The Signal, 1928-6-7, Page 7THE SIGNAL, ' GODERICH, ONT. `HELPED ME County and Disrict 1 •W0NDERFLILLY" the C{b)tun I�tlncll tautwllrr May 2:! . Catherine' ' airy, widow, of the late! 11 Ill tie lad. Nho: had&Med out from 11 Rd wens uddresaKd• b� Mr. 1Pr.•.n,. , Jame). Seott, passe;! away' 111 Greg the aide of tine road right Into the 11RdWmember of the mttea•ut? r f the .011,\ 10%111110p '411 1A•r M,4(v&t)-rtxth year. path of the car. one. of the Genders , 1I, wheat list, sad \1 t ileo?} , f -\I ..1"?fin' Oinks %'44r.' pLl.'(' in the struck the 4'414111 owl ln,.ked 'ham Wonlan Strengthened by t'iue..wr of the 1' 1 ,, 4 ..i..,. ,• was Taking Lydia E. (!',4' o. 4111, tl,. I,t>1„ , 1 Ia spent the inkhorn's Vegetable TOWNSHIP. COUNCIL Valli', of Fleterlaoro', and Arthur It 'rtrr.lse+llwr of The Lopdell J•'ree J tuf'vling for farmers lulerewn'l 1,1 the. Ontario w,beat peel• was held in day b}• the' London .branch 0('1414' ._-- .•s 'Sere .1•.,.. • '�• M4; 1`uuitrs iwlble to prH•w•41• I:Idweu., 1 Pi . age r midsi t Fire on Saturday night. Mal C1hh.' night �r1 town. Compound destroyed the bunk bunt Of Thomas C. II.'S,tulerr i. rceov.:ring from EAS'C WAtfAN4 I1 Mos him...), on u the 12th c.Nession' an 4lhio-44 lir st•;erul mouths,. I t 1 u• l t of Stephen, ll.'ruhl' I'tI ..t, sal of Mr. notal Mrs. Mrs. .101111 \t'tls,eu, 44 4',.11tr{ilia, died' -X.,11 Fitton 1,.f mon, arrived hi Ei,e- \l.y 27th at the.hunM of her elaught4'r• l.•r on May 24?h by at•roplah', luning Mrs. 1•:. Grestevior, ?.ear Strolling. ,owe up froth Luud•va, where he 14 %?14.4'4' she N1114 vlsitlag• 411110,113 1•41 as pilot will. t I,"tol•tu Air 'I'ht• death of Richard ('leaver, In 'I'ran'ps.rt Co. his el:hly-elgbt4, year, .s.urrd May Mrs. .1. 11. grieve 411441 on Friday at _!4114 ,it the home of his son Charles. her ' harp�,' here, \\'bile fh Clinton ' tit11 l•.a.s.A l�o 4'f I,rey township. the day she Ntfs taken 111 toad Robert )1eK1u,'y. (Ir St;ud.:y t/1N'll- .1 n., .Ilronglit to her bdun• herr, but ship. 401'11 Stay _"Jtt1 ,u Loudon. ,i!.1 11,,t recover. She- is survived by- wlN•re he was under treatment at 0 her husband and one sun. Latimer, of hospital. Ile was al lifelong .resid.•t.! 4IraIhreY of. Stun!ey towushil: !l1' 14',nr, u . widow awl two children, ltibhanl Pn1tp-r. ,el, ..I.1 re•sl're l pf I BIATIi Ilowlek toau'hlp. died at \1-oxeter, _ --- May :11311 after a short Illneen. He is; Mi•4•Llllie Purr tete-retprrted, to survives! by Ills aIf,• and three, sons: 1.441:arc after s4eln11ny six w'1r'ks at P Illluua, o4 Itrusv•ts ; Wesley. of ! Ler bo1ne ben•. Wroxeter, and F:dwb:. of Ilow-4'k )i r. and Mrs. !lorry Lyon a1uounce township. the engagement of their daughter, AI - The town ..f Walkerton tuns this 10, -rt:? Mac. to Emerson 114'sk, of 1101 - year the. hlgkret tax rale in the, telt. the twitting.- to take Alae -this totality of ,Itruee. The rate is i'.4 uwuth. Jall(w-J.iCtI •e•I'1' .14'•'L 'i.•• 144-i-Wnsv'r'-11ii.1 J1 I1'tl., ,J111a,itJ•_�uur,r•.Iw- the I.-rease•_ !sing 41ne- 44, 4141 lu trn.l.i11g at thr'(luelpli -general 1...pI- .•rtols.'l eo)uty !.•ty •111.1 the. 4',•+t o4 14i14 is,honl'• oft three. weeks' IwIl.Iay.', W. i:. 51.'4lillan and fitfully 1 ne.ye.l l0 1,,.tduu. 'wit—ere—Mr. 114.1111 'an has p g...? lsedtloa, 411- .14.1,11 \oI40 ha, rrturn44l e ate, 1.. :n.• at High nicer, Alberta sev.'ral w r•ks with I* Met ner. \t r'. .Inw•ph lira.by, 44)44 l.' est «Nay l.4. -t '4'Le 1,..0..• .