The Signal, 1928-5-31, Page 5THE SIGNAL, Toilet Articles We have the ,variety. 'Always a. pleasure to show . goods CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90 GODERICH Golf Season is Here! We have a full line of Golf Sticks at $2.00 each. Set of four Clubs. ..$8.00 Golf Balls Spalding Kro-Flite iia(• Silver Kings ••• -Th(' Green Dot Mesh 5tie Clover Mesh GOLF BAGS AT 144P1.1..11: .PRICES See Our Stock while the liar is cOniplett• Cole's Book Store SAVE on New Furniture New Bed Springs and Mattresses Now i-tli' tio'. , \Vi positively 'qty. \•,'t tooto.y on new or a -e,1 BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange Benmiller Sunday School Ererybodl Cordially Invited to &hush Picture Frames For.Pictures For Portraits For Mirrors 1 Vetter --t•3ittlt- 'RI«iYiIf---i'-i114101 anywhere else. fr a„ '•I tn•d:t), :ewill see. ' Smith's Art and Gift Store I . elle F rw,iu_ t ,r „car lu years AU lIURN .51111•IfN, May 29.- Miss ii SI illi!, : lit\th, was the ut•.t ,of her nude, ti r. \V. T. Riddell. mer the .,' a ,•k.end. Sir. E. Mole, of S.'aforll slat the ' I' la of May let .\ulnen. ale -.r.. E. alai F. ltuitlil.t shipped a ' ,.1 of ciut,,•,.,n Saturday to Tor - sir, F. itaillat'z geiug down over k end, at Anil Mrs .l' Tarter, of Port El - visited at the parental hoarse on. sat urday last. Mr. and Mrs. it. /+Taylor, of ih•lgrave. i.,1 Mrs. Si.' Bole/risen, of Wit);hau, ted on friends here the furelatrt of • week. Mr. Wesley Killough and bride, of '1'.•rontee, who wete married en Slay' 'sial• are visiting Mr. Kllkwgh's sis- ter, Mrs. E. ltultlaby, rind broilers I:Iain and Albert; and other relatives. BEN M I LLER GODERICH, ONT. returned home after speudin;'a week MILLIONAIRE'S HOBBY wall her parents, Mr. and !Ire. And- rew Johnston. qbl. iesonird of tet. Catharine., Ont., Rev. FI. I'oulter motored to London Believes In TighteningHoude oat Saturday last. Quito a unudh+t• _from here tookof Empire. In , the races at Mitchell uu the 24th. There Is a millionaire in St. Cath Slr, Harvey Hester, of Loudon, was to lues whits„ t'esy eacel►ent hobby Louie for a few• day'. sir. too hen Inc the, Widish Euipir.•. • )IL'. Margaret Allen visited triitlds Nobby! Rather say that in tlrhi La Guidon' and Brantford last week. etiarae the bond, of urine nt t Our sympathy gees out to the ser- hold tuaa•th, r I u Empire's comp', rnwing relatives of the lute Mr, ' eta p.uas Iteut.''u W. liamastr, ph, Emanuel Mitchell, who died in ionmou ."alis N' rihwesi It-belli,•n v„ and was buried in ('dta.eue cemetery • rain a h-tmpt'tj 'list and T..ry oft I ea''1'uesdav last. h ...., knot. ia.:Ft:mu ! Ills late Me, Mr. herb. Fi.eer Is iirna'itt gnaw saU. a arit, r sn the 'furulalu St ter hi. hew garage. Wei Li)•. And only a few days ago came news •hat a new link hail been adder! t. KINGSBRIDGE 'he imp•'rialietie hhain that this man is forging. The Ie•on:trd Foundation Association was form. d. Back in 1916 Col. and Mrs. Leonard cstah- I1shs a the 1,-iaoard Foundation 'a several Canadian educational instal tions. its purpose is to help out - standar,: students to gain an educa- tion. -Scholarships are given to stu- dents alto, In addition to conforming to certalu stipulated conditions, give promise of making some distinctive contribution to the Empire. Now the students who have been and are being helped by this founda- tion have banded together in au asso- KIN4iS1ilt11N:E, May 29. -Ret•. \t Sullivan. of Chatham, spent a few kilo with relatives here. Visitors home fmm Detroit fur the weekend were Mrs. coo. O'Reilly, \\'iIfrld and Bernadette t)'Juutrhliit. I.IEesiteeFlt. \lily 29. -Mr. and \Vinnie and Wilfrid McCarthy, Lilian Mrs. Elwyn Long. of flewliron, are Dalton and Leon Joy. Miss Atoll., McKinnon, of Wing -ban.. 