The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-20, Page 1, 1976 e LUC 0 $8.00 :A Year In Advance, $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1976 • Single Copy 20c • Senior Citizens Home Becomes Area Project, Lack Of Enough Lucknow Tenants • • kilM11111111111111 1 OZ. 1 Nancy Et. R. 1. Hospital, >her 4th, la Joan. Carolyn vray) of , announce n, • Mark Goderich ,ber 11th, 420 - S The Ontario Housing Senior Citizens "Rent-geared-to-income" housing project on Walter Street in Lucknow is within a month or so of completion. The Only thing that is missing at present is enough people to fill the 20 one-bedroom apartments. With the caretaker occupying one of the units,,, there were 19 Local Rider Wins In Toronto Horse Show Brenda Taylor, 16, 'daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Ken. Taylor, R. R. 3 Lucknow, 'competed in the 1976 All Arabian, Horse Show, October 15, 16, 17 at the CNE Coliseum,, in Toronto. Riding a 4-year-old grey, pure- bred Arabian mare, .Am Joves Spitfire; Brenda competed against some of the top Arabian riders in Eastern Canada and United States. She placedlst in open junior rider - English Pleasure Hack, 3rd in junior English. Equitation on the Flat, 5th, in purebred English Pleasure Hack, and 5th in. junior' Water Steady. Hands. These wins' at the, 1976 All. Arabian Horse Show are especially satisfying for Brenda as_ she personally broke and trained this CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 available for the residents of Lucknow. Up to , last week, only eight village ..tenants had shown their interest. When the original -survey of Lucknow, was taken to indicate interest in this type of accommoda- tion, 27 people showed an interest.' Eighteen of those 27 are still living in Lucknow but only 2 have decided to make the new facility their home. Art Matthewman,. local repre- sentative for the Ministry, said that he had contacted each of these people prior to the meeting.' At the 'meeting were ,Lucknow Council, Reeve Bob Lyons of West Wawanosh, ReeVe Leo Murray of Kinloss, Reeve Warren Zinn and Twelve Hunters Get 4 Moose DUNGANNON NEWS A local hunting party of twelve spent last week in the Sudbury area and bagged four moose (2 bulls, a cow and a calf). • ' The hunters were Harold Erring- ton, • Roger Pentland, Ken McNee and David Dawson 'of Dungannon; Eric MCNee, George Sillib, _George MacKinnon, Gary Sproul of Nile; Bruce Johnston of Wallaceburg; Jim Hunter, Mactier; Bob Wallace, Lucknow; and Bill Krepps, Strat- ford. Deputy Reeve Finlay MacDonald of Asfifield. The proposal was put to the townships to make the senior citi'ens facility an area venture to include residents of the townships, CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Injured In Fall The condition of Ken Elphick of Lochalsh 'is steadily improving following .a serious accident at his farm on Thanksgiving- weekend. Ken fell from a straw mow to the barn floor and sustained a cracked vertebrae. He is a patient in' Wingham Hospital. The Reeve of Lucknow, George Joynt, and members of council, Murvin Solomon: -Oliver Glenn, Gordon Maize and Gary Ritchie are, certainly not in, accord on the queStion -of holding the customary ratepayers meeting preceding the: village nominations this year. The date for the meeting had been mentioned' as Monday; Nov- ember 1st until discussion at the council table at October's meeting. questioned 'the value of such a meeting in view of the fact that only handful of people attend. The four Council members were of the opinion that the meeting was not required in view of the lack of a Hospitalized After Two Car Crash Theresa Huber,,,:17, Lucknow was transferred, from. Wingham Hospit- al to Victoria Hospital in London following a two vehicle accident on Saturday night about 10.45 p.in. on Campbell. Street, Lucknow, High- way 86, just east of Havelock Street, the United Church corner. She was a passenger in a car driVen by 18-year-old John Ander- son 'of R. R.' 1 Dungannon which was proceeding east.' Her condi- tion is reported as satisfactory. Upon going over the hill at the church , corner, he was in collision with the rear .of a car' driven by Mrs. George (Nancy) Brooks, Gough Street, Lucknow. Mrs. Brooks was signalling to make 'a left turn, according to provincial police at Kincardine who investig- CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 McKay's. Fruit Market Sold To Wingham Man Mr. and Mrs. Rod McKay of Lucknow have sold McKay's Fruit Market to Jim. Pain of Wingham who will take over the `new business 'on November 1st. