer Funeral Director
Hamilton Street, Coder., h
Phones: Store 335. Residence 355w
Admission: Adults 3k, Children 2Sc
The Leading
Men's Store
Special Orders to your
Chas. Black
Ph, (1
II.ilerdasber and Dry t•I, liner — _
:.=tea La Laundry in Connection
West Street 'Telephone 339 II
last week.
'Several of our local Orangemen at-
tended divine service lu Duuganuon
on Sunday evening.
We are sorry to report that Mrs. H.
II. 11111 Is nut enjoying good health at
present. vi11
Miss Sadie Carter is a t ng friends
dw•orstiune provided dinner and sup -tions were colle•ted,by�Dr. Murray.: Five Hundred Mlles our.
s fifty - two l�veryday airplane speeds ap-
frlende. The day will lung he remem- columns of reference. in the diction-' preaching 500 tulles an hour are fore-
1,ered with pietism* by those in ary, while the !word -"point" occupies east by Capt. L M. Woolson, acre -
attendance. twenty-one columns. The dictionary nautical research engineer of
is in ten volumes containing 15,000 Packard Motor Company, speaking
pages, in which are defined the mean- to the Boston section of the Ameri-
Ings of over 400.000 words. can Society of Mechanical Engineers
snore a encs and other engineering and aviation -
Angles] spent Sundsocieties.
ay at IMitgannon Much larger 'planes with far more
with Ids father, who is not enjoying of this kind exist than the altar clothpowerful, water-cooled engines that
prod health,, at the church of the Oxford Mdsslon eau be placed Inside the airplane and
Communion service was held in in Poplar, England. For ten years need not rely on the outside wind for
the woman worker who presented the cooling, and that can thus be repair -
Smith's 11111 church on :mutiny.. Four cloth, and her daughter, were engag-ed en route, are the standard toward
new members joined the church. ed in embroidering It. At the end of which transoceanic aviation should
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foremen left that time the wonderful figure of work, said Capt. Woolson. Inside mo-
-on-etilurday fee Allele house- s
a wait
will ptirmtLheaUng of the wings.
Mich.. after a very pleasant honey- plete. Only the hair remained to be thus preventing the formation of Id
mosml• filled in. Then the daughter died, upon them. he aaserted.
Mr. Sohn McKenzie, Mr. anti Sirs. and her mother used her child's hair- -
to complete the wonderful em -
- per for the many delegates and The one word "put" ha
Il Detroit this
in 1k CARLOW
1 Mary 'Ferguson. of Clinton Nothing requiresp ti to
complete than a place of tine needle -
spent the wwkrtNl with her {.ascots (':►}CLO1Y, June 3).—Mr. 11f. };r -
work and few more beautiful articles
Mr. and Mrs. John'Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rice spent the
week -end with friends at St. Cath -
Mrs. ('sok, of Wet.tield. is the guest
of her slaughter, Mrs. 'leg Carter, this
- Mers.-*rnoblisent motored to Flint
on Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs.
Harold Frost.
Mr. anti Mri. Clarence Walden, of
Highest Prices Paid
For Beef Hides, Goose Feathers
and all kinds of Junk.
Good Prices Paid for Hens
Phew" 270 Goderich
Weep -End Specials in Ladies'
and Misses' ...Dresses
Dresses that cannot be duplicated offer-
ed at greatly reduced prices
Misses' Dresses of printed silk. Long
sleeves. Sizes 16 to 20. Reg- a,95
ular price $12.50. Clearing at. .
We have just received a new ship-
ment of ladies' Dresses. These Dresses
are made of figured crepe and have long
sleeves. Sizes 36 to 44. Sell- 95
ing at .7J
Silk Bloomers
Silk Bloomers and Bobettes in a nice
range of dainty summer shades. Elastic
at waist and knee. Regular $
$1.50 1 for
value 1'00
Special in Children's Coats
Children's Coats, sizes 2 to 14 years, at
greatly reduced prices. Clear- $3
ing at from
Ladies' Hats
Ladies' summer Hats of silk and
straw combinations in the season's new-
est styles.- Different shades. Clearing
at reduced prices.
