The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-22, Page 22idiots° Pillow. Siips lop% coTTQN $3.2, Candles Decorative and Functional Made in Bruce County • Ladies' Blouses SIZES 38 .TO 44 CANADIAN MADE $7.95 NOW IN STOCK NOW IN STOCK Sekiden Pellet Guns ,LADIES' 55c each VESTS AND Pellets 5c pkg. SNUGGLES • OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. BILL'S _PLACE VARIETY STORE LUeKNOW PAGIR. TWENTY-TWO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 TIM LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO VVOSt Wawanogi.Councit Minutes.. the further borrowing of $50,000 .to meet expenses until the final instalment of taxes is received. A motion by Councillors Foran and Cranston approved the resolu- tion of the Township of ,West Carleton regarding the location 'of hydro poles on road allowances. By-law #10, 1976 was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Hickey and Foran. This by-law authorizes the borrowing of $12,000 necessary to cover the costs ofJconstruCtion of The Minim Drain until the assessments . under the drain are levied. The road accounts were Ordered paid on motion of Councilloii Cranston and Hickey. The following general accounts were passed for payment on motion of Councillors Stothers and Foran: ' Mrs. S. Dungale, dog tax rebate, 3.00; Treasurer of Ontario, tile drainage debenture, 653.49; James Devereaux-, salary, 216.70; Receiv- er General of Canada, CPP, Ul; 14A7; Robt. Nicholson Construc- tion, 1st payment, Gaunt drain, 11,168.00; Robt. Nicholson Con- struction, standing time, Gaunt drain, 400.00;, Maitland Engineer- ing Services Ltd., Gaunt drain, extra engineering, 134.00; Robt. Nicholson Construction, Durnin drain repair, 520.00; Bruce-Grey C.R.C.S.S. Board, June and Sept. payments, 124.00; Ross, Errington, cutting weeds in St. 'Helens, 5.00; Valerie Errington, cutting grass (Cenotaph); 30.00; Lucknow = Sen- tinel, printing, advertising, 61.67; Corrugated Pipe Co., culverts, Gaunt drain, 755.60; London Free Press, advertising, Millian Drain, 144.00; Goodall and Campbell, account, Gaunt drain, 325.00; Tom Armstrong, fill for dump, 36.00; Receiver General of Canada, post- age stamps, 4.00; .Arnold Stothers, backhoe, Dungannon drain, 116.00; Joseph Sproul, labour, Dungannon drain, 20.00;: Township of West Wawanosh, culverts, tile, Humphrey, labour, 75.00; G. Humphrey, truck allowance (2 mos.), 200.00. • Council adjourned to 21 Septem- ber 1976. Dungannon drain, 180.00. ROM) ACCOUNTS. G. Humphrey, salary, 921.99; Bryan Gammie, salary, 804.78; Receiver General of Canada, CPP, Ul, IT, 561.70; B. P. Oil, diesel fuel, 389.27; Joe Kerr Ltd., dozing, wobble wheel, 435.00; R. Farrish Constrnction, pit-run gravel, 14,080.50; Bell Canada, telephone, 12.75; Willits Tire Service, tubes, 30,00;. McArthur Tire Service, tube, 16.05; George Smyth, weld- ing, parts, 26.80; G. &. E. Sales, repairs, parts, 393.18; G. & E. Sales, repairs, parts, 54.60; Pollard Bros. Ltd., liquid chloride, 1,263.61; D.R.M. Sales, liquid 251.88; Joan Armstrong, book- keeping, 40.00; Receiver General of Canada, postage stamps, 2.00; Arnold Stothers, cold mix (bound- ary-Ashfield), 10.60; Michael JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. • West Wawanosh Township Council met for its regular Septem- ber sessionon Tuesday, September 7th at the Public Works Garage., MI members were in -attendance, Reeve.14rons presiding. The minutes' of the regular August meeting and a special meeting to, consider the Kirk Municipal Drain Repair and Im- provement Revised Report, were read, and adopted ,on motion of Councillors Foran and Hickey. Three owners in the J. B. Young Drain watershed requested permis- sion of Council to clean out a 'portion of ' the' Drain' which has become overgrown. , Permission was granted. The clerk was directed to write the Huron County Planning De- partment to inquire about the procedure required to have agricul- tural land designated residential. At 9.10 p.m., members of Council and seven owners in the. Smyth Municipal Drain extension and Improvement met with engin- eer, J. A. McBride, to consider the report. Mr. McBride reviewed the drainage area, and after