The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-10-06, Page 1t 29, 191i: • Lavis Contracting of Clinton has been completing hot mix paving of Village streets. .Lavis was the, lowest of three tenders on the village paving and was awarded the contract at $20,637.50. , The streets in the village slated for hot mix are: Delhi North,. Gough to Ludgard; Walter Street, Camp- bell northerly; Willoughby Street, Ross, to Havelock; Clyde Street, Ross to ,Canning, part only; Gough. Street, east of Havelock. Meet Your New Teacher P a IC 1.1101011111101111011 •• . Complete;SZ0,437 Paving Contract The council earlier completed single 'surface treatment on other village streets: Willoughby Street, Havelock to Bob; dough Street, Stauffer to Havelock; Rose Street, Havelock to Inglig; Outrani Street, Campbell to Willoughby, ' $20,000 Debentured For Waterworks tither het f Toronto. trs. B. P. on water main improvements and .year period. extensions in the village. The cost of the main work will be handled by $20,000 in debentures over a , ten Village Connell recently decided northerly to the village limits. on mains running, northerly from area is approximately from the residence of Mrs.. Philip Stewart Stauffer Street to .Ludgard. This' Work will be completed this Fall 9. ..C*Py 24 Pa9es Thieves Busy Valedictorian• For Weekend Graduating Class A series of weekend breakins m Lucknow netted' thieves very little. The businesses of Lucknow Co-op, Hackett 'Farm Equipment and Log 'Cabin Restaurant were forcibly entered.. Stolen at the. Co-op were three rifles and possibly a shotgun; Hacketts, lost ,a smalramount of change from a pop machine; ,the Log Cabin lost some silver and an undetermined amount of cigarettes. Unsuccessful attempts were made at entering Machan's Hard- ware and Mehan's Supermarket. The thefts are being investigated by Constable Don Dawson and Jim Polandolice. of the Ontario Provincial P The other piece Of main work on Ludgard Street east past the residence of •Oscar Hodgins and round the corner onto Napier Street, north to the residence of Claude Guay. $8.00 A Year. In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ad 1974 SOCIETY n this work oggstw .Johnston, .full time. Hew $60,000 Kinlough Pentecostal Church Will Be Dedicated This Sunday, About 20 Families In The Congregation Twenty-eight members of the Lucknow and District Leo Club, set out Sunday, September 26 to raise money in a Walkathon from Lucknoir to Dungannen and. back. Even with a' steady. drizzle of rain, which made conditions wet and cold, twenty members completed the 16 mile walk. Hot 'soup and a rest were proyided at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caesar of Dungannon as' the walkers reached the half way point, This was greatly appreciated. .4fretU-thcitroceeds f $850, .the Leos - are siVing $500.09 to the Lucknow Band. to go towards the price of new band uniforms. Another cheque for $240.00 will be A LUCKNO'W FALL FAIR ABY SHOW WINNER " Traci Curran, 7-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Leo Club Walk Raises About $850, Band And Recreation Will Benefit Curran of Asbfield Township, took top prize in the 4 to 8 month class at Lucknow Fall Fair baby show. Traci is pictured with her mother. given to the Lucknow Recreational committee for expenses incurred from new bleachers in the ball park. The remainder will go towards future Leo projects. Top money earner was Julie LeBlanc who had $125,00 in pledges. Second and third were Wayne McDonagh, $96. and Joan Hamilton, $55., respectively. Those walking were. Joanne Agnew, Wayne Bell, Debbie Bolt, Cathy Brooks, Patti Brooks, Susan Brooks, Karen. Campbell, .Brenda -Michelie ;Cook, Sharon Cook; Annette Eiphick, ' Kendra Elphick, Lynn Elphick, Joan Hamill- , CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Just over four months ago the sod was turned on construction of the new $60,000 Kinlough Pente- costal Church. . This Sunday,- October 10th, at 3.00 p.m., will see the dedication of the new sanctuary with Rev. H.,D. Honsinger of Hanover as special Died In Hospital William Irvin of Ashfield TOwn, ship passed away On, Thursday, September 30th at Winghati and District Hospital in his 85th year. The funeral service was held on Monday, October 4th at MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery. MRS, MARY WATERS Mrs. Mary Waters grew up in Toronto, then went to McMaster Univermty where she received a • degree in Sociology in 1968.' After attending London Teachers' Col-lege, She taught grades two, three and five in London. She retired to start a family antt then worked in St, Thotnas as a teacher-librarian. Later she taught high school in WaWa, then the family moved , south again. Mr. and Mrs. 'Waters ,and their children, age three and five, now live in Formosa and Mrs. .Waters'started work as a teacher- librarian at Lucknow Central School this September. speaker. The public is invited to attend the dedication. Pastor of the Kinlough congrega- tion for the past three years has been- Gilbert Van ,- Sligtenhorst. - Contractor for the building is Bob Foreman of Walkerton. There are about 20 families in the Kinlough congregation. t!, Kathy Joynt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: George Joynt of Lucknow has returned to Huron College, Western University, London in her third year French Major. Legion Assist Whitechurch Team Lucknow Legion, Branch 309, held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 28th. Preced- ing the meeting, supper was served' by the Ladies' Auxiliary. President. IL D. Thompson explained the new undertaking of the .Canadian Legion, "Operation Service", and 'captains were ap- pointed for the door to door visit. In new business, VVhitechurch Junior Ball Club was given a donation to help defray expenses for their series in Napanee. . An announcement was made that the District /"C" convention is being held in Owen Sound on CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 .Village Takes Delivery Of Used Champion Grader The Village of Lucknow received delivery ,Thesday of a used 1%4 Champion grader purchased froin Dominion Road Machinery Comp- any of Goderich. Cost of the machine is $16,1100. $2400 trade-in allowance was given on the town's' 1055 Adams grader which had been giving problems and on which replacement parts were difficult to secure. This gave the village a net cost of $14,000 on the trade. FLORA SIMPSON Flora Simpson, daughter of . Mrs. • Lillian- Simpson of Kintail, and the' late Duncan Simpson, was class valedictorian at the cgmrnencement exercises of Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Flora was a member of the grade 13 graduating clats in' June and wag' named an OntariO Scholar for achieving an average of 80% or better. The.p.Ontario Scholarship j award„is - She was the recipient of the A.'J. Moore Memorial Scholarship of $200 for academic achievement and the new.Goderich Lions Club award . of 5500 for a deserving student who has successfully studied a Year 5, subject in Canadian studies. . In addition to the Meal awards, Flora received the ' Hugh. Innis . Strang Memorial Scholarship from University of Toronto in theamount of $500: If she maintains an A standing, this $500 will continue for two more years. Flora is enrolled in' a General Arts course at University of Toronto. Over 7200 Beef On A Bun Within A Week • Ripley and District Lions held their second meeting under Lion 'President Bob Fair at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley. Thirty five members and guests were in attendance. 'Rev. Lloyd Wiseman from Owen. Sound spoke on his fund-raising' work for Participation Lodge in the form of ,the Telathon on CKNX. Lion Dave Keesman of the Kincar- dine Lions outlined the steps in forming a 'District' committee for the Physically Handicapped. Lion Mike SnObelen and Lion Alan McLean reported on their visit' to' the Howick Lions Club. The beef on a ban booths proved to be a real success. At the Ripley Fair a record number of 1200 buns were sold. Reports for the recent 5-day International Plowing Match indicate that over 6000 beef on the bun were served by Ripley Lions Club. The' next meeting will be held on October 13 at the Purple Grove Community Hall. District Gover- nor Lloyd Stewait 'from Mount Forest will be making his official visit.