•f )Ir. dLd Mrs. R. '4' wher....11.. sorted for a period of f..r IL. •,4:u 1:.1-t \\•:144ano$11, {Vila the l.teexs ..111,.. ty•three. y. ars lir 1 ,,,'y Is , .n. 1 . .I 1:'e'4v w,'bl'.ng at Iona) nl a tonnleilutl audit. It.t•. fir. Henry Grace,. %c.. 11°4'.1 at T.'r..ntu Mi4 28r4 In 11i. /111,••14= .prat yo•t• •- s .Pr ri'Irw is + .a' 1W(:rlrl*, minister of f0..•I l..uu• s 11..14 Mild Kirktou I'n,-.k teriau con- gregations This win his lin.? epi a .e and TNM' find .rots „n,. nittlT. lin' At. Andrew's el.slrch, 4:I?4I?. spte. Port Colborne, Ont, -"After having an operation. I was very miserable, eak, nervous and ery near unfit to ork. I saw Lydia I;. Pinkham's Vet - table Compound dvertised and rigid it and believe Thurs4ay,'Jasa 7, HMS. --1 Sunday Afternoon • 'i1 4?) 1-Ah}:L ll.t)11I.TO ,. - (.4.414'?icl,1. tint. I.:aa)p,' (real er11'?44,1 foundation slain, , Ila whose hitter ,I114e•s et pNt1?. \4. are (cool 4rout guilty stain, Connell mw on . u . ' s as :1 o-.tan't 11•.1:• we Iloly Jc,,u. '4 IerGluu 04 th.• ':1r•e,+.:w.y.t' r..1:, Iq,ly Victim \4'o ea 11 pk•ad. y-Ith all the members present. .\p our Iti);h 1'rfe•a t.. huenwlo', 0N•als were 114.4.,1,((1 of ,a.4 fo?l,w;: .\',Irelte ill all our aurin J. 14. McArthur appealed against his Il. :Jr n., Ifoly Jc1,u. )wr's„Me•lit uS 1N i1cg t.4', high on land; assessment ISlttiruled. -i). G. .. .l++rderruu chimed he was asses:...l FIt:\YEK t helped me won- , fir(, high on buildings: oils 8„:$,,,,,,, er[u Y I have no ! merit was rerluer•d •Slott. Mrs. Annie tludg111y (::.d. Father ,.f all, and eak spells any Pole to be ussM41e,d as u4cnrr of the the Saviour of all, we low' IN•f,.r• try more, the pains ; n.n'th part of lot 41, e04141.ai.If l:, .\ ' 1hr"In•. TI•ue'41 us frou, our heart to have left me and f?' rate(xtyers applied 10 have dogs say.: -Ill the -crus, of 4'hri.t I glory," , y nerves are much kir had recently leen destroyed fur It is the isomer of Cod auto salvo ' better. I feel safe removed from the roil, but the 10«1-' lien 1.. every nue that 4.•?l'eveth. 11.11' in saying Lydia E. Pinkham'a medi- ell refoned• to take any a.'tlon on ulir ult..•Iief• s, that, day . by day, Nf• cines have helped me wonderfully."- Port onderfuljy." - 'rhes•,• nrptast41. i way grow into Tldne 1144 11 lik. n4'_. i and Mits. Wm. 11. IIEECHTE Illovell ContielllOr i thus fulfil our purpose in life. lit ' Port Colborne, Ont. Levu . r,.--• — 1 Jesus' Milne w't• era Amen. ' i'aw1A,e1L amended by Councillor pray. Kerr. that all? .ass4e•Tuunt roll as, which pupil. of 'Arthur, H,,rriston, now 'revltseti with streak. eha14441$ 4..•''S. 1. LESSON 1'718 .11 NE 11th, 19:s Listowel, Mount Forest and 44 instate' 'ulopt4' and the court. of revision I.twswt Ttq,ie-The l'rlclfi• . high schools and Clifford, 1'aalunrr• I.''f'rsed. Carried. •...Leeson Pn„age.-MLlrk 1.i:_. -':6. 33• • stow um! ' Ihasrttar .in/au tom (`ouex•11 resumed anal ..niivary i 39. schools took part, was held It the tuw-uship business praee•led with. Golden Trxl-Kant 44:8. A riett+ieet,t-,eek-__ me -. 4 ees 33 - Motet. 4f hest role• Ing wire rua41� Iasi. The weather was Ideal 101 11nd npprnv44l, In the Nird eltapler t.f--faataft-we Uu•r,' 4rus u, purge uttendume. Tenth or -The Reeve and clerk of the town., read: -But Ile mos 4vuulnied for our 1,I , of TI1ru4N'rry • appeared before transgressions. Ile sus bruis.