The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-22, Page 16After the furnace, the water heater, is the biggest user of energy in your
home. Waste hot water, and yOu're wasting valuable energy.
That's a good reason for getting full value from your water heater in
every way you can. By fixing leaky faucets.
By insulating long 'runs 'of hot water pipe.
By waiting until you have 'a full load' befOre you
switch on the clothes ordishwasher, By.using
cold or cool water when it will do the job.
By 'taking shorter showers or shallower baths.
By making sure that all the hot water that
eventually goes down the drain works hard fpr
you before it goes..
The Cascade electric'
/water heater gives you a
dependable supply of hot.water
and it makes good use of all
the energy it consumes. 5ut it's
up to you to use hot water
Wisely. Don't waste a drop.
from 2 farrow!
with NO.10 pig starter...
...Performance like this helps make
hog raising profitable'
Bob Robson
"Our swine nutrition tests include many , formulations
for starting pige reports Bob Robson, Assistant
Manager, Shur-Gain Research Farm, "but we find our .
No. 10. Starter remains• a winner /for general use. It
consistently turns out healthy, growthy litters of pigs
averaging about 50 lbs. at nine weeks.
"Pig Starter No.10 is introduced as soon as 5 lbs.
per pig of Shur-Gain Creep Feed is consumed. Creep
Feed is vital to high performance but of course it's the
40-50 lbs. of No. 10 Starter that produced the 9.35
weaned litter average." ,
Why _don't you choose Shur-Gain Pig Starter
Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs.
David• MacKinnon on the arrival of
their son, David Shane, a brother
for Jennifer.
Mi. and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist are
enjoying a holiday to the eastern
coast. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Hamilton
attended the Western Fair last
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Dickie -were Mrs. Robert
Wilbee, Tammy- and Robbie of
Pickering, Miss Janet Wilson of
Scarboroiigh, Walter Dickie of
Toronto and Doug Dickie •of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie, had as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Parker of Teeswater, at their
cottage at Hope Bay on, -Sunday.
The two couples visited he funeral
home at' Lions Head for the late
Gordon Hepburn.' Mi. and Mrs.
Hepburn were curators for many
years at the Bruce County museum
at Southampton.
Miss Hilda Clark of Oakville
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Congratulations to Mr.' and Mrs.
Bill Moffat on the arrival of their
• Either,•Of these Clay-
• .,•
tiqUid Manure .Handling'
Systems . can move a
.morth's, Manure • in
• single day. Either inject
Manure into fields or
spread in controlled' 25 °
to . 35 —foot swathes.
Honey Wagon has.inside-.:',:17,..,
• the tank,, liqUid cooled'
vacuum -pump. Slurry
" Surrey :is impeller type ••':'".
system: - Available i n 4.,
800, 1500 2250 gal-.
ion sizes; with many
nations.- Write for mare
"homer oboe.
TWO Clay Liquid use. Systems:
Honey Wagon I Slum% Surrey!
Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Ramage of
Downer's Grove, Illinois visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ha
ton and also attended the Luck:
Fall Fair.
pig starter 110.10
This community was well repres-
ented at Lucknow Fair on Satuiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn
spent the weekend in London With
Me. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and
On. Sunday afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Jim Taylor
and Trisa of East Wawanosh and
Mrs. Earl Caslick visited with Mrs.
Robert Ross .at Pinecrest Lodge,
Mrs. Earl Caslick spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford
Caslick of Wingham.
Saturday evening most of the
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Bellmore were present to celebrate
baby Daniel Shawn's christening at
3 weeks of age. Present were
grandparents Mr: and Mrs. Jean
Lalonde of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bellmore of Windsor;
great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs..
Henry Lalonde .of Windsor; Mr,
and Mrs. Arthur Bellmore, Mr. and.
Mrs. Leo Filiault, all of Windsor;
G9d parents were Mr. and Mrs.
Rick Lalonde, Windsor, There
were 32 present. Baby Toaniel
received many gifts from the
Miss Floris Lever of North Bay is
visiting this week with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mowbray.
Mr. and Mrs. James, Wilson and
Mrs. Bill. Reed of Wingham and
Roberts,.. Mowbray of Whitechurch
spent the weekend at Bay City, and
Standish, Michigan, visiting with
relatives. Bob Mowbray visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Mow-
bray and family and other relatives.
On Sunday at Chalmers Presby-
terian Church after the service a
pot luck dinner was enjoyed by all.
After the dinner all the ball
park where games were' enjoyed.
During the dinner Mr. arid . Mrs.
John de Boer presented Mr.' and
Mrs. Bev Kay with a 20th
anniversary wedding cake. Win-
ners of the races, were Matthew
Soper, Linda Versteeg, Andy
Versteeg, second Dale Jamieson;
.Kendra Purdon, Bob Jamieson and
Eddie de Boer; race for all, Barry
Elliott; bean contest, Andy Ver-
steeg, Dale Jamieson; for, the small.
fry, Linda Versteeg. During .the
afternoon the men enjoyed 'horse
show pitching. The closing game
was base ball. the' picnic was
enjoyed with around 50 in attend-
Whitechurch Junior Ball team
with manager Joe Tiffin played.
„semi finals September
12th .with Desboro ,9-8; Tuesday,
September 14 in Teeswater, score
14-8; Thursday, September 16 in
Desboro, score 10-3. This elimin-
ated Desboro and as yet they do not
know of another team to play. They
have also entered the O.A.S.A.
finals and. on Saturday evening,
September 18 played Napanee at
Teeswater and in a. 12, inning game
the score was 3-2 for Whitechurch.
They play the return game -with
Napanee Sunday, September 26 at
3 o'clock,in Napanee. This is a best
of 3 series and so far' as we '
learned no more teams to play.
Conie support your players with
cheer leaders.
On Wednesday evening Mr's.
Bev Kay attended the installatiOn
ceremony of Professor Allan Farris
as the 8th principal of Knox College
at Convocation Hall, University of
Toronto. The guest speaker was
'Dr. James McCord, president of
Princeton Theological' Seminary. A
reception followed in Knox Col-
Mrs. Earl Caslick returned home
on Thursday from Wingham Hosp-
ital where she had been a patient
for a few days. '
We, are sorry to report that
Dalton Schultz was admitted dur-
ing the week to Wingham Hogpital.
' .A