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and family have operated the business since purchasing it from Cyril Brown of Lucknow 15 months ago. The building is included in. the sale and Mr. and Mrs. Bain and family will resideapartment in the above the store . Mr. and Mrs: McKay, Carey and Cindy Will move to St. Cathatines. Their son Rod, who s employed at Winghani, will remain in' the area. The sale was• completed by Bill Adamson, Lucknow, local salesman for DOn Hoist Real Estat Reeve :Joytit, in requesting a recorded vote, found that: he was outnumbered• four votes' to one. But while he was outnumbered on the issue, Reeve Joynt is not to be oUtdone. • He later told The Sentinel,, "As Reeve, I feel obligated to give the people a chance . to meet and diScuss municipal questions and I personal- ly, will• be at the town hall on Monday, November 1st at 8 p.m. to participate in a question and answer period with ..interested village ratepayers". ' So the customary meeting will go ahead, minus four" council mem- bers. Defer Decision On Apartment Building On Hamilton Street, Approve Second Location For. Project By Gerrie Glenn response by taxpayers. They stated that present election proced- ures do not require it to be held. Reeve that expressed the opinion that the ratepayers meet- ing had 'been a ' tradition which allowed council members to ex- press:their prOgram, explain what had been done in the past term and plans for the future term and that council owed this courtesy to taxpayers who might wish to 'attend. He' also said that the meeting gave prospective new candidates a chance to state their intentions prior to nomination. The meeting was voted down and e• Ratepayers Seeting..Voted..Downi, .Reeve- Will -"Golt Alone" Gerrie Glenn of Lucknow met with Lucknow Village Council 'on, Tuesday of last week at their regular meeting to seek aPproVal for an apartment building on Hamilton Street, 'across from the Anglican Parish Hall. He had also attended the September .meeting this regard. After considerable discussion with council, the request was deferred until . Gerrie could get agreement from neighbours near the' proposed building. Reeve George Joynt spoke in favour of the proposal citing Mr. Glenn's past record of similar illagef County Rates Down, Schools Cause Increase construction. He said planned work on Inglis Street in the 'future ' would correct any drainage prob- • lents which -might exist. Councillors Solomon and Ritchie spoke against approval of the property for an apartment building using :in argument the Official plan of the village which has. been drawn ,up, but is still ,not adopted. The plan 'shows this area ,as 'single 'dwelling residential' property and the councillors felt •that• an excep- tion in this case is contradicting the official . plan they have been CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 yy DRAPERIE*4 ?boo 5214114 9•006101.1° Lucknow Village , tax bills are in the mail this k‘,eek showing very modest increases from that of last Year, The village managed to lower the' tax rate this year, a pleasant report for Villagers, by taking advantage of a surplus in last year's business.; e .county rate is also down continue to rise offsetting the lower tales hi otherareas. , The new 1976 rates, with the 1f01)17 10Swt:tes in brackets, are as l 'General, farm and residential, 6.670 (11,908). commercial, 7.847. 00.480), County, farm and residential, 2.639 (2.954); commercial, 3:105 (3.475). Public School, farm and residen- tial, 5.855 (4.458); commercial, 6.506 (4.953). Separate School, farm and resid- ential, 6.349 (4.727); commercial, 7.054 (5.252). Secondary School, farm and residential, 5.913 (4.134); commer- cial, 6.570 (4.593). Total public, farm and resident- ial; 21.077 (20.454); commercial 24.028 (23.561). Total Separate, farm and resid- ential, 21.571 (20.723); commerc- ial, 24.576 (23.800). ANNUAL MEETING HELD AT LUCKNOW About 50 Junior Women's Insti- tute of Ontario members attended the , annual meeting at Lucknow United Church On Saturday. Pictured, left to right, are, front row, Margaret Minor of Wainfleet, vice presidedt; Cindy Cordingley of Milton, president; Linda Middleton of Welland, retiring secretary who was succeeded by Marion Koepke of North Grey. Standing, are Helen McKerch.er, Director of 'the Home Economics Branch of the Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food for over 20 years and an employee of the Ministry for over 30' years who will retire at the end of October; Sylvia Jackson, Caledon East, completing her, second year as a Junior Board Director; June 'Alton, Lucknow, who is commencing her second year as a Junior Board Director. 1