•,1 for SpecialPrices at McEwen's Groceries Tobacco Dinnerware IN Tea and Coffee Dry Goods u, and Chinaware COME ANI) LOOK "1'I IF. PRICES OVER J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 South Side of Square 4i..ele delivered promptly to all pond of the town oit,wut charge - Ince ..outt•sta is and of s1Nv•tarors, fr, a '' 4 . - ottsidot pint winghutu, --Ilio 1T ''--emose11- -wit h u lett.tr-Sr++tn--t1w-4•.tur iulltlllia•a� the chesttselltt•ut of - . woe lieu-- its are* 1,1 standing,- with il. • druinage referee r.•yneatluir . the.- curt. -i our 4.4.t,r woo woo_ two: mut wlilt seta of the eouncil for a Ir•,-ou•hMra-'' 111. stripes We are healed.- .44 4114' L 1wut,e5 *Ilursl+Ruu sour awv,u,i with time of -Christ's -trial we read ut 111, - u• in 4N.lut.. tion and a now :rz-ee=?roar ant --the Th,nnpt'on-I4+muht ,Train'- Ili - that , helot; s, oRed :It, smitten and spat up - pro 1 Iserlouy 4, on oxrvlrrvrt. tont j utcushi. the pr,'41:4 affe,•11ug '-4'r-', on, all of,whicll sus a fulfilment of i siourday eight on M,p11n street. w-hen.i Iii lands «lung the twrth,.ru hound.; the prophesy of Isaiah. h)nring it all. fl'• '? Illeye ll woo his thr.•nit.- „ - the windshield of bis car. It op- n y'- "\'Kinn In this ?natter wits lateFl and 1h,o.iglanit 1 I IL.aI fulluNv..f, Ile ,pe•n.vl not 111. . s reached n tarts without a t t, i t lamb w t 1 lop, he 0 1 1 1 1 u ht , r u 1 •ern a •wp'.v u{ the las-tf.v!•,•.1 lk is 11, Nt•at tis of Ontario, •t.rttrnnhrr.,ind Lig a shill.' tiefore--her awl• fit Ifo• :tun• tIn41 the ear Th l� fullotvll,l; :ovv.lmts were paid .h)an''' 1. Bomb, so 141• e1N•uot44 not swerved, erpi cut try badly; 114 Hc', \\'m. itohln$nn, 'ahlry IIb too4lb'• also, 63:71. ns n+.('sate. hu41 wt• arm cui v4',r ,.1,,J44. a, Ri1><►: e:- Mull`'Ipa1 W)1rl11: Ti'rt.T,1 41'ewfli',14,13 4141. e_.lwuu•ful ua•4Lo.l S other w, I'li un11 brube•s. He sus gin«: . $1:,; (`,/):F.. hall ant. RNI; .4. 't 4nl,iug life and was 11sw1 only ill• s t:,k.vn to t'liupeu hospital f..r N•n1y \'iu.r•uL Irltrulosau. ,$." .L' : It. .1.'' .1. "p 1 1. e•rr. murderers and whets •ftexawivatlon• email. $la.7ti;• S. )(It•Itanur,l,{n.:ll,trh,,ri:in birth: legally too Houcil A23.25.. J 111lle'el.i,•- •,4,nl •mp•rlli- , ''01)14 14'• rrurllled. '1 h1e 1,1"? lio,u•• - dot+lay u Ford cur "t •r till n Inter nn'rhng I ?e - vet the w•}.'I., f.1.-111 down hetot, >, nt t t errrt iTT 11.,1.4)_ I ,•I Lc 1 • I ••. N• 10 silt -'Ma7-1N:-1eh',, 0,4 .11 .tatty lte•v. Ise. Coln 4?. her. ill n::1: '' 1.- I4,t. hell('. ICN., of I4•tr,.lt. lazy there w.c.•n•,I alu.o•t' Ileo• stone 'law the• bride d Ilar•.Lt F.. I:nRelt t•erl.+e� 4'k. ?pint ..f .Nr. I:eav;r >.t tis.-.�"1_..t I) 'troll. t >uLLL:z ,.f Renfrew mosque. hr Gra,e•c Wad' 1'ywl in Int. The irry m n1y oats Performed 1, Toronto the ::1st •i1 ;ear,. The fah Ib -V- G...,l-:e Weir, of St. .\n'Irrw' 4ntt t'i.k 4441ie :: 1n1:i,,..pme. tiattid ohnmti: tttyth. in tin. preemie '.f' «boar tote, l4 five yff+t1,. The . is 1L ,.imp:,. 1, ft on Iiunh•r trip t" • • i o . o- uu 11th. Pitts *444' was a flUlfluu aft of : tan ,,t e/ r rn t t ,. thrk i 4 1 I L• b u• LUCKNOW— • The uliuuul ,erthl4 . }u,is;iu: •, 4114, IUlon of the jnul.}r farmers 1,11.1 jun- .101. Institute Nlll le• held here on June 12th. • Mrs. K. Mcl.e..d Isis r'fttrfcd t.. Io•r Iww4' le.re atter-.rl+kwiNui -4444, -Whiter in New fork r ?y. A. F: ant in the --flank „f-ti.ma,Cr:v at- 1- - Urn, ha+ lewd ala..id1441 nutulgf•r of the Lu.luow bran. h. Mr. .41Illsou started as a junior in the l.neknow- 1,t Gwrrtrru years aa)l _AWL -I1 turns &• teenager. -_C%1N'1ON __ ,f l Lrl„t'. Ilfe ialti at Uhl/. lie 4.44 '- Irhhe'ew A -.