'gelatine their holidays with Mn'.. spent Sunday with her sister. Sir Jame.. bong. Jeer t►'tionnor. Sir SIN Lonnie,ule Oke haat Maes-tirs. Mike Dalton and '1\•m daughter. r, of ToronU,, visitediced with I O'Keefe, of Loudon University, are Sirs. Wm. Oke ever the 34th. home for the holidays. rtatlnn to further the ideals o Mrs. Samuel Al(Ik of (a fewrh, s' \loch sympathy is extended to Mr. founder. A picked corps of imper- a i:ith.' with Mrs ante for a few days. j Mass Dorothy Walters is visiting inJ't O'Neilil and family in the loss ialiata that has so far cost Co!. n- Torouto, ls•1ug the guest of Mr. ape Janne,/•' of their wife and mother. wie. passed and around halt a million dollars. Sir.. A. E. tike. away iu Goderich on Friday last. lin to tiwar wh1 O, ft h wanted theMrs. AA �hld Rev. }:..\. !'nn;te•r nud,Sir. J. Flick I are <mending the Poltava t'hur.•h Con- I Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by t lecinut, V.'..h by Electricity Iron by Electricity We guarantee our Hydro lamps 6.r 1.'011 limos nee. HYDRO STORE West side of Square Gederieb LEEBURN .eren.e tit Watket-title. _..1__.. ... I ►entertainment 1 EEBIRN, May sins -Ml Ruth again was to help mak. the F:baplir+ k 1 more conscious Lurie No 10 St. James square to the Bridal Institute for the study of iii- :1areutiuual affairs. .Jiro ' bj.•ct once Suece'sful Supper and ('utwert.-The • w u n s ofitself, m the con- : -e-1 aaaeet i leis -Shaw. of Toronto, spent the were rod e-1 fn the y i 'fiii .Maty 24. un er i tact,' of its parts, and in its contact.: .t Thnrsdn) errulug. S4uy Y1• nudes at her home here, with (Mtg.& countries, fol:-ar s a e :uns.ices of the Ladkii Aid. ryas SFr. and Sl r'.. Olicer T•a.k and two presw•s It:.rc1.o serv.0 the l:nigh•• tru- 1 a-..utuu1F„4 altudren and Sitsa lI.0 t 4'twk i+ to s, eve mauklnd.' Nal only n.. • lee v... en. An setnetent ,'tts' vst t.• gu is 41111 -,hi to se t'tiat tato iT elite Ira. er sus served in the lurk. t Ti by the -nmi ivettDort,Clinton Sunda did d, , U D4 iii -Bial coal atm -- followed u, to R p'eUuek. Tills wits' rel•ttt%eI in Clinton op )- tndurresl,.Ji, (► followed try a first-class program of 'Misr Alma Fan., s enjoyed a rooter' .around another half million, But ,,..•,t1 sub.+ and quartettes by the. trip tit-Niagarti Fall,--fur-the..._."" ther+►-uenta_Id2 be no cud to the' - anufert! Male Quartette. The .pier- end With lien teacher. Mr. It. ore wealth whieh he derived from Tim - • lie was t•ompnwtl of Messrs. Swan- Miss Alnut wits one of two who secured Contagas silver nines el cobalt, and sin. let tenor; Jai -towel. 12eid t.•u•.r: the highest marks and flu• trip 'WI,: whieh h,• ung• spends with.altruism Tarter. 1-t base. end Wilkiuson.'211.1_ .leen inns- pw *' i. - -and .niodt'stT•. . bass. Their. numbers were enjoyed A number from our burg athit'L•,l A few of his gifts -total stagcertn_ by the large embrace. Rev. .\. \S'. the graduation of the Y,nrss's iii Ma.- sums. tie offered a quarter -million Brown, of Aslrfeld, gave a -brief ad- Kay Hall. raalerk•h, on 'Tuesday even- towards a joint Y.M. and VL.M.C.A ,press. The pnawaht nm,unre.t to iug. The, ea•(usiun w•as espeelally in- building for Rt. Catharines. where h' ',c.•r $2011. 'cresting us nue of the uurses_grtidn- also gate 1100.000 to build a nurs. -' Rue. E. A. Poultee Iii nttenditaz tiro-' ming was Miss Grace Horton. 'laugh- home. lie quietly handed over $2uu ferenee at Welkerville and there wilt - ter of Mr. Archibald) Horton of this 000 to Ridley Collegt ge. It is giftprobably Iw no servle to the church next •Soil- a k.