The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-13, Page 16,1976 !PIMlift tRY' ER8 .3420 . Forty-two area people are enrol- • led in a Health Care Aid Course: at Pinecrest Manor NurSing Home which will extend for a period in excess of a year. It wilt be held on a weekly basis, and is co-ordinated by. Fanshawe College, of London with arrange- ments made 'by the management of Pinecrest Manor of Lucknow. The program is 'designed to better equip Nursing Aids to meet the various needs of nursing home work. Twenty-eight of the class are staff members of Pinecrest, nine are from Brookhaven in Wingham and five are from Brussels Nursing Home. Mrs. James Smith of Wingham is instructor:" Because of the class size, and for the convenience of those enrolled, future classes will be split to both an evening and afternoon basis. Ticket Sales Of Over $300,000 Is Plowing Match Record, 39,789 Cars Are Parked, 25% Over Any Match STUDENTS 'GOING. • HEREAND:THERE Allan Nicholson, son of 'Ken and Joyce NicholSon of Shelburne, has entered his first year in Architect- . ural Drafting at George Brown College, Toronto. t t Bill and Brad MacKenzie, sons of Mi. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie of Ashfield 'Township, have 'return- ed to Faiishawe College, London. Bill is in his second year in a surveying •. -course and, prad in second year accounting. Skaters Plan For Season ' The Lucknow Skating Club was hostess to an Interclub meeting, in .the Town Fla recently. Interdub "Group C- comprises of seven towns. Harriszon, Listowel, Lack ' now, Mildrnay. Teeswater and two CQNTINTED ON PAGE 23 Leos Hold Junior Olympic Day, - BlythWien Club Championship Trophy • G'LUBCOMP'Ettt,LON Senior boys: isz 'kick . Lucknow: 2nd Dile Nfac.Pherson. St. Jacobs: 3rd Steve Cook. Myth. Midget boys. Re3n. Falconer. Blyth: Birlan Arnold. Brookside; Midget girls.' Mary Anne Coale. Blyth: Jane Machan. Bly#: Pain. Oszer, Myth. Janice has. ,Mike COnaran. 'Lack-. rtow: Steve de long. Blyth. Doug Falconer. .Birth: lanior Shelly Patterson. Earl: liticheUe Cook I mcif:row: Debbte Coal-res. BY; Open Tug of Wait' Oven relay.. Myth. The ocrecall dab winner was with fin:sting seoznd and St, Jacob.: ,-.1turd A trt, Ipit?. which rer.a.:r.ed fu r' ? ear ±e• cresiden-. (.:•ct Karen Caanpber. az -.re Led held A CO.N 1INUED r_i% PAGE October 2nd, die held in the afternoon were: Lucknow and District Leo Club held a junicr r..Y.-/-ticic Da- at the recrer:ct.a. ir..---.12.-nds in Ludo:cow. • The tr.dr: c:ornpetitons started off at To: surrounding elernet:ar; i.-choo(s pardciParircg, After x.cd -..dmpetztion. was ••• set aside for ids ws7.1,-, a dub trophy to be prese--.:•:id the club aCcurntdar- ing the :.z4:s;- polars. Taking part in this were Ler, Clubs &mu Myth, St- Jacobs :,,lenity. as %mit as the Brookside 1.-incor Farmers- • • Winr.,:-.171. morning events Were, • ?", SCHOOL • Se7,-,cr PfttiliTi Trepan- let. :Tic lifkinronit. 3rd Kari Morr:se M. \stir:4er. bie.ys. Hardt! Peet. Pi.. 7-",„:11riter. Serri Searle: Kenyon. Lt5.1. Collins -41.-",u funror bqs. 14v-rt :Darren NifaiCzni 'and Eric q44,1,3 70-1' ':iris , ic Janice 1 .f. -."„trutne Stapleton- Maq E•;,,•• Wrcrrer: n Can trirapezzotic ST. HaViS HAS Fuesr mitra wrs-2.4-E -oppyrig -tie =et- ai.• :acrid,* Fa.: tan-y KeTt.:-. ;Cc:.. He!e-4 ndrintl. Kern show-z - ti 75,:ttl''1. • $8.00 4 Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1976 Single Copy' 20c " • 24 Palm Brothers Are Ontaieio(Schokirs .. Pineciest.10.0..cation Of Health.coe, • Aid Course Through FanshOwe College 1''1.1" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11,1 1 LB, T ?AGE I a irman of nittee; in. 