=- v tae `.krst�--Fftt �-r itch` - - 'ren ' ". Ningarl 'Full.. 1tuRlihi sod - led I.) s, .di. r1 fe.un the judgment hoe!. r .•l1') ?'?, • lairs to gr der. >Z11..',0, ZL•K1C1H _ _Clinton, passed away )len "rah Ile oil Tneulnt. hila .,rvY r 11 To "moat u initials, were put to death at. the sam.• the Ite'.Arun•r dial." At Thr until' William ltu4ltdge. am old m.+I 441?? of t' um it a lo'nr1n+l to mer•4 again to l' altnr..4olluwed by the ('read that only _u ...4...rt week 1N•1'Nre 11,44-crkd : - - - A. trit9'fitf''1yfit, ?leek. u,-,uuu.•'u . . . wits a native eif Goelerieh township --- T11i• ilalrh ,af Frderiek ElsentuRil arid liveed in t;o.h•rirh In his early e•.. This again was a fulhlnn•ut .1 dors hilt 1111/1 INell u rade.. of l'Itu- 1L�IT LAKE O 1�.\\N THIN 1E.111 uta hour ,Ie•s1)N crtc,I alone):-• My f:ud, 111)' \( 1 tile { rw tea 1• "tn I Ile was his 21;111 'It ' urrv••I ,4y name 'n ltawskal sits•. en ria tatty -ninth vest: --44.14 for over whir,; yevu;. Ile is nus- o line• l "flat God. wkl host .'elan [urwL-•p 1141••'.. Ile fes:i i, -•o fl1 foe-onrrtimraml __,,fired I.. his wife, ,m - ,n: WlttinnL ,.f 1'p in the -Late Bays region or •?III - i•Ini, -r . This esp)ressbin is ..le &holing ••' \ewer'tle, lad., ,1«11 four 11uughters: find u land of I•ek that will add a • Ttone' 11ni,uish. lh 1114'.? ,n oar r iu o hospital lit 1,0114.111 for an opera. he l°ulel•ln•llriod lll'.S of the saddlers leaves -I w•tout - 4»I44 f nr` MA.. Ullnhtle new thrill to yo tacapj'.p firut. ,seen. fn -their taking the (+oast of1 and stead that Ile might bringnIso daughters. his wife h,hiug did ser. )r1,. Ferris and Mrs. Bused. of Tor- tuwngsl the ton's?s pad tale, nestle to God. 1.nlhtle& It N•11. the uuu4t ••r:el ears n •,ntu, uud Margaret, at leen... ?111 II Ir 441 1 1' id' ??aero } Rel William Murray Grin?, who clime to .4 uultrimonini e4rut he,k pinoe in $t ISonitae.--11.4 444wneh on TIeeli►y, \lay �411t. ellen Mrs. )Gary 4R,'rh.dt, ----- • ,.f 5;ed• rb•h was malted in marriage to Clinton a few weeks ago as spray sup•rs'iwlr for the .vanity of Ifurro, eontructtd pnriiunlulu and died Mon- EVETF.K \\'i4IL•etu Hiller 'f % i. h. Itev. Fath- 1 day of last "eel, atter a w'rek'1. 11I- : et Sitr,eaer •d8eiated. Mr. and Mrs. tress. 1,4 the house o1 bin ...rosin, Lr. ytlle't weddhtg took piece at ttle••t-]frtter wilt-n=0dnfir Y.nrkh: _ Hann. 3tr. heart war #n hie aizty- ' Main etre.' 1'nited ralrenage on May • 7'414' aunt1l'.v.lnrul1ou of the ?Vo- sixth year and "es Due of the first 2414. when Mrs. Ethel Miry Liuyd. • ra'r'e-Mt".ion.lrT S.r•iety of the l'an- d'aughTr�oY (nomas ant ronferenee of The I:Velgent 1Y 'Mutt' onf Carter, was ami rlage to lirfl() WArtnnnn tn.W.?, .,f 'fitrkh.--In* rr.rk:- Tame wear a 1 Clinton. The ceremony wan performed by Rev. 1'. J. Mo orhouse. )Ir. anti Mrs. G.n41d wit? n•si.k• in Clinton. A tennis club has been organized In Dieter and' will have two courts on the bowling greet]. Grant Handers. men of Mr. and Mrs, is -masts! had leen ailing for about 14. M. Handers. who has Men attend- two years. Ing University 1,.. Toronto, left last -The engagement yet ami.tineed t4 week for Ragland. 1i. has s'cepted tl Mies lailllan. ygiingest daughter of Mr. position with the•'National institute of atorMrn. Ik'1fly P. t\'ese'l.h nf'Zurich, industrial Paychu1og ind eziw to to C co Arthur Mrinllry.