•:tlity. we extu•nd to' her our ysaf''ct o say thabeet nhoardf of the gen ill unset et' heartiest congratulations. • JJ'kuriiay, May %I day. Tlie `tunny a in ane o'eltwk. • ural public. IiA7�FIEL1�- COLBORN PREFERS (iKF:FK AND. LATIN. E TOWNSHIP jtANFIF3I.L, Mn) 2'1E -Mr. and Mrs.- Modern Fiction Is Not Attractive to • d Baldwin. ellIdt4►ILNF:.TOSVNSItll'. Maty :".a.-1 Ord, of Windsor, .ieut the Loathe) uu Miss Josephine Weir and brother weei;-eutl at the I.akd'saw hotel. Miss Si. 11. Gerrie spent, the holiday Jackie. of Auburn. spent the weekend with their uncle and Stint. Mr. and Sirs. ('hae. Rul.ertwen. Miss Dorothy Walters is visiting friends in Toronto for a geek or more. • Sings Minnie Good is visiting her sla- ter. Sirs. tilnd'tene Cragg. Miss Christine Iteluertson enter - tallied a few of her schoolmates un the 1 fewSys bridge and catered his tatbe SirsCoo i'atctw.n, of Toronto, alae 24th. Mls,.w Etta anti Ann Dewar, Tor` nese that he began as a recreation in . vola • David Dewar, 13enmlllar; Izetta the evening to read the Greek and at her home at lugerea►ll• - ifs. D. daughter, of IsA. Newto a out any pretensions to. gisit- very few men in reatwho, scholar - fug lilydaughter, Sirs. A. , ship, can deliberately read Horace. scholar - Brady. Virgil, Ovid and Homer for pleasure. Mn, and Mase W. J. McLeod and tout•'' Neither at Harrow nor Trinity Col - theand Master Port D velaeeal ++YrP� lege, Cambridge, was Mn, Baldwin a the w.(4•►d to Purl Dover. great reader in the sense in which Mr.and Mg'• W. eir cottage of furhosth• I the expression is understood at a are holidaying at their fur • university. It was after he left Cam - Prime Minister Baldwin's favorll.' books are the Greek and Latin Cies- sics• and he is probably one of rho Carloads - - Carloads SHINGLES ROOFING EVERY ' GRADE, KIND AND SHADE WOOD OR SLATE SLAB Call us if you are in need of anything in this line. Goderich Planing Mills IBUCHANAN'SJ Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies Phone 47 P. 0. Drawer 160 Major's 6 -piece Orchestra ID. D. Major. Lead era is open for engagements for Garden Parties, Lawn Socials, Entertainments, etc. -. Nk\t' SNAPPY l', pular and l'lassicel yPur tarots st.• n. t'ti.MEN, C. l'.111TF:It, 'I',•Irphuue lt,i. Trleph,qu• a:, d i„ lericL - (ha Sri„ LADIES' Summer Dresses A new shipment -of_ -ladies' simmer Dresses just in, in. Chiffon, Geor- gette and Printed Silks at Special Prices at Cornfield's. We are offering special values in ladies' and misses' COATS These Coats are the season's latest styles and made from the finest materials. There are plenty of Coats to choose from in every size and you will' find -the values offered extraordinary. Beautiful tricotine Coats in navy, sand and grey colors. Mole fur trimmings, flower crepe lining. Regular prices from $28.00 to $32.50. Special at. , . '$23 50 Another special lot of ladies' and misses' navy Coats $10..75 in the season's latest styles. These Coats have fur cuffs with satin scarfs. Regular prices from $22.50 to $25.00. Special at Coats of kasha cloths and tweeds in tailored styles. Some have fur trimmings with throw scarfs. Sizes from 14 to 38. All at special reduced prices. Sv{ Special in Hose Mintier, Ethel Ansett, New Monica. and Jelin Woods. Orton, were holiday , isitors at their homes'-- those days he was engaaed all day in Mr. and Mrs. Har"" lana. an"., Mr_--, his father's omces and his evenings \\'imam Parker, Sarnia, spent the, were his only time for reading. week -arid with Mr. and Sirs, Clues.. Parker. „f Modern romantic fiction does not greatly interest the premier, though Sirs. T.7KIng and Silas alpha King, if he takes up a novel by chance and London, were guests over the Iwai - it interests him quickly, he .will prob- lacy and weak cud with Sins. J. Lava- ably finish it if he is able to find the .on time; but if a book of the kind fails Mrs. \V. Elliott, liana Waterhigh- to attract him very quickly he soon way, is viuiting_frlcuds to 1.onak'" puts it down and is unlikely to look Dr. and Sirs. White, of London, at it again.