lengthy discussion and many questions, a motion by Councillors Hickey and Foran, "That, due to Albert Plasschaert's •name being removed from the petition so that the work on his property was deleted from the report, the report be referred back to the engineer for reconsid- eration." Carried. The consideration of the Red- mond Municipal Drain was set for 9.00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, at the Public Works Garage. The clerk was directed to draw .up an agreement for signing by the `Township and Bruce Raynard,_ for' the rent of the workable portion of the Township farm for a five-year term. By-law #9, 1976 was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Hickey and Cranston. This by-law authorizes • and Mrs. John Miltenburg, Univer- sity of Guelph, • 4th, year in -Agriculture; Marianne Miltenburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miltenburg, University of Guelph, 2nd year, Family and Consumer 'Studies; Kathleen O'Kefe, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •O'KeefF, King's College, Univer- sity of Western Ontario, 1st year General Arts course; Nancy O'Ke: efe, daughter 'of Mr.-and Mrs. Joseph Q'Keefe, King's College, University of Western Ontario, second ypar; Glen Tigert, son of ,Mr. and Mrs,Jack Tigert, Univei- sity of Western Ontario, second year; Litzette VanDiepenbeek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDiepenbeek, Marvel Beauty Schools, London, Hairdressing Course, beginning on October A; Bernadine. VanRooy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John VanRooy, Registered Nursing, Assistant course, Fanshawe, College, Lon- don. Baby Died In. Kilicordine. You're invited to our, H Awn ITS EEK! OPENING. Patrick Matthew Boyle was born June 24, 1976 in St. Joseph's ,,Hospital, London, son of Ronald and• Yvonne Boyle, Kincardine. Patrick passed away September 14 at his home. • Left to mourn his loss besides his parents is a sister Tahirih, his maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Bonnett, R. R. 2 Tiverton; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fortier, Niagara Falls; great grandfather Harry Wall, R. R. 5 Lucknow; 'great grapdmother Mrs. Amelia Decon, Niagara Falls', Ontario. Flower bearers were his three uncles Keith, Steven and Neil Bonnett and Robin and Jeremy Smith and Tony Harman. A Babel service was held in Kincardine. Interment was' in Tiverton Ceme- tery Bring the Family! WIN,,, Free Door Prizes SEE.:. Our Store SHOP.., Special Grand Opening Bargains Kingsbridge Students Follow Studies KINGSBRIDGE NEWS if • Did you know CHRISTMAS SEALS fight' ASTHMA all year with: Health education and , information ,Family asthma programs Day Camps StOp in . . . have fun .. ae.our full line of famous Purina Chows and Health, Products. Meet our people. Hear about our services we offer you. Sat. , Sept. 25 10 a.m. - 6 p.m We're looking forward to meeting and serving you!, CEDARH ILL FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE LUCKNOW 528-2903 For information contact your Lung Association ASTHMA WEEK Students from the Kingsbridge area entering Fall Semesters at different Universities and Schools of Learning this September are: Ken Doherty; son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doherty, 4th year, Univet- sity of Western Ontario, majoring in Honours History; Peter Frayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne; 4th 'year, University of Western , Ontario, majoring in French and Spanish; Margaret Frayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne, 1st year, King's College, University of Western Ontario, General Arts Course; Lawrence Hogan, son. of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, Centralia College, Agriculture Business Management; Debbie Maize, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Maize, Marvel Beauty Schools, London, Hairdressing course; Ben Miltenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miltenburg, University of Guelph, 1st year Veterinary Medi- cine; Len Miltenburg, 'son of Mr. OCT 3-9 ;ponsored by Huron Perth Lung Association 121 Wellington Street, Stratford, Ont. NSA 2L4 Phone 271.7500 iminamumammummi