•1 • of be absent all summer. • rely of-Hantinaw. NP)prnska. The,weel-- Death ramp very suddenly to Mrs. ding tithes 4dner lila n,ontl.. Alex. McI'heterl, of this town. who was found deed in her ted Wedr dal morning of last week. IMf-eased muttering from a alight (oad, bat appar- ently was otherwise In Iver usual health when _sae_ retired on Tualls night. She w11s 111 her sixty-ninth' Novak is a cornet player and has had year. Hie wag born in l'oborne• town-Y.,weuty year'.' exts•Heune . as orches:. ship. Her hunbeind survives, with It*, and band hrllher. Iwo daughters and twa serum. .tl 1)etrolt, on May 21)th. Miss Sadie An auto driven by Mr. 1'otllte•N, of Robinson, youngest daughter of Mr Melgraie, wise badly damaged one day I and Mrs. F.'robinwro of Me.,forth. wail feet week when the driver pulled off married to Guy M. �it44112( 14 of D"- t11e Malff-eireer paw a tree In •order to avuld running over 1 their hone. h? Izetrdt. Mrs. W. 1). Height. jr., formerly .11 Seafnrth. died at l'aressuver on May ;loth. 1.,,'x34'11 "154 a !laughter of the late Henry Cash and wits born 1n \1.•Killnp ma -toddy. last sulnn.'r she and her husband moved to t'a11ev,tiver in the lope that the change semitit leanedt her health. • Im Tuesday evening. )fly 29444. at the Egn,.nultilit' United manse', Ninety tam. daughter of Mr, tend Mrs. Jelin Hart. of 41'Kllh;,. wens 1111fn4I In alar• nage to Willlam Charles Riley. eldest •u of the llai• ?'hark. Ttiley ,and Mrs. Ifiter,--of-Tnehersn11411, The to'ren14N.y. is'rfortned by Iter. 44'. i'• Lane. )Ir: lir ! Mr.. Itiley will reside 10 ker M•,.... *4..S"..g ..,ll smileIs ;h: 1111.! ,t; with tt seirr'ly 111jnnrl ;4'u, .uu• r, .u't .o1 a lull -tow w'elabt "alliug nt 411.4 Gundry- Mottle ntt.Iduwv of deleg114*. E•le-nri Ite,vens•yer, .4 the Itronnen lime Clear Irashw,.N1, passed away May 27411 at the age of forty•ulne years. II,. Is survived. by his widow and two 4(11144. Folmar and Fklg11r, both at home. graduates of the Ontario Agricultural 'allege,-havtog graduated in 1)'152. Ile '444 e►z.:upNiullally MAL 31111111441 is agri- cultural subjects and was a pioneer In !several limes of agricultural and horticultural work 1n Ontario. His Parent (sadly): "No; the big ac - body was taken to his home at Wood- count was Mesut to me." vllle for interntent. ilia wife and three daughters survive. A Young 'People's Conservative As- sociation for Clinton and district was organized: at a meeting held here last week. I)r. F. G. Thompson was chosen Wit precedent• with n vice -pies tit from each of the surrounding town - :1 wan s r lg . e iv ,uta 114114) resort colonies, ny cottages and f 1.??l a t'. Ili. Null of 1'11 11 hatred nmomtst thenewl'es, men c:lytlag lots modern hotels. flew It summer fou I of sin that He 4')4414 1')'. then 441,1 1,.r Ills NM 11111•S$ rule•. i• u n m. is at Its hest-eau"eing, swfmwing and 1.r.mght firth that cry. A writer �mit 1 I•,., Jaatls-eu'iure4 the swims : of ocher aquatic ,glorfs=t uta<, g.iTC and of dying upon the cross. lu addition Rays"ai, 4' cry w?rs the 4:prt.•fim dancing in abundant*. t\'e have pre- a IIIInn1II esp•rleuo•e• In many an hour to this plysi.rtt torture Ile endured of dnrku.wN and 41..seelr. without pare.! a booklet dese'riblo the !Lake of Itays In detail. Any agg�tit of Cam ad144i National BA ilaajs_- gtadlr supply you with one of th entirely free of charge. . .� flu• Jibes uud 1111ee-rlrlg rcluark41 -lir w111eh Jl+us would not hart• htrin 'in ' those {asMiug by- Slime Ihhlgs they all. 1)j141. iulPtigi Hke as wr neon r,4 14 renwtn1'etrl?F '111.. »I}rt1 -T14PY without An.' 11 won n feeling. not a _ threw• 11t Itis in tk•rision. Even the. fact... City of Rio de Janeiro 4Fe.l. ell! 114-t n.