- spent Victoria Huy at their cottage. 1N l<814I1N1.f114TJsK_ ABBEY. Mr. null Mrs. J. -L. IPiron .oeut tate . weakeud with their daughter, Mrs. F. re,'siegttrn the Result Of H. Paull. Mare Carrie Dixon, who (kap• YoungstersAke Playing Marbles. • visited at the rectory, returned home with them. In the North Cloister of Westmla- stet Abbey near the ,Prior's seat in Mn'., E. N. hart, Teri and Lorothy the Oral bay, are several round holes, Hart, of 'London, spent the week -end Char cottage. hollowed et more or less regular in - at Mr.iand •-Mrs StereLegp apdfam reveals in a stone bench which at one ily. Mr. acid Sirs. Thornton Mtnrtan time greatly petaled antiquaries. and family. of Toronto, spent the huU• It was only when traces of similar they at their cottages. boles were found in the adjacent Sir. and Mrs• Terr anti ftou,Ii, of. West Walk, where the old monks had Stratford, spent tax. holiday and week their "Novices School," that the pus - end at thele cotbage• ale was solved. At this school not onlMr. and ai week -end wird. th M. ,,• they neighborhood novices but lwereso ttle balsa front slant the brother called the Master of the Ne- • Davison. Mr. anti Mrs. Moats, Mrs. Zinger to:.i vices and old records showed that a Miss boom Linger, of Kitchener, wena favorite marble game with the youth -I guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F fulTheehomyster ous lars was fe cup-hlkee degree - Keegan and Mt'. and Sirs. V. Wild. ,'fes were probably the result of gap -i Mand etre. harry Tot- erations of youngsters playing at unto,, spent the holiday with ith tthh e �Ot- marbles. ter's mother, Mrs. M. (toss, at lies cottage. t MORE Fl(TION '1'H S V Tltt' ells Miss Gladys Gala lett on Monday Latin Clastes more attentively than he had ever done at Cambridge. In es FLOWER DAY Sat'day Afternoon, June 2 when TULIPS will be sold at special prices at Morningstar's Gardens Pierrette Silk Hose in the season's latest shades of peach, black, nOthingeent$ cham- pagne. parchment, even low, shell grey, nude, i'is mauve, etc. Reg- (98 ular $1.50 value for Irish Linen Towelling Pure Irish Linen Towelling with colored borders in pink, yellow or blue. Regular price 32 cents per yard.23 cents Sale price. pet yard Men's and Young Men's Wear We carry an up-to-the-minute line of men's and young men's Suits, Coats, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, etc. Top A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. Ladies and Men's Wear West Sid: of Square Paint Requirements We handle S. W. P. BEI'I' BY TESL' We handle only Pure Linseed Oil, ,Thrpt'utittw_ tuul other It;tint iitgreeli.