The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-06, Page 5WANTED — 3% acres or more of land within 10 miles of Kintail - Kingsbridge area. Phone Art Boisler, Stratford, business 271, 2491 or residence 393-5928. WANTED — someone to pick 70' acres of grain corn. Phone 395- 5898. ' CARPENTRY WANTED — will • ing to do repairs, renovations, ad- ditions, etc. Contact George Lub- bersl.Whitechurch, phone 357-3457, STRAYED warimitamormamairmlimmlims STRAYED. — from SH Lot 22, 'Concession 6, West Wawanosh, one roan heifer, 600 lbs., Bar Dia- mond brand mark on left hind flank:—Anyone knowing of its whereabouts phone Wayne Red- mond 529-7302. , 'STRAYED -- from , long grass between Jerry Dorscht's and Wm. McPherson's on St. Helens side- road, a 3 speed Cougar X100 with red banana seat, on Tuesday, September 26th between the hours of .6 and 7 -p.m. If seen, please phone 528-5051. Reward. NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Horne Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made. Sausage. Cus- i0111 killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 HAVING A DRINKING PROB- LEM? AA can help. Phone God- erich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881- 3655. NOTICE RE HOG SHIPPING • Day Change for this week only I am now shipper for U.C.O. Hogs will be shipped Tuesday, (because of the Monday Holiday) 7 a.m. - 12 noon. Cattle are shipp= ed Tuesday, I will be, at the yards Monday morning and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I would appreciate your patronage. • William Taylor, 529-7310 - home 528-3119 - yard NOTICE ' re are s ope ngs in the 1st HolYrood Guide Company for any girl between ages 11 to 14 in the Holyrood Kinloss area inter- ested in Guides. Meetings are Wednesday evening 7 to 9 p.m. at Kinloss Central School. Registra' tion for year $4.00. Leaders *Mrs.* Jim Young and Mrs. Leo Murray. NOTICE •RE SERVICE OFFICER Anyone wishing information, advice, or assistance, regarding War disability pensions, t treat- ment, allowances, etc., is request- ed to contact Irvine Eedy, Dun- gannon not later than Monday, October 11, to arrange an inter- view with the Provincial Service Officer, Mr. Clare Wall. PREGNANT. AND DISTRESSED:t Call BIRTHRIGHT • '524-7157, 432-7197 WE CARE list '.v. rhe • at on 1.m. me. 4 be in -5 9th, iPat- boys,: ium- be- who ring ford, ) on c by wel- limon 3 {of tober all at. 3 and ,adies • 'ING to an :',know • !dnes- )ck in spend Df the s and bring of tea riends 1 Soc- in the Oct- •ed. by ?ryone over. at the ednes- in, 15 each ;anus; ackpot th $50 D. Ex- 50c or 0 turday Blyth . 150 on re the wel. CARD OF THANKS I, wish to thank all family and frinds for their , thoughtfulness, cards, flowers and calls 'While I was in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, Lon- don and since' returning home. ' Ardill Mason ' For all the cards,, gifts and let- ters and all the visitors who re- membered me on my birthday, SepteMber 28, a very sincere Thank You. A special thank you goes to the Kairshea W.I. ladies for their visit and lovely gift. Belle MacKinnon We would like to thank all those who sent' cards, flowers, gifts and treats during our stay in. Wingham and District • Hospital: Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Dr. McKim, Medical Centre staff and nurses on 2nd floor. Donna and Alesha Moffat I wish to express thanks to all who remembered me again while' I was in Brampton hospital. Mail . time was the best time. All was so deeply appreciated. Eva Nicholson Mrs. Beatrice Adams wishes to express thanks for cards, visits and gifts she received while in Wingham Hospital and in Univer- sity Hospital, London. All was deeply appreciated. I would like to thank all the ladies for the lovely gifts received, at' the community shower held for me in the Kairshea Hall on Sept- ember. 24. Special thanks to Blanche Needham, Ann Mac- Dougalband Kathy Howald for or-. ganizing such a, pleasant evening. Irene Parker We would like to thank all the residents of Huron Villa, Ripley, for the lovely farewell party and gift, prior to us leaving for our 'new home in Dungannon. Special thanks to Eileen Nesbitt who ar- ranged the party.' Chris and Connie Shelton I wish to express sincere thanks for cards, letters and other ex- pressions of sympathy and kind- nesses at the time of the deaths of all my loved ones and my, last sister Ida Taylor. All was deeply appreciated. My burden is heavy, but God is my strength and my shield.' • Mrs. Wilfred Drennan The family of the late William Irvin wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind help, sympathy, Moral tributes and memorial don- ations at the time of our recent bereavement. Also thanks to the staff of Pinecrest Nursing Home and Wingham Hospital for the care and kindness given our dad. Special thanks to Robert MacKen- zie, Rev. Cook, Dr. Corrin,. Dr. McKim and their staff. PINE LODGE. REST HOME (THE FORMER PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME) (GOUGH LUCKNOW ONTARIO') A supervised retirement rest home caring: for your personal needs 24 hours per day. • • • STANDARD, SEMI-PRIVATE AND PRIVATE ACCOMMODATIONS ' LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO ,528-2703 The Workshop WIB HARTIN and SON R.R. I Thingannon ANY ITEM IN WOOD NEW FURNITURE BUILT , OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE 529-7205 OUSE FOR SALE Elgin, St. Off Bob St. in Lucknow Ready For Occupancy $42,500.00 3 bedroom,, kitchen, hying room, dining room, 4 pc. bath, full .basement. All exterior walls bricked. Close to Public. School. 