�_t�y1 t',. I 11 (t, et Vtttt.'c of -WA /' 1 1 61 External Secured Sinking Fund Guld Bonds Dated I...1: I. 1:121, Ira,- I'. I, 1. 19...i Price: 97 and accrued interest, to yield, 6.75.... NORMAN LEWIS 4'..rn'•r (Hamilton nal N.•w_atr'1. I'1" til. 4:41 ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE • W. l'. sN,\•l.E1. ItnTt•rdnsher and Dry ['leaner Steam Ir1uud ry in Connection West Street Telephone 339 J. R. Wheeler Funeral I)Irrrtoe and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day lir night I'I10NEN iitore 335 itesldenee 355w Hamilton litreet, 4loderlch chief 'attests and the seribesl {ern J('$ 11,-vri4r4- with- w 1u44 ►o444*'. au'. ire 11 4 the host. This cry wen. not the falut note o one , y ug. in a shout 4,f inUmpti.-lieR-N'rtson :Ctefi.t says: "1t Is. first. the \Worker is ('ry of Aehleve•ment -it it t1r11s?11rt---anil. aw..mdly. the Sufferer's.' Cry .4 !te- lt" in Matthew 27:31-7Ci1 we renal that nt the moment of ('hrl't',, departure there was n great eorthqua44' of sorb p.N•i•r as Ur ole•« grsve,, 4411oni11g 1,4.41• ‘'' 1V0-4+401:14441111441--1,411,4-4446:- struggle. V0-4 ,4' 4ntw41(1swl-wit h--tlw--struggle. The veil of the temple WW1 rent In twain, from 11n• top to the 1104- (41411.'EdP' ibihin .4 •31.. -et castextr that separated the Itoly of Thatiett.liis being sixty Get bung and. thirty feet N.iiie and five Indies' thick. end 1418144) .4 seventy -two squares Joln.d (o• getimr. The rending of the yell 4yld- fled tint the veil that shat nut th1' t H ?tion the 'vlslnn of bonne -es from the hearts of the people had 1.4'11 taken t;wes. - l'or. 3:14-16. who had charge of The .'s,nturl". r Irlhlr . the .'e.w•Mxlon. and w'ho w,ls p •, a heathen. ro,i(,",I 11.15? .Icsn' Inns? have Tern n rlghtc"ut' man And rata over the 11111144 of persons crnclth'1 the 1 gnllly (.4 1144 "tine for 441 4ch He snf- erlui• for witch they atljflrerL 443111 the! tenet. 114'. like Pilate. land seen flee name of 1)44• ,nf4'mr, a n"'!'" 4km • Il whlell ('bels? had barn(' the nn w e .rel . - i t^" ,111111' any --1,u 1•r ars nm 1 s, „-t by 1'll.il 4111' Ill« clnlming to 114' the lowed )py 4411• In.u1I!I"IAllon "1:17:111 rm I:n.? king nfth' Jlw•4. 44,rn•r. ih hi. (',1111.1 nmd4' blln '4:11,:::'. nye: •'Trtly 1hi' 11ar 5:1• mevtnry 4111$-. 11)x1 to grew gtiyt,.r coo• flee flan Or G,el." tempt for this King 11e was •V1.•ittlrl, between two thieves• at141 '0 14••,rro83 WORLD MISSIONS that $hould 11111.' 14•etl •.vupb'14 by their,...mprosionat.1leader, -lklrul44,aa,1 W are asw•aded herr bathed i1' 'And when the sixth hour was 141 I'nr4th,.nsnnls: 4'hrlslln,, 4,141, 44111 w -o there was dltrkf,.•ss over the 441, • 1 awn 1n ,a eonferf•nl :loN.•.Ilt.(liri- hind until the ninth hour (vers kS1' t4•,,• Hut it is not only these Mee. !'his.totald not have i,.'u ap fr•Ilp, 4'Vighted with the 4'hr_istfan hope that t1w 1,m«, for Ilse 1'15sw.r1'r 4i•1i nrle- 1 14,..:.1: 4nr ta•}tiiar4 !h4,?n •fret. Ick 1l 114*1, 4 Mt the tiuw of the toll omen. n at1 multitude of others, ,I,sk' O1M writer ways: ••The only ien14-4• of ”4 ..%1. ).rnn».',l or hlaek. rarlaing -�hla Inns the Intv1•j'''1ng l.,o••t' of awtl• h,?, tin .tl taut darkness 'f 1741 44 n1rulgnittlT t4'? tllrry jir tit^ltd:-stn ry - Ih,. gry.t : 4114k4uy lit. tl laity of the ''.utterer. Aur a:mein(' the le totl,X Wiliam. in th. 1r n.•.? 