The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-22, Page 19Wiping the heat in ,„,v, 1,4roar Al( r ifle. CI sAVI (NI 14I ,t,.$1 V . • A4, (I{ IXlid I. *A( iirA114 Ale By insulating h4 attic, lliomas 'Reining of London, saved 226 gallons ofoil. About 30%. Adding insulation is one of the best investments you can make. Keeping the heat in helps to conserve Canada's dwindling energy reserves. And cuts your fuel bills. Add insulation, caulking, weather-stripping and storms. Have your furnace tuned for peak efficiency. Keep a light hand on the thermostat. You'll save money for yourself, and help Canada to conserve energy and fight inflation.. No wonder insulation is one of the best investments you can• make. Remember, too, that many insulation products are now exempt from Federal sales tax. These two free books show you how to save energy and money. Mail the coupon today. the ' s gum to furnace servicing • • / "THE BEL:I-PAVE/US GUIDE TO .FURNACESERVICING". Check fry aiw',or.ate NAME (P LE ASF PC-11".1) A DOR PROVINC E POSTAI_ CODE L Westmount Postal Station, Montreal 113Z 2V1 Mail coupon to FREE BOOKS, Box 900, =Mr /UMW NIMINMIII Energy conservation: be part of the solution. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Office of Energy Conservation Hon. Alastair Gillespie Minister I I I I • Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada Bureau de la conservation de Venerate L'Hon. Alastair GillesOla tetnirtre Please send me a free copy of: "KEEPING THE HEAT IN", WONESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 THE P.NCKNOW SENTINE6.kucKHoy.4. ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN FALL FAIR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Following• is a list of the major prize winners at the Fair. SPECIAL EVENTS Decorated Doll Carriage: Sharon. Frey and Kathy ' Metzger, Tanya Sutherland, Cathy Hamilton,'Becky Ackert; Decorated Tricycle: Jeff Ackert, Melanie Wyldes, Gerald Rathwell; Decorated Bicycle:F Jack Metcalfe, Torn „ Downy, Freddy Flannigan, Donal& Thompson; Best Clown in Parade (child): Brian Elphick, Larry MacPherson, Suz- anne Alton, Sandy IvlacIntyre, Mae Raynard and Glen Raynard; Best Clown in Parade (adult): Archie DeGroote and Rod McDonagh; representing Lucknow Kinsmen; Best Costumed Rider on a Decorat- ed Pony: Kim MacArthur, Kent Alton, Robin Hodgins. Most Original Entry in. Parade: Robert Wilkins, Lucknow Cycle & Garden, Huron Bruce Swingers; Public School Floats: Brookside Public School, Lucicnow School, Kingsbridge Public School; Decorated • Cars: Mrs. Leonard Ritchie, Royal Bank Clowns; An- . tiotte Cars: Tom Andrew3 . Gary Ritchie; Best Society 'Float: Luck- noW Horticultural Society, • West Huron Junior Farmers, Ripley Fall Fair; Best Comic Mat: LucknoVv District Lions, Mike Humphrey and David Pritchard, Steve Errington and Chris Naylor. The oldest lady at the Fair was Mrs. William 0. Hunter of Lucknow who is 86 years old. The oldest, gentleman Alex McKenzie of Lucknow is 91 years old. The couple coming the farthest distance were Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrie of Potna Ayrshire, Scot- land. Mrs. Lena Weber who lives Pussneci, East Germany was not able to receive the prize because the fair list stated 'fcouple". Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hodgins of R. 5 Lucknow had the largest family of seven boys ind one girl. . Tony McQuaid of St. Helens area had the longest -beard. Prize winners in the Harness and Hitching contest . for those over 60 Were Art Stewart, Stan Dennis, Gordon Lyons, George Gregg. • The Log Sawing contest drew many contestants and much inter- est among the spectators.. In the ladies' contest, June Gilchrist and Marlene Struthers completed the cut in 38 seconds, Ann Pritchard and Grace Hopf in 59 seconds and Betty and Brenda ,Christie in . 