The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-20, Page 24It's FORGE OF. BRUSSEL Josephine Wingham LADIES' Get in fashion for fall Have Sheila Gayle or Carol cut you the latest look THE WEDGE How about a UNIPERM? We also LITIVIINIZE hair GENTLEMEN Have your hair' cut and styled I Gayle or. Sheila Tuesday and Wednesday, 9' A.M. to 5 P.: Appointment Not Always Needed Wednesday' Evening By. Geo/ 5 P.M. to 9' P.M. By Appointment Call 357,1932 4. • TWENTY-FOUR. THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 is Week In 'Ripley ' BY, AB WyLps, • • • . Visiting for, a few dayi this past" . week with Mri. • Ellis Gossell in Ripley were'. Mr. and Mrs. •Hugh Grieve of Capreol. , * * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex Cotton of. Toronto motored up to Ripley last Thursday afternoon and returned Friday after calling briefly on several people. * * 41. * * —* Achievement ' night for the 4-H Agricultural Clubs is scheduled to be held in the Huron Township hall this Saturday evening, October 23, There` are three clubs in this area, namely Dairy Calf, Beef Calf, and the Grain, Club. The Ripley District High School Forestry Club, first started back in 1951, did not operate this year. After the awards and trophies are presented, re- freshments will be served. The clubs are jointly sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ripley Agricultural Society and under the. direction of Mr. Randy Willick of Walkerton. The leaders of the Ripley clubs are John C. MacDonald and Dennis Bridge for the Grain Club;. Bob Osborne, Dennis Bridge and Jim Farrell for the airy Club, and Wes. Smith, Cecil on and Rick Smith for the Beef ub. Thefirst meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Society following the Ripley Huron Fall Fair was held on Tuesday evening of last week with president Morley. Scott of Purple . Grove in charge. Directors and officials in charge, of the various departments of the fair gave reports and made suggestions. - Present were Reg Moore, Dorothy and Russ Brooks, Mrs. Marjorie Thompson, Morley Scott, Mrs. Gladys Arnold, Ray Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Alan McLean, Jack Farrell, Bob Rutledge, Wes Smith, Dan A. and Sheila MacDonald. It was decided to hold the showing of the coloured slides of this year's fair at the next meeting, November 8th, in order to select the ones .to send to n4, a-.VAZ.140 TOronto. * Last week, from Tuesday 'to Thursday, Tena and Harold Wyld of Weston were visiting relatives in the Ripley area - Niels and Nora Frederiksen on Malcolm Street, Mrs. Minnie Wyld at Huron Villa and the Allan Wyld farm on the sixth concession were some of these. Harold and Tena are just back from a 3 week tour in Western Europe. * * 4! * * 4! Mrs..(Rev.) J. R. MacDonald of Detroit will be the special speaker at the eleven o'clock morning, service in Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley next Sunday, October 24. This marks, the 25th ,anniversary of the evening group of the W.M.S. at Ripley Knox Church. A welcome is extended to all, * * * * * * h. The Ripley Huron Complex has its new name sign reading "Ripley Huron Community Centre". It is the same red colour, as the doors of the building and with gold• and white shades. The sign was donated by Huron Bruce Arts and Crafts group. They held their craft show in the centre for the first time this summer on the Civic, holiday Weekend and it was quite success- ful. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson of Waterford spent Thanksgiving weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. . J. Mackay at Huron Villa in Ripley and with other relatives here. Oliver and Marion McCharles of the Lochalsh area and Lloyd and Jean Wylds of Ripley spent Thanksgiving weekend in. Montre- al. Oliver and Marion were with their son . Allan, wife and family in Montreal. Allan had just recently come home from • hospital while Lloyd and Jean were with Hartley and Marjorie McTavish at Pointe Claire. With Marion, Marjorie and Jean all sisters they visited back and forth. Ripley friends extend best wishes to Allan. past weekend after a two week holiday in Ripley with her parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Donald K. McLay. Mrs. Scott is the former Susan McLay of Ripley. ' Her parents drove Susan and Michael to Toronto .and they flew from Toronto Airport at' Mahon. * * * * * The fourth concession of Huron Township now has its second corn drying plant in operation. Newly installed this summer it is "The Campbell Farins",, the former Edgar Watson place, one block east• of the fifteenth. * * * * Thanks to Mrs. Muriel Osborne, the writer has this information on the dairy cattle shown from this area at the Teeswatei and Little Royal' at Walkerton, fall fairs. At Teeswater these ,members of the Kincardine Ripley Dairy Club had calves in the show ring. Showing Holsteins were Janice and Robbie Farrell, Larry Needham, Carol MacKay, Joyce and Joan Osborne; with Brown Swiss calves were Mark, Shannon and Shawn McConnell and Kenneth Shier and with a Jersey, Nancy Ribbink. At the Little Royal last week in Walkerton, Joyce and Joan Os- borne showed their 4-H calves. Among the adult exhibitors both at Teeswater and Walkerton were Jim Needham and Bob Osborne'. * *• * * Speaks On Visit To Holy Land The, October 'Meeting for the Lucknow Women's Institute open- ed with the Grace and a delicious dessert ' lunch served by ' the committee in charge, Mrs. Ray- mond Leddy, Mrs. John Collinson and Mrs. Spence Irwin. Mts. Stewart MacGillivray took the chair. Following, the Institute Ode, the minutes of the last meeting kwere read and adopted. • Mrs. Albert Gammie read. the correspondence. Lucknow W.I. is invited to Whitechurch W.I. Octob- er 18 at 8 p.m. 'Grey-Bruce convention will be held in Chesleys United Church' November. '15 and 16. Delegate's are Mrs. Omar Brooks and Mrs. Armstrong Wilson. Institute Rally is in Un October 21. Delegates a Grace Gibson and Mr: Collinson. Cards of thanks were r( Mrs. Beatrice Adams al Alvin Robb. Roll.call was a by 23 membeis and 1 vi was "How old is your h( who built it". Cheerio report was Susan McNaughton. report was by Mrs, Alb mie. Mrs. Armstrong Wilson on. the W.I. 'afternoon plowing match. Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Robins( Alex McNay, Mrs. Betl and Mrs. Wilson all he were kept busy. Senior "Ii catering to a dinner for t Institute, October 16. ', P' made for this. It was moved and seco the Institute would make puddings again this yew Mrs. RosS Sheills address and presented Mrs. Sam Gibson, who Lucknow soon to make he Goderich. ' Mrs. Ray , Leddy cony program which 'opened Canada , and two Thp hymns, sung by' all press Spence Irwin was at the played a piano solo. Motto was taken very Mrs. Collinson on F Churches in Lucknow. very interesting. Mrs. George Kennedy speaker and 'spoke on th ranean Cruise. „There the , party' Mr. and Mrs were with but about 6 . boat, made up of Sever There is. something minute of your time. N Holy Land is a very occasion. Jerusalem is - country having many Workers' are kept busy old ruins and building a Mr. and Mrs. Kenned Great Theatre where Pai to the Ephesians. Mrs closed with the remark t pleasure in a trip exist: memories. Mrs. Led( Mrs. Kennedy. guesing the number of jar was won' by Mrs, Mrs. Leddy read a It poem and the meeting the Royal Anthem, Joe O'Keefe' of ICintail was the winner of a new Jonsereds Chain Saw in a free draw at the. International Plowing Match. Joe,' left, is pictured being presented with the saw by Bruce' Nunn of R.R. 2 Moorefield, sales manager for the company. Pictured, left to right, at the Jonsereds tent at the Inter- national Plowing Match are 'Jean- Paul Pilon, chain saw expert with the company; Barbara Taylor, Queen of the Furrow who made the 'raw fora chain saw work by Joe O'Keefe ' of Kintall and ,truce Nunn, sales manar 'or Jonsereds. Thousands enter'::, the 'draw, * `41 * * * * Mrs. Paul Scott and son Michael S Philadelphia returned home this