The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-27, Page 250 C frE-3 SPECIALS $10.00 PER TON DISCOUNT ON BAGGED OR BULK ORDERS OF 32%' SILAGE SUPPLEMENT 35% SOW SUPPLEMENT . 32%' BEEF SUPPLEMENT 25% MACRO PRE MIX • 32% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT MACRO PRE MIX' SO . 40%. HOG SUPPLEMENT E Phone 357-2533 or 528-3000 ANSON RUTTAN. KEITH MONTGOMERY Res. 335-3222 Res. 357-1115 GOETZ -' C Candelabras filled with orange and white gladioli decorated St.. Mary's Church, Lucknow, -Satur- day, September 4, 1976 for the wedding of Laurie Chisholm and Michael Goetz: . Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chisholm, Lucknow' and • Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Goetz, Mildmay. Re/. Fr. Francis Diemert, Dom- inican Republic, great uncle of the groom, Rev. Fr. Ralph Diemert, Hamilton, Uncle of the groom, and • Fr. Ed Dentinger of Kings-. bridge joined in concelebrating the • mass • for the , double ring ceremony. Givin in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white quiana jersey. The gown had a deep V-neck followed by nine tiny buttons. The bell sleeves 'were made up. of two layers of 'chiffon. The dress also had a three-quarter • length train'. . For a veil, the bride wore a mantilla of swiss lace, accentuated by hand embroidered roses. She carried a bouquet of oranges roses, white carnations, lily of the valley and. ivy. Maid of honour was Miss Kathy Kunkel, Cargill, friend of the bride. She wore a . backless dress of orange 'crepe with delicate orange and pink flowers throughout. A matching capelet was made out of the same sheer material. She carried a bouquet of orange carnations and yellow mums. Bridesmaids were Miss ,....Brenda Chisholm, 'sier of the 'bride, Mrs. Helen ChisholM, sister-in-law of the bride and Miss Stephanie Vincent, friend of the bride. Flowergirl was Miss Julie Trushin- ski, cousin of the groom. They all wore identical dresses as that of the maid of honour. Best man was Wayne Swanton, friend of the groom.' Ushers were Bill Chisholm, brother ofpthe bride, Tom Goetz, brother of the groom and Jim Zettel, friend of the. groom. They all wore ivory AoP INGLIS FARM DRAINAGE QUALITY INSTALLATIONS CLAY OR PLASTIC - Free Estimates PHONE 392.6700 R.R: 3 WALKERTON 410. 401. 41IP IP AP 40, IP - ZION The community was quite busily involved the past two weeks with weddings of two Ziorf girls, Nancy Kirkland (Mrs. Gordon Folkard) and Barbara Wilkins (Mrs. Jim Sheppard). Much happiness is in store for them. ' Many folks of the _community attended the International Harvest- er grand opening of C. A. Becker Equipment Limited on Friday after- noon and evening. The shop and display of farm • machinery for sale is situated at the 12th concession corner in Ashfield , in the Zio& community. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter and Mrs. Frank' Ritchie visited on • Sunday with Mrs'. Ritchie's moth- er, Mrs. Mary McAuley at Centen- nial Mahor, Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland , are now • residing M their new home which they built this suih- mer. It is built on a corner lot on the farm they have been living on for the past number of years. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie, Jim, Donald and Carol in the' sudden passing her father, Ernest Bogie of Goderich on Thursday. Burial was on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lulu Anderson spent the weekend in Toronto , attending the birthday of Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell of Lucknow, which was held in Toronto on Saturday,at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and 'Mrs. RuSsel Swan and family attended a birthday party for two year old nephew Jason Emmerton at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fmmfrton, R. R. 1 Kincardine. HISHOLM tuxedoes with dark brown trim and boutonnieres of orange carnations. The groom wore the same coloured tuxedo with tails, and a boutton- niere of orange roses. The bride's mother wore long rust quiana jersey with white rose corsage. The groom's mother wore long blue, jersey with 'bell sleeves with pink rose corsage. A' reception for friends and family was held at the White Carnation, Holmesville. For her going away outfit the bride changed into a multi-brown coloured' tunic with beige pants and matching turtleneck. -Photo by Snyder Beasts". Mrs. Bill Reihl plays piano, Helen Bisback and Bill. Rai harmonica, Jilin Burgess and Lloyd Crich guitar and Wilfred Jervis the bones and symbol. Mrs. Hattie Burton expressed the appreciation of the residents for the enjoyable. program of music. , The Lakelet Women's Institute were hosts for the October birthday party and Mrs. Lyle Murray was emcee for the program. Mrs. Ervin Reidt was pianist for the sing-along and musical numbers. Mr. George Cook entertained with harmonica solos and Mrs. Clifford Hallman Advertising... • and •Mrs. E. Ferguson gave readings. Following the presenta- tion of gifts', birthday cake and tea' were served by members 'of tlie institute. Mr. Fred Turner, one of the celebrants, moved a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies on, behalf of the residents. keeps people "workmg, CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISC.RY. BOARD Married In St Mary's Church Who's New At Huronview The Goderich. Township Wom- en's Institute volunteers assisted with. Ivfonda.y'S old tyme music, •dancing and a sing-a-long pro- gram. ,Mrs. Molly Cox, Mrs. • Maitland Driver, Norman Speir and Charlie Ruffell provided the. music. • The Family Night-program was arranged by Bill Reihl of Clinton and -included musicians, who are known as ,"Beauty and the 32% SILAGE . SUPPLEMENT (non urea) 32% BEEF SUPPLEMENT 10.5% protein from urea 32% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT 'f= pur: i n THE PERFECT BALANCER FOR CATTLE ' ON . CORN SILAGE RATIONS PROVIDES: A READILY AVAILABLE SOURCE OF • Pi.otein - contains no urea Ito reduce the hazard of ammonia toxicity in cattle on high roughage rations- O. , Calcium and Phosphorus as well as the essential trace. minerals 0' Vitamins A and D Growth stimulating 'antibiptics 32% SILAGE SUPPLEMENT WHEN FED AT THE RECOMMENDED 'LEVEL, PROVIDES A, DAILY INTAKE 'OF 18;000 UNITS OF VITAMIN A 1,500 UNITS OF VITAMIN D This combination 'of growth stimulating nutrients has been shown to improve: DAILY RATE OF GAIN 'BY 17% FEED EFFICIENCY BY 12% *Data based on a total of 20 independently conducted experiments FOR MORE INFORMATIOWCONTACT TRELEAVEN'S LUCKNOW FEED :MILL UIL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1976 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-RIVE. 17, 1976 .nded the sale of at the ednesday and 23. iton was' lam and on Satur, wing an uises and approxi- brehead. e hospital the week- revved to ler 17th to S. ET I Park was intry meet ;, Kings- :side; Vic- ic Schools. as 'well as d but all.. d. This in .ny people lacing first re Denise ton; Linda and Brent 30th the 'are in the ils at Sea- gal and the inals at St. • ending . a n Toronto, uron-Perth r. and Mrs. 1 of a baby .nd District day, Octob.- tO accept ry to find // Ran roup. fl()% it% right'