The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-27, Page 28THE SALESMAN Foc CANADIAN CLOTHIERS WILL BE AT ASHTON'S WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 from 2 p.m. to .9 p.m. Come and see , a very good selection of new style , and colour of suits ASHTON'S LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR Jim and SyIke Sutherland. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2126 aollogna. INNIONNI1111=1111•1111111.1.1.111N SCHNEIDER'S Margarine 1 LB. TUB 2/$1.00 WE DELIVER '1111.111111111.110111MMINIMININW THA 528-3420 U To the many friends and customers who have patronized our store during our time in business at Lucknow. We hope you will continue to favour th( new owners, Jim and Dorothy Bain, with this same kindness. LUCKNOW /FRUIT MARKET ...ROD and WILHELMINA McKAY SALE TRANSACTION COMP L ETED BY WM. ADAMSON; AGENT FOR DON HOLST REAL ESTATE driving her car when she colli with a vehicle driven by Bre McCann on the main street Gorrie on October' 23. She examined and released from pital. Miss Kimberly Boyd, Go) was a passenger in her moth car. She was also examined released from hospital. Inve. ated by K.,R. Balzer. GUIDANCE NO amount of learning make up fgr the lack oftrain any home can give. TURN STANDAR! BACKOCK YOUR TIME CL WILL 'AGAIN BE IN EFFECT In The Village Of Lucknow COMMENCING AT 2:00 A.M. NE H Sunday, October 31 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1976 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO MARKET FOOD BUYS for HALLOWEEN woo.0.0Nroo....4:44P0000.••••••44.~4.4?.."400 Ashfield To Share 20% On Operation Costs Of New Senior Citizens Housing Unit In Lucknow Ashfield Township Council met October 5th, 1976. . Clarence Doherty presented rec- reation 'committee accounts, for payment. Douglas Reed and John A. McDonagh of Frank Cowan Insur- ance were present and received the various Insurance Policies which were renewed after some"' minor revisions. E. H. Uderstadt attended, and the report on the Kinney Drainage Works was 'Considered. John Austin, vacated his chair for this part of the meeting. Letters were presented 'by Donald Goddard and John Austin requesting that their names . be removed from the petition. John O'Connor also signed to have his name withdrawn from the petition. The Engineer indicated the petition did not have a majority of the owners in the area requiring drainage and council decided not to proceed with the drain. KenAlton discussed with Coun- ell and the Engineer the pollution problem on the Reed Drain. The Engineer said he would contact the proper' authority, to have' this matter cleared up. • Gary Davidson, Huron County Planner, addressed council on' the progress of the Secondary Plan for Ashfield. A series of public meetings are to be field' and the dates of these meetings will be published and all property owners informed by mail. By-law 13, 1976, a file Drainage Rating by-law in the amount of $9,800.00, 'was given three read- . ings and passed. Clerk was instructed to make application to the Ministry, of Transportation and Communication for an interim payment of the 1976 road subsidy. General accounts of $27,930.58 and road accounts of $40,091.34.. were approved for payment. The meeting adjourned to meet October 19th at 7.30 p.m. Council met October 19th with all Members present. The following resolution present- ed by the Town of Markham was endorsed. That the Minister of Culture and Recreation be asked to consider a policy under which the Ontario . Athletic. Commissioner places orders for equipment purch- ases approved under any Provincial grant with sports equipMent retail- ers, located in the community in whiCh„ the grant applies. Council decided to have Harvey Kilpatrick engage a machine to make the repairs on the' McIntosh Drain according to the specifica- tions 'of the engineer. An application for severance by Mrs. Alice Vogel, part of lot 10, concession' Lake Range, was ap- SEE . By The Sentinel THAT A small bridge spanning the Nine Mile River: on the 4th of Kinloss, just east of Grey Ox hill, was washed out in early "summer flooding. The road is now open again to, traffic with a double culvert carrying the water South., Residents on the 4th East have been gaining access to their homes by driving around the block to the east for upwards of seven months and are pleased to see the road open again. THAT Art Helm of Lucknow recently suffered a broken right ankle and a broken right wrist in a fall when working on a building, project near Underwood. Art and Glenn Porter of. town were assisting a friend in some work at the friend's home, when Art took the tumble, falling tO the ground. He was treated briefly in Kincardine Hospital before being, 'transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital in' London where he spent six days, returning home Saturday, • He is not able to walk on the fractured' ankle. Children To Can For UNICEF Public school children of the area will be calling for UNICEF on Hallowe'en. They will be carrying bright' orange boxes with UNICEF on the front. Last year .in Canada over S1,000,000.was raised through the Hallowe'en program. Children in Ontario collected almost half of this and beeanse of their participation, 15 million children in Bangladesh are receiving,, Vitamin' A, the blindnesk prevention ' tablets. Clean water prograins in Banglad- esh, India, Moiambique and Bolivia are benefitting millions more children. In Sri. Lanka and Somalia, children are receiving improved nutrition. Do you know what' your money can do? 6 cents buys penicillin to cure infections. , 2'7 cents buys a thermometer to save a child's life. $1:07 buys a rake so a child can. grow vegetables. $5.00 stocks a pond with fish for a village. UNICEF wants all. children to be. lucky. proved. Ashfield Council decided to go in with the Village. of Lucknovv, the Townships of West Wawanosh and Kinloss on the Senior Citizens Home and to share' the costs as Lucknow 40%, Kinloss 20%, West Wawanosh 20%, Ashfield 20%. A letter fromVincent Austin was" filed until the secondary plan is considered. • A discussion was held on a ' ratepayers meeting during, the nomination period. Owing to the special meetings which will be held by. the Hnron County Planning Board in the same period, council decided not to hold a ratepayers meeting. The ,meeting adjourned to meet November 2nd at 7.30 p.m. DONALD M. SIMPSON. Treat injuries At Hospital Mrs,—Mary Louise Dalton, R, R. 7 Lucknow was driver and lone occupant of a truck when she lost control and rolled it on the 9th concession of Ashfield, October. 23. She Was admitted to hospital with laCerations and abrasions. Investi- gated by Goderich O.P.P. Mrs. Deanna Boyd', Gortie, was