'Thein 'lea• t1? to syml'athiZ,• with the is the et,"'•t potherb' ,'"4 of all: t) a• rata. of tits dying rt•rn. 34 ,,,l1, p,ii ^e{;' of 1 • -Pn+e ,.t' 4 e. -d. .1n,1 neiret• Priem' • ...Mons wasn't s v b� there to witness the carrying alt of account of your daughter wed 1 ny In /ltrail brews( to, „M +a t this Morning'et paper." I other sold in nesters.: "114', waved 4•444 - General: -Look here. my men, why don't you be careful?" Army /'leek : -Whet la wrong, ilk?" General: "Why. instead of oddness - lag this letter_ to the `Intelligence (t- ter' yore tense -adeir•4ae.,? It ter the 'le- ielllge-ut ()Meer.' Yon ehould know ?tern is Di. such Damon in the army." era; HfinMelf ile cam,ot save." Grcatl•r truth was never utterer!. for If Jesus had saved Ilitnself wlnri ile said that Ile could pray itis Father and Ife would send twelve lecia ly of •t'lgel to deliver Ilia, then the world of sinners lost would have remained lost and un- forever— In addition to these, two others re- viled illm ahem, They were there. .. I.... 1135.. Iit...R. If, w. r•- nailed to ercnce•ts. N'1' tend• of this M Matthew. but it was not 'long until • of these malefactors, !Ake tel us, repented and reproved his rrnnp1nfon. 4Pvst 114,044' Chriet•a crony l'llate had plated n a114s•racription: "The King of the Jean." John 1\111:19) Rays that Pilate wrote the title and pu cress, el r int.. did write It, or uas,scd it to bL Itten, and directed the soldiers to set It 111). A man to often said to do .what he directs others to do. it w,la t•tls?a,mnry- to net up SEAFORTH Treat -Novak. of Mwliein4' plat. Alta., has been entraps! as lender of lllgldaa4letd 1448.1. Mr• Pioneer Re -Union at Winnipeg The cool, comforting flavor of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint is a lasting pleasure. it cicanscs the mouth after eating+gives a clean taste and sweet breath. it i4 refreshing and digestion aiding. awem.ro. -.wsxr 1 Brophey Bros. THE I,E.\DI\(: Eli SERA!, iIiRFATOKB AND EMJI.\LIKER$ Ambulance .erviee at all hours, day or night. PHONES: Store 1211 Res. 217 (l4 )UERII'H k \\1NI:11.!11 I I.'. I'. t en• L4,+.1, f4 for R.•ghnl ,:.TTrnr_th1' itis-r.,ti-rrte f;,etrPral.' 4-- . 4.48 '1'h. lu'y .Iln 6.ntl r of {finita lit« LT4 ..,r 11:17••'1' their ''114, foul tir_se w'li Mrs is rhotllt.wn ns • If•.. 011 ,Ind )Irk, RI h, 1' 11. serer,.• 4 ols'ul: • _ " Tn .Inn. ;III. .1n hnn•rs•�boI '.'4' field meet. In ; y s• cake 1. in the cystoma of her homeland as she win eppiur at the estlsal. 2. An example of Norse handicraft. As far hack f a 1969, Past Hjelm Hansen, the tamoue Norwegian 111} 1+ :fit far trnalIst, artthor and social re- rnler,Tregan to eilll• ittentlon to the fertile valley of the Red River. The river mon of hie na- tionality who travers.•I the ter- ritory (between Fort Avercrom1le and Fort Garry brought hack wonderful tales of the 'plendld pet ttenter t uppxrl'tint 11.les ?.long Its hanks, with the result that a large influx of Norse settlers'. clip meneal In the early eevent?e:f!'''' Later, many of these hardy Nor: weatang moved farther welt, same 119 far as Bella ('t?nla and the sea. Sober and dndustnous. they have, with each year, progressed and prospered, noticing a great enrrtri- Malfrn to the development of the went. This year a general re -union in • sissy planned of the pioneers from the 1t,r1 River Valley, v. tlh those of the wast, to eomini'mrirate thebe- nn ng .e2:an Montt/ra- tion ig(n these lnrr•4torie1. Thin event has been arranged to take place in Winnipeg between ,iuly .