The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-20, Page 5S re r y ;old reg- the dial. !ails C E veen 30th, Dan- c of rites vail- s or ,eeds 2:30 'hite- hide: TIOW- fenc- ater; ehold small form- CH hun-: I the Ball' >, on p.m. ,adies 2ption Lynn Cenzie orium• at 9 Bingo, esday, egular v'ealth, D turday 13lyth 150 on re the wel- ale 25 2 8 , rh 309 ire re- regular er 26th ,ENT Corn- be held 8 p.m. Eifert. eGuire, 3ts are CE ' t and 3 Hall, vernber axiliary eterans Admiss- ts to be October Harold is Mac- n. Anly night t least piness. FOR RENT Approximately 35 acres of cropland in three parcels' in the Saratoga Tract. Located in Concession 1, West Wawanosh Township. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND - OR AN APPLICATION FORM 'Please Contact: THE SECRETARY - TREASURER, MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario Phone 335.3557 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st FOR RENT FOR RENT — late model brick bungalow;: 4 bedroom family home; modern farm home; mo- bile home in Gorrie. Keith Fitz- simmons, Broker, Winghain, Ont- ario, phone 357-1117. . FOR , RENT. -- two bedroom apartment in Lucknow available November' 1st. Floyd Stanley, 395- 5277. Advertising serves by informing. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD CAMPBELL FARMS NOW HAVE A COMPLETELY CONTINUOUS " CORN DRYING FACILITY 24 hour service : Government Inspected Scale /king in Wet corn--- take out dry corn — only good clean corn accepted. .• . . Campbell Farms. R.R. 5, 'EucknOw,. Ontario Situated 11/4 miles east of the Ripley Road at the junction of 10th Sideroad and the 4th Concession of Huron Township • • us a. call at 395-5526 — or better still --come and see what we have to offer. •,• Check the service, and the price! WANTED WANTED — wallpapering jobs. For information call 528-2238 and ask for Lorne, WANT. — to rent .farm house, Lticknow area ,preferred. Phone '095-531:10, WANTED '- responsible perSon to look after a I% year old from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.• Preferably someone to come into ,thy home. Call 528-2176. • ASSISTANT .ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED Duties involve ' the adminis- ltration of a McBee Accounts Pay- able System and a computerized payroll, preparatieri of inte40al statements and Other duties as assigned. Letters of -application, giving particulars of qualifications, ex- perience and salary requirements should be submitted by October 29, 1976 to Mr. G. W. Lamb, Aceountant . HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 H. Turkheim D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director WANTED — five or six Holstein springer cows, due soon. Phone 395-2700. WANTED — a windmill tower, Mose Shetler, R. 1 Dungannon. WANTED — part time baby- sitter,' Phone Mrs. Rea Snowden, ps-s7os. NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The hest - in Home Grdwn, Dry Fed, Drug Free 'Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killirig by, appointment. • • • • Phone 528-2132 HAVING A' DRINKING PROB- LEM? AA can help. Phone God- erich' 524-6001 or Walkerton 881- 3655. NOTICE'RE HOG SHIPPING , I am now shipper for U.C:O. Hogs will be shipped Mondays 7 a.m. -'12 noon. Cattle are shipp- ed TueSday, I. will be at the yards Monday morning and Tuesday froth 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I would, appreciate your patronage. William Taylor; 529-7310 - home ' 528-3119 - yard TENDERS WANTED SNOW REMOVAL Sealed applications marked "Snow Removal", will be receiv- ed until 5 P.M, October 28, 1976, for snow removal at the folloviing schools: • LU'OKNOW PUBLIC • KINLOSS CENTRAL RIPLEY HURON CENTRAL RIPLEY, DISTRICT HIGH All applications must be on np, Plication forms 'which can be ob- tained at the schools mentioned or by writing or telephoning the undersigned. Snow blowers preferred. THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OP EDUCATION Box 199, Chesley, Ontario Telephone: (519) 363-2014 Attention: Mr. M. F. Wedow, Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance • TOWNSHIP OF HURON TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOUGHS AND SAND TRUCK Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2 p.m. Novem- ber 1, 1976 for' snowploughs and sand truck. Tender forms can be secured from road superintendent at Town- ship Garage in Ripley. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. DAVE MOORE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Box 38, Ripley LOST LOST — brown leather wallet in Lucknow oa Monday. afternoon. Contains important papers. Any- one finding same, please 'phone 528-3135. LOST — strayed from Lot 14, Con- cession 3, Kinloss, one Charolais cow with, short tail. If seen please call Ira Dickie, R.R. 5 Lucknow, 395-5007. - ADVANTAGEOUS The fewer times. yoUr personal history repeats itself in your life- time, the less chance'yoU have of being short-changed. ' ' 188811188111888881111111111181111111111111111111111111118! HUTTON COUNTRY LIVING — beautiful 4 bedroom two storey brick hoine on a two acre lot. Mature trees and fruit trees. Renovations in- cluded, new bath, cupboards and furnace. Asking $38,900.. Reason- able offers considered. WINGHAM — attractive 3 bed- room, one floor brick home in an area of newer homes. Full base- ment, Sun deck, paved drive, early possession. ALUEVALE — two storey, 4 bed- room brick home in best of con- dition throughout. Living room, dining room, modern kitchen and 3 pc. bath. Asking $26,900. RIPLEY — House and 3 acres ad- joining Ripley. Propeity consist- ing of three lots, two of which are ready for building. House has three bedrooMs, good roof and septic system and is in nice con- dition throughout. Asking $29,500- _for entire deal. CUSTOM COMBINING GRAIN AND CORN Complete drying facilities CONTACT Otto Weber R.R. 1 Lucknow Phone 357.2095 JACK'S PLACE USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES LUCKNOW )528.2625 Come to Jack's Place if you want to succeed In filling your household or cottage needs PHONE 528.2822 WITH YOUR WANT ADS 1976 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1974 ....•••••••••••00017.. CO NG ..EVENTS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, INCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ITIIONACH 80 ACRES on 'Highway with a pOrid site, 30 acres workable, bal- REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE ance. bush. Reduced to $29,500...' LTD. BLUEVALE ' AREA 8 yr. old three bedroom house OrLa lot 144' x 144'. Owners are moving and are asking $38,900 but will look at any reasonable offer. (THE FORMER PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME) (GOUGH ST., LUCKNOW ONTARIO) A supervised retirement rest home caring for your perional needs 24 hours per day. ' STANDARD, SEMIPRIVATE AND PRIVATE ACCO1VIMODATIONS • - LOCKNOW, ONTARIO . 528.270i PINE LODGE REST HOME MEL MATHERS _Wingham 357-3208 Representing LLOYD. W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. THE MAN TO SEE IS RIPLEY, 3 bedroom seven room home. Ideal retirement' location. Close to stores, schools and churches. Immediate possession., CHOICE BUILDING LOT ideally located in, the Village of Ripley, lot size 65' x 130'. 125 ACRES HURON TWP., beef , barn, new pit silo with roof, well cared for; 4 bedroom home with all conveniences. OWNER HAS MOVED, must sell Parkwood mobile home. Complet- ely furnished and nearly new. -Must be moved from present loc- ation. TIRED OF' RENTING? Getting married'? Look over this well car- ed for 12' x 60' mobile home with a 12' x 12' :addition and sun deck. 'Located on a lot 66' x 132' in Dun- gannon. Immediate possession. WE HAVE an established general store with 4 bedroom living guar- ters for sale. For , further partic- ulars give us a call, WARREN ZINN Phone 529.7350 • IMPORTANT MEETING FOR HOCKEY COACHES AND MANAGERS OF ocKNOW MINOR HOCKEY , A meeting will beheld Monday, October 25th at 8:30 p.m, in the Luckoow Arena.. It is -mPorta4 that all Teaches and managers attend, as s,cheduling of Ice time will be set up. There' is an urgent., need for more coaches and man- agers and those interested. are asked to contact Bill Hunter prior to the meeting Monday night. REGULAR MEETING The Lucknow Agricultural oc- iety will hold their regular meet- jug on. Tuesday, October 26th in the Town Hall at 9 p.m. The en- tertainment committee will meet prior to this meeting at 8 p.m. 45th ANNIVERSARY The family of Blanche and Har- vey Ackert invite relatives, friends and neighbours to join with them on the occasion of their parents' 45th Wedding ,Anniver- sary; Tiverton Community Cen- tre, Friday Evening, October 29, 9 O'clock; best wishes only please. PREGNANT' AND • DISTRESSED '? ' Call BIRTHRIGHT 524-7157, 432-7197 . '. WE CARE . Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529-7417 • LUCKNOW DUPLEX — 1st unit 3 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath; 2nd unit — 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath; oil furnace, newly .painted..Asking $25,000. POINT CLARK COTTAGE Lake front, 2 .bedroonis, 3 pc. bath, beautiful view; all . furnish- ed. Asking $32,500. • -KINLOSS FARM — 100 acres, 90 j Broker, Kincardine 396-2061' • , workable;o Pod bar n and 'pit ' silo, ilkninitinlimninlininlinmniffininnilmifini 9810 house • needing repairs. Asking $69,000. 3 bedroom home, walk-out basement, on well treed lot, sundeck. 3 'bedroom home, with patio door onto sundeck, also walk-out basement. Both are on Elgin St. in Lucknow near the school GERRIE GLENN INC. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3234 • NEW HOMES' 1111111111M FOR SALE BUy Now and Choose Your Own Carpet