The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-13, Page 24E THESE FOOD VALUES Sani- flush I I I I I. 1. 34 '02; 528-3420 131.401.4. BIEMAN 'to Neil and Nancy (Chisholm)" Bieman of R. R. 1- Belgrave at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, October 4th, 1976, a daughter, Miranda Joan. PHILLIPS - Glen and Carolyn Phillips ,(nee Macgillivray) of Goderic.h • are happy to announce the birth of their son, • Mark. Bradley, .9' lbs. 6 oz., at Goderich Hospital on Monday, October 11th, 1976. COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION .'• . OF WALLCOVERINGS ALL STOCK WALLPAPERS / AT DISCOUNTED PRICES , YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE I ka*1 0111 ‘V /J %)'"' P'd 4 " $ . • TN*'LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r.o.o4.4044Pom r A,' Real Treat ..1;, All You, Can' Eat! COME. TO • WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 13, 1976 10A0111. iivitirry,pouR KET THE HOT TURKEY SUPPER LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Tuesday, October 9th I SEE . . By The Sentinel THAT Andy Gaunt of West NN awanosh, noted Shorthorn ,cattle breeder, had the supreme- champion bull at Teeswater Fall Fair Saturday. There• were 'eight' herds entered at Teeswater. Andy had earlier won the same award at Owen Sound Fair. SCHNEIDER'S Country Sausag•e 1 LB. 1.09 SCHNEIDER'S Bacon $1• 59 Mrs. Jane Hughes of Paisley, Scotland spent two weeks with her daughter and family, Mrs. John Nicolson, R, 1 Holyrood. Mrs. Arabell Bushell of. Clinton, formerly of Lucknow, left last Sunday for Lakeland,. Florida, where she will spend the winter. Gerald Rhody of Holyrood was a winner of t25 in the September 30 Wintario draw. Ken Laidlaw of Lucknow is home from Wingham and District Hosp- ital where he was a patient for two weeks. ' - Elizabeth Newbold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Newbold of Lucknow, left recently for Saskat- chewan, where she has secured a position at St. Paul's Hospital in Saskatoon. Elizabeth graduated this past spring from ,University .of Windsor with a degree in nursing. Mr. and Mrs: Fred MacLeod of Benton, Kentucky visited the past week with his sister, Mrs. Harry Nixon and in Wingham with his brother• Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLeod and other relatives.' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grain of Pilot Mound, Manitoba visited this past week with their cousins 'Mr. • and Mrs. E. W. Rice, LucknovV. • Mrs. Ed Thom of Lucknow, a patient at St. Joseph's_ Hospital, London for, ten days, where she underwent surgery following a hip fracture, was moved on Friday of last week tb Wingham and District Hospital.' ,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook and Mr. and •Mrs. Charlie McDonald, all of Lucknow, spent last weekend in Sarnia where they attended the wedding, of Barry Gillespie and Debbie Thompson at the High Park United Church and the reception at the Lambton Shrine Club. On Sunday they attended the church service at the Paricer Street United Church and afterwards were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie for a Thanksgiving dinner for forty guests served at the church. ,Mrs. Mary Graham df Fordwich and Mrs. Betsy Crawford of Tara were dinner guests last week with Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Rice, Lucknow. Keith McDonald and daughter Mrs. Jean Howard from Saskatobn; Allan McDonald and daughter Mrs: Vera McConnel, Mr.. and Mrs. Neil McDonald from Port Elgin, visited recently with Mrs. Maybelle Campbell and Mrs. Sadie Hamilton of Lucknow. The visitors are firstcousins of Mr. Campbell. SHEPPARD - WILKINS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins are happy to announce the, forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Barbara °relic to Mr. James Arthur Sheppard, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sheppard, Cam bridge, Galt. The wedding will take place-on Saturday, October 23, 1976 in the Lucknow United Church at 4.00 p.m. <, Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Barrett and family of Toronto spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie, R. R. 3 Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. E. • Marlyn of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. .Bryan Choppel, Cherrie and Donna Marie of Exeter visited with Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, Lucknow. • Thanksgiving visitors with' Mri. Harold • Treleaven and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Treleaven, Lucknow were Miss GettrUde .Crich of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Gary Suter of Ottawa and Mrs. Elizabeth Suter of Wingham. Mrs. L. C, Thompson and Joanne Thompson of Lucknow spent the holiday weekend • in, Norwood with Mr. .and Mrs. Ron Rothwell. GREEN GIANT 1Corn Niblets I is oz. 2/894 LYSOL Toilet Bowl Crystals 87t WE DELIVER — BROWNIE f ait, .7' NEWS Lucknow Brownies , held their third meeting of the year on Tuesday, October .5. Mrs. Bruce Hamilton led the Brownies in a sing-song until the leaders arrived. Brownie Ring was held after which the girls went back to their corners to mark their books. A' scavenger hunt was held with all the girls particpating. A game of "Lad- ders" was then' played. The meeting closed with the squeeze and taps. Create your new environment with SUNWORTHY Astfr. wallfashions JUST ARRIVE 4:30 -1:30 p.m. (COME. EARLY IF' YOU ARE FREE TO, DO SO) Adults $3.00 Children 12 end Under $1.50 Auspices United Church Women MEN'S G.W.G. BOOT JEAN Waist Sizes 30 - • 42 REGULAR FLARE JEAN Waist Sizes 26 - 38 SCRUBBIES . Waist Sizes 26 - 38 ALL COME IN VARIED'LEG LENGTHS 0 40..gp it2. -.41-Ar+. ..crl 40, V34:1, 140 -N-40 iNtA7V4044:340402 GOOD SELECTION' OF • MEN'S SWEATERS IN ASSORTED COLORS, Sizes and Styles ASHTON'S LADIES', AND MEN'S WEAR •••••••‘•••• 1•••"••••\NN \\NN N.N.%% WhNNAANN.•••10%,%•14.•%N•N•N•NNN Open Every Monday -;•Closecl Thuisday =*;==0==)sc=tic==:)===xic=li figggx==2 CARPETING CySHIONFL.OR AND LINOLEUM DRAPES vous meta= *ad DMAKI:1140 cartrit • FINLAY Dle,ORATORS WALLPAPER AND C.I.LPAINT3 Mow SOO ArawarancterFlial. Jim and Syke Sutherland Phone 528-2126 Lucknovv