• Sand 10. Thi.ng celebration w!M feature Norwegian nntRmal muglc„ with many pageants descriptive of home life with participants adorned In their native ematumee. Of p*rtdnii1ar intere,d will he the exhibition of Norse Hatutieraft and art.. The headquarters' for this belies' will he the Royal Alexandra hotel, nn, of the ehaln of the canto nan PRMf4e ltallway, which wail co-operate by conning of .penal traina from rtrch cen- ters. no ifidennoton, Monet. Jaw, )Ltruniapotke, St. Paul and Duluth. finely proper. Fr Intl -fish .tit. 11•-11 tr rt.... tie .\ 15.'4,1.1 1 "a'•t., .,- ,tau, a whorl the San '01 Ilight...01.s,s wits' 1a t.ging . f eVN'.tatl•.t. are the eyes .,f wifhdrlwilt-11?- leant*... for -t. tb(N'. 411,1 veterans 401,01„' foie,.s. 4,5141• grow ft_. fart he Redeemer of loco 84.1- • s4.lring .\ • roue.? and delle hall gray In the Ions tnrk, Hait-14-,?onN1. - steelier. out. 4iN',, yews+ of se•rvier ht p rear' ling ?Mls .'• . 11!".4 .of ji 11110. rd e1"?44DU' every MI peel.: St IN.( tiny 441. rhnr'•1, 1 jwa est withwith:I. dllrk,n.• midnight. rankle: to its •lo'1,,4 n, 1he:,?4, 4 Ina,.. s sin• •1lgnopriate tai `ry with .and Is•bhul tin. le•)p• .tan,ls 4n.,, *flan*, {he 14. 1t.i •11.:10., 1.- .lad when o. ---,.be..{ was s.. r.? 14 h 44•'1.1- --_ ____ kite: el -44' end -1 ,tion w '--'•l:s --- 11,re1.I 114141. 14. 1.11 ant re-, If''s., , • ire di,,I Int us softer 1 4i" It ?'res. Merl 14.111•W •.nr en * 51 y,. mr'• 411•/01Ia N?:, g trn , lb ate,:roe' ,, oew 'nr ..a•• or attar \S ' LI -AL Ihei', 11', '1'. .\. Itnrts•r. This Modern Life! Habits Produce Cow stipation, which "Fruit-a-tives" Comets MONTREU..Oue.. - "After suffering many years from constipation, 1 was ad,Ised to try 'Fruit•a•Hvel.' All my 111'. are ions now." Mrs. iI. Gatlin. lndotir work, soft, rich foods, lack of esercise impalrourbodily functions. The Most common evidence (*Constipation. Norms Intestinal activity, denied to most of us by our way of !Print, le restored and malnteined by "Fruit -a -tires," mad. of the Juleesotfresh,rlpptefruit. blended With health-bufldlne tonics. 2bc and ffc a bot. .\I{lafgutn Park -Mach. Ward. Ilk IM• i FWwnlmn and 1'semelet .\Ig,nlgnhl Part, is en4r,, aid • •. Ibansntels, and iLen•:,n.1s .,C *Tr. . north. rn- renew .41 15s1d.' a, n I'r• lr.lnl l'nrk. It is foie of the 4444-': t4-hltlg'di'?rle?s In Canada. The 4)'!•: ing tnrieties are all there -•mull mouthed )pass, big 'Inner tad ste'''kl'"1 trout. Ilnndreels ref aIle' '.f muter %%syn, frac vamping pl.nrs witbon, member, prod hotel.. 114a441sr4d Inn •1t 11g,'Nrl??I Park station i• n eom- m'1II"n+ and excellent headquarters. Ilet M CUM' 114 the Ill)slrntell 4.4,41'r w•oll?ng for yet at the IN'are't dike of 4'nhedlan Netl,41(pl !toiletry-., w11h•h 44111 give yon fnll deletes. '- " lral 1 b \,ck of Electrical Appllancet., f Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds Itatimwtrw ?elven nn application Frank McArthut 1 1,1:1'TItU''I.1 Telephone 82 West Street Not Just Bread! INDEED, NO ! SJ.I•:1'1',LAN11131H iEAI) is n tempt ilft conil)lenlent to any n ('al-ele)Il'intie in 11x11 n r1 lending Z.'ut to tin.- re -t '.4 t1n.' 4,1,1111. 1'ult family "ill )letnnn4l 144 H•' any 11111'11 of '.Ito ltr•a.l as ally 41?Iler. 1•:n-- ern,rag' then? to an 1,'1, II. it 11, lh' Inns! hraltlllul nal nourishing (I011 they • ,alit? talk'. E. U. CLEVELAND I'hnn• 111 \V, -t '1t. Singer Sewing Machines SOLO ON EASY PAYMENTS Free demonstration shin in your 'wen hone at any time. You are fallen no obligation i" bay. MISS S. NOBLE South Side of square (;.al.•rich W. GLEN COOK, General Agent