Bathing Suits
We have a wide range of Bathing
Suits for men, women and children.
Suits that fit lightly and comfortably.
Every size and shade.
Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phase 418 Goderich, Ont.
Forty -Seven Per Cent of incomes
Between $12,000 to $5,00ti.
There are just as many families in
the United States with annual in -I
comes of $5,000 to $10.000 as there
are ossa with incomes of less than
$1.000, Winslow Russell, vie. -press -'I
dent of the 1 hoenix Mutual Life In-
surance Company, stated recently. II
The largest group, 47 per cent. of
the 26.500,000 families making up
our population, enjoy incomes of $3,-
000 to 15.000, the speaker declared.
Quantity production of family for-
tunes has been brought to Its highest
state in this country, the speaker de-
clared. We are told by an eminent
authority connected with the Amer-
ican Association of Advertising Agen-
cies that about 314.000 families, or
1% per cent . have Incomes exceed-
ing $10,000 a year; 1,760,000• 6.6
per cent , have Incomes between $6.-
6:000 and $10.000; 12.428,000, or 47
per cent., have incomes between
$2,000 and $5,000; 10,300.000, or 3$
per cent., get from $1,000 to $2,000
annually, and 1,760.000, or 6.6 per
cent., have Incomes of less than
Have you ever wished to see with
your own eyes deep -covet -nett valleys,
snow -topped mountains, rugged path-
ways thnl lead adventurous scalds from .
the heart of forest lauds up to rocky.'
misty heights?
All this is part of the suisgnittorut
taanorama of mountain, glacier nod
racing stream that you can see anal
enjoy as ,i'ou travel through to the
ravine Coast and to Alaska.
un the way there you can stop off
fit Jasper National Park ---nee the won -
tiers of thls greatest of Canadian play•
'them leave ehlltzntlou behind for a
day or two as you pelvis thnasgh range
after range of mighty forest --laid
mountains. Taste again alae joy of
icy life at beanllfnl Vanennver Nnd
icteric. Then UilCe• the Ler-fated lull'
through the scenic seas of the North
Nettle ('oast to Alaska -Ms: land of
the :Midnight San.
Ism tonrlot tares ere now In elle
The dompMte cost of the trip Is sur
prlslnet,- low --well within tench of •
the average person. This way yon
really see the West.
Ask any Canadian Nations! ltnit
ways agent for full Information n i i
ihteralure on these tonre. Ile will Is.
1i1114 to 110141St j'OO to pian velar
itinerary. st
Benmiller Sunday School
meets every Sunday
at 10 o'clock
Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend
S Aft/ E
on New Furniture
New Bed Springs
and Mattresses
Now is the time.
We positively save you money
on new or used Furniture.
Furniture Exchange
at "Next -to -Nothing" Prices
Every pair of White Canvas Shoes must be sold, and
our exceedingly low prices will make
you want to buy them
100 pairs
ladies' leather -soled white
Canvas Slippers
in Pumps, Straps and San-
dal Styles.
Kingsbury's "Sno-Wite" Brand
Good toio•s and h,•el.;
Regular $3.25 to $4.00
Sale Price, $1.49
Sizes are Good
but be on hand early,
as these are sure to
go fast, and you will
be the loser if you do
50 pairs •
Oxford and Strap
with leather soles and
ed heels
A good mixed lot in a van-
ety of heels and toes
Regular $3.00 to $.1.50
Sale Price, 79c
White Canvas Boots
and Oxfords
A few pairs only
Sale Price, $1.00
Fleet -Foot
Running Shoes
Brown Canvas Shoes
with leather soles
in the store at
Strap Slippers
I. rather soles
Sizes 8 to 10 1-2, 95c
Sizes 11 to 2, -$1.35