'and his, the music dance , on tickets are ti that he is receiving goose eggs at the rate of one every two days fram have her seasons mixed. The total' a prolific goose that appears to was 7 eggs when we talked to Clayton Saturday. , Clayton Alton of Ashfield reports Not being much of an authority on geese and their habits, we are at a loss in forming an opinion, but Clayton tells us that geese always lay eggs in the spring and that this is the first he has known of any Fall eggs. ' With the Farmer's Alumnae JOHN THOMPSON predicting a mild winter, could it be that the goose is right on Schedule John ;and Robert Thompson, and' that spring has actually sons of Mr. and Mrs, Bob 'arrived? Thompson of Windsor and formerly of Lucknow, are both •presently 11111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 attending University of Windsor. Mrs. Thompson is the former Edith Munro, one time Public Health nurse for Lucknow and area. - John graduated from Centennial SeCondary School at. Windsor in June 1975 and Robert in June 1976. • Operation Service Is Of Veterans' Rights The Lucknow Branch of the Royal Canadian Legimi will be conduct*g tvzo bfitri canvasses' of Lucknow and District in' connection with Operation Service. The vBIage wig / be ' canvassed on Monday evening, October 18, commencing at 7.30 p.m. The rural areas adjacent to Lucknow will be canvassed on . Sunday afternoon, October 24. commencing at .2.30 . Operation Service is a campaign - aimed at making contact with every • • war veteran , and ex-service Person , and their survivors., to make • sure that ithey are fully .aware of their rights and privileges: • . • • -Be 'prepared to Welotime the 'volunteer Legion visitor when he or she calls 'at your • &or.: - • The Legion. volunteers • wish to. Serve 'you and Canada. though ROBERT THOMPSON Both brothers were Ontario Schol- ars, were awarded University of Windsor Entrance 'Awards and "Reach For. The Top" sehOlarships having been members of the winning team in the regional John is' in his second year Chemical Engineering and Robert IS in first year Engineering, both at University of WindsOr. Aimed At Advising And Privileges The Interrkationalllowing Match and Farm. Machinery Show held near Walkerton set many records and organizers and committee people were very pleased with the' 'week long event. Predictions that records would fall at thiS match were fulfilled. Ed Starr, secretary' manager of the :Ontario Plowmen's Association, said total attendance was about 30,000 higher than the' previous record set last year near Oshawa. The match had the added attraction, of being a world Match as well. Vernon Inglis Of Formosa, match treasurer, said. Sunday 137,772 tickets were sold at the gates in the five days Of the match, but he' still did not have the ticket totals from the trailer site nor from the airport where admisstiohs were included in the over-all-fees, . . Also not included 'in Mr. Inglis' tally were the thousands' of -Passes :given • schoOl children and the paSses to exhibitors, their •eniPlOy- ees, contestant,... plowing associa- flan members and workers, and the press.. Mr.. Starr said. these added. to trie paid: admissions: 'would, come to • pearly. 200,000.. The 'previous high. .was 170,000... Other records were cracked, Saturday havd the largest attericl= . once at'. any ..gay. any . previous match'with.the estimates just over 1 '50.00. • .. . • . . • The ticket receipts for the: five days ,exceeded: S300500 for. :the first time. The number of cars parked 39,789; was .2.5 per cent 'higher: than any .' 'other plowing match .; . There Were more exhibritars 'than. ever' before.. The tented city had to be ..expanded try awarnrnodate nearlY500'firii,S. who set Shr.c at the match. Reie-nue. fron the exhibitors. S -50(ff., es'r ever:: . • . rust wet. W and the offici.2.:: landin.g • •stif.-.• for the match. had Irk, • wok er•s er • •Propietor said. 2.9 • ;::::ane.s. crArn tn g.cc, the match used 'the fieid.- The largest. a 32 passenger DC.-3. was also. the• Jargesz plane' use the 2, If.;•-frame,? ." • The pia is I .32"/ peopie to e .rnatch and • a, bus a.s used to take them fr,rr,.. . the - Ear'. • C7(474 mayor-. •••••he Terre' :are o?-6:oer .-.4 rr..00-• • the Lind 3,9 h e id,cr-y:de-17/.t darr.7.e.e.• .a.nd 1.7".A.1.".:. riefr., pack an;t: fr roos7 the • rae.fio w • • :iear • Kir, .g;t7.7.7 • Stocker Sale On Monday Operation Service. It is known that thousands - of Canadiant , have entitlements of which they: are not aware. The chairman of Operation Service for LUckn.ow and area .is H. D. "Bud"' Thompson. 4vele• 44. 44 s 4 40 11 14 *44 4 Pot kil, -.--ar.-Le were i.-Ad a: sre,„-et-:s were toe. 7; ki..se Do r: 11