2 MORE HOUSES ARE BEING CONSTRUCTED AND WILL BE READY FOR VIEWING SOON' GERRIE GLENN INC. • LUCKNOW': PHONE 528-3234 NIGHTMARE Statistics show that instead of taking, a vacation a great many families find that "'the vacation took them—and' for plenty. CHOICE BUILDING LOT ideally located in the Village of Ripley, lot size 65' x 130'. 125 ACRES HURON TWP., beef barn, new pit silo with roof, well cared for; 4 bedroom home with all conveniences. OWNER HAS MOVED, must sell Parkwood mobile home. Complet- ely furnished and nearly new. Must be moved from present loc- ation. LUCKNOW DUPLEX — 1,st unit 3 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath; 2nd • unit — 2 bedrooms, 3 pc.' bath; TIRED, OF RENTING? Getting oil furnace, newly painted. Askihg, married? Look over this well car- ed for 12' x 60' mobile home with • a 12' x 12' addition and sun deck. Located on a lot 66' x 132' in Dun- gannon. Immediate possession. WE' HAVE an established general store with 4 bedroom living quar- ters for sale. For' further partic- ulars give. Us a call. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528.2031 Res. 529.7417 $25,000. POINT CLARK COTTAGE. — Lake front, 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, beautiful view, all furnish- ed. Asking $32,500. KINLOSS FARM — 100 acres, 90 workable, 'good barn and pit silo, house needing repairs./ Asking $69,000. WARREN ZI141 , Phone 529.7350 McDONACH REAL ESTATE & 'INSURANCE LTD. 4,••••4****H.,•••••••••9#•••••#. THE MAN TO SEE IS . RIPLEY, '3 bedroom seven room home. Ideal retirement location. Close to stores, schools and churches. Immediate possession. TOW L,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1976 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, WO WANTED ale Self-discipline• is a habit that 11, can be cultivated—and there's no ER 8 other habit so -worthwhile. CUSTOM COMBINING GRAIN AND CORN - Complete drying facilities . , CONTACT Otto Weber' R.R. 1 Lucknow Phone 357-2095 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express thanks to all who remembered us in var- ious ways while we were in hos- pital. Special thanks to Drs. Mc- Kim and Corrin and 'nurses' on 2nfl. Diane, and Larissa Brooks The family of . the late Thomas Anderson wish ' to express their gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbours for their loving 'sup- port so freely giyen in so many different ways, in the loss of a dear husband and father. Also for the many beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Canadian Bible Society, the Ontario Heart Found- ation,. the Canadian Cancer Soc.: iety, the Gideon Memorial Bibles,, and the many cards. These kind deeds will be lovingly remember- ed by Dorothy, Andy and Bonhie. REAL ESTATE .-,'.',.°.;tc."`0",,,R.°,,`2 • 357.1117 $16,900 full price for. Village lot and mobile home in excellent con- dition. Situated in Gorrie. VILLAGE HOME: 2bedrooms, extra family room, completely modern, located in Wroxeter. Only $25,009. TOWN BLOCK: now you can pur- chase your own Town block in- cluding one of the most elegant homes in 'the 'area, located in Wroxeter on 3 acres of landscap- ed grounds. Total of 11 rooms con7 taro such original ' features as winding stairs, alcoves, red cherry trim, antique library and many more. This homy must be seen to be fully appreciated., Price only $65,000. COUNTRY HOME: 1 mile off Provincial hwy., attractive 2 storey brick. Completely renov- ated with new Hanover kitchen, new miring and plumbing, hew combination wood - oil furnace, also a new chimney and roof plus aluminum windows and heavy in- sulation. New septic disposal sys- tern & drilled well. The full price for all of this is only $39,000. KEITH FITZSIMMONS BROKER WINGHAM, .ONTARIO '510=357-1i17 HOUSE FOR SALE IN LUCKNOW Two storey home on Gough St. on lot 86' x 165'; two bath- ,, rooms, one upstairs and one on main floor;. three bedrooms, fam- ily room, living room, dining room, kitchen, small office; oil fur- nace; garage; inspection by appointment only, CONTACT DON THOMPSON — LUCKNOW Phone 528-2822 or 528-3516 HOT MIX PAVING AND . SEALING, DRIVE ,WAYS AND PARKING 'LOTS FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE ROBERT SYMES-CONTRACTOR Lucknow 528-3047 3 Mon- ,m, at Guest J. M. sicians r • Lire; sy to )thers nount PAGE FIVE