1 minute 10 seconds. Prize winners in the men's, contest were Bob Gilchrist and Bob Strutherg, 19 seconds; Morley Scott Paisley. • Hereford: Brian Rintoul, R. 3 Winghatn; Larry Taylor, R. 1 13elgrave, Any other ,breed (Charolais); Gary Rintoul. Specials: Best Herd, Andrew Gaunt (50 lbs. K-Vet Mineral donated by Allan R. Miller); Brian Rintoul, Wayne Mewhinney, Larry Taylor; (prizes donated .by George Smyth Welding). Best Halter Broken Beef Calf: Mewhinney Bros.,.R. 1 Lucknow,• (50 lb. K-Vet mineral donated by Allan R. Miller); Morrison Bros., R. 1 Lucknow, (prizes donated by Luck- now Service Centre) .7 / Best fat steer over 800 lb.; George Alton, R. 7 LucknOw; Andrew Gaunt; Mewhin- ney Bros., Morrison • Bros. (priz- es donated by Hilt*, ° Farms;. Best fat steer under 800 lbs.: Andrew Gaunt, Morrison Bros., Brenda Christie, R. 2 Teeswater, (prizes donated by C. & M. Transport). Champion steer: George Alton (50 lb. Extra Vim mineral donated by Bob Farrish); Mewhinney Bros., Morrison Bros. (prizes donated by Garry Sutton). Charhpion female: Brian Rintoul (50 lb. International Stock Mineral donated by Russel Tout); Andrew Gaunt, Gary Rintoul, (prizes donat- ed by C. E. McTavish Ltd.). Beit halter broken dairy calf: Nancy Alton, David Elliott, Tom, Naylor (prizes donated 'by Treleaven's Lucknow Feed Mill and Lucknow Service Centre). Champion' bull: Andrew Gaunt (prize donated by Hamilton Fuels); BrianRintoul,. Gary Rintoul (prizes donated by Lorne. Reid Shoe Repair). Beef cow with calf at side: Brian. Rintoul, Andrew daunt (prizes donated by President Russel Irvin). SHEEP Ed Jackson,. Harriston '(1 gal. of Shell prestone); Hugh Todd, R. 2' Lucknow (1 gal. of oil both prizes ' donated by McIslay's Store, Amber- ley). • GOATS Ross Cayley, R. 3 Teeswater; Tony McQuail, R. 1 Lucicnow; Norman Bolt, R. 5 Lucknc•w; Gary Binder, 2 Lucknow; Most points: Ross Cayley (prizes donated by Treleaven's Lucknow Feed Mill).. SWINE Blake Alton, R. 2 Lucknow most points, (prize donated by John- stone's Mobile. Commercial Swine: Kent Alton, R. 2 Lucknow;. Mrs. Edna Alton, R. 2 Lucknow. Highest bidder - Paul Curran (50 lb. creep feed donated by Shur- Gam). . • HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES Jim Aitchison, R. 2 Lucknow;. Etigene McLeod, R. 2 .Kincardine; Ken Brown, Monkton; George Greg, R. 2 Paisley; Arnold Young, R. 5 Goderich; Tom- Penhale, R. 2 Bayfield. Best Dressed Team: Ken Brown (prize donated by Brian Rintoul); Tom Penhale (1 yr. subscription donated by the Luck- now Sentinel); Arnold Young, Jim , Aitchison (prizes donated by Greer T.V.). , PONIES Perrin Lowry, R. 1 Kincardine, ' most points (prize donated by Grant McDonaldS; Kent Alton, It 2 Lucknow;' Ross Cayley, Collette Kenyon, 'Kim Riley, Dianne Johns, Tom Penhale. SADDLE HORSES Parade Class: Edna Alton, R. 2 Lucknow; Graham Sholdice, R. 1 Londesboro; Joanne Sholdice; San- dy Orien, Wingham; Sadie Mac- Millan, R. 1 Lucknow; Marjorie O'Neill, R. 3 Goderich. Saddle Horse Under English Saddle: Gail Thompson,. Teeswat- er; Terry Taylor, -R. 7 Lucknow; Norma Riley, R. 1 Seaforth; David Finnigan; Kim Riley; Edna Alton. CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 and Jack Farrell, 35 seconds; Otto Weber and Cecil Cranston, 38 seconds. Other entries were Wilsons Sr. and Jr.. Frank Mewhinney and Gordon McPher- son, Crawford Douglas and Ell- wood Elliott, Grant Gilchrist and Gert de Jong, Bill Hackett and Joe Austin, ROcl" McFarlane and. Glen Francis, Wm. Irvin and, Glen Cooper, Fred Phillips .and., Don Alton; . In the Mixed --(man and lady) Contest Bob and 'June Gilchrist won with a time of 32 seconds, Bob and Marlene Struthers were second with 35 seconds and Herb Wilkins and Ann Pritchard third With 39 seconds. , Other entries 'were Vernon Hunter• and Grace Hopf and Evelyn and D. A. Hackett. CATTLE Shorthorn: Andrew Gaunt, R..1 Lucknow; Wayne Mewhinney, R. 2 Thomas. Fleming of Lotidon, Ontario now has 6" of insulation in his attic. lie's saving energy an money. ...... . ....