•nis Don't be misled by cheaper dope Carrie's Hardware Phones 501 and 363 Goderieh D. L. and W. Scranton COAL Pocohontas and Alberta Lump Shingles and Cement, Second-hand Lumber, smell as Ceiling Lumber, Lath, Wainscotting, 2 x 11 'Rafters and Studding, Sheeting, Windows and Window Sills and ntatnt 30,0(10 good Brick. Wm. McClure Phone 42 Dungannon manning to visit her sister, Mrs. Rlch- ardson, at Waterioe.. Bevy. F. II. and Mrs. Paull motored to London on Tuesday, Sirs. 14nill be- ing a delegate to the Woman's Aux- iliary meeting. Mr. and Sirs. C. Will and fatally and Mr. toad Mrs. Stevens anti dnngh- ters. of London, were holkkt\lug at t3ei -wattages over tins week-a'n.l. - Record Year for l'ubllehers In Britain -18,S1O New Books. • A greater number of books were produced to 4927 than in any year In the history of British publishing. The total recorded by the Pub- Ushers' Circular is 13.a1u. This Is 1,011 more than In the troubled year r of Ilii, and. 608 more_tkan h, the Mr. and Sirs. Morley )(art and child- previous record year of 1925 ren, of Toronto, are visiting the tat- The bulk of the year's Increase, tee's parents. Mr. and Sins: O. Kh,g• ears the Circular, Is in new. editione, Mr. Hart returned to Toronto on of which 666 more appeared in 1927 Suudny. than In 1926. This suggents that the Ur and Mrs. J. Stewart and little number of books with aufielent vital - ',Ass's. Mary and :Marjorie Stewart. of ity for a re -appearance tit increasing. 11,nullton, slant the weekend with -Ay.far the sr -Patent increases are Mr. and Sirs. J. rolloa•k. Showa In: Iter. R. M. and Mrs. (talc left on Juvenile literature Tuesday to attend the rutted I'hutt'l Fyctlnn .. Tonferdyue at \1'alkpscille. Sirs. (itlle Religion Ainvisit her son at commna• Poetry and drama Miss 1,. ('lark. who visited Ila' past Medicine -.week aith Mrs. 4', Toms, returned to •Edilea tion halon on Sunday. Descriptive and. travel.... 7.2 Sir. and Strs, Roy Barrett spent the Thebiggest d• • cease Is In technn- I..'flO'iy and weekend with the form lefty history 40, flue arts 40, , it's sister. Mrs. T. Brewton. and law tis. Sirs. Si. loss, of Toronto, and Mrs. The abnormal proportion of Orton -;,,bin of Strutford. are spendingu has lapin sten more striking dnrtrrK orae til the fonluuaer's cottage,pgP, -sum-the year, the total being 3 350. Fle- ItInns" lion and juvenile, taken together, no - Isar many friends of Miss N. W. count for 34 per cent. of the vette* wilt he plesssl to hear that she' total, is re...ca•Mng from her resent Illness 41.2 ' 404 117 and was able to return from the Clio - hospital last week. on ttuntkay evening. June 3rd, nn address In the Interests of 'the Bible tt.wiety is to be given by Mr. Plnnork, a r•tmrned missionary from South Africa. This address 'honht he angst interesting, Saturday and Monday Specials Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts, with collars to match or attached. Sizes 14 to 161, Special $1.39 Men's Work Sox, in plain I>1.irk or brown. Special 19c Men's Odd Coats, made of waterproof cloth, in grey or brown. Suitable for inside or outside work. Sizes 38 to 46. Special $2.25 to $2.75 while th 'v last. Boys' Blouses, in fancy checks or stripes. Sizes 5 to 13 years. Special 59c M. Robins Phone 384 r A loses) Woman. 'The Ionellesl p:ngllshntan 1s prate ably Miss RachelWingat . who at is at•• tached to a Swedish 111 gar, in chines* Turkestan, a city far- ther from the ocean than any other pity In the world. The Millinery Mode for Summer 11 "Brimmed Hats for All Occasions" says Fashion Laces, Mowers, Litils,ns and all the fin••r tnaterial tan v' come back in millinery, making it more alluring than ever. We are showing a large and extremely attrm'tive collection of models for early summer wear. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED -TO -- INSPECT 0111 STOCK. MISS Mac VI CAR KINGSTON STREET Sports Footwear "Fleet -F oot Shoes" for Running, 'Tennis, Bowling, Etc. Golf Shoes Sandals Canvas Shoes with leather soles Light Work Boots for the Farmer "Buy where you can save money" Sharman's Shoe Store "Retiring from Business" Sale GODERICH, ONTARIO